Expecting the Unexpected (Bak...

By LadysDaze

777K 35.4K 25.7K

"Hey... you like fucking coffee?" Had you known that Bakugou's request toward you as you both held onto your... More

A Warning Before Reading This Book
A Warning to Future Readers... Again
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 13
Week 16
Week 18
Week 20
Week 22
Week 24
Week 26
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 33
Three Months
Six Months
Eight Months
Nine Months
Eleven Months
Fifteen Months
Seventeen Months
Twenty Months
Twenty-Four Months (Part 1 Finale)
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 13
Week 18
Week 21
Week 25
Week 29
Week 33
Week 40
Birth (Part 2)
Newborn (Part 2)
Month 1
Month 3
Month 6
Month 9
Month 12
Month 15
Month 18
Month 21
Month 24
Month 38
Month 39
Month 40
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9

Bonus #10

3.6K 141 59
By LadysDaze

Bonus Ten - Christmas

"Santa? Who that?"

"He's this old fat man who shows up and gives you presents for free, Roro!" Katsuko beamed at her little brother. "All you have to do is be good all year!!"

Katsuro's eyes widened and he looked at you. You paused from putting his winter jacket on and laughed gently. His spikey ash-blonde locks were ruffled a moment later and you zipped him up.

"Don't worry. Your dad and I made sure to let Santa know you both have been very good this year." You told both your kids. "But... keep in mind that while Santa is supposed to come tonight, he'll only show up if you both are asleep."

"Why?" Katsuro asked you, very curious how this strange man worked.

"Because he likes to work in peace and quiet." Your husband said, dressed in a similar style winter jacket to his son. "So let the guy do his job how he wants and he'll leave ya some nice damn presents."

"What his quirk?" Katsuro asked both his parents, gently floating one of his hand warmers with his own quirk.

"Yeah! What is Santa's quirk?" Katsuko asked, realizing she didn't know either.

Lucky for you two, much like the reindeer and the leaving him cookies... Santa's quirk was also a well-known detail.

"Holiday Spirit." You told them. "So long as people are kind to one another and believe in him, Santa's quirk is strong enough to perform actual magic! Like how he makes his reindeer fly or can deliver to every good child across the entire world!"

"I wish I had Santa's quirk!!" Katsuko jumped up and down, her hat nearly falling off.

"Oi! You have a damn good quirk already!" Bakugou told her and your five-year-old daughter crossed her arms.

"Daddy is jealous of Santa." She huffed and Bakugou pinched his temple.

"I ain't jealous of a guy who only works one fucking day a year and its not even fighting off villains!!"

"Daddy's quirk bad for tree." Katsuro said and pointed to the decorated Christmas tree in your living room.

"He nearly caught one on fire during our third year at UA." You laughed and your husband looked at you in shock for spilling such secrets to his children. "But your father's quirk is very strong. He's helped a lot of people with his quirk."

"Santa does too!"

"Santa a hero!!"

Bakugou grumbled under his breath again, seeing that he was not going to win this ridiculous argument with his children on if he, a top pro-hero, or a fictional jolly fatass was better. If Santa gave you free gifts... then Santa would always win.

"Alright my three winter-haters." You spoke, looking out at your three ash-blonde family members. "Are we ready to go see the Christmas Eve lights?"

As Katsuko and Katsuro cheered you noticed your husband lightly glaring at you. Much like their looks, your kids had also gotten their father's hatred and aversion to winter. While they liked to play in the snow, the cold wasn't fun for either Bakugou child.

Thus, each would ask for more and more layers of clothing to stay nice and toasty warm when they decided to brave the elements outside. So, under-layer thermals, a form-fitting jacket, a large puffy jacket, arctic gloves, snow-protection hats, snow boots, and too many hand warmers stuffed into their pockets were what your husband, son, and daughter all looked like.

You were dressed for the weather like a normal person, unlike those three who looked ready to explore the Arctic Circle from how they were dressed. But, if it kept them all from complaining, you had no issue that your family turned into multicolored marshmallows every winter.

"Mama." Katsuro hugged your leg and looked at you with his big (eye color) hues.

You smiled and hoisted him up. Katsuro rested on your shoulders and buried his mostly covered face into your hair. He was getting so big, but still such a baby to you. Three seemed to be a great age for him, as he was talking more and showing more of his personality. Unlike his sister who was full of personality from the moment, she was born.

"I want up too!" Katsuko whined as she walked out with her dad.

"Hold on." He told her and locked the front door to your home. "Alright."

Katsuko happily went into his arms and onto his shoulders. Bakugou rolled his eyes, seeing as she would more than likely be too big for shoulder rides next year, but this year... she still fit onto his shoulders comfortability for them both.

The four of you made your way down the street. The good part about moving out of an apartment and into your own home was that you were so close to so many things and had lots of space. In this case, the local Christmas lights were only a mere fifteen-minute walk from your home, as well as the stalls of games and foods that would no doubt be there.

You all walked by other groups of people: some families like your own but the majority were couples. In Japan, Christmas was considered a holiday for lovers more than for families like it was in many Western countries apparently. It was more like Halloween in the sense that it was just a fun excuse to celebrate rather than some important historical or religious holiday like other places in the world.

"Brings back memories, huh?" You looked at your husband and he nodded with a chuckle.

"Sure does." He spoke back, thinking of all the times he had taken you out for an evening when you both became a couple and before the two kids came into the picture.

He had lots of holiday memories with you. In fact, the first one he ever had with you was during his and your first year at UA. Everyone had done that gift exchange and he and you somehow got one another's gifts. You had unknowingly gifted him a scarf as your first gift to him, and he had unknowingly gifted you a new skull t-shirt as his first gift to you. Both items were still owned and in great condition to this day, as were all the other gifts exchanged between the two of you from that point on.

Though, he'd admit that you both had shifted into putting all your gift brainstorming into what you both got your kids and what Santa brought them. Your gifts to one another had become date nights or 'no complaint' cards for dragging the other along to activities or events the other wasn't very fond of. Whatever worked as a couple who were as close as the pair of you.

"Oh! Look its Santa!!" Katsuko shrieked happily and kicked her father's chest a few times.

"Ko! Quit kicking me!" He hollered up at her and she did so, but the excitement was still very present on her face.

She eagerly pointed to a man a few meters away from the pair of you. He wore a red jacket, was on the chubbier side, and looked old thanks to his white hair and weird. Both of your kids eagerly called out to Santa and asked if he was taking a break delivering presents right now.

The only issue was... this wasn't Santa or even someone dressed up as him. This was some random old man who clearly didn't think his wardrobe through tonight.

"Hush, Katsuko. Katsuro." You told them and both looked at you.

"Why?" Katsuko looked upset that you were not letting her call out to Santa.

"Why, Mama?" Katsuro asked and his grip on you tightened a little bit.

"Why?" Bakugou spoke up and you shot him a look.

He merely rolled his eyes at you and continued speaking. "Why do you think? The guy is on break right now and is trying to not attract attention. You two morons want Santa to rest for a bit so he can deliver your gifts later, right?"



You held back chuckles and Bakugou elbowed you gently. You stuck your tongue out at him and the pair of you continued on with the kids on your shoulders. Time to head to the winter light walk! It was apparently really good this year!

As you three walked, Katsuko's voice returned to you again very quickly. She once more started to kick her father and Bakugou grumbled that she would be walking herself if she did it again.

"It's daddy! Its daddy!"

Sure enough, it seemed one of the game stalls was giving away Ground Zero plushes and action figures to anyone who manage to win the game that was cleary rigged. Katsuko cried that she wanted one and Katsuro was staring at all the hero figures and plushes, a certain green hero catching his attention.

"Who fucking keep approving this merchandise!!" Bakugou hollered, not recognizing the merch of himself at this stall. "I'm going to give my shitty agent such a nasty phone call after tha damn Holidays!!"

You rolled your eyes and pushed him onward. The cries of your children fell silent as you pointed to a stand selling various skewers of various foods and you said you'd get them one. So a purchase later and the kids happily eating and you and your husband had finally made it to the lights without another distraction.

Father and daughter had gotten meant skewers while mother and son had gotten chocolate-covered fruit. The snacks didn't last long but were not fussed overdue to the light displays around all of you as you walked.

The trees were covered entirely in lights that flickered on and off in fun patterns, giant illuminated snowflakes ran between them above and below were various decorations of snowmen, reindeer, elves, and Santa himself. The lights were so well done that even you found yourself absorbed into each one of them. The sounds of your children cooing over each new display made your chest warm. Even your husband wore a tiny smile at every happy cry one of your kids let out. He too looked to be enjoying this trip.

The path of lights took you all a good ninety minutes, but you and Bakugou managed to convince the kids it was time to go. You all started to walk back through the stalls, seeing as since it was a special time of year... maybe the kids could play a non-rigged game or two and have another treat.

It seemed that your plans were not going to be accepted though when you passed by a certain attraction. It was an apparent Santa-Tracker. It had caught the eyes of both of your kids and they looked at it in shock.

"Home! Go home!!" Katsuro called urgently at you.

"Huh? Why Tsuro?" You asked him in worry.

"Santa is in Tokyo! Santa is going to skip me and Roro if we don't go home and go to bed!" Katsuko explained and pulled at her father's hair. "Go daddy! Go home!!"

"Oi! Quit pulling my hair and maybe I will!" He told her and Katsuko did so right away.


"Please! Please!"

You and Bakugou glanced at one another. It was only half-past eight, but it seemed your kids had decided what they wanted to do: go to bed. Usually, it was a struggle... but it seemed Santa was more important than hanging out at the holiday festival.

"Home we go then." You told your kids and you and Bakugou started back on your walk.

Your kids were impatient, clearly worried they were going to have Santa skip them because they were still awake and he was so near. They finally settled down when their father said there were a lot of kids in Tokyo and Santa delivered to their area last before he left for the next place on his map.

Still, when you got home and the two little Bakugous were put down, you and Katsuki watched as they flung their winter gear off, hung it up, and headed off to change and brush their teeth. You and Katsuki looked at one another and you laughed as he smirked.

Soon the kids were back down in pajamas (though each needed help with at least one part that they had put on wrong) and setting up their offerings to Santa. Katsuko was pouring milk into a glass while her father watched her and you watched as Katsuro walked out with a bag of baby carrots.

"Huh? Why do you have that, Katsuro?" Katsuki asked his son as Katsuro started to count out the baby carrots and put them on a plate of their own.

"They hungry too!" Katsuro told his father and showed Katsuki a crude drawing of a reindeer and Santa. "I feed deer!"

"Ah! Good thinking, Roro! We need to feed the deer too!" Katsuko chuckled with glee. "Maybe Santa will bring us even more gifts cause we are more thoughtful than other kids! Therefore better than other kids-"

"Santa might here that boasting and ego, brat." Katsuki scolded his daughter lightly and pinched her cheek.

Katsuko glared lightly at him but moved on quickly to set up the final things for Santa's arrival. Both Katsuro and Katsuko looked happy at their setup and started to head to the stairs to go to their rooms.

"Hold it!" You called after them and they stopped. "You two forgot the most important thing."

Katsuko and Katsuro looked at you, worried that they had left out something for Santa. However, both were confused when their father put a set of pens and paper down before them.

"Santa grants every good kid their most desired gift, but you need to tell him what that is. So, leave him a nice note so he knows." You told them and each grabbed a pen.

Katsuko was writing rapidly, showing off how smart she was since she was one of the two kids in her class that already could read and write so well. Yuuto was of course the other one and Hiroki was not far behind either.

She put down her Christmas wish and beamed. She thought long and hard about what she wanted this year and after much thought, decided that her most wanted gift was a bicycle. Hiroki and Yuuto were asking for their own and she wanted to be able to ride with them after all.

Katsuro didn't need to consider any options as he knew the moment his mother asked him what he wanted. The only issue was he was still too little to write, but he could draw!! You watched as he did so and he looked at you when he finished.

"Drawing a picture for Santa?" You asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah!" He excitedly told you and showed you his picture. "I want Santa-man to make sure daddy's wish comes true!!"

You blinked and then smiled softly. Katsuki clearly heard that as he had stopped fussing over some crooked ornament and was now listening silently. You hummed and looked as Katsuro drew a large one by what you could assume to be his father in his hero attire. It was actually very impressive for a three-year-old's drawing.

"How about you let me write it down so we can make sure Santa knows without a doubt." You spoke and took the pen from him.

Katsuro nodded. "Tell Santa daddy has to be number one hero so he can smile and be happy!"

You nodded and then looked at Katsuro. "Are you sure that's what you want to ask Santa for?"

Katsuro nodded. "Daddy works hard as hero! He should be happy cause he makes other people safe and happy!"

You smiled at your son and ruffled his ash blonde hair. He looked very pleased with his wish. Katsuko too looked happy with his wish. She grabbed her little brother's hand and ran up the stairs with Katsuro. The sounds of them talking eagerly about tomorrow morning reached your ears.

"Let's put them down." You told Katsuki.

He blinked, looking to have come back to reality. His carmine eyes looked at you in what could only be shock and you laughed gently.

"Looks like you'll have to work really hard this next year, Katsuki. You don't want Katsuro's wish to not come true, right?" You asked him and headed up the stairs after your children.

Katsuki inhaled and shook his head. Katsuro's wish was for him to get his own long-desired wish to come true... and therefore make him happy. Katsuki's throat was dry and he felt something brim on the edges of his eyes. He fought against it though and heard the three most precious people to him upstairs talking excitedly to one another and laughing.

"Well... guess I'll have to make sure of it then." He chuckled to himself and started to head up the stairs. "Not just my happiness on the line here, huh?"

Though, he knew it had been that way for a while now. That he no longer was just working so hard for himself and only himself. He had learned to support and rely on his classmates at UA. He had learned how to love and trust you. And now, he had learned what it took to be a dad and a good one at that.

And he'd be damned if he ever let his kids down.

He was Bakugou Katsuki after all... and Bakugou Katsuki always worked to the best and most of his abilities, no matter the situation. So, even if it was something as small as what his kid wanted for dinner or for him to stop by the store on his way home... he'd always do so and do what was best for his family.

He wasn't sure what he had done to deserve all this, deserve a wife and two kids who thought the world of him... but he got them. Despite the terrible things he did and all the time he spent fixing all his wrongs, he never would have thought that he deserved this.

But he had this wonderful loving family... and the world be damned if he ever stopped loving them as much as they each clearly loved him. Life was weird... but, he was indeed happy. He'd always be so, as long as he always got to come home and see the faces of the three people he loved more than anything in this world.

(AN- So this is the end of my personal ideas for bonus' to this story. So while you are more than welcome to leave ideas of your own for me to consider writing, this might be the last update. Thank you all so much for reading and sharing so much love for this book. So many of you had left wonderful comments and told me how this story is your comfort fic. I'm so honored by this and am very grateful that I could write something that so many people enjoyed. I do hope to see some of you on my other works, but I do hope you all have a wonderful rest of your Holiday season, and here is to a good 2022 to us all!!)

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