Chapter 29

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Jungkook didn't pay any mind to the train of comments on his Weibo. Instead, he sent a private message to Lisa on QQ.

Justin: 「I'm sorry, Teacher. Don't be angry anymore, please 『feeling wronged』」

Lili: 「『smile』」

Seeing that cold smile Lisa sent him, Jungkook contrarily sighed in relief. Fortunately, she hadn't ignored or blacklisted him like he had done to Taehyung.

Justin: 「I'm sorry, I made a mistake 『feeling wronged』」

Lili: 「『smile』」

Justin: 「What would you like to eat tomorrow? I'll make it for you φ(゜▽゜*)」

Lili: 「:)」

Justin: 「Teacher, do I need to kneel on a washboard for you to be willing to forgive me? 『tears』」

Lili: 「Oh, this suggestion is not bad」

Justin: 「...」

Lili: 「Do you have a washboard

Justin: 「...」

After Lisa sent this, she genuinely began to search for a washboard on moubao. There was one shop that had a 「Specially Used for Punishment by Kneeling Washboard」, and its sales volume was also very high. She clicked on it with exhilaration and read through everyone's comments.

「Washboard is super-strong! It was very painful for hubby to kneel on it. I am very happy!」

「Packaging is very good. Specially had my boss give it to me with the words 'wife is forever right.' Hahaha, must give 5 star review~」

「Washboard too cute, bought it and sent it to boyfriend~! He gave me an incredulous look when he got it. Itching to have him try it. Lalala~」

「Young ladies, feel reassured when buying for husbands and boyfriends to have them kneel! Absolutely agonizing, can bring results!」

「Washboard also has two grooves. Too humane, not happy! But I sprinkled a few pebbles in it, hahahahaha!」

Lisa: "..."

I look up to these awesome girls.

She unhesitantly bought the washboard and filled in the address as Starlight General Merchandise. The phone number was also the one Jungkook had given her.

She really hoped Director J would receive this gift a bit earlier.

After buying the washboard, Lisa felt somewhat tired. Tonight, she was going to sleep late, but fortunately, she had evening shift tomorrow. She could sleep in a bit.

Ai, I'm indeed falling further and further from grace.


Tonight, Taehyung was also going to sleep very late. After he had gotten drunk at the bar, Jennie had taken him back to her home. This time, however, his intoxication level was damnably high. He slept on her sofa for the entire night. Waking up with a hangover, Taehyung's head ached dearly. He placed a hand on his temple as he sat up on the sofa, the quilt covering his body sliding to the ground.

He pulled up the quilt and looked around. Very well, he was once again in Jennie's house. He retrieved his cell phone to look at the time, but he discovered a notification at the very top that said Jungkook had sent him a message.

「This time, our friendship has truly reached its end. I will never see you again. :)」

Taehyung: "..."

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