Mercury (And The Chaos In The...

By MoonixDrop

36 15 1

After the incident of getting their wings ripped in half, Mercury sets to recover slowly as chaos continues o... More

Chapter 1, Recovery
Chapter 2, Work
Chapter 3, Wings
Chapter 4, Watched
Chapter 6, Events
Chapter 7, Urge
Chapter 8, Follow
Chapter 9, Hospital
Chaper 10, Peaceful Day?
Chapter 11, A Horrible Situation
Chapter 12, Message
Chapter 13, A Familliar Presence
Chapter 14, Strange Beings
Chapter 15, Inflict
Chapter 16, Back To The Hospital // Torture
Chapter 17, Myself and I
Chapter 18, Days
Chapter 19, Void + Static
Chapter 20, Abyss + Lilith?
Chapter 21, Chaotic (1/2)
Chapter 22, Chaotic (2/2)
Chapter 23, End of Cross? // New Days

Chapter 5, Faults

2 1 0
By MoonixDrop

"Mercury..wake up."

I open my eyes, this feeling felt similar as if I've been here before. I lift myself up, it was that subway reality that Lilith has. "Mercury." Lilith says my name, they were right next to me. "Oh hey.." I turned to them, they sat right next to me. "Vix told me what happened at work today for you...Are you okay?" Lilith asked. "I'm fine." I said.

"Do you know the reason why they tried to kill you?" Lilith questioned me, they sounded scary and serious.

I explained to them what happened before, I finished and sighed.

"So it's basically you're fault huh?"


"You cause problems because of who you are, it causes others to make bad mistakes because of you. That person went insane, because of how you acted at that moment. All you did was cry like a little child and the others pitied you. It made them go insane, feel depressive, and wanted to kill you. It's you're fault. It was never that person's fault. YOU MADE THEM FEEL WORSE!!"

I hesitated to speak. I thought they were joking with me.

"Hm, have you ever gave a DAMN about your murders that past few months?"

I wanted to speak so badly, but they only came out as me stuttering, hesitating, struggling to speak.

Lilith chuckled,
"You probably never didn't."

"You're a bad person Mercury."

"You're a murder..Mercury."

Once I heard that I felt anger but guilt build in me
"Why are you acting like this?"


Lilith laughs, "I hated taking care of you, because you can't seem to do it yourself! YOU TRIED TO HURT ARCANE!!..I can't believe I supported a murder.."  After I heard them say that. I felt my anger take over,


"There you go..crying again..but you never regretted the murders you did because of how careless and dumb you are." Lilith got up and stood in front of me.

"I CAN CHANGE! I'LL DEFINITELY CHANGE!" I yelled, "But will you regret what you have done?" Lilith said while staring down at me. "I-I will.." I looked up at them.



"LIAR!!! SHUT UP!! YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE BECAUSE YOU GIVE IN TOO EASILY." Lilith pushes me off the seat. "I'll change..I'll change." I quietly said.

"Get up."



I got up quickly.

"This is a reality."
"You can feel pain in here."


I couldn't feel it at first, but I felt blood trickling down my legs. I looked down slowly, Lilith had their hand into my stomach. They slowly pull out my intestines--- and dropped it to the ground. I collapsed and spat out blood everywhere.

"Does it remind you of something?" Lilith asked while staring at me.

I felt tears fall down,
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I said over and over again waiting for a response

"This time..I-I'll try to c-change...!" I said while struggling to speak

Lilith raises their shoe to my head

it went black after.

A few hours pass by from the dream when I woke up from it. I couldn't stop thinking about it at work, I could feel my hands shaking. It was break time and I left the toy at home. I didn't want to harm myself, I tried to resist it. I feel myself almost crying, I wanted to harm myself so bad.

The stress was getting to me
I felt so dead
I scratched my neck slowly with my nails

Somebody hugs me from behind
it felt similar
a warm body

"Mercury. you wanna talk for a bit?"
"I thought you need a distraction." They grab a chair and sat right next to me.

Vix holds me tightly, "What's wrong..? you don't have to's okay." They smiled, I wanted to explain but I ended up breaking down and crying into their arms. "it'll be okay..I'm here.." Vix kisses me on the head. "I'm sorry..that I have you to comfort me..I'm sorry I can't do the same.." I hug them tightly and sob. "Mercury...its deserve the comfort from me..It's alright." Vix pats my head and kisses me on the head again.

  I explain them the "dream" they looked surprised. "Lilith..huh..?" Vix's face looked mad. "I don't know the reason why they are like that..I'm scared of them now." I felt my whole body shake in fear. "Lets do something that will distract you from those thoughts..okay?" Vix hold my hand. Their hand was warm. "Alright!" I said.

Vix takes me to the resting area where people can read their books. "This is the place where I like to relax and calm down..It's simple but I enjoy being here."  I scanned the place as I hear Vix explain the area. The paintings looked beautiful, the plants were pretty, the couches were soft-looking and comfy looking. Books were perfectly set in the shelves and the other books nicely placed on the table.

Everything about it was beautiful, "Thanks for showing me this section of the library! It's beautiful." I smiled a little. "I knew you would love it so I took you here..." Vix grabbed my hand and made me sit down.  I sink into the soft couch. "Warm and soft right?" Vix said. "Yeah.." I nodded. Vix grabs my cheek and kisses me. I felt suddenly better, the warm feeling is back. They stop and gave me a warm smile like they always do. "T-Thank you..I feel a bit better.." I lay on their chest. "Thats good..we can stay here for a while." Vix sets me down on the couch and laid right next to me. They faced and they were close.  The couch was surprisingly big and we were both able to fit. I close my eyes, I was half-asleep and I felt Vix hug me to their chest. I fall asleep immediately from the warmness. 

A few minutes pass by, I wake up in a pink room. It was bright that it was hurting my brain and making me feel weird. I touch the ground and I couldn't feel it. It was a dream, but it feels real. I sat up, but my head gets smashed and I get thrown to a wall. My head bleeds everywhere, I slowly lift my head up. It was a shadow holding a baseball bat, It ran towards me. They swing the bat towards my head.

It went black.

I wake up in the room again, and felt multiple people hold my limbs. It was the shadows, they had white eyes and no other features. I was afraid. Another shadow walked up to me holding a sharp knife. It pointed the knife at my stomach. "" I try to break free but it sliced my stomach wide open. I screamed in pain, I felt the rest of shadows rip out my intestines. One reaches for my arm and rips it apart. I could slightly feel the pain. I feel myself close my eyes. I was tired.

I wake up, I look at the windows to see the sunset. I get up and felt tired. As I left the section, Mono notices me. "Oh my, you haven't went back home?" They asked me. I rubbed my eyes, "Me and Vix fell asleep at that one place.." I pointed at the section. "Oh yeah! That place! It's quite comfortable being there." Xey smiled. "I'll be going.." I left the place. "WAIT WHAT ABO-" I shut the door behind me. My head felt fuzzy, I was dizzy. I could barely remember the dream. As I walked into an alleyway, I lean my back against it. I was tired, and didn't want to move anymore. "Hey! You okay? You seem tired.." A voice calls. The person,

it looked like a shadow
I remembered the dream
I get closer towards them with dead eyes
"—————-??? —? —?"
I hear them speak, but it was incomprehensible.
I stopped and grinned
"You're manipulating me.." I whispered

My eyes widened and I attack them
I rip their arms out and then their intestines
with my bare hands
Blood goes everywhere especially onto my face--/&$2$

I felt somebody watching me
I slowly turned around to see a familiar person

"Change huh?" They laugh
I looked back at my bloody hands while holding the person's guts
I stared back at the person
it wasn't a shadow
I killed somebody again

"Ah shit..was I..hallucinating?" I scratched my neck and smiled
"What happened to you changing?" Lilith asked me
"I'm sorry..I don't know what drove me to this.." I said crying, I continued to rip the person's guts out

Lilith stops me
and throws me to the ground
"Seems like you'll never change then."

They left me while I was laying on the ground
It started to rain
I get up slowly and walked back home

the blood on me drips away from the rain
The rain felt nice
it was raining heavily as I reached home

I grab the key under the mat and unlocked the door
I opened it and collapsed on the ground

I could footsteps walk up to me, I look up to see Lilith staring down at me

"Get up."
"Lilith..I can't...." I cried out a little, "I'm tired.."
"I don't care, get up."
"I can't."

"GET THE FUCK UP!!" Lilith screamed up and kicked me, only hitting my arm.

I felt slight tears form in my eyes, "Lilith..I just.. can't..."

"Why do I have to help you?"
I did not respond but felt my tiredness hit me, I slowly closed my eyes


-Vix's POV-

I wake up to see Mercury not here, it was already almost nighttime. And I rushed. "Ah! Vix! Mercury just left but I was just about to tell you that they left you here.." Mono said waving at me. "Oh..heh..Then I'll be going. See ya!" I ran out." It was raining heavily and I quickly ran back home while almost slipping. As I reached the house, the key under the mat was missing. I place my hand on the door knob. It was already unlocked. I walked inside.

"Vix!" Lilith said, I stared at them for a bit. I remembered what Mercury told me. "Vix!" They said. "Oh sorry!" I looked at the couch to see Mercury covered in a towel heavily breathing. "They killed someone again." Lilith said. Arcane was carrying a tray of tea. "Oh.." I said, sounding gloomy. "They were in the rain too long and probably got sick. After all, it is raining a lot." Lilith grabbed the tray from Arcane and set it on the table. I pour myself some tea and drank it. It tasted like the one I usually get. "I'm surprised..they killed somebody..but for what reason?" Lilith questioned.

I didn't want to ask them about Mercury's dream, I didn't want Mercury to get hurt by Lilith. I kept quiet, sipping my tea. Mercury wakes up. "Vix?" They looked at me and noticed Lilith right next to them. Mercury looked scared of them, they got up and put the towel away. "Ngh..I feel weird.." Mercury said while rubbing. "You were in the rain thats why.." Lilith said. Mercury still looked scared. "Really huh.." They said while shaking. They drank their tea. I stared at Lilith and had a bad feeling. Mercury finishes their tea instantly. "I'm going to my room.." "I'll come along too!" I finish my tea and helped Mercury to the room and slightly closed the door.

I set them down, "Lilith told me you killed someone.." I said while setting myself down. "Yeah...I'm sorry.." Mercury said while shaking again. "I'm scared Vix..I'm scared of Lilith.." Mercury looked like they wanted to sob. "T-They.." They cried loudly. "I'll protect matter what." I hug them carefully. I felt someone watching us I looked at the door somebody immediately goes away. "Lilith..?" I whispered.

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