The Promise Made

By The_miss_blush

15.5K 873 141

Anah Ibrahim, a sweet, chirpy and a girl with a golden heart. Shourya Singh Rajput, determined, tough , intro... More

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By The_miss_blush

A/N: Hey folks! What's up? How have you been?. I hope you guys are okay with the new variant in town. It's slowly becoming a yearly thing. By the way, 1800 words it is. Enjoy!

(P.s. Thankyou for 3k+ reads. Really means alot)

Anah's POV

Sunrays hit my face as my eyes shifted to Riya half sitting half laying beside me. It was a tough night for me. I couldn't believe papa could be this harsh and obliviant of my feelings.

My head started to hurt even thinking about it. Getting up from the bed and adjusting the blanket properly over Riya I went and stood in the balcony.

A smile graced my lips at the memory of him of climbing the balcony for me. How am I supposed to stay away when he just resides in my mind all the time? Sighing big time I was just looking through the garden when my eyes fell onto a car just opposite to my house.

It seemed familiar for some odd reason. I scrunched my forehead in order to get a better view but couldn't hence decided to shrug it off. Heading back inside I went and sat on Riya's side while adoring my best friend. The way she loves and cares for me, anybody could say we are sisters.

Deciding upon to shower and then head to hospital without meeting papa, I went to my sorts. The cold water hitting my head gave me some relaxation and calmed my mind a little bit. Thoughts about him invaded my mind yet again when I heard my phone ringing.

What if it's him!

Quickly closing the shower and wrapping a towel around myself I went to take the call. The call was about to cut when I picked it up without looking carefully at the caller ID.

"Hi I-" I stopped mid sentence while my smile fell. His gaze was so uncomfortable. Following his gaze a gasp escaped due to my horror as I was just in a towel. Quickly I cut the call and rushed inside the bathroom to change into my clothes.

Oh god Anah what have you done!

Heading out now fully clothed my phone rang again, it was from the hospital. I sighed and thanked the good lord but soon realised that there might be an emergency and I might have to go. How am I going to face him?

Palming my face while slouching on the sofa I finally decided to call back. It was an accident Anah, it's okay, maybe he won't even remember. Calling back to the hospital, I realised I was one of the doctors alloted for the ER today.

Sighing hard, I went and shook Riya. " Anah let me sleep" "Riya I am going to the hospital". "Okay you go, I will get up later. Poor girl can't even sleep".

Shaking my head at her child like antics I hurried downstairs while checking my bag throughly for all the essentials.

" Oops" I bumped into khala as my bag fell down. " Yaah Allah! Everything have to happen when I am in a hurry. Sorry khala.".
She gave me a look and held my hand. "Khala what-" she cut me off with a stern look.

Pulling a chair she pushed me to sit down and started serving me some breakfast. "You didn't ate anything at dinner yesterday, don't make me more angry child. Finish it quickly without any arguments"

I sighed but none the less obliged to her command. I don't want to be on the recieving end of her wrath specially when I am in a hurry. I heard footsteps behind me and came in none other then, papa.

I focused my eyes on my food and held my head low. I am not angry at him but definitely disappointed. Didn't he trust me enough to make my own decisions? How can he ignore my words on my face without even flinching a little bit?

" Don't be angry at the poor omelet beta, cut it softly" his words rang as I huffed while shoving the last big bite all in one go in my mouth and kept the cutlery on the plate a little too loud. "I am leaving khala and might be a little late, don't wait up if you trust me enough".

Just when I turned around from the table dad said " I hope you remember my words from last night Anah. I expect my daughter to not defy me for some other person".

"I will not defy papa but he is not just any person, he means a lot. I just wished that you could see it". Answering back was never  my forté but these days alot of things have been changing in me.

Change is good right?

I was on my way towards the hospital when noticed the same car from earlier following me. Irrational thoughts entered my brain as it kept on following through all the signals. I increased my speed when the hospital sight came in view.

I parked quickly and ran to the opposite site, hiding behind a pillar. I couldn't see properly what was happening near my car but I heard a car shut down their engine and the door opening. Peeking a little bit more I saw the back of a guy wearing leather jacket peeking into my car. Is he a stalker? What does he want?

I frantically searched for any weapon sort of thing that I could use when my eyes fell upon a rusted iron pipe. I gulped and reached out for it. Silently I made my way towards the man.

"Who are you?" I half screamed half asked while swinging the rod high when he turned around. My eyes widen at his sight and the pipe dropped from my hand. He scanned my dumbfounded face and the pipe now on lay flat on the floor.

I breathed heavily as the adrenaline came down to normal. " Shourya what the hell?"
I took some support of my car as I leaned on it to calm myself down. This man would be the death of mine.

He laughed hard holding his knees. My heart skipped a beat at his laughter. It rang like a happy song in my ears. For a moment I forgot the situation in hand and just admired his happy contend face.

His eyes met mine staring ones when I finally found my composure and stod back on my feet. " Why were you following me? You know if papa found out he'd be so angry. I thought you are some sort of stalker or serial killer."

" I just- nothing sorry. I remember what he said last night and when I wasn't able to even say goodbye to you yesterday, it was kind of unsettling for me. So I decided to watch you from afar. But when you parked the car in the middle of the parking lot I thought maybe you need help."

I sighed at his actions yet they spread warmth to my heart. " I adore how you always express yourself Shourya. Its just so refreshing that in a relationship the man is explaining and making things seem easier."

"What can I say? I am special indeed if you say in one word". He said and bowed a little. "Let me escort you in the hospital and then I promise I will leave and will not meet until you want to. Now shall we?" He held out his hand which I gladly took.

Heading inside hand in hand after parking my car properly in my slot, we stood in front of my cabin. "I guess I should take my leave, no matter what Ibrahim sir's wish is my command which I have already broken somehow but would try to keep it as intact as possible furthermore."

I just smiled and was about to give him a hug when the person I least wanted to see called out. "Anah?" I turned around to face the devil himself who had a smirk plastered on his shameless face.

He gave a look at Shourya as I felt his hand slipping into mine holding it tightly.  " What do I owe you for your visit Shresth?". "Maybe a kiss or a few in a towel just like this morning". I felt him stiffen at his words.

No, he just didn't. How dare he? Before I could retort Shourya's hand escaped mine and directly onto Shresth's collar who looked scaredy cat at the moment.

"I don't want to hear your nonsense and your cheap comments. Back off and apologize or else you'd be booking yourself a bed in this hospital". Shresth visibly gulped at his warning and gave me a look.

"Oh yeah, how about you ask your so called girlfriend that why was she flashing herself to me this morning if she doesn't feel anything about me or maybe she is a desperate woman waiting for-" he couldn't get to finish his sentence as Shourya's punch landed straight on his jaw while he fell onto the floor.

Shourya was about to hit him again when I held his fisted hand and brushed his arm to calm him down. He held my hand and pulled me inside my cabin. " Shourya calm down. He is a douché. He's not worth it. Please don't loose your temper because of him."

He held me tightly in his arm as we shared a comforting embrace for quiet sometime. "Anah- I don't want to question you but what was the nonsense he was talking about earlier?"

I averted my gaze at his question. " It-it was nothing" "Anah?" He dragged further. He cupped my face gently and made me look at him. "Th-this morning I was very upset about last night and was wondering about you. That time my phone rang I thought it was you, I swear Shourya. I am such a fool I picked the call without even thinking, it was video call and it was from Shresth."

I finished and he stared at me as if knowing that I was not telling him something. He brushed my hair away form my face, I continued, "I was showering when my phone rang and in a hurry I picked the call with- with just a towel wrapped around myself and he saw"

I didn't had the guts to meet his eyes. I was so embarrassed. After a moment of complete silence I looked at him as his eyes held an emotion I couldn't decipher.

"Shourya?" I called softly. He looked away and cleared his throat. "It's okay Anah, not like you did it intentionally. I understand. I should be get going. Take care ".

Before I could say anymore he retreated both his hands and himself from me.

And I couldn't do anything to stop him.

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