Oleh hazzoranstories

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Oleh hazzoranstories



THE VERY DELAYED dinner was silent as Leighton and Devayn ate their last meal with Johanna and Beatrice. Since they would be only seeing their stylists before being sent in the arena, this was their last night together. Leighton had little to no trouble besides wanting to get some last minutes tips from Johanna while Devyn couldn't bear thinking about saying goodbye to her. Once dinner was cleared off, they all stood with sighs.

"We both wish you the best of luck," Beatrice glowed, embracing both the tributes in a tight yet fake hug. Both smiled, knowing Beatrice was only trying to be nice in her own way.

"Any last tips?" Leighton asked Johanna, who placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Retreat rather than fight. When that gong goes off, you run, understand me? Don't even think about it and focus on survival first. Only fight when you must," she said firmly, and Leighton nodded, absorbing every bit of information before greeting the women goodnight. Devyn didn't listen to Johanna's help and instead engulfed her in a hug.

"I love you, Jo. Take care of her for me," she whispered, her voice breaking as Johanna brought her closer. She couldn't speak as they broke the hug, and she wiped Devyn's new sprung-up tears away.

"I will. But you can't give up now, Dev. Even if you have no hope, please don't stop fighting. For both our's sake," Johanna choked out, trying her best not to sob, especially in front of Beatrice.

"I'll die trying," Devyn said and Johanna nodded, pulling her in for a final hug before kissing her head and walking to her room. Beatrice soon went to her room after smiling towards Devyn. The moment Beatrice's door was closed, Devyn raced out of the apartment and to the elevator. She did her best to rub away her tear stains as the elevator shot down. She was shocked and gripped onto the inner railing as the falling sensation finally stopped.

She jerked as it came to a screeching halt, and the doors opened. In walked Cato, who was surprised at seeing Devyn. Not that she had the same idea of going up to the roof, but the timing of both of them pressing the buttons. He smiled with a closed mouth as the door closed, and he clicked the roof button.

"Hey," he muttered, but she didn't reply. She didn't want to discuss everything from tonight with Cato after saying such an emotional goodbye to Johanna. She was emotionally exhausted. "So about the interview —" The elevator flew up.

"Cato," Devyn cut him off, and he raised an eyebrow. "I really don't feel like talking right now."

Cato let out a soft chuckle. "Good, because I don't feel like it either."

"Then why are you?"

"To irritate you," he said much lower, turning his body to face her. Deyn glanced at him and saw a sly smirk across his face. She was going to turn back, but Cato grabbed her waist and placed his lips on hers. Her eyes widened, and her first instinct was to push him away, but after a second of processing, she realized that she was enjoying it.

She placed her hand on the back of Cato's neck and brought him down. They both gasped for air from the little breaks they got when they moved away slightly, only to pull each other back in. Neither of them could believe they were doing this, especially the night before they'll both get shipped off to fight in a death arena. But a kiss was exactly what they needed. Cato was stressed about the games and now the new love story he and Devyn had announced with Caesar. And Devyn was craving psychical affection more than anyone right now.

The elevator doors opened, and Cato guided the two out. They stood in the cool night air as their hands laced together, Cato's going over Devyn's in such a manner that showed her that everything he was doing right now and every feeling was genuine. It reassured her and made her feel safe like he would protect her like he promised he would.

They gradually disconnected, taking long breaths as Devyn rested her head against Cato's rising chest. One of his hands went running through her still wavy hair while the other still had her own hand in a tight hold. "I haven't felt like that in a long time," Devyn whispered, hesitantly reaching out to wrap her arms around his torso, which he accepted.

"Felt what?"

"Bliss. Pure euphoria to the point where you forget everything around you," he couldn't help the slight smirk of triumph after hearing what he could do to her so easily. He was glad something as simple as a kiss could make Devyn weak in the knees and forget about all her issues because god knows she needed peace for just a moment of her life.

He grabbed her chin between his fingers and kissed her again, but this much shorter and more for the sake of wanting to feel that addictive feeling again. "You know I meant it, right? In the interview about you catching my eye," he hummed, and Devyn chuckled.

"Right after you called me an idiot."

"I didn't mean that. I have to keep my reputation, especially in interviews like that. If anything, you've made me question these games more than anyone I've known. You have to believe me."

"But that's the thing," Devyn said, backing out of Cato's arms. "I can't tell what's real and what's a lie anymore. You were right saying I was easily manipulated, so maybe this is just another game to you."

He grabbed her hand, preventing her from stepping back any further. "Don't say that, Devyn. I was intimidated and foolish, and the moment I said those words to you, I felt guilty. I saw the look in your eyes and knew that you weren't some normal girl I could mess up."

"Then what am I?"

"You're a fighter which may sound crazy, especially when in the context of a relationship, but it's true. You don't let yourself or others you care about get dragged down despite your doubts. You aren't scared of me like most people are. You knew right away the second you spoke to me that I wasn't some merciless killer. And maybe you tricked your mind into thinking that, but your gut knew the truth. You were empathic towards me and my pathetic situation."

"It's not pathetic —"

"You said so yourself."

"Yes, well, you didn't choose this path. District two brainwashed you."

"So you're saying that if I were raised in District seven, I would've turned out differently?"

"Something similar to Leighton depending on your wealth," Devyn smirked while Cato scoffed, thinking of it as an insult.

She giggled, and Cato stopped being offended and stared at her. "Thank you. For everything you've taught me since we've met."

"And thank you."

"I haven't taught you a thing —"

"You taught me how to wield a sword," Cato laughed loudly, bringing Devyn into an embrace.

"Tomorrow, when everything starts, I promise on my life that you will get out of the bloodbath alive. Then we can meet up, and I'll keep adding to my promises, alright?" He broke the hug and smiled down at Devyn.

"You better keep them, two."

"I will."


"Come on! Get going," Vanity pushed Devyn out of the elevator, who sighed heavily and walked to the hovercraft Vanity pointed to. She looked to the other one and saw people like Katniss, Rue and most of the careers boarding the first one while she, Leighton, and Peeta boarded the second. Before boarding the stylist hovercraft, Vanity said a short goodbye, and Devyn was shoved through the doors.

She sat down with Leighton on one side and the mangled boy from District ten on the other. She felt odd as she saw the rest of the tributes sit down and get the trackers injected in their arms. She only recognized two besides Leighton and Peeta: the girl from District four who was part of the careers alliance but nothing special, and the boy from District six who Cato had threatened during training. The rest were vague remembrances from Reapings, training, and interviews which she didn't pay attention to.

When the Peacekeeper holding the syringe got to Devyn, she held out her arm, preparing for the impact, and she winced when the tracker floated through her arm. She wasn't ready for this, but she had to put on a face of confidence so the other tributes and the Gamemakers wouldn't consider her a weak little girl who wasn't deserving of an eleven.


Devyn went numb when she walked through the door to meet Vanity again. She felt dizzy getting off the hovercraft, overwhelming nausea and emotions finally hit her, but it only caused her to freeze even more. Vanity did her hair in a ponytail with her bangs falling naturally, just how Ophelia used to do it. Much to Vanity's displeasure, she had to dress Devyn in olive cargo pants, a tawny-colored jacket with a matching v-neck, brown buckle boots.

Devyn didn't mind the outfit, and it reminded her the most of home since she arrived in The Capitol. As Vanity was putting the finishing touches, an electronic voice went through the room. "Twenty seconds." Vanity huffed.

"That will have to do," she fussed and guided Devyn over to the tribute tube. As she stepped in, Vanity smiled brightly. "Try to keep your bangs out of your face so the cameras can see your beautiful face."

"Ten seconds."

Devyn didn't reply and didn't even get mad at Vanity for such ridiculous advice. However, she did glare at her as the tube enclosed the area around her. The platform under her jerked up, but Devyn didn't even flinch. As she moved up to the arena and the sun spilled out, she tried adjusting her vision as quickly as possible.

Her now numbness had turned into adrenaline, but she still had no idea what was happening. She looked around, and a warm feeling spread through her at the sight of lush forests to her left, a lake behind her, and she could barely see the presence of a wheat field to her right, which was concealed from many other tributes by the large cliff shielding it.

She had no idea where to go first. She knew she had to run away like Johanna had said, despite there being over five axes scattered around the middle where the cornucopia lay. She didn't really have a plan, and after realizing that, she began to freak out.

She would do best in the forest, but the wheat field had guaranteed food. The lake was an obvious trap; the careers would take over that area the first chance they got. But in the forest, Devyn would feel comfortable, and it was what she knew best. She could gather plants and hunt for water high above ground in the trees.

And then came the decision if she should listen to Johanna or not. It was stupid not to listen, but her brain kept tricking her into thinking she needed a weapon. She had almost no offensive skills besides hand-to-hand, which definitely couldn't defend against one of Clove's knives or Marvel's spears. And people like Thresh could crush her in an instant if she were to run and try to grab an ax.

She now only had ten seconds to make up her mind. But she couldn't calm it as she tried not to fall off the platform with her brain so occupied. If an inexperienced tribute like any from three, five, six, eight, nine, or ten came at her, she could easily take them out, but they were the least likely to get weapons and try to fight a girl with an eleven training score.

She tried looking around for anyone she knew as the last few seconds were counting down. She could barely see Peeta around the corner next to Thresh and Glimmer. She couldn't find Leighton or Cato as the gong chimed in her ears.

She sprinted off her pedestal and towards the Cornucopia without a second thought. She could already hear Johanna's screaming at her to turn around and follow her directions as Leighton probably had, but she didn't care. Her adrenaline took over, and she was one of the first to get close to the middle.

The rapid stabbing, strangling, and killing of other children around her didn't even phase as she went to the center of the golden horn. She grabbed a throwing ax before retreating. Sweat quickly collected under her jacket as she avoided all the ongoing fights. She was just making it out of the main circle of death when the boy from District five tackled her to the ground. He was rather burly and tall and was one of the more skilled tributes from the weaker list. He was no Cato or Marvel, but she could see him possibly killing Peeta if luck was in his favor.

He held a sickle in his hand as he held Devyn down with the other. Before he could make so much as a hit, Devyn bashed the side of his head in with her ax. He collapsed on top of her, blood coating her face as she shoved him off her and continued running. Some of the sticky hot liquid burned her eyes and stained her hair, but she kept going.

At the last minute, she saw a backpack in an unoccupied area and grabbed it, slinging it over her shoulders as she disappeared into the trees. She panted so hard as she stumbled through the woods, barely holding onto everything she was carrying, but she knew she couldn't stop until all the fighting was over and she was in a safe location. It had been only ten minutes of running when she stopped and hunched over, throwing up any food she still had in her stomach before she left the Tribute Center.

When she somewhat recovered, she could still hear rustling in the leaves, so she shoved her ax in the backpack she hadn't even looked in yet and climbed the nearest tree. She didn't care if it was sturdy or not. But based on how the first few branches didn't break when she stepped on them, she knew she was fine.

When she got high enough, she slung herself over a thick branch and took a deep breath. She had no idea what had just happened, but all she knew was that she was now in a tree with a backpack and an ax. These were the only things she needed to survive, and she got them. She could kill with an ax, store things in a backpack, and move much quicker without having to constantly worry about which tree would be the fastest to climb if she was ambushed.

She finally brought herself down to Earth enough to search what was in her backpack. An extra jacket rolled up neatly, a pair of extra socks, two packs of dried fruit, a mediocre first-aid kit, a box of wooden matches, a small canteen with a bottle of iodine, rope, and the tiniest dagger that could only be used to cut apart small pieces of meat if she was lucky to find any. However, the backpack was the brightest yellow you could find, which Devyn knew would result in some problems if she didn't camouflage it soon.

She put everything back in her backpack, including her ax, and huffed, noticing just how exhausted the morning had made her. In minutes she found a comfortable enough branch to tie herself to and pushed off any survival skills as she felt the familiar and haunting dawn of sleep take over.

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