A Secret Curse | Yandere Hogw...

By PercabethFanLiz

686K 24.7K 10K

When an Hufflepuff accidentally gets a harem of yandere's instead of a good grade in her OWL exams. "You are... More

--stormy days
-- love
--red head
--mi amor
--ours only
--3 troubles
--not belonged


31.2K 930 939
By PercabethFanLiz

Dear Diary,

How many people am I going to meet?|


After the weird encounter, y/n decided it was time to stop socializing. It was time to discover more events about Hogwarts.

More specifically, about the Slytherin society and why they were so hated. She knew how her parents despise people in that house. She knew how her parents spoke badly about them, doing mischief things.

But if she truly wanted to understand her parents, she needed to do research.

Her hands skidded through the various books on the shelf. She was at the very end of the library, where nobody usually went. Perhaps it was because they only read for their studies, not for their desires.

However, y/n was a curious one.

Numerous of books were scattered on the desk, all about the houses and uses of them. She only saw a little that talked about Slytherin.

However, they only talked about the history of how people were chosen to be Slytherin. Not how they were hated.

On a verge of giving up, she banged her head on the wooden table. She didn't realize how hard she hit it before a jolt of pain rushed up her forehead, causing her to lift her head up and hold it with agony.

"Shit, that hurts.." she muttered.

However, from the pile of books, one book slid over and fell to the ground. A thud following through it.

Startled as she was, she looked over to see what fell over. A black, plain book laid upon.

Tom Marvalo Riddle, the big letters read.

The name seemed fairly familiar like it was an ancestor. But nevertheless of the familiarity, the names gave her chills. It was like the name was cursed in some sort of way.

Leaning down slowly to the book, her hand skidded softly through the fabric.

Cold. Like nobody has ever touched it in a million years.

Sitting back on her chair, she opened the book. Hoping it would find answers to the Slytherin's heritage.

But to her utter surprise, the book was filled with nothing. Absolutely empty, no words, contents or even page numbers are filled in the book.

It was like a diary.

Picking up a quill next to her, she began writing her first words; Dear Diary,

However, before she could write another word inside the book, the words disappeared.

Y/n's eyebrows twitched in confusion.

The hell?

She scribbled her quill on the paper, seeing if what she saw was really true.

The messy scribbled once again disappeared, erased from the book like she hadn't wrote on it.

What was causing this magic to happen?

Than, she got another idea.

Tightening her grip on the quip, she began writing one single word that'll sure answer her question;


The world dissolved into the paper.

She waited, and waited until she saw something.

Hello. A word was placed on the book, making her widen her eyes.

Somebody was talking to her throughout book, right?

Before she could lose this mysterious person, she kept on writing.

My name is Y/N L/N.

A proper conversation equaled introduction, so y/n thought by starting this weird conversation by saying their names.

The words disappeared until a new one was formed;

Nice to meet you , Y/N L/N, My name is Tom Marvalo Riddle.

Y/n's suspicions were true about who she was talking to. It was the owner of the diary. Little hairs upon her neck began to grow, making Y/n gulp. She could be talking to a naughty wizard.

Maybe she was talking to a murderer.

No, y/n thought. Despite the possibility of it being true, she didn't want to think that. Perhaps was this person a Slytherin?

The sudden idea had given her the courage to ask the question; Are you a Slytherin, Tom?

The words dissolved rather slowly, like it was processing the information of the question. The paper they had been writing on was blank. Which was unusual since it taken 3 seconds for him to respond.

Was the question she was asking offend him in some sort?

It was half a minute passed before she received a response; Yes, I am.

The answer made Y/n have a tinsy bit of hope. Surely, a guy who can communicate through a book sure does have intelligence about his house's heritage. Right?

She began writing,

Do you know any informations about why Slytherin is a hated house? Or any information about the behaviors at all?

The questions took up all of the space of the book, barely the question mark filling through. She leaned her body at the back of the chair, awaiting for his response.

This mysterious Tom could help me, right?, Y/n questioned inside of her.

I do, and I will give you such information if you will  give me something in return afterwards.

Tilting her head, she wrote; Like what?

Nothing of your worries for now. Would you like to speak in person?

A handful of chills were pricking y/n's spine, making her shiver at the question. Would she?

She wrote; Okay, how do I meet you?


There Y/n was, standing at the center of the hallway with the book placed in her hands. She followed his instructions on going to the girls bathroom.

She stood still, the book open in her left hand while her want on her right. Being scared was an understatement, she was terrified.

What if she got caught?

She looked down at the book, seeing the words appearing at the front; You must know how to speak Parseltongue.

An abrupt to her breathing came to a halt.

Her eyelids twitched, than looked at her wand. It wasn't that she wasn't worthy of speaking Parseltongue, in fact it was a trait she had developed from her greatest ancestors. From her fathers family, who he disgraced Y/n of having such a Slytherin trait.

She never wanted to use the language, in fact she wanted to get rid of the trait.

But she needed to get more information about the Slytherins, possibly to find out more about the heritage. She wanted to see if her parents were right about the Slytherin rumors they've said. If not, she has proof for her brother not to be disowned.

"Open." Y/n hissed, her direction on the tap of the snake on the side of the fossil.

The snake moved into the floor, making y/n stumble back with almost dropping the book. The noise was loud, that she was sure to be caught.

Her eyes closed as the sounds were vibrating through her body. She began thinking is was such an idiotic decision to listen to a guy that can possess words in a diary.

The noise came to a halt, which made y/n let out a breath of relief. She opened her eyes, oh for them to widen as the once bathroom fossil was replaced with a tunnel leading downwards.

This is what he meant, Y/n thought. She took three steps forward to the tunnel before looking down, making a surprised sound.

The path was dark, dark enough for even eyes of an owl cannot see.

She could already imagine her mother's words when she realized what she's done. Not only will her brother will be disowned, but she'll have to join him.

"Tsk." Y/n muttered, putting her foot on the edge.

"I ain't no pussy."

With that, she jumped inside into the pit of darkness. Her presence leaving Hogwarts, and into the chambers of secrets.


She was ready to die, holding her breath as she felt herself falling into the pit.

A loud thud was heard, her body lying on the floor with an aching pain from her back. She groaned in agony, rolling to her side to check her hands.

Specks of blood appeared, yet it seemed harmless.

She didn't die, which she was grateful for.

Slowly, her carefully she got up. Pulling herself up on one leg, to another before she was standing in a slanted way.

The diary was still clutched on her arm, making her loosen her hold.

Make sure to land on your feet. The last sentence was what Tom last said before it faded away once she read it.

"Thanks for the warning.." She muttered, before trudging along the pathway.

She couldn't waste anymore time on being in pain, she needed to meet this guy. This familiar name was killing her.

Just where had she heard his name from?

A source of light came through her sight, making her squint to get a better look.

He must be in here, she thought with a determined look.

She trudged faster to the path of light, and soon the dirt beneath her became cement. Black cement through the long path.

Y/n grew quite annoyed on how long the way was, so she sped up her pace until she saw it.

Saw him.

She stopped when she was about 3 feet away.

There, sat surprisingly a boy who had his eyes closed in the middle of the room.

Or, chamber.

But she wasn't aware of the room she was in, instead she was shocked to see the boy. The boy who was voldemort.

Y/n never knew she had to mention the name that killed the famous Harry Potter's parents, nor does she think he was even alive. She thought Harry killed him when he first mentioned it in their second year.

The description of the boy Harry described was clear. As well as the taunting name she had thought sounded familiar.

Trembling out of fear, the boy spoke;

"Well, it's about time you arrive. Though.. I did not expect to see a girl come." Finally, he opened his eyes and there it was. His cold-emotionless eyes that held vengeance. Perhaps wanting to get revenge because of Harry.

"You're suppose to be dead ages ago. How are you alive?" Y/n sputtered, gripping the diary in her hand.

"Oh? Did Potter tell you that?" His eyes began widening while he smiled insanely.

"He thought he could've killed me? The one whom killed his parents?!" He stood up, his smile never leaving him. Y/n found it creepy, though most villains acted the way Tom was.

"That's absurd! Lies he told you all. All of you fools actually believed a boy with a stupid scar can actually defeat The Who must not be named?" He mocked at the name people gave him, beginning to stride around his area.

"That bastard. Ill make a comeback, and show him." He muttered, slowly stopping his pace.

"What, wait. Hold on.." Y/n said, making him look towards the girl.

"Care to explain how the hell you are alive?!"

He smiled once more; "Oh, It's quite simple really. I just regenerated into another copy of a diary." He said it with a professional tone that it almost made sense to Y/n, yet it didn't.

"Excuse me, what? That's impossible-"

"You think I'm dumb enough to not be prepared for death? I will not die. Never will I plan on dying."

Y/n gritted her teeth. For some reason, she didn't like the tone of him.

"You should've died ages ago! I could kill you right now-"

"L/n was your last name, was it?" Tom interrupted, putting a curious look on his face.

Y/n stopped talking abruptly, giving a raised eyebrow.

"Hm.. you're related to D/n, aren't you?" He questioned, giving a glance at the girl.

Y/n, on the other hand was flabbergasted at his statement. Tom Riddle knows her own father?

She couldn't speak properly, only thinking that it's impossible for him to know.

"How- how do you know?" She questioned.

He put on a sly grin, edging closer to her.

"You do know I existed in the time your father was still at Hogwarts, right?"

She tilted her head; "But you.. you're young. You look young.. you're a damn boy!" Y/n cried, flapping her arms around like a maniac.

"I am a boy. In fact, I'm still a boy several decades later. I should've been grown by now, and conquer the magical world. But I was stopped.. and now." He gestures towards himself.

"I'm stuck like this." He sighed sadly, putting a hand on his forehead. But he slowly recovered with a sarcastic smile.

"You wanted to know about the heritage of the Slytherins, right?"

The girl who remained silent gave a scoff,

"Like hell I would learn from you."

"Hm." He hummed, walking right in front of the girl. They stood about 5 centimeters away from each other, his height slowly towering over the girl.

"I'm the most feared one of this magical realm. I am the answer to why everyone fears the Slytherins. I know your parents, they sure know me. I'll tell you all you need to know, but I need something in return."

While he made his speech, Y/n processed his deal. He's Voldemort, the most feared Slytherin. He knows information that I don't. Perhaps neither does anybody know. If I can know these information about Slytherins, and about my parents.. Y/n stopped her thinking for a second, slowly looking up.

He's voldemort, though. I should kill him right now before he has another body to kill.

"Answer my question, how are you alive?"

He scoffed, "Idiot, I just told you."

"It doesn't make sense on how you can just regenerate into another diary." Y/n explained, gripping her hands.

"Oh, what a fool you are. If I tell you, is that a yes to our deal?"

"How does that have to do with our deal?"

He smiled, "That's a piece of information, isn't it?"


Y/n, you're making a deal with Voldemort here. How in earth can you trust this man?

"What if I tell Dumbledore about your appearance?"

"That's foolish. He wouldn't believe you. Nobody will."

Y/n looked at him on disbelief. She had proof.

"Well, what about this diary-" She showed her hand that once held the diary, making her widen her eyes.

"You mean this diary?" He held up the previous diary she was holding on too.

"You know, you did have a chance on telling him. It's easy to manipulate people into getting what I want."

"You're sick."

"I'm Voldemort, aren't I?"

Y/n was defenseless. She had no proof, and was stuck with Tom until she agrees to the deal. But the one thing that was bothering her was what does he want in return.

"Fine. I'll agree with your stupid deal."

"Easy to say than done, do you know what an un-breakable oath is?"

"Wait- what?! I said I agree! I promise! I'm not doing the oath that will cost my life." She sputtered, shaking her head furiously.

"If you promise, and keep your promise.. there would be no harm done to you."

She sighed; "I forgot my wand."

"Damn, you're really stupid."

"Hey!" Y/n said. She was offended on how he could insult her when he's stuck in the chamber.

"I swear I will." Y/n promised, pressing a hand against her chest.

Tom studied her with a stern yet focused gaze, almost like he was analyzing the person's lie in front of him.

Y/n grew anxious about his stare, but kept her gaze on him to not show any fear. She thought she would be burnt under his harsh eyes, but to her surprise he sighed.

"I used legilimency on you. It seems you're truthful. Maybe too truthful." He muttered at the last part.

"Whatever, the un-breakable vow wouldn't work anyways. For I am still a memory until my diary develops power."

This made y/n scrunch her eyebrows; "What? So-"

Y/n reached out to touch his arm, only for her hand to go through him. This was another sad fact for Y/n, since she couldn't hurt him.

"Should've asked before doing it." He huffed, walking away from the girl with the diary In his hands.

"Where are you-"

"I need to explain to you how I'm alive, right?"

This chapter makes no sense- BUT BARE WITH ME!

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