Enkidu(Highschool dxd x OC wi...

By The_Crazy_Tuna

59.7K 786 1.3K

Hyoudou Miyasato Takeru, a mysterious person who attends the Kouh academy and is the childhood friend of Isse... More

Prologue and Kuoh Academy
Secret spilled
Awaken from despair and Asia and Familiars
Flames of chaos and Uruk.
Rating game and ENUMA ELISH
New friends, Reunion, and Fakers
The fallen angels chaos and the Holy maiden's anger.
Asia becomes Ruler, Kokabiels Defeat, Sword of Rupture.
The white one, and Khaos Brigade.
Bio Season 2
Enkidu: The beginning of the end
Loki's end
Faker faction.
Chaldea Shenanigans With Issei and Asia and alters(short)
Trihexa Arc: Prolouge Shenanigans (Warning some are form other books)
Trihexia arc: The problem rises...
Trihexia arc: ORC Meets Issei and Asia versions
Trihexia arc: The war has begun slowly..
Trihexia arc: What now??? Short
Trihexia arc: Misson is a go
Trihexia Arc: Rias Alter Ego Enter
Trihexia arc: The war starts...
Trihexia arc: Enter Saber class servant Milicas
Trihexia Arc: Trihexia is here, A loss of family
Trihexia Arc: The crimson battle
Trihexia arc: The kiss of death
Trihexia Arc: Chains of heaven
Issei and everyone vs Everyone... The conclusion

The Hyoudou brothers. The heroic spirt Hyoudous

2.9K 34 26
By The_Crazy_Tuna

No one POV

It's been three weeks since Issei became a Heroic spirit and not a devil. I could tell that Gilgamesh was overjoyed about Issei becoming a heroic spirit. Issei even has a Noble phantasm.

Red dragon fury.

It makes him shoot a big Red slash wave that can kill gods and his lancer form can throw his spear with the power of the dragon god's breath.

Heroic spirits are the forgotten race and no one has recorded their existence as they also hide in plain sites. And our rarity is also the factor. There are two factors we can turn others into heroic spirits or servants

One is the card of any seven classes like a saber, lancer, archer, berserker, caster, avenger, Ruler, a foreigner. Those cards are casted through incantations and the card chooses the person to become one.
( my au STFU)

Issei was chosen by the saber and lancer cards and his lancer side was because he uses spears during the past days but he is more skilled in using swords.

There are other heroic spirits here, I usually hang out with Gawain and Bedivier

Mordred seems to be very chaotic that Arthur( Artoria) needs to keep her in check.
The knights of the round table are not what I expected... I thought of them as being strict but when you know them. They can be fun...
Artoria is having enough of them and I can see that.

Sengo Muramasa is also here we always talk about swords and stuff and he had a guy to talk about...

Our place is in Uruk and we had fun despite the heat there and we had used our cold air spells and the cold air spell is like minus 1 degree and it just balanced the temperature in the palace. Gilgamesh is the leader of the heroic spirits and he is a good king. But not his archer version on
really wanted to kill him but we can't. On the bright side, he doesn't come here very often.

Issei: This place has become boring I wanna go home...

Miyasato: then let's go!

Tiamat: Hey boys you going home?

Miyasato: Yeah.. we have school tomorrow.

Gilgamesh: safe day ahead mongrel.

Miyasato: thanks half mongrel.

Gilgamesh RN

The one jumping

Miyasato: Issei we have school tomorrow we have to go home for now.

Issei: Oh yeah ok bro.

The brothers teleported to their rooms and they went out like they are home and preparing for school.

Issei(human form):

Hey bro, it's been a while since I came here...

Miyasato: We even got our disguise as humans now, so Issei if you see Rias... just don't mind her I know you hate her but don't lash out ok?

Issei: You even cut your hair dude...

Miyasato: Well but still long, it is just a trim...


Issei: Asia!

Miyasato: GEEHEEE!!! Asia hehehehe.

Asia: Moouuu you are weird again Miya!!

Miyasato: Says the one who plays with one of my kendo sticks and acts like a magic swordswoman

Asia: AWWW I like swords these days. 

Issei: Why?

Asia: I always see you training in the backyard and I always thought you look cool!

Miyasato(mind): Issei do you she is fit to be a heroic spirit?

Issei(mind): A pseudo-servant can be good...

Miyasato: So Asia. 

Asia: yeah?

Issei: how do you feel to be a pseudo- heroic spirit?

Asia: LIKE YOU!!???

Miyasato: Well half, listen we will do this so that we can protect you and with this your half-human side will be a heroic spirit one and you can come with us if we want to go to Uruk by just teleporting.

Asia: I will do it!!

Miyasato: Issei do the honors.

Issei picked up a card and the card glows and it showed this.

Miyasato: Makes sense you are a caster...

Issei: I mean she is a bishop in the peerage makes sense.


Issei: Well she also has a sword....

Miyasato: C'mon guys we are going to be late!!

the three went to school and the girls and boys are shocked about Miyasato's new haircut and asked who is the brown-haired boy beside him.

Girl1: Who was that brown-haired boy beside him???

Girl2: He seems familiar...


Girls: NOOO!!!!!!

Boy1: Damn that green boy...


Boy3: that brown-haired guy seems familiar...

Issei, me, and Asia went to our seats and issei just made the day better.

Issei: AY bro, UNO?

Asia: Oh yeah let me join

Miyasato: HELL YEAH...


Issei: DAMN IT!!!

Miyasato: Oh you are going down boi

Asia: UNO!

Miyasato: ....

Issei: ...

Asia: Eheheheh I won.

Issei and Miyasato: HAIL TO THE QUEEN!!!

Asia: Eh???

Motohama: YO ISSEI WANNA CHECK THIS....Out????


What did you say?



Boys: ...

Girls: ....

All: EEEHHHHH!!!????????


Issei: Yeah this is me so what's the problem??


Issei: I don't have time for this bullshit...

Girls: Now way that is Issei...

Aika: Tha that's issei... he looks hot!

The Girls are shocked at Issei's glow up and they did not know he is not a pervert anymore.

Issei: Miyasato, We have to apply for the Kendo club in case you forgot.

Miyasato: Yeah I have been interested in that club for a while now.


The girls are shocked at Issei's words of not peeking but Matsuda and Motohama are not having it.


Issei: I am not gonna be beaten by them and punish myself in that hell. Thanks to Miyasato, I learned from him how to get girls and observed him, then I applied it to myself.

Issei: If anyone who will not experience true love from a woman will be you.
I want to be a good man who values women more than their breasts or so, I will love that woman I can give my love to. And also, I am out this perverted trio stuff, it's over. Damn even looking back is m such a dick even leaving a bad taste on my mouth saying that title. Goodbye and also If I catch you peeking on them. I will make sure to gouge out your eyes out.

Everyone is shocked at his massive change and how he betrayed the two boys due to their perverted nature and more as he ditched them out.

Miyasato: What a speech bro...

Issei: I really wanted to get out of their clutches... So I have to do more than this.

Miyasato: Wanna spar?

Issei: In the grounds,  go!

Both of them took out their bokkens and took their stance and they wear their two Bokkens like a samurai.

They kneeled at the opposites of the kendo gym and were not aware they are being watched by students even Motohama and Matsuda.

Murayama: The air is intense... I can't believe Issei can be like this.

Katase: I heard he changed drastically due to his brother's teaching.

Murayama: They are not wearing kendo outfits what is this outfit???

Katase: That is what the samurai wear.

Issei and Miyasato:

Issei stood up and so is Miyasato.

Miyasato: Loser buys drinks

Issei: Bet.

Issei and Miyasato:

Murayama: No way..

Katase: That is not Kendo but a battoujutsu!

Miyasato then charges to Issei and Issei charges to Miyasato and they quickly drew their swords and the swords hit each other and no one was hurt and their bokkens are no out but waiting for some injury to appear but nothing and they continue to spar and they have the speed of the professionals.

Issei and Miyasato:


Katase: I didn't know Issei has these skills and the other too!

Issei: DAMN!

Miyasato: You have ways to go Issei!!!

Miyasato and Issei:

Miyasato then used his acrobatics to try to hit Issei and Issei tried to dodge but Miyasato then barrages his strikes and Issei is being pushed back.


Motohama: He is getting the girls too and the kendo Girls!!!

Issei jumped and somersaults away from Miyasato.

And continued their spar that looks like a death battle and Miyasato Kicked Issei in the chest and kicked in the ankles and was about to land a hit the speed was so fast that Issei couldn't react.

Miyasato: I win.

Issei: Aw cmon I almost had you there.

Miyasato: So drinks??

Rias, Kiba, Koneko were watching shocked at their skills, and Kiba is shocked at their speed and he knew they did not use magic since they are aware that they are being watched.

Kiba: Damn, Issei improved so much...

Akeno: Asia, you seem not shocked...

Asia: I always see them train and spar like that so yeah it's normal for me.

Rias: you never mentioned this before Asia...

Asia: Well I thought its a regular thing for us so and also you never asked...

Back at the ORC.

Rias: Now that I remember I sense Asia's presence a little different. 

Asia: So you can sense it... Well, there is no point in hiding it.

Asia transformed to her heroic spirit 

Light engulfed the room and they saw her new appearance

Asia: My name is Asia Argento, Servant class Caster.

Rias: Wait, why are you emitting holy magic??? 

Asia: Issei, turned my human half into a heroic spirit and now I am like Issei and Miyasato.

Akeno: I thought you only have twilight healing?

Asia: Twilight healing fused with my soul in the heroic spirit side and I now I can cast many spells like a defensive barrier and due to always observing Miyasato and Issei on their sword spars I received this sword.

Kiba(mind): No way it's like that sword.

Rias POV

Asia became like Issei just half of it... She is my bishop and she became as powerful as Issei now or less, as the king of my peerage having this kind of powerful and powerful than me in an inch.

Rias: Asia, I cannot lose another piece you have to follow my orders...

Asia: When I am using my heroic spirit side, I cannot follow anyone's orders except King Gilgamesh or any other servants.

Rias: What???

Asia: And also in this side I can not follow any orders from any supernatural beings like Angels, devils, fallen angels you name it... unless I trust you or some.

Koneko: It's getting more complicated at this point.

Rias: Again what is this heroic spirit stuff???

Asia: I believe he can answer that


Issei materialized and he is in his heroic spirit form and is not happy at all.

Issei: So they found out Asia... I knew Rias will not stop sticking her nose on someone's business and secrets.

Rias: Issei!!

Issei: I will explain the Heroic spirits in a few words. We are not like devils angels or fallen angels we may have appearances like you but we are different races derived from dead humans who achieved a legendary feat or being legends Like king Arthur did for his kingdom, King Gilgamesh being the most powerful king, the king of heroes and Many more... We use our ultimate move or the Noble phantasm, it is the large amount of magic attack to be used on an enemy, it can be based on our life, our sacrifice and legends when we are alive as a human as for asai it might be her own life journey

Issei: And by the way, the well-known Excalibur, that you know right now. Is a fake one 

Kiba: What????

Rias: Huh???

Issei: Miyasato can you show them at least the Excalibur copy?

Rias: Miyasato???

Miyasato: yep.

Miyasato showed the true Excalibur and even though it's a copy, it is powerful.

Kiba: That sword I HAVE TO DESTROY IT!!!

Miyasato: I know you saw my base skills with Issei, Bro, Do you think you can defeat with that skill you have now?

Kiba then backed away and Miyasato desummoned his Excalibur. 

Miyasato: Kiba It is not this Excalibur you harbor hatred to it's the fake one, AArtotia wants me to destroy it and replicate it to a normal sword for Bedivere.

Rias: By those names you mean.

Miyasato: King Arthur or Artoria as her real name as she is a girl and one of her round table knights.

Issei: Then We are leaving, Asia let's go

Asia: Hai!

Asia materialized and they are gone.

Rias: Asia became stronger than before.

Koneko: About the new power Asia has, and she said her twilight healing fused with her other side but I never thought of Asia being a fighter.

Akeno: So many things have changed since Issei Left the peerage.

Kiba: I still want Issei here in the peerage but that surrender made him different.

Rias: It's my fault..... I can't get him back, I can't make him into a devil again! 

Akeno: Their race has no records at all...

Koneko: What are they??

Issei: Oh by the way, can Asia use her Noble phantasm???

Miyasato: She will unlock it soon, but not now. she will look back and will have realizations of her power, she is a caster, and yet can fight like a saber if she wants to. Just like Gilgamesh or Medea.

Miyasato: I know becauseof her mana reserves, she will have an earth-shattering noble phantasm.

(Suggest any noble phantasm name and suggest chants for the noblephantasm for asia I will let you think of it. Thanks BRATHA).


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