The Missing Son

By Crazychameleon1

258 2 0

"I'm going to start from the beginning ok." 8 years ago, a boy was born having an extraordinary head of white... More

I Was Five at that Time
Friends of Your Mom
As For Right Now
Of All the Times
All Thanks to Matt
This is a Change in Pace
You're My What
I'm Getting Tired of This
Old Friends

You Seem Faintly Familiar

12 0 0
By Crazychameleon1

"So, kid you sure that panther is cool? Like he won't eat any of us?"

"Yeah, I trained him myself. He won't hurt you guys."

"How are you so sure?"

"I can talk to him, and he can talk to me."

"Like he talks out loud?" asked the guy sitting next to me who looked half sleep.

"No, it's kind of like our minds are tied to each other. Kind of having telepathy."

"Interesting well we only have an hour to go start getting your minds ready."

By the time we came to a stop the guy next to me which I learned his name was Scott was out cold. Clint opened the door waking Scott. I jumped out and Scott slowly got out behind me.

"What time zone is this?" Scott looked around still trying to wake up."

"Come on." Clint said pushing forward toward cap.

"Captain America." Scott says with an amazed look on his face while shaking Cap's hand.

"Mr. Lang." I kind of zoned out because Volt was trying to talk to me.

"Ash, what are we up against again."

"Something about psycho assassins I don't know for sure I just know they are enhanced people."

"You agreed to this and you're not even fully sure who you're up against."

"Look when you're recruited by Captain America you don't think about these things."

"When you're recruited by Captain America you should think about these things."

"Ok I get it, but they need help."

"You're a kid this isn't your responsibility. You don't have to help them."

"I want to help people so I'm going to help people. I'm not going to let my age get in the way of that."

"Fine but just know my first priority is you. If I see you in trouble, I'm stopping what I'm doing and coming to you."


I zoned back into the conversation. It is so weird doing that.

"Suit up." Steve said as I came back to reality. I changed into some navy cargo pants and put a hip pouch with some gadgets in it and followed Bucky and Sam through the airport while Cap went to the main Landing strip. Sam scanned for a backup plane since Iron Man disabled the helicopter.

"We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway." He radios Steve. We started making our way down to the landing strip. Something landed on the top of building we were in. I looked up and saw a guy sticking to the roof somehow.

"What the hell is that?" Bucky said looking up.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now." The guy swinged through the glass wall and kicked Sam backwards. Bucky threw a punch toward him, and the guy caught him."

"You have metal arm? that is awesome dude!" Sam hit Peters and flies through mid-air. I wanted to help but I don't know how to control my powers yet and Volt is with Cap. The guy swings through the rafters of the terminal chasing Sam. I direct bucky to a sign and tell him to throw it at the guy. 

"Hey buddy, I think you lost this!" He throws it back to us. Sam kicks him off the beam and he fires webs which sends Sam crashing to the floor. He ends up sticking Sam's wrist to a balcony railing. He started talking.

"Those wings carbon fiber?"

"Is this stuff coming out of you?"

"That would explain the rigidity-flexibility ratio, which, gotta say, that's awesome, man."

"I don't know if you've been a fight before but there's usually not this much talking."

" Alright, sorry, my bad." He swings down and Bucky jumps in the way. Bucky and Sam fall through the glass down to the next floor and the guy webs them up.

"Guys, look. I'd love to keep this up, but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, so, I'm really sorry." One of what I could only assume was one of Sam's gadgets that dragged the guy through the glass wall. I walked over to the ledge and looked down at Sam and Bucky. Bucky started talking after he caught his breath.

" You couldn't have done that earlier?"

"I hate you." I tried not to laugh. 

"If you guys are done, we should probably get down to Cap."

We all ran toward the Quinjet. A stream of energy slices across the runway and we stopped. A red guys floated above head.

"Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now."

Iron Man, War Machine, Black Widow, the guy who was floating, the guy who almost beat Bucky's and Sam's butt, and a guy who seem faintly familiar stood in front of us. Sam looked at Cap.

"What do we do, Cap?"

"We fight." 

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