By kimmestisa

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Chapter 1: Workaholic Devil - To get rid of anxiety, be super rich
Chapter 2:This female colleague doesn't like touching those of the opposite sex
Chapter 3: Master Jeon's - The paparazzi's insight hasn't become that bad
Chapter 4: Midnight Concert - Little brother, do you want me to teach you
Chapter 5: Selling the Latest Fashion
Chapter 6: Audio Copyright
Chapter 7: Feet in Two Boats.
Chapter 8: Mutual Following
Chapter 9: Unveiling the Mask
Chapter 10: Gift the song,《Salut d'Amour》, to that handsome guy across from him
Chapter 11: Start Off Leniently
Chapter 12: Blind Date Convention - Who is your auntie? Call me daddy.
Chapter 13: It's Not Easy - Earning money is the best entertainment
Chapter 14: But right now, He Xiu had unexpectedly grabbed her hand
Chapter 15: Psychological Counseling
Chapter 16: Speaking Incoherently - What do you mean, because I like men?
Chapter 17 - Jungkook being together with a sales assistant.
Chapter 18 - When did Lisa and Director J...become food buddies?
Chapter 19 - The body is an asset of overtime work.
Chapter 20 - Collaborate
Chapter 21 - Demonic singing winding around the beam
Chapter 22 - Should she switch back to high heels?
Chapter 23 - Stay far away from her
Chapter 24 - Strawberry Gardens
Chapter 25 - Does this make you feel disgusted?
Chapter 26 - I couldn't bear you leaving to another city
Chapter 27 - After you finish work, wait for me
Chapter 28 - So, she didn't have feet in two boats?
Chapter 29
Chapter 31 - Thank you
Chapter 32 - I am very grateful to her for bringing you into this world
Chapter 33 - I know; he is very good

Chapter 30 - New Year

216 6 2
By kimmestisa

This...was probably a gift sent by Teacher Lilii.

Looking at the cute 「Punishment by Kneeling Washboard」, Jungkook didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He picked up his cell phone and snapped a picture of the washboard before sending it to Lisa's QQ.

「Teacher, I've received your gift. I like it a lot. Thanks :)」

Lisa was in the middle of eating lunch. When she saw the message he sent, she immediately laughed. She clicked on the picture to enlarge it and then smiled as she sent him a reply.

「It's good that you like it ^_^」

Jungkook laughed again. He posted the picture on Weibo.

Justin【V】: 「『image』Someone sent this to me 『smile』I won't say anymore, I'm going to try it out first『smile』」


「Hubby posted on Weibo again!」

「Hahahahahahaha remember to tell us your experience once you finish 『doge』」

「Who sent it??? Hubby's recent handwriting isn't quite right! 『driven mad』」

「This is usually sent to the boyfriend or husband... Speak, which flirtatious bitch sent this 『smile』」

「......Returning from the end of term exams, and Hubby is already someone else's 『goodbye』」

「You all don't need to ask anymore. It was I who sent it 『cute』」

Seeing that Weibo post, Lisa couldn't stop laughing. She gave him alike and then opened up QQ to send him a message. 

「Don't kneel for too long when you use it for the first time. It's not good for the washboard.」

Justin: 「...... :)」

Justin: 「Did you eat yet?」

Lili: 「Eating right now」

Nan Si: 「Tonight, BANGTAN is releasing a New Year's Day concert. Are you going to listen?」

Lili: 「Recently, I've had a few drafts I haven't drawn yet, but if it's at night, it should be no problem」

Jungkook: 「Okay『cheerful』」

Lili: 「Oh, that's right. When you kneel, remember to broadcast live. I'll go to appreciate 『cute』」

Justin: 「......」

Justin: 「Teacher, I want to say something. My name is Jeon Jungkook, not Jeon gou dan :)」

Lili: 「Hahahahahahaha」

As soon as Jian Yan imagined the scene of the little brother express delivery man calling Jeon gou dan to come down and retrieve the delivery, she couldn't stop laughing.

Justin: 「:)」

He felt as if he could hear Lisa's laughter through her message.

Lili: 「This is merely a nickname; you don't need to mind it. Kneeling on the washboard is more important.」

Justin: 「...」

Lii: 「Once you finish kneeling, send me a message on how you felt. I'll go write a review for the manufacturer ^_^」

Justin: 「...」

Justin: 「Remember to listen to the concert tonight. I'm heading to work」

Lisa raised her eyebrows. Escaping to work? She exited QQ and continued to eat lunch.

BANGTAN's New Year's Day concert began airing at 7:30PM, and Big J was still the host. Lisa used her tablet to go on the YY channel and listened to Big J talk nonsense as she drew.

She glanced at the lineup the official blog had published. Indeed, Justin was listed there, but Director J didn't get off work until after 10:00PM. He definitely must be performing toward the end of the concert.

Time passed by very quickly as she continued to draw. Lisa heard Big J's voice begin to lower. It seemed that he knew Justin might be going on next.

"The next singer, ai, I really, truly don't want to introduce him."

Big J's voice didn't falter as the public messageboard began filling up with 「Justin」and 「Hubby」.

Seeing everyone's messages fly past, Big J gasped in understanding. 「You see? Every time he comes, there's no place for me.」

Lisa laughed lightly. For the first time, she posted a message on the public messageboard. 「This place never had a place for you.」

After she sent the message, she discovered that several people had sent messages like hers. Big J's heart immediately broke down into tangerine slices.

"Since it's like this, I'm not going to introduce him. He can come up here himself."

Jungkook got on his Mac and called out a greeting to everyone.

「Good evening. I am Justin. Thank you, everyone, for coming to listen to our New Year's Day concert."

Messages began blowing up the public messageboard. Lisa also stopped drawing and focused on listening to the concert.

Although Big J was angry, Justin had recently posted too many roast-worthy things on Weibo. He truly couldn't bear to let this opportunity slip past.

"Okay, welcome Great God Justin. My Weibo has always been following Great God Justin, and recently I discovered, hey~ you seem to be in a bit of a situation~"

Clearly already knowing where this was going, Justin asked, "What situation?"

Big J said, "We'll talk about that noodles incident last time later. Right now, I really want to know, who gave you that washboard?"

The little princesses of the public messageboard were now joining him in anger against a common enemy, wanting Justin to give up who had sent him the washboard.

Justin said, "That was sent by a friend."

Big J pursued closely, unwilling to let the matter go. "What friend? Boyfriend or girlfriend?"

Justin: "Since you are so interested in this washboard, how about I also send you one later?"

"I'm absolutely not interested," Big J immediately denied. "I'm helping your fans ask."

"I saw on my Weibo that someone had already admitted to sending it."

After Justin said this, the public messageboard began filling with 「That's right! I sent it」 and 「Hubby, it's about time to make our relationship public」.


Big J stared blankly, speechless. "Look at all you good-for-nothings... Well, since you all are like this, I won't ask anymore. Then Great God Justin, can you say why this person sent you this washboard? How did you offend this person?"

This time, Justin actually didn't circumvent the matter, rather directly stating, "I previously made a mistake. It truly was my mistake. Today, she should be listening to this concert, so I wanted to sing a song to apologize to her. I hope that she can forgive me."

Big J's gossip radar immediately shifted into overdrive. "Hey, why is it when we hear you say something like this, we feel that something is even more amiss with this matter?"

Lisa inexplicably began to blush, her heart racing. Watching the messages of 「Hubby, I forgive you」scroll past on the public messageboard, however, she had the urge to laugh.

Jungkook didn't answer Big J's question, instead straightforwardly announcing the song's name. "I'm going to sing our BANGTAN's original divine apology song, 《 Song of Apology 》. I hope everyone likes it."

"Okay, okay," said Big J helplessly. "Asking Great God Justin to bring to us the song 《 Song of Apology 》."

After Big J got off his Mac, a light and quick prelude began, and Justin's magnetic voice flowed through the speakers, captivating his audience.

The public messageboard had an unceasing stream of people sending gifts to him, the messages coming so quickly that it was fundamentally impossible to read clearly. Lisa also sent him a flower, but it was also brushed past very quickly by other messages.

Once the song was over, Big J took the lead and applauded. "Wow! Your singing is truly pleasant to hear. You sang so well; any mistake you might have made will be forgiven~"

Losa laughed. "I hope so."

"But I'm still curious. Exactly what mistake did you commit?" Big J's voice once again began to deepen. "Is it that sort, the kind of mistake that all men would make?"

Lisa: "..."

Justin said, "It's the sort of mistake that you would probably not commit."

Big J: "..."

"Well, let's not talk about this anymore. It's almost the New Year. Great God Jungkook, do you want to give your fans any blessings?"

"Mn. I've sang with BANGTAN for close to ten years..."

"My God! It's already going to be ten years?"

"Yes, time really passes by quickly. Thinking about it myself, I also feel that it's awfully frightening. It's actually going to be ten years. Thank you, everyone, for your support these past many years. Because my job has been very busy, I haven't done much singing, but you're all still here. I'm extremely grateful."

Hearing such sentiments so late in the evening, the fans were in a frenzy. One after another, messages of 「Hubby, I will support you forever~」began filling the public messageboard.

LISA also lifted her hands to type out a line. 「Will always support Great God Justin ^_^.」

Justin said, "Thank you, everyone. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! May your wishes come true."

Big J interjected, "What they want is to sleep with you. Will you help them accomplish this wish?"

Justin said, "I feel that we can change hosts for the next concert."

"..." Big J remained silent for a moment before saying with a vigorous voice, "Well, I wish that everyone in the new year can legally sleep with the one they want to sleep with. Thanks, Great God Justin!"

"Thank you. Everyone, see you later."

After Justin bid everyone farewell, he got off his Mac. Lisa took off her headphones and stared at the computer, lost in thought. Suddenly, two rings echoed from QQ. She opened it to take a look; Nan Si had sent a message.

Justin: 「Teacher, did you listen to the concert just now?」

Lili: 「Listened」

Justin: 「Then did you hear me sing 《 Song of Apology 》?」

Lili: 「Mn」

Nan Si: 「Then do you forgive me? 『pitiful』」

Lili: 「Your voice is so pleasant to hear, whatever you say is right ╮(╯_╰)╭」

Jungkook sighed in relief. Did this mean that she was willing to bury the hatchet with him?

Jungkook: 「I'll treat you to a meal tomorrow night. What do you want to eat? ^_^」

Lisa thought for a moment before replying. 「Hotpot」

A City had quite a few relatively famous hotpot restaurants. After Jungkook did his research, he determined which one was the best. Lisa had an evening shift tomorrow, so he made a reservation for noon.

As the time for their reservation quickly approached, Jungkook sent Lisa a message, asking her if she wanted him to give her a ride or not.

Lisa sent a reply back.

「No need, I'll drive there myself. Once we're done eating, I can just go straight to work.」

Justin: 「Well then, be careful driving. I'll go to the restaurant now to wait for you.」

Lili: 「『OK』」

Jungkook smiled and put on his coat before heading to the parking lot. He didn't know if he was imagining things, but he had recently felt as if two eyes were constantly staring straight at him. He frowned slightly and slowed down his steps to look around.

In the corner, a sneaky person hid in the shadows. Seeing Jungkook look in his direction, he turned around to run away. Jungkook quickly chased after him and caught him red-handed.

"Lighter, lighter, Master J." The man cried out when Jungkook grabbed him. He looked to be about twenty years-old, and he was holding a single-lens reflex camera (SLR) in his hand.

Jungkook's gaze swept across his body twice before he smiled. "Speak. Which magazine? This time, are you trying to write a sex scandal about me with someone again?"

"Eh...No. Really, we're not. It's a misunderstanding, ha." The paparazzi scratched his head, not meeting Jungkooj's eyes.

Jungkook smiled coldly and said, "Oh? Then show me your camera."

"Don't, don't. This is my family's food." The paparazzi tightly hugged his camera, afraid Jungkook will grab it from him.

Jungkooj quirked his lips, looking at him with a dagger hidden within his smile.

"You all previously wrote sensational news about me without basis, and I have never gotten involved. Now, however, I am pursuing a girl, and I don't want to see any gossip concerning me whatsoever. Do you understand?"

The paparazzi felt his scalp go numb from Jungkook's smile. Fortunately, a bit of his rationality had survived. "That, may I be so bold as to ask which girl you are pursuing?"

Jungkook stared at him and asked, "Are you my father?"

"No, you are my father..."

Jungkook smiled. "That's correct."

Paparazzi: "..."

Jungkook patted his shoulder in warning and turned to walk away. Little brother paparazzi could sense the director-general's tyrannical aura closely and was so in pain that he didn't want to live.

If Head Song was difficult to deal with, then fine, but now even Master J, who had always left them alone, had actually changed faces so suddenly... Ying ying dying, they were also rushing to meet their quota for the end of the year. If they couldn't make the quota, they wouldn't be allowed to have a good New Year celebration.

After Jungkook dealt with the paparazzi, he drove directly to the hotpot restaurant. At noon, there were a lot of people, but he, fortunately, had made a reservation ahead of time. Otherwise, he would have had to wait in line.

A waiter guided him to the private room he had reserved before withdrawing. Jungkook didn't order dishes at the moment, as he wanted to wait for Lisa to arrive to allow her to order.

After waiting for around ten minutes or so, Lisa came at last. The waiter nimbly brought over a pot for them. Lisa ordered a few dishes before handing the menu over to Jungkook. "You order."

Jungkook said, "No need; you ordering what you like to eat is enough."

Lisa glanced at him before ordering a few dishes she had the impression that Jungkook would like to eat. The kitchen quickly served them.

Lisa first grabbed a non-vegetarian dish of meat, fish, garlic, onions, and other delicacies to place into the pot. She then fanned away the vapour that continually wafted over to her side. "I discovered a theory. Wherever I sit, the vapour will always float to my side."

Jungkook chuckled and said to her, "Have you heard the saying, 'The reason why vapour drifts to that side is that the person over there is fat; the high-temperature radiations creates the thermal low. "

Lisa: "..."

Was this man sincerely trying to reconcile with her?!


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