⋆*❅。.DECEMBER .。.:*☆ [✔]

By SweetLikePinkVenom

191K 8.4K 1K

Jennie had Ella when she was only sixteen years old and life hasn't been easy for the young mother-daughter d... More

✧*̥˚Happy Holidays *̥˚✧
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✧*̥˚ X-mas present 2022 *̥˚✧

✧*̥˚ 9 *̥˚✧

6.3K 307 26
By SweetLikePinkVenom

Jennie felt like pulling away from Lisa in a hurry like a schoolgirl caught making out with her crush behind the bleachers but Lisa's hands let her go calmly. Not rushed. However one hand travelled from Jennie's hip to her lower back where it stayed as both of them turned to face Ella. 

"Uhm... about ten minutes and then we'll let them cool for another ten before we can properly decorate them." 

Jennie saw Ella's eyes narrow the tiniest bit at them standing so close together after the hug she found them in. But then she seemed to shrug it off. "Okay."

Decorating the cookies was fun and the whole kitchen was a big mess afterwards but Jennie couldn't care less. Everybody was so creative, really going to town on those christmas cookies. Jennie was the only one who went for classic elegance, trying to draw things on the cookies with glitter icing pens. Jisoo deemed herself the winner of the ugliest christmas cookie contest, not even trying to make them pretty. 

They had music on in the kitchen and suddenly Rosie jumped a bit, grabbing onto Jisoo with a dreamy smile. "Babe listen, it's the song!"

"What song?" Her wife replied rather flatly. 

"The song! Listen!" Rosie pulled on her arm, making Jisoo laugh and she paused to really listen.

"Oh my god. Wasn't that playing when we first kissed at the ice skating rink at Uni?" Jisoo let everything fall out of her hands and encircled Rosie's waist with her arms, pulling her closer.

"That's right." The Australian praised her wife and they kissed briefly. Jennie smiled at them, trying to keep the jealousy at bay that they each had someone to kiss.

"Unnie, remember the ice skating rink at the christmas market? Mom said we can go next time! Can we go?" Ella looked from Lisa to Jennie. Lisa did the same, obviously having noticed Jennie's hesitation to get on skates the last time. Jennie squirmed at bit but the married couple was faster to answer. 

"Awwww, that would be so awesome. We haven't gone ice skating in ages." Rosie cooed and placed another kiss to Jisoo's lips who seemed just as excited. 

Well, of course they were excited, they were good at ice skating. 

"Yes, we could go after we finish with the cookies. They have to dry anyway, right? We can all go together! Lisa? Jen?" Jisoo's eyes were shining.

Lisa nodded. "Yeah, sure. I'm down."

Jennie felt Lisa's eyes on her, so Jennie leaned towards her slightly. "I'm not good on skates..."

"We don't have to go if you don't feel comfortable. Or we'll just let them skate and I'll watch from the sidelines with you?" Lisa offered quietly, assuring Jennie in the most gentle way. Jennie's eyes met Ella's extra pouty face. "Mom? Pleeeeaaaaseeee?" 

"That's not freaking fair." Jennie told her daughter and reached for her fluffly cheek. "I can't say no to that face. You're playing dirty Miss Kim."

Ella's pout turned into a bright mischievious smile. "Gottcha!"


About fourty minutes later they were on their way to the ice skating rink in Jisoo and Rosie's car. Jennie had put on two extra layers of warm winter tights in case she decided to go on the ice after all. She knew she'd fall at least once. 

Ella led the way, pretty much sprinting through the pretty christmas market with only one destination in mind. Jisoo, Rosie and Ella all got their tickets and rented skates. Lisa stayed true to her word, staying with Jennie on the sidelines. 

Ella had only been on skates once before in her life but she had gotten a pair of inline skates for her birthday from Jisoo and Rosie three years ago and she was pretty good on them. Ice was just a tiny bit different but basically the same principle. She was a natural. Just like Jisoo. Rosie was bit slower and more unsure but she got the hang of it too after two rounds. 

"Unnie come on! You have to come too!" Ella shrieked at Lisa as she skated past them.

"You can go if you like Lisa, I can see that you want to." Jennie sighed out a little laugh. The Thai's excited eyes while watching the other three gave her away. She wanted to be on the ice with them. 

Lisa grabbed Jennie's wrist gently. "You have to come too." Her eyes bore into Jennie's pleadingly. "Come on, I'll stay by your side, make sure you don't fall. Come on Jen." she nudged, making Jennie roll her eyes. 

Maybe this was not such a bad idea. She could literally stake a claim at Lisa, forcing her to stay close at all times. 

"Fine..." she huffed out defeated but smiled a little nontheless. 

"Cool, I'll be right back." Lisa grinned with a smile that lit up her eyes. Jennie couldn't even answer, that's how fast the Thai was gone in a flash.

She got them both tickets and rental skates. Jennie was suprised that Lisa got her size right. She was attentive.

Putting the skates on was kind of ok but as soon as she stood up, Jennie felt her nerves act up. She wobbled a little but Lisa caught her gloved hand in hers and stabilized her instantly. They made their way to the entrance together hand in hand. 

"If you let me go, I'll kill you." Jennie threatened, voice shaking a little. 

"I won't." Lisa just laughed. 

They stepped onto the ice and Jennie gripped onto the Thai's hand with both of hers because her knees already felt like jelly.

"Woohoooo! Mom!" Ella rushed past them and made a u-turn because she was too fast to stop next to them. 

Jisoo and Rosie came from behind, also holding hands but swinging them comfortably in between them. Jennie felt like a sitting duck. She knew the moves she had to make but she was really scared of falling. She took one careful slide forward and wobbled.

"Ahhh.... Lisa!" she went in a little half circle on accident, crashing into the Thai while still clutching her hand like a lifeline.

"It's alright, I got you." Lisa's other hand snuck around Jennie's waist, pulling her close next to her. "Come on, you can do this. That one first and then the other, I got you , you won't fall." Lisa demonstrated and took Jennie with her. 

"You go Jendeukie!" Jisoo hollered. 

"Bite me Jisoo!" Jennie growled between her teeth, loud enough for her friends to hear her. They just laughed, including Ella who now went to Jennie's other side. 

"Give me your hand Mom."

Jennie did, taking one off of Lisa's. The other one stayed with her. They did a couple of slides forward, pretty much just pulling Jennie while the korean girl tried not to fall on her butt.

"See it's fun right?" Ella grinned. "You know what's even more fun?"

"Algebra?" Jennie said sarcastically, knowing how Ella despised the subject just as much as she had in school. Lisa snorted out a laugh at her joke.

Jennie felt herself tingle everytime she managed to make Lisa laugh with one of her dumb comments. It felt good. The sound of her laugh felt good inside of Jennie.

"Going really fast!" Ella ignored Jennie's joke and let go of her hand to rush off like Speedy Gonzales.

Jennie wobbled again dangerously from Ella's sudden departure. "Oh no..... Lisa?" She grabbed for the Thai, clinging herself to her in order not to fall. 

Lisa grabbed both of her arms tightly and swung around so she was backwards, facing Jennie. "Ok, how about this? I can lead you. You just have to warn me before I bump into someone." She sent Jennie a warm, reassuring smile. 

"You look so cute Jen!" Rosie cooed as she skated past her again with Jisoo. Jennie stuck out her tongue at her sister-in-law very grown-up-like.

Lisa started to go backwards and pull Jennie along. "Oh... this is actually not as bad..." Jennie laughed a little, clinging to Lisa's hands tightly. She was being pulled over the ice by the Thai. "Try doing some steps" Lisa encouraged.

Jennie did but very carefully. "Oh it works!" Her eyes widened, looking down at what her feet were doing before looking back up into her skating partner's face who sported a very proud smile. 

"You're skating Jen."

They were still very slow but they were moving over the ice, completing their first circle and going into the next one. 

"Don't you get dizzy going backwards?"

"No, it's fun." Lisa's voice was a whole octave higher than usual. 

This was nice. Lisa was holding her hands and smiling at her constantly. Chivalrously making sure Jennie's face did not meet with the ice. 

Jennie had to look down to her feet for most of the time to see what she was doing but she felt Lisa's beautiful dark orbs on her and she wanted to look up so bad. So she pulled herself together and looked right into Lisa's eyes and suddenly she saw it. She saw what Rosie had been talking about. The way that Lisa looked at her. It was so warm and affectionate. Maybe also a little bit longing. "You're doing so good." The Thai cooed proudly.

But that was how Lisa had looked at her from the very start. And Jennie cursed her nosey friends a little for messing with her head. Lisa was just a naturally affectionate person. She wasn't into Jennie. They were friends.

"Yo Lis, you look like you could go faster! Up for a challenge?" Jisoo came to an elegant stop right next to Jennie and Lisa. 

"Can't let this one go." Lisa tried to duck out but Jisoo nudged her. 

"Can't or won't?"

"She won't!" Jennie interfered. "She promised not to let me go." She couldn't help but put on the same pout that Ella had worn earlier to convince Jennie to go skating.

"You can have Rosie meanwhile, Jendeukie."

Like being called, the tall blonde appeared on Jennie's other side, taking her hands out of Lisa's. "Come on wifey, let them race one round."

Jennie glared a little at Jisoo. "I'll have her back unscarred after one round. Thanks."

"Sorry Jen." Lisa exclaimed with apologetic eyes like she really meant it.

"Go, kick her ass!" Jennie advised and Lisa winked at her in agreement.

Jisoo and Lisa raced off. Damn, she was actually really fast. And really good at this, Jennie thought. Ella was also still making her rounds, greeting her Unnies and Mom everytime she passed them. 

"So, how's your date going?" Rosie said in a sing-sang voice to Jennie teasingly.

"Shut up. You made me come here." Jennie clung to Rosie in much the same way she had to Lisa but she instantly felt the difference. There was no tingling whatsoever. 

"Yes, because ice skating is one of the best dates if you're aiming for some physical contact. It's nice right? Holding hands with her and everything?"

"Kinda." Jennie admitted with heating cheeks. "But she's just being nice, that's all." They were moving forward even slower than Jennie had with Lisa. 

"Uhm, no she's not. She could have ditched you and went with Ella from minute one but she was willing to completely miss out on the fun just for the sake of not leaving you alone. That says a lot."

"Ok, calm down Dr.Phil!" Jennie deadpanned.

"Seriously Jen! That girl likes you. Why can't you see that?"

"Just because you knew instantly that you had Jisoo wrapped around your little finger from the start, doesn't mean it works like that for all of us, hubby!"

Rosie shook her head at Jennie's ignorance. "Jen, I have a good feeling about her. I do."

"Rosie, you know it's not just about me. There's Ella too." Jennie huffed out a little frustrated at Rosie's happy-go-lucky attitude concerning Jennie's love life. Because it wasn't as easy as that for her.

"Ella adores her! She can't stop talking about her. Seriously. It would be almost annoying if it weren't so cute."

Jennie just made a little grumbling sound.

"Jen, I think Jisoo is right. Maybe she's the one who wants you both. And not just you. I mean look at that!" Rosie nodded over to her wife and Lisa who now had Ella in their middle, both holding her hand and skating along with her.

"You see that?" Rosie nudged and  bore her big eyes into Jennie meaningfully.

"Yes... I see that" Jennie sighed and melted once more inside. If that picture had a different meaning than it had now. Holy shit, that would be so fucking perfect.

Rosie's eyes were almost as glassy as Jennie's, watching the trio glide over the ice. Each of them with a happy smile on their face. 

"Jen, can I tell you something?" The blonde lowered her voice. She sounded mysterious but excited, like she was about to tell a secret. Jennie let her eyes flash over and she made an agreeing sound. 

"Jisoo and I... have been talking about... having a baby."

Jennie's eyes went super wide and she grabbed Rosie's upper arm, making both of them stop moving forward rather awkwardly. "What?" Rosie nodded eagerly but held one finger up to her mouth to shush Jennie. "Oh my god Rosie posie, that is amazing!!!"

"Shhhh! Don't tell Jisoo I told you. We just started talking about it but... seeing her with Ella like this... it gets my hormones all bonkers." The blonde woman laughed a little. Jennie smiled at her and then looked back at the cute trio. 

"I know what you mean." She admitted with hot cheeks, turing back to Rosie.

"It's really very early but we are on the same page about wanting a child and we think we're ready."

"Have you thought about how... you want to do it?" Jennie asked back.

"In my heart I'm leaning towards artificial insemination because I kinda want to carry but adoption is a good option too. We haven't worked out the details. We really just started talking... Don't tell Jisoo!"

"My lips are sealed." Jennie mimed sealing her mouth shut. "Awww, I'd love to have a niece or nephew. I really want to hug you right now but that would be too suspicious wouldn't it?"

"Yes it would. Thank you though Jen, you'd be his or her favourite aunt." Rosie squeezed back Jennie's hand with a glittering smile. "But let's get your girl back here."

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