Becoming A Family Mikaelson...

By anonymouswriting17

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A black rose pops up outside Elena's house she doesn't know waht it means but she doesn't think that it is go... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23(Epic Battle)
namr/cover change-note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Facebook group + more kolena

Chapter 30

351 11 1
By anonymouswriting17

It was the Lunar Eclipse it was time. Bonnie had focused on the date more as it came and she found that it all depended on one thing. Who they allowed near at the time. Which was why Elena had adjusted her plan a lot and she was happy Bonnie had told her about what she was sensing because that was going to make it a hell of a lot easier.

Bonnie knew that this was what Elena wanted to do but she wanted to be sure before they did this spell. She knew the things that were at stake but that didn't really change anything. "You sure about this Elena this is dangerous."

"I know but i can't risk any of them getting hurt Bonnie." She knew that the ones that were helping her were going to be of use. That they could handle their own but the others she needed to know that they were going to be safe.

Bonnie nodded she knew that Elena had to do this. She knew that if they didn't do this right eveything was going to be messed up. So they couldn't afford to mess it up. "Tyler Jenna Mason Katherine and Hayley will meet you at Hayley's apartment i will do the spell so that they can't leave the compound."

"Thank you." Elena was really happy to have a friend like her she didn't think she would be able to pull this off without her.

Bonnie sighed she knew that even though they prefected the plan the ones that they were leaving out were not going to be happy about what they were doing and that they were risking it. "Kol is not going to be happy about this."

"He knows me i can't risk my kids i can't risk Hope. Hayley and them know what they are doing and i have protection charms on them but i can't risk anyone else." She had to do this she was prepared for the recently made plan. But she had to make sure that none of her family were at risk that her children and her niece were safe. "They have to help they have to be there. You said it yourself if anyone i care about gets to close to her i have a higher chance of losing. She could use them against me."

"And what if she tries to use Hayley Tyler your mom how are you going to react then." She knew although she had a plan for the others she didn't really have one for the ones that were going with her and that worried her more than anything.

She knew that something happening to those that were coming with her was a risk too. But it was a risk that she had to take. They had to put an end to the hollow they had to make sure that she could not hurt anyone else. "Then i am just going to have to deal with it."

Bonnie took her best friends hands. She knew that everything was going to be ok. She knew that she could do this this was literally what she was born to do and she had no doubts that her best friend would succeed. "You got this i know that you do you have survived so much."

Elena trusted Hayley but she didn't know how Hayley herself would react to something going wrong. And she needed to make sure that she was going to be ok especially with her going to have Hope still and she knew how she would be for Skylar. "If anything happens i asked Hayley but now i'm worried that something might happen to her."

"I won't let Kol do anything stupid." Bonnie promised she would not let him turn it off. She would make sure that they were ok. "I won't let Skylar lose control of her anger and i will make sure that my god son does ok without you here despite the fact that he is a total Mama's boy." She knew that Elena could do this but in case she would make sure that everything didn't drastically change if something happened.

"I want you to be happy to Bonnie you Caroline and Jeremy." She didn't want them to just be worried about her family she wanted them to get the chance to live their lives. To be happy to make sure that they had a future. "Don't spend the rest of your lives worrying about me and the events that happen today."


Elena knew how much Bonnie put herself above others but she deserved to be happy to and she wanted to make sure that she got that chance. "No be happy all of you no matter what occurs today i need you to promise me that you will try to be happy and that you aren't just going to spend the rest of your life worrying about me."


"Lets do this."

"Lets do this."
Bonnie did the spell on the compound locking everyone inside for 12 hours. She knew that they were not about to like it but they weren't going to have a choice but to be ok with it. The spell was up and there was nothing that they could do to change it.

She walked inside and everyone looked at her Freya Skylar Hope and Esther sensing what she had done. It was the Lunar Eclipse they didn't quite understand why she did it unless she knew something that she didn't. And that was quite the possibility. "Why?"

They were all confused at why they had looked at her with a glare they didn't sense what they did. "Why are you looking at her like that?"

"Because she just locked us in here." Freya didn't understand why she would do that especially when it was only them that was in here.


Bonnie took out a note lighting it on fire it would send it to Elena. The plan was now in motion and it would end when the 12 hours were up. This was the best thing to help them out knowing that no one could enter or leave made sure that she was going to focus. "12 hours. You guys can hate me all you want but for this to work she needs no distractions at all."
They all met up at Hayley's apartment Elena had gotten the note and now it was time to get started. Tyler looked at his cousin he knew that they made the plan and all agreed on it but were they all sure of this.  "Are we sure this is what we want to do?"

"You heard them only memebers from our bloodline can stop her." That meant that only those from their bloodline could be there anyone else was to much of a risk. This was the best way to do it. "So we do this and we try to do it without any casualties."

"And if we can't." Katherine asked she knew that all of them were counting on this working with no innocents dying but there was always casulaties in war.

She knew that Katherine was right about that sometimes there was no way to stop people from dying but they could do their best to prevent it. "As a low a number as possible these people don't deserve to die."

"We can try but we don't know what Induna is going to try." Elena knew they were walking into something when they didn't know what was going to happen. But they had to try they could not let her take over. "So we have to be careful."

Hayley nodded she knew that both were right it wasn't going to be hard they didn't know what Induna was planning just that she didn't want any of them walking it out alive. But if they wanted to win this if they wanted to come out alive they had to work together."We will we all work together."

"You are not doing this alone." Jenna was not letting her daughter try to do this alone they were doing this all together.

"We all go back together." Mason agreed he had lost to much time with his daughter and he didn't plan on losing anymore. He would put himself over her anytime.

"We do this together we go back together." Tyler knew that couldn't just pick and choose who survives this they all needed to. They all had to go back together no sacrafices.

This wasn't Katherine's first fight and it wouldn't be her last she didn't plan on dying anytime soon and this would be no exception. "Alright we ready."

They were at the place Induna was finally taking her human form. And none of them planned on letting her keep it for long. They were going to put an end to her.  "Induna lets end this once and for all."

Induna chuckled lightly looking at Elena she would have prefered to just deal with her but oh well. "Aww don't we have a lot  of courage but you couldn't show up here alone could you."

"What do you want?" Elena asked she didn't get why she couldn't just be happy with how things were. It wasn't their fault that they had been power hungry.

"I want to live i want to take over the world and prove that i'm superior." She wanted to make everyone feel the pain that she had felt because of what her own family had done to her. No one deserved to be happy. "I want everyone on this earth to suffer and for it to rain blood that clear enough for you."

"Why would want that?" Hayley didn't understand what was the point of this coudn't they all just live side by side. "Why can't everyone just live in peace."

"This world will never be in peace because there will always be someone who wants to destroy it who wants to be the best i mean didn't that family you two have been creating do that for a long time. The originals no one could stop them well i can. In this world someone always has to be in power we will never be able to leave equally." Evil would never stop there would always be someone who wanted to take over the world and as of right now she was that person. "People fall in love all the time mistakes are made. Lies are told trust is broken. There will always be something wrong with the world it will never be in harmony. My parents were so happy when i was born everyone thought i would bring this great power but that was not the case i just ruined lifes and when my hunger for blood came they thought that they could get rid of me and well look what happened now. "

"It is not the worlds fault that your parents did that though." Tyler shouted he understood why she was mad but they were not about to let her take her anger on the rest of the earth. Because her parents made the wrong decisions.

"I created you wolf if it wasn't for me their would be no werewolves." Induna reminded although she was a bad person she did do somethings that many did not.

"You did it as an act of revenge." Hayley reminded she would never trade her wolf for anything but it wasn't fair how they were created.

"Yes i did. I wanted them to suffer so i made Werewolves i made them shift that one painful time i never thought that someone would grow to embrace it i was wrong." She wanted them to forever be in pain whenever they had to change but they had figured out how to overcome it. "The witches who helped to curse me going on to become some of the most powerful beings to walk the planet i did that. " She made those people powerful she did that no one else.

"Yes you did you created the rift and someone else created a war when they made vampires." Elena reminded the species were always at war and finally they were starting to get along. Live amongst each other.

"And then they made you the most powerful being to walk this planet i used to have that title." She remembered when everyone was scared of her scared that she would come back and hurt everyone that had ever wronged her. "Before the tribid doppelganger came along and then her heir oh and don't forget the cresent queens daughter with the original hybrid Two more ultimate beings and they call me dangerous and scary. But what are they going to be what about when they unlock their vampire sides everyone will be terrified of them. Because their unknown because of who their family is." Thats how the world worked people feared what they did not know. People feared the people based on reputation and she knew that the Mikaelson's family was not to great.

Elena rolled her eyes throwing out her hands she was having enough of her it was time to end her once and for all. "Enough lets just do what we came to do."

Induna stood up looking up at the moon if they wanted a fight they would get one. She would put an end to them once and for all."You think that you can beat me i don't care how powerful you are i am immortal i can not die. I will never die i will just keep coming back over and over and over again and their is nothing that you can do to stop me."

Elena took a breath Induna was right alone she would not be able to do anything but them together they could stop her. She didn't stand a chance against all of them. "Maybe i can't but we can if we work together you are nothing but a scorned which who abused the power she had and i think that it is time we put an end to you once and for all."

Katherine smirked looking at her. She knew that they together could do this they Induna was nothing without her followers. "Alone she is vulnerable."

Tyler nodded together they could take her because their lives were made possible because of her. "But each of us are part of your line."

Hayley hummed in agreement they were apart of her. She was the one that created their existence the royal werewolfs. "Werewolf royals that you created."

Jenna crossed her arms over her chest she'd like to see Induna try and take all of them. She didn't stand a chance. "Witches related to the mother you killed."

"And she is not alone in this fight." No matter how old his daughter got he would never let her do anything alone.

Elena nodded she looked to Induna she was right she wouldn't be able to do it alone but she wasn't alone. She had her family backing her and that was why she was going to win. "Maybe alone you could take me but i'd like to see you take all of us."
"Why would you agree to her evil plan?" Kol asked he knew that his fiance was a martyr and that  Bonnie prefered to do everything herself. He knew that Bonnie would never willingly put her friends in danger so he didn't understand why this time was different.

Bonnie shrugged she knew that they didn't like it and she understood why. But it was something that had to happen. "She is your fiance we all knew nothing was going to stop her from doing this and there was no way she was letting you or any body in here near that fight."

Rebekah scoffed looking at Bonnie she couldn't believe that she actually let her go through with the crazy plan. "She is my best friend i deserved to know."

Bonnie shrugged she knew why Elena didn't tell her no matter if they were best friends. Elena needed to protect all of them and that was why she didn't tell her. She also didn't need her telling everyone else of her plans. "She was my best friend long before she was yours Rebekah and when she has her mind set on something sorry but its not easily changed." She knew they didn't like what was going on but it was already in motion and their was nothing that they could do to change it now. "I offered this solution because it would ease her mind she would fight with a clear head that was the best way to help her. Allow her to know that no one in here was going to get hurt while she was out there."

Freya sighed she knew that Bonnie was right but the risks were still to high. What if someone that went to help her got hurt then how was she going to feel about everything. "And what if Hayley gets hurt do you know how close the two of them have gotten."

"We took precuations all of them will be fine only one person is dying tonight and thats induna." She and Elena had made this plan so that if anything did happen everyone would still be fine.

"Are you sure about this Bonnie comple-"

Bonnie nodded she knew that everything was going to be ok. Because somehow Elena always survived anything that was thrown at her and this would not be an exception. Everything would be alright and they were all going to come home together. "She knows what she has to do Elena is the biggest Martyr of anyone here but one thing she has never done was abandoned those that she loved. She would never abandon anyone in this room and she would never leave Skylar without a mother she would never leave Ethan without a mother she knows what she is doing."

Next the final chapter the epilouge

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