Chapter 15: Psychological Counseling

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Doctor Shin had been introduced to Lisa by Jennie. For the past several years, she went to psychotherapy at this place.

Because work had kept her very busy until now in addition to the fact that her state of mind had been relatively stable, she hadn't gone to this counseling room for awhile. She hadn't expected that she would contact Doctor Shin today of her own accord.

"How about this, I have half an hour free tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM, so you can come then."


Lisa made her appointment and hung up. She felt that her current state was not well, so she deliberately kept drawing until 10:00 PM before going to bed.

She had a hot bath before going to bed, but it didn't seem to help her sleep that much. She still had a bad dream.

In the dream, her house only had four bare walls. Her father was a drunkard, and there were creditors spraying red paint on the doorway. It seemed so real that when Lisa woke up, her forehead was shining with perspiration.

Only after she had taken a few deep breaths could she gradually calm her heart that was beating like a drum. She headed to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of warm milk. Lisa cupped the glass in her hands and walked back upstairs, glancing at the time on her phone.

It was 2:30 AM.

She sighed, afraid that she would have another nightmare if she went back to sleep. She searched through her playlist on her phone for Justin's song and then put on her headphones.

Listening to this kind of expressive song in the quietness of the witching hour, coupled with Justin's unique, magnetic voice and singing, Lisa felt that she had obtained safety.

Lisa finished drinking her glass of milk and once again closed her eyes.

This time, she had a dreamless sleep.

The next morning, her biological clock woke her up on time. After she finished eating breakfast, Lisa arrived at the psychological counselling room ten minutes early. Doctor Shin had yet to return to her office, so the female secretary at the front desk greeted her.

"Miss Manoban, please wait a moment; Doctor Shin will arrive soon." The receptionist invited her to sit down on the sofa in the counseling room and even gave her a cup of hot water.

"Thank you." Lisa sat down and waited for a while. Doctor Shin pushed open the door and stepped through the doorway of the counseling room.

"Good morning."

She took off her coat and hung it on the rack, before walking up and sitting opposite to Shin Mina. "The plaid coat you're wearing is nice."

Lisa said, "Thank you; it's my design. Not long ago, Bunny released a joint collaboration line."

Doctor Shin nodded after a flash of understanding. "It did feel somewhat familiar. In fact, I have always liked plaid, but layering plaid on plaid always felt superfluous."

"You can try matching different colors and different thicknesses of plaid together."

Doctor Shin thought for a moment before saying, "I'll try that next time."

Lisa asked, "So am I getting a discount for my consultation later?"

Doctor Shin smiled and replied, "Sure, I'll give you 9.9% off."

Lisa: "..."

So her fashion consultation was only worth 10%?

"Come tell me about this male colleague of yours."

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