Daddy's Girl


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17 year old Promise is the type of girl who wont take bull from nobody. She was taught to be independent, sma... More

Daddy's Girl ♥
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Changes. (Not an update)
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 | The End.

Chapter 39

3.2K 119 13

Chapter 39

Author | POV

All three walked into the building and everything was silent. They knew it wasn't going to last long , knowing something was bound to happen.

They had to walk through hallways back to back, it seemed like they were going in circles.

"Man this walk ain't never going to end" Keshawn muttered under his breath.

"He's right Spank , I feel like we've been going around in circles and I have to be home before my baby mama start tripping" Jonathan complained.

Spank sighed.

"Trust me , we're getting somewhere" He said as he walked ahead of them.

They finally seen a brown door at the end of the hallway that was slightly open.

"There go something" Spank said pointing at the door making Keshawn raise his eyebrows.

"Let's go in" Jonathan said.

"Y'all niggas suicidal foreal" Keshawn commented making both Spank and Jonathan look at him.

"You want this money or nah?" Spank asked him.

Keshawn sighed.

"How am I funna get the money if I'm dead?" Keshawn said sarcastically.

Spank rolled his eyes.

"Light skin niggas.. so damn stupid" Spank commented under his breath.

"Aye y'all niggas, come here" Jonathan said as he had his ear pressed against the big black door.

Both Spank and Keshawn went to press their ears against the door to listen.

They heard a deep voice talking from the other side. They couldn't hear what he was saying but the voice sounded unfamiliar.

They heard two clicks from behind them and it caught them all by surprise.

All three turned to see a guy that looked about twenty years of age with two guns pointed their way.

"Step away from the fucking door" he says quietly but in a deep tone.

They put their hands in the air in defense then took a step to the side.

"Lord why do I put myself into these situations?" Keshawn said under his breath.

"Now.. all yall gotta do is tell me why y'all here.. then I probably won't kill you" The man said as he still had guns pointed.

"We just need to see T.D" Spank told him.

He laughed.

"Haven't you heard? Trayvon is dead , killed himself cause of this drug shit. He don't own this place no more. So tell me the real reason y'all niggas here" he said.

They all looked at each other then looked right back at the man.

"Who own the place now?" Spank said with his eyebrows raised.

"His wife" He answered. "Now why the hell y'all here? Word on the street y'all enemies" he said as his laid his fingers right on the trigger.

Spank looked at him carefully. He knew what he was up to.

"Well?.." the man said when no one responded.

"Ummm --"

"Don't say anything" Spank whispered , interrupting Jonathan.

"If y'all don't say shit I will blow --"


One shot to his head and the man was down on the floor.

Spank, Jonathan, and Keshawn all looked to see Promise standing right over the dead body.

"Whoa" was all they could say.

"Oh lord Jesus, I just killed someone" Promise said as she threw the gun to a corner and wiped her hands with disgust.

"Promise what the hell are you doing here?" Spank yelled.

"Well your welcome Mr.Nigga" Promise said sarcastically.

Keshawn went up to her and held her tight.

"You okay babe ?" He asked her and she nodded .

"Promise, how did you find this place?" Spank asked concerned.

"I followed you guys. And thank god I did , all three of you would've been six feet under right now" Promise said crossing her arms.

"Damn you a reckless child" Jonathan said making Spank roll his eyes.

"Thank you baby , but damn you could've been hurt too. You have to go , I don't want nothing happening to you" Spank said as he rubbed her shoulder.

Promise shrugged his hand off .

"I did it for mom.. And plus I'll be fine, trust me" Promise said as she crossed her arms.

Spank threw his hands in defense.

"Well alright , we need to leave and get Regina asap before anything happens" Spank said as he took the lead .

"Where you going?" Jonathan asked but he kept walking.

"Just follow me" He said and they all did as told.

They went around the corner , into a dark hallway , then went out the back door.

They passed through a wired gate and found themselves in front of a brown wooden door that read 'No Entrance'.

"Welp, it says no entrance . Let's go" Keshawn said turning around but Promise held him back by his collar.

"Come on babe" she told him.

Spank wiggled the handle and it couldn't open.

"It's locked" he stated.

"Step aside , I got it" Jonathan said and everyone backed up.

Jonathan took a few steps back then ran up the door making it fall to the ground.

They all were caught by surprise as they entered the building quietly.

The whole place was dark and only two lights were open from the corners.

Suddenly , all the lights opened and all four was standing in the middle of the room.

They turned ahead to see Danielle, Honest, and Chandler sitting on a brown wooden table.

"Honest?" Promise said with disgust.

She wasn't too surprised at Chandler and Danielle being up to all of this but she wasn't expecting all this from her own sister.


"I don't wanna hear it , where's mom?" Promise basically yelled and taking a foot step closer to them but Keshawn stopped her. He knew what she was capable of.

"Oh how cute, you wanna know where mommy is" Danielle mocked.

Spank looked dead in her eyes before he spoke.

"Where's Regina?" he said in the most deepest tone you could almost hear the rage slapping across Danielle's face.

Danielle remained calm, not acting like he frightened her. But little did she know Spank could almost smell fear.

"Well if you want Regina back, you might have to do a little favor for me" she said standing up.

"And what is that?" Spank asked her.

She was quiet for a few then stepped a little closer to them.

"Since my fiancé T.D is dead we're going to need a load of help around here financially and the only way we could do that is if our competition in business is down" she said catching them all by surprise.

Except for Spank. He laughed at her.

"Bitch you bout crazy as hell" he said as he still had the same laugh.

She kept a serious face but with a smirk.

"You laugh Spank, but little do you know I got a whole package full of evidence on how your running an illegal business" she said as she rubbed her soft hands together.

Spank rolled his eyes.

"And what evidence is that?" Jonathan asked her.

She looked at him before she turned around and faced Chandler..

Danielle signaled Chandler to hand him the grey luggage that was on the other side of his chair.

Honest hesitated but she stood up and interrupted them.

"Wait.." She said grabbing all their attentions.

"This ain't right" she told them and Danielle looked at her crazy.

"What you mean this ain't right?! You part of it too right?" Promise asked as she crossed her arms.

Honest rolled her eyes and turned to Danielle. "We said if they came we would make an agreement, not blackmail them" Honest stated.

Danielle raised her eyebrows.

"We also said that I was going to do all the talking and you was going to shut your ass up and stay seated" Danielle said with rage in her voice but still kept it low.

"I don't agree with this, out of all the things my dad has done to me in the past... He doesn't deserve what your trying to throw at him" Honest said to Danielle catching Spank by surprise.

Out of all the things he's done to affect how her life is right now he wasn't expecting none of what she just said to come out her mouth.

"Doesn't matter brat. I'm actually glad you said that cause I'm tired of you invading this family business" Danielle said to Honest then she turned her attention to Spank who looked confused about everything.

"I think you might want to see something Spanky. You might find it a little interesting" she said grabbing the grey luggage from Chandler.

"Danielle , what are you doing?" Chandler said standing up.

"Something I should've done a while ago" Danielle said before opening up the luggage. "Remember that little incident you had with one your workers a while ago? I think his name was..Devin?" She asked making Spank raise both eyebrows.

"H-How the hell you know about that?" He asked making her smile"

"I got connects and a brain Spank, it was not hard to figure out. The police may be some dumbasses but I'm not" she stated.

"Okay get to the fucking point" Jonathan said irritated.

"Well.. Seems to me that, Poor ol boy Devin wasn't the one that took the money" She said making Honest go tense. She already knew where she was going.

"Don't you dare Danielle!" Honest said through her teeth.

Promise and Keshawn caught on quick on what Danielle was up to.

"Your precious daughter was the one that--"

"Hey you guys why don't we just forget all of this and I can get my momma back and we can go on bout our day" Promise said interrupting Danielle.

"Na I want to know what the hell is going on" Spank said with his jaw tensing up.

"Ask your daughter" Danielle said looking at Honest.

Honest looked down at her feet as she intertwined her fingers together. Hesitant to speak.

Promise sighed.

"Ugh oh my gosh , I'll tell him.... Honest took your damn money. She needed money to go to school and her poor daddy in law ain't want to give her no money". Danielle said as she opened the grey luggage full of money and the tape.

"And I got evidence to prove it" she said picking up the tape.

Spank looked at Honest with anger written all over his face then looked back at Promise.

"And you knew it too, over here trying to change the damn subject" he said to Promise.

Promise sighed as she was speechless.

"Wait hold on Spank, Promise had nothing to do with it. It was my idea to take the tape" Keshawn said.

"You better shut the hell up for your life, cause I already don't like your ass" Spank said stepping up to Keshawn.

"Aye man chill out, we not here for that bullshit. We here for Regina, that's it" Jonathan said holding Spank back.

"Man whatever" Spank said shaking him off. "Where the hell my wife at?!" Spank said pulling his gun out and pointing it at Danielle.

Danielle put both her hands up in defense then smiled.

"Woah no need to go there Spank, she's locked up somewhere" she said

"No I ain't" Regina said making everyone turn back and look at her as she stood behind them swinging unhooked handcuffs.

"Oh my god thank god" Promise said running up to Regina, exchanging hugs.

"How the hell...-"

"Cause I'm mothafucking Regina hoe, been in this game since 91. You don't think I can't unlock a damn handcuff?" Regina said interrupting Danielle.

"Whatever bitch, as long as I get my agreement. " Danielle said to Spank.

"Okay what the hell you want, so you can get out of my skin" Spank said irritated.

"Take down your business Spank" Danielle said making him grunt. "I need the money and I want this business all to myself"

"Alright! Whatever bitch. Have what you want, I'm done with this shit" Spank said dropping his gun leaving everyone with dropped jaws.

Spank was discouraged, all the lies and backstabbing that was going on even from his own family. He was done. Done with the business, the drugs, and the game.

He Was giving up his name as "Spank" and going back to Carter.

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