
By luvgirlmarie

201K 5.7K 3K

Seven's life has been rough, she lost her mother at a young age and her father recently passed away months ag... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six.
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty one
Chapter forty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
chapter forty five

Chapter thirty four.

2K 61 2
By luvgirlmarie

Seven woke up to the sound of Santana crying, She decided it was best to leave after her argument with Cree so they were back home now. After getting up and feeding him she was about to turn on one of her shows and fold some clothes. But as soon as she sat back down there was a knock on the front door. She knew that Loren was already gone for work so she would have to go get it.  After picking Santana up she left out her room to see who it was. "It's me." A voice said. She looked out the window and signed loudly. "What you doing here Devon?" She said cracking the door open. "Let me in. I wanna talk to you and I wanna see the baby." He said.

"You need to leave." Seven said. "I know where we ended off wasn't the best. But I just wanna hold my son. I won't say nothing out of line to you I swear." Devon said. "How yo girl friend feel about you being here right now?" She asked. "She don't know I'm here. What that got to do with it tho? You got yo nigga right? Now I got me somebody you mad and you can't take it." Devon said. "Mad? Never that. Just don't be talking shit then pop up saying you wanna see your quote on quote son." Seven said. "Can I just come in? I didn't come to argue with you. I just wanna see him." He said. "I don't know Devon." She said. "Please? Just let me see him." He said. She was quiet for a moment. "You can hold him but you ain't staying long. Come on." She said as she unlocked the screen door. He walked in.

"I'm sorry for saying all that out there. Deep down I'm still mad at myself for fucking up what we had like that. And I take it out on you. I'm tryna change that I swear I am. For you and Santana." Devon said. "Mhm I bet, go wash your hands." Seven said. "Okay. Now that I'm in the house its some I gotta call you out on. Then I'm done." Devon said. "Call me out? I haven't did anything wrong." She said. "For starters you sent that nigga to my house in the middle of the night to put his hands on me." Devon said. "You kissed me without consent. What you think was gonna happen?" Seven asked.

"I just thought you was better than that. I thought we was better than that." Devon said. "Well I thought so too. Cause you know the stuff you said to me was out of line." She said. "I already apologized for that. Now as I was saying. Ian like how you didn't call me when you had the baby. You know I wanted to be there." He said as he reached out to grab Santana. "Yeah well just the week before you was saying you wanted no dealings. So how would I know how you were gonna act when you got there? Come on now Devon don't sit there and act like you innocent in this situation." Seven said making sure he was holding the baby right. "I never said I was but I do feel like I deserved to be there when my son came into this world. Not some random nigga and his family. Fuck typa shit you on Seven." Devon said.

"Random? No you mean there the whole time? There for all my appointments, there for me when all I could do was lay in the bed all day, there for me when I was crying, scared if I would even be a good mother or not. He was there Devon. Not you. He took me being pregnant better than you did. And he stepped up. You didn't even care about me or the baby until you saw that I was finally happy again. And you know that shit so just stop. Stop playing victim." Seven said feeling herself get mad. "Calm down. He can tell when we arguing. Babies don't like that." Devon said. "Ohh. Cause I forgot you're a expert on babies. You haven't changed one diaper sit down." Seven said waving him off.

"Okay I know that Seven but I'm trying to learn. I even read this book. I wanna be ready for him. For you and him." Devon said. "You had nine months to get ready." Seven said. "I hadn't even processed it then. But seeing him here now. Looking just like me. I know I can't keep playing games. I love him. I really do." Devon said smiling. "Well he actually looks like me. His mother. But I hear you Devon. I just hope you keep yo word this time." Seven said. "I am. And I'm sorry I never thanked you." He said. "For?" She asked. "For having yo shit together when I didn't. Being a good mom for our baby. I know we always talked about our future and us having kids. But the moment it became a reality I bailed on you. And I really am sorry for that. I was dead wrong." Devon said.

"Don't apologize to me Devon because I'm over that shit for real. Apologize to my son. And actually mean it. Don't go ghost on him just because me and you have a fall out." Seven said. "I won't. I'm here now Seven and I'm not leaving again." Devon said as he looked down at the baby. "Okay. This is your last chance to prove yourself to me and Santana. If you mess up again, that's it." She said. "I won't. Just tell me your boyfriend won't be a problem. Ion like him thinking this his baby when it's not." Devon said. "You have no right to say that. He's done more for Santana than you have." Seven said. "Yeah well I'm ready now. So he need to step back." Devon said. "Yeah whatever. It's time for you to leave." She said.

"Ight but before I go, it's my moms birthday tomorrow and I know she really wanted to see the baby." He said. "Oh really? I thought she ain't want me to have him." Seven said. "Yeah well he here now. And she even bought him some clothes and bottles. I just wanna know can he come spend the night with me? Just for tonight and I can bring him back tomorrow?" Devon asked. "Absolutely not. You are not taking my baby with you for a whole day and over night." Seven said. "Why? I'm his father." He said. "You're a stranger to him. You don't show up one day playing dad, thinking you can just take him with you. And you don't even know how to take care of him. I don't trust you." Seven said.

"Are you dead ass? After all I just said and you still don't trust me Seven?" Devon asked. "You've said it before. Until you show me that you're ready to be in my sons life and be responsible he's not going with you. I can bring him by for a couple hours tomorrow but that's it." Seven said. "So you just gone pick and chose when I get to see him? How is that fair?" He asked. "I'm his mother and I'm gonna do what I feel is best for my son. You lost the right to call any shots when you abandoned us the first time. See yourself out Devon. I'll call you later." Seven said pointing to the door. He signed heavily before standing up and kissing Santana goodbye. "I meant what I said Seven. I'll show you." Devon said before walking out the door. "Yeah we'll see." She said to herself.


"Aniya. Where's my baby at?" June asked as he watched her pull a pencil skirt over her wide hips. She looked at him in confusion. "What you talking bout?" She asked. "You know." He said. "I actually don't. Oh and when I get back from work you need to be gone. I'm having company." Aniya said. "Yeah okay. I'm for real tho. You should be showing by now or something." June said standing up. "You talking crazy now." Aniya said. "I'm for real. I been tryna get you pregnant for months now." He admitted. Her mouth dropped. "June why you playing?" She asked. "I'm serious. I want a family." He said with a smile.

"Every time I think you getting better June. More crazy shit." Aniya said shaking her head. "Wow so everybody else in my family have a baby it's oh so cute. it's "June you need to be more like your brother and settle down." But then when I try to do it, I'm crazy? How Aniya? Please tell me how." June said. "Because the last thing we need right now is a baby June. We aren't in a good place at all we not even together. Just cause we been fucking don't mean I forgive you." Aniya said. "Well now you sound like the crazy one." June said with a shrug. "You really make me sick. Sick to my stomach June get out." She said.

"Morning sickness typa sick?" June asked with a smirk. Aniya rolled her eyes as she pulled her hair up into a sleek ponytail. "I have to go. I can't be late again." She said grabbing her purse off her dresser. "Fuck them bad ass kids they can have a sub. You should stay home today, let me make it up to you." He said. "No I have to give a test today and plan lessons for next week. I'm leaving now." Aniya said pulling out her keys. "Well let me drive you." June said. "No you only saying that so you can come pick me up and harass my kids." She said. "Those kids love me and you know it." June said. "Yeah that's cause they don't know how much of a damn fool you are. Bye June. See yourself out." Aniya said before leaving.

June pulled himself out her bed and grabbed his phone. He saw he had a missed call from Ace and quickly called back. "June nigga yo ass just waking up? That's why you get no fucking money now." Ace yelled. "Good morning to you too nigga damn. Fuck yo ass doing calling me that early anyways?" June asked. "Bring yo ass to the club now and have Creation come with you. Got business to discuss with you niggas. Hurry up I got places to be." Ace said. "Nigga you on my time." June said before hanging up the phone. He got up and starting getting dressed as he called Cree. "Yo." He said into the phone. "What's the word?" Cree said. "What you doing?" June asked. "Getting the kids ready to go with moms for the day. Why?" Cree asked.

"Ace just hit me and said we needa meet em at the club. Say he got some business he wanna talk about." June said. "I already got that meeting later at four." Cree said. "Nigga I know, we finna do this now tho." June said. "Ight let me drop off my kids then ima swing by and get you." Cree said. "Ight cool. I'm at Aniya new crib." June said. "Shaking my head." Cree said. "Ion know why. I've done nothing wrong." June said. "You need to leave her alone I'm starting to feel bad for her." Cree said. "I don't know why. That's my Nubian Queen." June said. "Bye." Cree said before hanging up the phone. June let out a laugh.


"Say hi uncle." Seven said in a baby voice as Laron held Santana. "Stop talking to him like he slow." Laron said. "Please shut up. I can't help it." Seven said laughing. "I missed y'all." Laron said. "We missed you too. I'm glad you back I been bored. Loren is never here and Tyarra always coddling me and the baby." Seven said. "Yeah well Loren just tryna make sure you and the baby taken care of and Tyarra just looking out for y'all." Laron said. "Yeah I know. But sometimes I just need someone to talk to." Seven said. "Well I'm here now. Talk to me sis." Laron said. "It's about Devon. He came over here this morning." Seven said.

"What?" Laron asked. "Yeah. He came to see Santana. I didn't wanna let him in but I figured it was time." Seven said. "Aw shit. So how that go?" He asked. "It went better than I thought it would. He was just saying how he was sorry for all the bad stuff he said and he wasn't ready at first but now he is and he even asked if he could keep him for the night. I mean I shut it down because Ion really trust him like that yet. Plus Santana don't even know him or his family, I just want him with me. At least for now." Seven said. "So lil nigga tryna step up. For real this time?" Laron asked. "Yeah that's what he say. But I go off actions. Not words. We'll see if he keep it up." Seven said.

"Yeah we'll see. How yo boy feel about all this?" Laron asked. "Creation? We ain't been talking." Seven said. "What's up with that?" He asked. "We got into it a couple days ago. And I'm not gonna apologize about it so we just not gonna talk." Seven said. "If you was wrong then say sorry." Laron said. "I'm not doing that, I feel like he should." Seven said. "Nah yo ass crazy just like Loren. Why should he apologize?" Laron asked. "Because it's his fault we was arguing in the first place. He the one who lied to me about shit so of course I'm not gonna trust him now." Seven said.

"Maybe you should tell him that." Laron said. "He just gonna say I'm making everything a big deal. And ima get even more mad and say something ion mean and the argument will be worse." Seven said. "Stop overthinking so much. Shit giving me a headache." Laron said before getting up. "Really?" Seven said. "Yes. Call that nigga." He said before walking off. "Whatever ian calling him." She said crossing her arms. Her phone starting ringing and she picked up once she saw it was Dream. "Hey." Seven said as she looked into the camera. "Hey what you up to?" Dream asked.

"Nothing I'm just sitting here with Santana. Why?" Seven said. "I was gonna go to some stores today and wanted to see if you would come with me. To help me pick out some new clothes, I can't fit anything anymore. I would go with Chloe but she just gonna laugh at my big ass. And miracle isn't in town." Dream said. "Damn you know I would go but my brother just left out and I don't have anyone to watch the baby." Seven said. "I can ask moms if she will. I know she gonna be watching Cj and Bailey today anyways." Dream said. "Alright. Let me know what she says." Seven said. "Okay I'll call her." Dream said. "Cree won't be there will he? I don't wanna see him." Seven said.

Dream laughed. "I don't know I'll find out. Y'all into it?" She asked. "Yeah kinda. We just got into it over that Anastasia girl." Seven said. "That be with Jorge and that other little bitch Amber?" Dream asked. "That's the one." Seven said. "Oh i don't trust neither one of those bitches. You need to watch em." Dream said. "Yeah I don't either. But Cree claims I have nothing to worry about." Seven said. "Well my brother isn't known to cheat, if it was June I would say be worried but it's Creation. I don't think he would do anything. But let me call moms. I'll get back at you." Dream said. "Alright." Seven said before hanging up.

It wasn't long before her phone was ringing again, but this time it was Cree. She rolled her eyes before picking up. "Hello?" He said. "So now you wanna call me?" Seven asked. "You say you ain't mad yet you answering the phone with a attitude." Cree said shaking his head. "Nah you're mistaken. I don't have a attitude." Seven said. "Sound like you do to me. I miss you that's why I called." Cree said. "Lies. If you missed me you would have came to pick me up. You don't love me no more Creation. Just admit that." Seven said. "Really?" Cree said. "Yes really." She said. "I can't come now. I'm busy and I will be later too. I was gone come see you tonight tho." Cree said. "Yeah I bet." Seven said. "You know I cut Anastasia off right. So you can stop being mad at me ova old shit now." Cree said. "What you telling me for? I told you ian care anyways." Seven said.

"You was lying tho. Ima talk to you later baby I'm pulling up to get June now." Cree said. "Yeah okay bye." Seven said. "I love you. I'll see you tonight right?" Cree asked. "I love you too. And yeah I guess. We got some things to talk about so don't be coming late as fuck." Seven said. "I won't. I'll see you then." Cree said before hanging up as June hopped into his truck. "It took you long enough nigga damn." June said. "Don't hop in my car talking that shit." Cree said. "I do what I want." June said. "Yeah whatever. What's up with you and Aniya?" Cree asked. "That's bae. We back together. Well she say we ain't but I say we is." June said with a shrug.

"Ion know why or how she puts up with yo bullshit." Cree said as he pulled off. "Of course you don't know why cause you ain't never been bent ova and killed from behind by me." June said. "Nigga ian never been bent over by nobody. And I didn't need to know that." Cree said shaking his head. "Well you said you ain't know why so I told you. I puts it down. Faithfully. When you got good dick you can do anything you want." June said. "I'm starting to worry about you." Cree said. "Ion know why. I should be worried about you, Stasia told me what you did." June said.

"What?" Cree said. "Yep. I was ova at her and Amber new spot last night. She told me all about it. How you cut her off for Seven. Mhm." June said. "Yeah well I actually care about how my girl feel. And she wasn't fucking with me and Anastasia friendship so I ended it." Cree said. "Cause deep down you have feelings for her and you guilty about it." June said. "You say anything." Cree said ignoring him. "Nigga if y'all really was just friends ain't no way you woulda cut her off. You woulda showed seven she really ain't have shit to worry about. But you cutting her off proved that it really is or was something going on. That's just my opinion tho." June said.

"Yeah well nigga ion recall asking for it." Cree said. "Just sayin nigga. Cause you like to walk around like you all high and mighty. But really you just like me." June said. "Nah. I'm not." Cree said correcting him. "Living in denial Creation. Living in denial." June said shaking his head. "Nigga please shut up. You talk too much." Cree said. "Somebody can't handle facts." June said. "Whatever nigga." Cree said. "You got all that paper ready for later?" June asked. "Yeah. I got everything I need, shit gone go real smooth." Cree said. "I still think I should come with you. Just incase some shit pop off." June said.

"Nah he ain't that typa nigga. Plus we meeting ova dinner and shit. Somewhere public. Niggas ain't gone pop off inner." Cree said. "Ight cool. I just hope everything go Ight." June said. "It will. Ian worried about it." Cree said. "Good." June said as the car came to a stop. "Now let's go see what this nigga want." Cree said as they hopped out the truck and walked into the club. It wasn't many people there because it wasn't open. Just a few workers and of course Ace. "I was starting to think y'all niggas wasn't coming. Let's go upstairs and talk." He said getting up out his chair and bringing a bottle with him.

They all walked up the stairs and into a room. "So what's up. Why you rushing us over here and shit?" June asked. "Cause I need a big ass favor and y'all the only fools in this city I trust." Ace said as he poured them all a drink. "Nigga what you need?" Cree asked. "You see Angel ain't here. He left town a few days ago and I need to be with him but I couldn't leave the club unattended." Ace said. "Why you ain't just have one of yo workers down there watch it for you?" June asked. "Them niggas ain't fit to run a club. We gone be gone for a while. Don't know when we'll be back these ways I need somebody who know what they doing and know how to manage money. Hold shit down til we get back." Ace said. "Nigga you just got this club up and running and you leaving already? What's up with that?" Cree asked. "That ain't yo business. We just gotta go take care of some shit. We'll be back." Ace said.

"Well you know we got you nigga. No questions asked." June said. "Yeah Fasho." Cree said. "I appreciate that shit man. I need one of y'all here tonight. That's when I'm leaving." Ace said. "Ight I'll slide through." June said. "Y'all both get twenty five percent. The other fifty need to be transferred into a account. We'll finish talking money later. I still got important shit to take care of before I bounce." Ace said. "Ight that's cool. Everything Ight?" Cree asked. "I'm handling it. That's all you needa know bro." Ace said. "Ight." Cree said. "Kacey should be sliding through soon too so be onna look out for that nigga. He gone be handling some things around here too." Ace said.

"Ight cool. Ain't seen that fool since Mexico." June said. "Yeah his flight should be here within the next few hours. Thanks for helping a nigga out. I owe y'all." Ace said. "You know we family nigga. Always gone be here if you need us." June said. "You know the same go for y'all. But I gotta go. Still gotta go see my youngins before I leave." Ace said. "Yeah go do that. We got everything under control here." June said. "Ight cool. Y'all can stay and have a few more drinks before y'all see y'all self out." Ace said. "Ight cool." Cree said as they watched him leave out. June looked over at Cree with a smile. "It's like money just fall into our laps." He said. "Mannn." Cree said smiling with him.


"You need to get a bunch of those because you definitely gonna be living in sweatpants those last couple months." Seven said as Dream looked through different jogging pants. "I'm not ready to let go of my fashion nova jeans." Dream said with a crying face. "Girl you'll be fine. They get uncomfortable after a while anyways and it's not like you can wear high waisted jeans over that big belly anyways." Seven said. "I know but damn." Dream said. "Get you some leggings too those gone be real comfortable." Seven added.

"This pregnancy is just too much I'm ready for it to be over." Dream said signing. "Girl you halfway there. Times gonna fly by after you find out the gender. Then before you know it you'll be holding your baby. And you won't even care about how crazy your pregnancy was. Well atleast that's how it was for me. It was all worth it when my baby got here." Seven said. "Yeah well mines need to hurry it up because mama needs a shot. A few." Dream said. They both laughed. "How's Jorge been dealing with everything?" Seven said.

"Girl he's just too much. He already started building the nursery and looking for nanny's." Dream said. "Oh I wish I had a nanny all the time. I barely get out these days. As a matter of fact I haven't went for a night out since I had the baby. A nanny would make things so much better. You gonna be so happy he's doing all this." Seven said. "Yeah I know, I appreciate him a lot. He's more excited for the baby than me." Dream said. "Yeah that's how Creation was. I just didn't know how to accept it because Devon was the complete opposite. Now he's showing up saying he wanna be there. I just can't with his ass." Seven said.

"Wait he showed back up?" Dream asked as they walked through the maternity store. "Yes girl this morning. He had a whole speech on how he's doing better and wants to start seeing Santana and stuff. He even asked if my baby could go with him for the night. I couldn't believe it." Seven said. "Whaat? Not lil Devon actually growing up. What Creation say about all this?" Dream asked. "I haven't even talked to him about it yet. I'm hoping he don't over react because I'm tired of arguing with him. I just want him to understand." Seven said. "I don't think he'll over react Sev, he knows how you feel about him so just let him know that it doesn't change anything in your relationship or his relationship with Santana." Dream said.

"Yeah I will." Seven said. "What the hell is this?" Dream asked picking up a bra with holes on the nipples. "Girl that's for nursing. You gonna breastfeed?" Seven asked. "Girl I hadn't even thought about it. I probably will. I went up two bra sizes so I guess I can't let this milk go to waste." Dream said. "I nurse Santana full time and it's definitely a job. But pumping makes it easier." Seven said. "Girl I got a lot to learn because I don't know what you're talking about." Dream said. "Well everything I'm saying I learned from your moms. I know she'll tell you everything you need to know when the time is right. You'll be fine girl." Seven said. "I hope so. Because I don't think I'm ready to be a mom." Dream said.

"You know I wasn't ready either. I'm still learning how to be a good mom but it's okay because you learn as you go." Seven said. "Yeah I guess it's too late for me to back out now huh?" Dream asked. "Oh yes definitely too late for that." Seven said with a laugh as she rubbed her belly bump. They walked up to the cash register and got all Dream's clothes rung up. "You gonna be so much more comfortable in those clothes." Seven said. "Yeah I just hope Jorge likes them." Dream said. "He will. I know creation couldn't get enough of me in my maternity clothes." Seven said. "We'll see. But alright girl let's go get something to eat. Lunch is on me." Dream said as they walked out the store. "Good cause I'm starving!" Seven said.


"So I understand you're representing Krissy in the upcoming cases that she has against me." Creation said as the waitress walked away with their menu's. "Yes she's one of my clients, can I ask you where you got that information from?" Kyle, Krissy's lawyer asked. "You can ask sir, but I won't give you an answer." Cree said. "Well can I ask you why you set up this dinner?" Kyle said. "I wanted to speak with you about her health. I don't know if you've picked up on it but she's sick and not mentally stable." Cree said. "Mr. McKenzie you don't have any proof on that. My client is very stable." Kyle said.

"Can you look at me with a straight face and say that?" Cree asked. "What are you trying to propose? Let's get to the point shall we?" Kyle asked. "Alright let's get to the point. Krissy is a crazy ass bitch and she doesn't have any real interest in my son or his well-being. I don't even know how she had money to afford a lawyer such as yourself, but regardless she's not serious about being a mother to my son. The only reason she filed for custody is because she wants me to be forced back into her life. She doesn't deserve any visitation rights, let alone custody of my son." Cree said.

"The thing about this case is it's your word against hers. And she's saying a lot." Kyle said. "Because she's a pathological liar. But I figured you would say that so I came with proof." Cree said as he pulled a yellow envelope from under his seat and slid it across the table. Kyle opened it up and started pulling photos out. "And what is this?" He asked. "Those are screenshots of all the messages Krissy has sent me only the last couple months. I could have brought more but we would be here all night reading. That's her number as well, why don't you check it. I'm sure you have it in your phone." Cree said as the waitress came and set their food down on the table.

"No need. I recognize the number I'm sure it's hers. This is ridiculous because I told her numerous times not to contact you. This is crazy she's threatened your life countless times." Kyle said. "Not only did she threaten me and my girl friends life, she kidnapped my son hours after he was born. I had to go to her house and get him myself." Cree said taking a bite of food. "I'm aware of that incident. She also mentioned being assaulted by your sister?" Kyle asked. "I don't know anything about that sir. All I know is she took my son from me and had me looking all over this city worried sick. She's not well. That's the kinda person you wanna represent in a courtroom?" Cree asked.

"I hear your concerns Mr. McKenzie. But this doesn't change the fact that I'm her lawyer. I'm in a contract and I don't have the power to withdraw from this case. I'm sorry but this changes nothing." Kyle said. "I understand that you're her lawyer but that doesn't mean she has to win this case. I'm ready to give you five hundred thousand in cash today if you make sure I walk out that court room with custody of my son." Cree said. "In cash, today?" Kyle asked. "Yes sir." Cree said. "I'll have to think about this." Kyle said. "Take as much time as you need. But just know this, if she does win that case and something happens to my son under her care. I will be out for blood." Cree said.

"Is that a threat Mr. McKenzie?" Kyle asked sitting up in his seat. "No sir, it's a promise." Cree said. It was silent for a moment and all that could be heard was Cree's fork hitting his plate. "Let me see what I can figure out for you Mr. McKenzie. We'll be in touch." Kyle said as he got out his seat. "You ain't gone finish your meal?" Cree asked. "No. I just called a meeting with Krissy. I'm going to meet with her now." Kyle said. "Ight. We'll be in touch then. Don't forget my offer." Cree said as he watched the man walk out the restaurant. He sat back in his seat and took a long sip of wine as he hoped everything would play out how he wanted it to.


"I told you not to come late Creation." Seven said as she opened her door. "I know and I'm sorry. I had to run by the club and help June out with something. I'll make it up to you." Cree said as he walked into her house and into her room. "Yeah you better. How was your day?" Seven asked. "It was real good. Ace want me and June to run his club while he go handle some things so that's more money in my pocket. And I had dinner with Krissy's lawyer. I know I can get him on my side for the right price. So now I'm just waiting to hear back from him." Cree said.

"That's amazing. Since you running the club that means you can sneak me in right?" Seven asked with a smile. He started laughing. "Yo ass don't need to be in no club. Shit I'm not even supposed to be in no club, let alone running it." Cree said as he laughed. "I know. I was just talking to Dream earlier and realized I haven't went out since I had the baby." Seven said. "Well this weekend I'll plan a whole day for us and we'll go have some fun. I'll make one of my sisters watch the kids or something. I know moms needa break." Cree said. "Yeah definitely because she just had them today and you know they a handful." Seven said.

"Yeah I know. Plus Dream and Miracle pregnant. We need to get all the babysitting out of her now because she gone be busy helping them." Cree said. "Yeah well you know moms don't have no problem watching the kids. She love her grand babies." Seven said. "As she should." Cree said. "So what did you wanna talk to me about?" He asked. "Oh. Earlier. It's nothing really. Basically Devon came over this morning to see Santana and just hold him or whatever." Seven said not knowing what to expect. "Aw for real? That was nice of you to let him in. After everything you know." Cree said.

"Yeah well I figured it was time to put our differences to the side. For Santana." Seven said. "Well I'm proud of you. I know that was hard." Cree said. "So you aren't mad?" She asked. "Nah. That is his father Seven. And he should get another change to know his son. I admit that I owe him an apology for overstepping." Cree said. "No you don't owe him anything. If he had did it in the first place you wouldn't have to." Seven said. "You right." Cree said. "And you know it doesn't change your relationship with Santana." Seven said. "Yeah baby I know." He said. "Good. Devon wants me to bring Santana by his house tomorrow to see his mom. I don't know I just don't think it's a good idea." Seven said.

"Why not?" Cree asked. "When Tyarra made me tell his momma about the baby. You should have seen her face Creation. And the first thing she wanted to do was offer money so I could get rid of him. And now she just all of a sudden wants to see him?" Seven asked. "I'm sure she feel bad about it. Other wise she wouldn't have asked to see him in the first place. Just give her a chance to apologize. That is his grandma bae." Cree said. "I know that. I just don't see how I'm supposed to trust him or his mother." Seven said. "I'll go with you. If you want." Cree said. "Of course I want you to." Seven said.

"Alright cool." Cree said. "Where Milo at? I didn't see him when I came in." He said. "Oh he's with Quincy. He trying to teach him a dance or something I don't know." Seven said. "Monkey ass." Cree said laughing. "You know I was thinking.. Milo gets kind of lonely and-." "No." He said cutting her off. "You didn't even let me finish." Seven said pouting. "I'm not getting you another monkey. You know how hard it was to get Milo? And he's a handful on his own. You don't need two monkeys bae." Cree said. "Please?" Seven asked. "It's not happening." He said. "You're no fun." She said signing loudly. Cree laughed at her as he realized he spoiled her way too much.



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