The Mermaid and The Boy

By patumagoth

220 34 27

Max is an ordinary boy or so he thinks.He is dull according to those who do not know that he is dislexic.He i... More

Please read.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Thirteen

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By patumagoth

As I a walked underwater I had this thought, "I'm dead. This must be what it feels like to be dead."

Arianna snorted in her head and I rolled my eyes. Surprisingly that was possible as well. Death was weird

'If you keep up with the stupid thoughts I swear to God Maxwell I will drown you to death."

Now that wasn't fair because I didn't want to be In the water anyways. And what kind of manners is to bring your husband to your realm and threaten him?

"God will you shut up?" She snarled.

" Wow we can speak," Max grinned to which Ariana ignored and continued walking.

"And no we ain't swimming because you can't swim Maxwell. You are still human and you will learn as time goes on." She answered his thoughts.

Max found the whole scenario weird. She was walking under Lake. Had she lied about being a mermaid. What if this was some sick joke and he was being filmed right now. Once again Ariana answered his thoughts.

"You know Maxwell, I feel like there is some sort of mistake with your brains. And I feel sad that the elders thought we were meant to be. I can't show you my true form yet cause I don't want you panicking again but if you insist then here we go."

And she transformed. Her hair still remained black but it was now in beautiful locks. Her fish tail was silver with little bits of purple here and there. Her bra also happened to the color of her tail and Max found himself staring wide eyed at her. If he thought she had looked beautiful before now she was unearthly beautiful.

She smiled at his face and took his hand and dragged him deeper into the lake. Max couldn't even utter a word until they came across other merpeople who kept on bowing to them. Some stood there with looks of utter bewilderment and dislike or so he thought. The place looked like an underwater city with beautiful buildings and what appeared to be shops.

The swam or walked a bit longer until we saw oh my lovely God a f*** palace. Ariana smiled and I assumed she heard my thoughts. Servants greeted us with respect until we got to what I assumed was the throne room. My jaw dropped. The room was packed with merpeople as in there were were about a hundred if not more of them.

When we walked in the room that was buzzing with tense conversation went quiet. Everyone looked at us and I could see that most of them were not happy. They all stood up until we bowed to the king and queen. Ariana guided me to a throne next to her and an angry buzz broke about in the room.

"I think its high time we all kept quiet." The king said in calm tone.
Suddenly the noise died down and everyone looked at the king. There were two empty thrones which Max assumed belonged to Ayesha and Nyaminyami.

"I'm pretty sure that you all know why we are gathered here today. We have a huge problem on our hands which we have to solve as soon as possible." The king went on.

Suddenly a middle aged mermen stood up. He seemed more angry than anyone else in the room.

"Your majesty I'm sorry to interrupt your speech but we are in this situation because of these humans that you have harbored in the first place. When you made a snake our Prince we kept mum. Now you bring a human boy to rule over us? This can't happen. That boy does not deserve that throne!"

Almost everyone started mumbling again. It seemed most of them were in agreement with the man.

"Elder Zwide I get your point but you know very well these are sacrifices I had to make as a king. I sacrificed my daughters for the sake of our peace." Responded the king but Max could tell he was getting angry.

"That's One of the Nine elders. The others are not here because of the situation. He is also supposed to be the next in line to the throne so im sure you understand the situation." Ariana looked at me.

"Yeah it seems everyone is not thrilled about our happy union." Max smiled.

He could tell that this was a serious matter. There was a lot at stake here and he wasn't going to let anyone doubt him anymore. His whole life he had to live with the fact that he was not good enough. Not anymore! He would do anything to protect Ariana and her family position even if it killed him.

"And what about that girl that your supposed son in law law kidnapped. The whole town thinks we have her and they are waiting for her to comeback. Everyone here knows that we stopped blessing humans a long time ago so how are we handling that one your majesty?" Another elder asked.

Max could tell he was an elder because he had a different aura to everyone in the room. The five elders that were present were all surrounded by purple and gold which meant they were royalty. These were royal colors. How he could tell that? He had no idea as well.

Ariana answered, "We're you suggesting tell the villagers that Nyaminyami is back your Lordship? We can do that. You can go head and inform them through mediums but im sure you remember what happened the last time humans met with my brother in law."

"Says the one who is no longer fully one of us. Shouldn't you be on the ground enjoying Kindergarten with your boyfriend kid?" Sneered Elder Zwide. "You are not even supposed to be invited for these meetings anymore."

Suddenly the water started swirling around the elder. It was surrounding him like a whirlwind making sure he couldn't move or talk. The water was angrily fighting him from every angle.
The room went crazy. Everyone was trying to figure out what was happening bit no one could get close enough to the elder.

Max was sitting with his fists clenched his red eyes boring at the elder. For the first time Ariana's mother spoke. It was in calm and collected voice but she looked at him.

"That's enough Maxwell." She said.

The water stopped. Max unclenched his fists but his eyes remained red. Everyone was now looking at him as if for the first time.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and understood it was time to go. Without a word to anyone Ariana guided him out of the room and this time the journey back to land was fast. It seemed the water was obeying him understanding his anger.

"It's ok Max can you look at me now? Please?" She begged mentally.

And he did. She was now in human form sitting opposite him on the sandy beach. Her hair was now different again. The locks were gone but she still looked alluring. It was as if he was seeing her again for the first time.

She was no longer the girl he hated. Her eyes were filled with tears and concern for him. He leaned closer to her face touching it, feeling the smooth skin.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked gently.

He knew the answer so he closed the gap and kissed her gently on the lips.

Hi guys
I'm so sorry for the very late update but I hope you enjoy this chapter. Its been long hasn't it? Almost a year but im back from my internship and lookout for weekly updates along with upcoming books.

Instagram: regalgothwrites.
Twitter: Patumagoth

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