Gods of the Sea (BTS Vocal Li...

By FireTiger8

674K 54.8K 38K

"My name is Captain Jeon Jungkook. I'm here to kidnap you." The Eros is said to be the most powerful jewel of... More

Chapter 1 - Introductions
Chapter 2 - Arrangements
Chapter 3 - Kidnapped
Chapter 4 - Older Brother
Chapter 5 - First Job
Chapter 6 - Suffering
Chapter 7 - Lessons
Chapter 8 - Closer
Chapter 9 - Pulse
Chapter 10 - Rivals
Chapter 11 - Stories
Chapter 12 - Agreement
Chapter 13 - Ceremonies
Chapter 14 - Opening
Chapter 15 - Aid
Chapter 16 - Transparent
Chapter 17 - Happiness
Chapter 18 - Rescue
Chapter 19 - Reunited
Chapter 20 - Served
Chapter 21 - Confessions
Chapter 22 - Consequences
Chapter 23 - Pure
Chapter 24 - Suggestions
Chapter 25 - Sirens
Chapter 26 - Surprises
Chapter 27 - Judgement
Chapter 28 - Paths
Chapter 29 - The King
Chapter 30 - Found
Chapter 31 - Bad Match
Chapter 32 - Trials
Chapter 33 - Wings
Chapter 34 - Curses
Chapter 35 - Demons
Chapter 36 - Helpers
Chapter 37 - Refusal
Chapter 38 - Falling
Part 39 - Tame
Chapter 40 - Goodbyes
Chapter 41 - United
Chapter 42 - Separated
Chapter 43 - Orders
Ch 44 - War
Chapter 45 - Racing
Ch 46 - Captured
Part 47 - Divided
Part 48 - Powerless
Chapter 49 - Healed
Chapter 50 - Return
Chapter 51 - Ceremonies
Jungkook's Ending
Jimin's Ending
Seokjin's Ending
Taehyung's Ending
Main Storyline Finished!
Ch 1 - Introductions
Ch 3 - Kidnapped
Ch 35 - Demons
Ch 39 - Tame
Seokjin Ending - His POV
Seokjin POV Finished!
Ch 2 - Arrangements
Chapter 8 - Closer
Ch 19 - Reunited
Ch 47 - Divided
Jungkook Ending - His POV
Jungkook POV - FINISHED!
Ch 3 - Kidnapped
Ch 19 - Reunited
Ch 39 - Tame
Jimin Ending - His POV
Ch 1 - Introductions
Ch 11 - Stories
Ch 26 - Surprises
Ch 39 - Tame
Taehyung Ending - His POV
Places We Keep Our Sins

Chapter 49 - Healed

1.7K 169 36
By FireTiger8

The guards binding my hands behind my back were the only reason I wasn't lying on the ground in pain.

Every inch of my skin felt like it was on fire, even though Seokjin had only burned the skin on my chest. It was enough, however, to set my whole body on flame. And although I didn't know the true location of my soul, I could feel it ache from the way it had now been split in two.

Dagon was gone.

But seeing my brother pale and bleeding from his side, it felt like I hadn't been possessed at all. Instead, it felt like I had been the demon all along.

"Let her go, Jimin," Jungkook had said in the caves. "You can hate me more if you want, but at least let me keep you from destroying yourself. Let me do one honorable thing for us both."

I knew he had changed when he said that. My younger brother cared nothing for honor. But if Y/N had saved him... how could I damn him again?

You can't let them leave... Dagon had said as Jungkook took Y/N's hand. If he leaves, you'll lose everything.

It wouldn't be because of him, I replied. I did this.

"Go then," I huffed out, trying to ignore Seokjin's sword in my back. "Both of you get out."

I made it a command. Both Jungkook and Y/N needed to be free of me. This was the only way I could do it.

And I... even if there was nothing I could do to redeem myself, I at least wanted to die with a clean soul.

Don't you dare, Dagon warned. I've given you everything.

Give it to someone else, I replied.

"Seokjin," I said over my shoulder.

Dagon took over, not even allowing my permission this time.

I never told you my price, Jimin.

What price?

The price everyone pays in the end. The only price that matters in this realm: Blood.

After that everything went black.

There was a flash of light.

And I awoke to my brother on the floor, bleeding... the bloodied sword in my own hand.

Now, my brother's lifeless body was laying in front of the King of Sirens... the same king I had tried to kill. The same king whose children I tried to destroy.

I had no hope for mercy.

They put Jungkook's body in front of the king. The way the king looked at me showed that knew me quite well, even though I didn't remember us meeting at all. Part of me knew to pay respects. The other half hated myself too much to act with any pride or honor.

So I looked away instead.


Y/N's broken whisper made me raise my head. With tears falling down her cheeks she held my brother's limp hand and looked to her leader.

She was a siren, I knew. With that power, she could manipulate and destroy humanity in any way she wanted. 

But here she was, holding my brother's hand, pleading for his life.

Forgive me, Y/N... you were exactly who you said you were. I was the liar. I was the deceitful one. I was the demon.

The king stepped forward, putting his hand on Jungkook's forehead.

"You returned my daughter to me," the king said to my brother as he lay unconscious. "And protected her from the demon that tried to destroy us all."

I dropped my head.

"You assisted in restoring freewill to my creations," the king continued, "and so - this once - I will restore your body."

I raised my head to see a beautiful turquoise thread spring from the king's hand and weave into Jungkook's body. Tears of relief sprung to my eyes as his color returned. He wasn't conscious, but I knew his life had returned to him.

I was too exhausted to express my gratitude.

"Bring me his brother," the king commanded.

If I was to be sentenced to death, I accepted. My actions had been evil; blinded by my own pride. I put a sword in my own brother. I commanded the killing of the sirens. I almost destroyed an innocent woman who had done nothing but show concern for my family.

I would take death. I had earned it.

I lowered my head.

"Look at me, Jimin," the king commanded.

It took all my strength to do it. Whether it was from exhaustion or fear, it was hard to say.

"Yes..." I whispered out. "Yes, Your Majesty."

"You allowed a demon to possess you for power," he said firmly. "A demon cannot possess without permission. Therefore, I can't overlook this."

I lowered my head again. "Yes, Your Majesty. I'll accept your judgement."

There was silence for a long moment. I assumed he was contemplating the worst possible punishment. I had no intentions to resist. My judgment had been so poor. Better it was left in his hands than mine.

"You will be tried," the king said finally. "Should you survive... you will work for me permanently."

I raised my head. It seemed too gracious a judgement to believe. The king's gaze met mine, his face both fearless and wise.

"I saved your brother's life and spared yours," he said. "In return, you will hand that life over to me."

I convulsed, my legs buckling under me. The guards held me up, the tears in my eyes falling freely. I looked at my brother, nodding.

"Yes, Your Majesty," I said, still unable to believe my ears. "For my brother's life, you have my loyalty."

I could barely take a full breath in as Seokjin approached me.

"I would wish you luck," he said, "But if you survive then I have to train your ass for the rest of my life."

He sighed and motioned the guards to take me out of the room. The guards escorted me to the door, my knees buckling under me from the flood of emotions. I looked over my shoulder to look at Jungkook once more... desperate to see him one last time.

His body was still; at peace. Perhaps he was grown enough now to live without me. Perhaps he was the man I knew he could be.

As we reached the door, I caught Y/N's eyes. She gave me a warm smile through her own tears, and my shame consumed me again.

I could never repay her. I could never even apologize.

So I only whispered to her in my thoughts.

Thank you, Y/N. Thank you for looking past my demons.


Merry Christmas, Tigers!

I was thinking that a chapter about a man who was once demon possessed was a weird Christmas gift, but then I started thinking about my favorite Christmas carol: O Come Emmanuel. 

The song is much different from other Christmas songs because it's a sorrowful song about waiting for salvation and freedom amidst great physical and spiritual suffering. There's one verse that says:

"O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free

Thine own from Satan's tyranny; 

From depths of hell Thy people save

And give them victory o'er the grave." 

This is very old English, but it translates to, "Lord, free us from satan's evil rule, and save our souls from death." I can imagine a man possessed by his own demons begging for such a redemption. 

The repeating chorus throughout the entire song is, 

"Rejoice, rejoice... Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel."

Meaning, "Rejoice in your sorrows, for Jesus will come to save His people."

It's a beautiful song of pain, hope, suffering, and salvation. 

But don't take my word for it. Feel it for yourself. This is the most beautiful version I've ever found, by AGAPAO Worship.

(For any Super Junior fans, Siwon Choi has also sang with this group before.) 

Full Lyrics:

O come, O come, Emmanuel,
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here,
Until the Son of God appear.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

[Lord, save your people who are suffering and waiting for the Savior.]

O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free
Thine own from Satan's tyranny;
From depths of hell Thy people save,
And give them victory o'er the grave.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

[Lord, free your people from satan's evil rule, and save our souls from death.]

O come, Thou Dayspring, from on high,
And cheer us by Thy drawing nigh;
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night,
And death's dark shadows put to flight.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

[Lord, give us hope, life, and encouragement as we suffer; defeat the things crushing us.]

O come, Thou Key of David, come
And open wide our heav'nly home;
Make safe the way that leads on high,
And close the path to misery.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

[Lord, show us the way that leads to You, and direct our paths back to Your home that You have invited us into.]

O come, Adonai, Lord of might,
Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai's height,
In ancient times didst give the law
In cloud and majesty and awe.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

[Lord, come to us as You did when you gave us Your commandments - when Moses came down from Mount Sinai glowing in majesty just from being in Your presence.]

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

[Rejoice in your suffering... for Jesus will come for His people.]

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