Born to Die (Winx Club x Oc)

By jminniexs

9.9K 260 75

Alethea is a kind-hearted girl who holds the weight of the Magic Dimension on her shoulders. Read as she trie... More

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ Intro ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.

Season 1. Chapter 1.

2K 28 6
By jminniexs

This is not my work but the creator's. I found this on Pinterest and  just recolored it but this is how I vision Alethea's transformation.

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Alethea's POV:

I grunted as I landed on the hard grass-filled ground, The world around me was spinning when the feeling of transportation hit me. I wasn't too fond of transportation and because of Stella's antics, we ended up on a peculiar planet that doesn't survive off of magic. I stood up and brushed the dirt off my clothes which consisted of a white flowy skirt with a white crop top, showing my pierced belly button and a blue jacket paired with matching sandals.

Oh Stella.. Stella is a lightly tan-skinned girl with long blonde hair that stopped just below her hair and golden-amber eyes that were just like the sun and my best friend. Her family took me in after the death of someone dear to me and how I ended up on the planet Solaria seemed to always remain a mystery. We eventually assumed that I was from the planet Solaria but that theory had so many holes. I digress with my water magic. When I met Stella, I honestly thought she was a spoiled brat. I admit that's what I thought about all princesses but fate chose her as my first friend. Anyways, Stella and I were on our way to Alfea but we ended up on a planet called Earth.

I turned to Stella and deadpanned when I noticed that she didn't even seem fazed that we ended up on a planet we weren't familiar with. Stella's transportation skills were abysmal. I rested my hands on my hips and gave her a look while she still held the bright smile on her face that could even rival the sun which was ironic since she's the Fairy of the sun and the moon.

"Don't tell me we're lost." The softness of my voice didn't back me up with the serious angry expression on my face. I raised my perfectly manicured hand and gestured to the dark forest we were in despite the sun that was shining. "Magix is like seven realms away from here."

"We aren't lost Thea." Stella waved me off as she put her ring back on her finger. "We just have to take care of a little ogre problem."

Stella looked around, seemingly observing the forest while I let out a frustrated sigh but knew that deep down I wouldn't let Stella take care of it alone and she would do the same for me. We were two sides of one coin and wherever she was, I followed. She is like a sister to me. A connection that was impossible to break.

"This planet is really small." Stella grumbled and turned back to me. "Have you ever heard of Earth before?"

"Yes Stel." I nodded while speaking in a matter-of-fact tone. "I heard that the people of this planet don't have magical energy whatsoever." Stella looked disgusted with the revelation of people without magic energy and I silently agreed, not being able to imagine a planet without magic, after all, we grew up with magic and it's a part of us and to be on a planet without made my curiosity spike.

I heard a sudden crunch and turned to be met with a shadowy figure who seemed to be taller than us by a lot. It towered over us and it didn't help that its glowing yellow eyes were the only visible thing. I took a step back as a bullet of panic rose in my throat while Stella stood her ground, ever-flowing with determination. I never really was any good with fights while Stella was quite the opposite. Always ready for a fight and as a large yellow ogre walked out of the shadow it didn't make my panic subside.

My hands trembled while Stella's aura already glowed with magic. "Alethea! Let's transform!" I swallowed down my fear, not wanting to disappoint her, and called upon my magic as my aura glowed a blue color, showing obvious signs of my water magic and I let my magic consume me like a blanket.

I closed my eyes and felt myself rise in the sky as my surroundings changed, the sound of water dripping was heard and with the movements of my hands the water rose and covered me like a blanket and the water burst, revealing my Fairy outfit. I wore a light blue dress almost close to white that had translucent sleeves with a Dragon crystal on the dress paired with translucent thigh-high socks that matched my sleeves and ankle-heeled boots that consisted of silver designs while my snow-white hair remained loose. Sparkles surrounded me and soon my small light blue translucent wings formed on my back, finishing my transformation.

Stella's Fairy form consists of an off-shoulder orange top with matching short shorts, tall orange boots, a blue headband, and wrist gloves. Her hair is in two low pigtails with light blue bands. Her wings have three points and are light blue with dark blue tips.

"Ghouls! Give me the scepter." The ogre ordered and the ghouls complied by charging at us immediately. My green-gray eyes connected with the Ghoul's yellow ones and I felt a rush of fear as a deep sense of uneasiness had me rigid and I held my hand out while my eyes closed out of fear, my aura glowing brighter at the amount of magic I was pouring into my upcoming attack.

"Water Blast!"

A strong blast of water shot out of the palm of my hand and just as they hit a group of ghouls, the said creatures exploded in golden dust and I opened my eyes and was taken aback by the amount of magic I used. I shouldn't have let fear get to me because it led me to my recklessness. If I used even more magic Stella would've gotten seriously hurt and that thought alone made dread clench my heart because of me being lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice another group of ghouls until they were blasted away with the help of Stella's magic.

"Alethea pay attention!"

Despite the harshness of Stella's use of tone, I knew she meant well and that she was just concerned for my well-being. I gave her a nod to show that I heard and regained my composure, readying my next attack until the ogre suddenly charged at us, his fist raised and we were taken aback and because of that moment of surprise, we weren't able to avoid its upcoming fist.

The new pain shot at me like fire as I rolled over the grass-filled ground while my skin scraped against it. The pain erupted like a blinding whiteness, making me dizzy. My hands were pressed on the ground as I used my arm-strength to try and push myself up but I faltered when a wave of lightheadedness hit me.

A hand was gently laid on my back and I lifted my head to be met with golden amber eyes that were glimmering with worry. "Thea! Alethea! Are you okay?"

"Nothing I can't handle." My voice was hoarse but I paid no mind to the pain and pushed myself up with Stella's help when suddenly a shadow loomed over us, grabbing our attention to be met with the ogre looking down at us with a sense of malice and I pushed down the bile that rose in my throat at the new rush of dread.

"You're finished Fairies." The ogre cackled as the group of ghouls followed behind me. I felt a shiver run down my spine at the realization that we were totally outnumbered. "Now ghouls.. Bring me her scepter!"

Stella hugged me close as tears gathered in her eyes while I desperately tried to come up with an idea to try and get us out of this situation but before the ogre could even land a hit on us a sudden new voice was heard and I tensed upon noticing the new presence but what surprised me the most is that she was an Earthling. There, near the trees she was probably hiding behind stood a girl with fiery red hair that reached just below her waist as her fair skin seemed to glow under the sun and large cyan eyes that held no ounce of fear but only determination.

"Leave them alone! Come and get me instead!" As if realizing what she just said, her determined expression changed into a look of fear. "..Did I just say that?"

The ogre's attention was now set on the Bloom and Stella took that moment to cup my face and eyeing me for any injuries and my heart sank. I always seemed to make her worry. I wasn't the strongest and every time I fell, Stella had to help me back up as if I was a damsel in distress I just wanted her to recognize my strength but how could she when I was nothing but weak?

An explosion was heard and I turned to see the girl having summoned a protective barrier against the ghouls who burned away as they made contact with the barrier, catching us off guard because we both assumed she was an Earthling. Her magic energy was barely there to begin with but the moment she used her magic I could feel nothing but great strength. But before I could mull over the fact, black spots masked my vision until that was the last thing I could recall before falling unconscious and welcoming the darkness with open arms.


I stirred as a groan escaped my lips but I soon started to get aware of my surroundings and the arms that were wrapped around my form. My eyes fluttered open to be met with a ceiling and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion until my eyes connected with almost golden ones.

"Alethea.." Stella let out a sigh of relief and pulled me closer. "..I was so worried." I know. I bitterly thought to myself. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate Stella's concern but not the fact that the sole reason I'm in this situation is because of how weak I am.

"Good evening.." A gentle, almost melodic voice spoke and I was met with a woman with a motherly smile. Her soft and gentle gaze brought a mellow to my head.

"Evening?" I repeated in confusion. The last time I checked it was early in the morning but maybe time works differently here..?

"It's evening hun." The woman giggled as she corrected me and I flinched when I felt a sudden contact on my head but soon relaxed when realizing she was just patting my head. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." My lips curled up in a small smile when noticing how the red-haired girl was hesitating when trying to interact with me so I directed my smile to her. "..Thanks to you."

The girl perked and seemed to have brightened at my words. "Oh.. I didn't do anything."

Stella let out a chuckle and placed her hands on my shoulders, giving it a gentle squeeze as I relaxed under her touch. "I'm Stella and this is Alethea."

The girl beamed at the introduction. "I'm Bloom."

"Now let's call your parents, okay?" The woman, probably Bloom's mother suggested the idea, glancing between me and Stella with a sense of worry and I wondered what she was thinking.

"I don't think that's possible." I flashed the kind woman a polite smile in hopes she would understand. "They live six realms away so it would be impossible to try and contact them."

"Okay.. I'm calling Doctor Silverman." Bloom's father spoke up for the first time and narrowed his eyes at me and Stella. "He can figure out what is wrong with the three of you." The man walked over to the phone and picked up the receiver but before he could make a call Stella used her magic and turned it into vegetables.

I couldn't hide my amusement and stifled my laughter. "Still think we're out of our minds?"

Bloom let out a gasp, her eyes glimmering with amazement and curiosity. "That.. was.. amazing!"

"Well, you're mostly the amazing one here." I complimented and her face flushed red at the compliment. "When that ogre attacked us she blasted him to another dimension!" Bloom's parents looked shocked by that revelation, not believing a single word I just uttered and I couldn't blame them. Me and Stella were strangers who were spouting what was probably nonsense to them.

"That's true but.." Bloom mumbled and stared down at her hands with a look of confusion. "I don't know how I did it."

"You're loaded with Winx like us Fairies." I pointed out in a matter-of-fact tone, my lips curled up in a soft smile as I placed a hand on my chest, where my heart is. "..I can feel it."

"I'm a.. Fairy?" Bloom breathed out in shock yet her eyes glimmered with a sense of curiosity and amazement as a dreamy expression soon replaced her shock.

"I have a great idea!" I beamed happily when noticing how amazed she was by the mere mention of Fairies. "Why not go to Alfea with us?"

"It's like the best Fairy school in the whole eight realm area!" Stella chirped, adding to my explanation and encouraging it.

"Hold it, my daughter is not going to another realm!" The father interrupted with a frown and I faltered and silently cursed myself. How could I expect Bloom her parents to let her go to some boarding school with a bunch of strangers? "Bloom bring your friends to your room while your mom and I discuss this.."

Bloom let out a sigh and led us to her room and as we entered I couldn't help but notice how neatly decorated it was but what piqued my interest were the number of drawings on the wall. Seems like she's quite a fan of Fairies.

"Cool room Bloom!" Stella complimented and I nodded, agreeing with Stella's opinion on the room. "You should totally bring it to Alfea. A quick packing spell and it will fit in a handbag."

"Alethea, Stella. I don't think I'm going to Alfea." Bloom mumbled in a sad tone, her eyes going downcast as she showed obvious signs of disappointment. "I don't think I have powers anymore."

"Someone with that kind of power won't lose it that easily, trust me." I assured, laying a hand on her shoulder and Bloom smiled at that, appreciating the reassuring words.

"Do you think we're like the Fairies in that book?" She asked, curiosity evident as she gestured to a book with a royal blue colored cover and I honestly wondered how people on Earth see us as.

Stella skimmed through Bloom's book and shook her head. "Not really since this book is written by humans. We're also cooler than this and much more fashionable."

"I see." Bloom looked disappointed until a happy expression replaced it, suddenly having realized something. "Woah.. I can't believe that I have magic and what did you call it? Winx!"

I giggled as Stella spoke up, "It's like my Fairy godmother said; You just need an ogre to attack you to find out what you're made of."

"I'm pretty sure she didn't say that, Stella." I teased and Stella rolled her eyes and playfully nudged my side, not noticing how Bloom glanced between us with a hint of curiosity.

"Why don't you try this? It's a magic exercise." Stella said while waving her hands, the pens on Bloom's desk started spinning until they turned into one big pencil. "Now you try! Turn them back to how they were."

Bloom tried the exercise but failed, she held her hands out, doing different kinds of gestures but to no avail and I gently nudged her side when noticing her disappointment.

"try again!" I encouraged but they were all unfortunately poor attempts, discouraging her even more.

Bloom sighed in defeat. "It's no use."

"That's why it's better if you go to Alfea with me and Stella, you can learn to control your magic there." I pointed out as I waved my hand and the big pencil turned back into the little pens, flying back to the cup they were in ease.

"So where is this Alfea you keep mentioning?" Bloom asked and I couldn't blame the amount of questions she was asking, she was probably still in disbelief and trying to process all of this but I would be too if suddenly someone decided to come with such news.

"It's like in a parallel dimension. You just go to the inner realm of the enchanted ring- wait why explain when I can just show you?" Stella muttered as she waved her hand. A postcard appeared that became larger as it landed on the ground. "It's an express portal, come on it's cool!" Stella stepped on the postcard and started sinking into the portal. I was about to go into the portal when I saw the hesitant look on Bloom's face.

"Bloom, almost no one gets lost going in between dimensions." I assured her and went through the portal followed by Bloom not without hearing her mumble 'Almost no one?' under her breath. After we landed on the ground we were met with a beautiful pink castle.

"So this is it; Alfea castle!" Stella pointed towards the school excitedly as I smiled upon seeing the boarding school. Its campus is a large castle with pink walls and blue roofs built around a courtyard itself having a well that leads to three underground tunnels, linking the three schools of Magix together.

Bloom's eyes widened as she observed the castle with wonder. "What goes on in here?"

"The best and the most fabulous come from all over the universe to perfect their magic!" Stella explained excitedly. A broad grin was present on her face and I couldn't deny the giddiness I felt upon seeing the school I was going to tomorrow. "Most of them are princesses like me but we also have Pixies."

"But we're also down the lagoon from the creepiest place that I've ever been to, Cloud Tower," I said bringing the mood down but I knew that if Bloom were to go with us, I had to at least warn her about the danger there. "School where what I like to call them, the villains go but they are Witches."

"We're also one enchanted forest away from Red Fountain a school for bravery and heroics!" Stella beamed, a small blush now coating her face as she thought about a certain someone. "It's a school full of hot boys!"

"Woah.." Bloom whispered looking uncertain if she wanted to go. "That's a big decision."

Stella grinned and patted Bloom's shoulder. "To help you make your decision I invited some boys from the Red Fountain school!"

"Riven.." I muttered under my breath as my eyes went downcast. Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind the Specialists but it's just that maroon-haired jerk that just makes me want to stay away from them. After showing Bloom the ins and outs we returned to her room when we suddenly heard a crash from downstairs and ran toward it to know what the commotion was about. When we reached where the noises were coming from we were met with the same ogre we faced hours ago accompanied by a blue troll threatening Bloom's parents.

"Tell us where the girls are or you're ghoul food!" The ugly thing demanded, glaring at Bloom's parents who were shaking in fear.

"Turn around you beast." I glared at the beasts, my voice grabbing their attention and even I was surprised by the sudden courage I had.

"I guess you didn't learn your lesson huh?" Stella shouted as we activated our magic, our auras glowing at the seams and feeling the familiar warmth that washed over me.

I closed my eyes and felt myself rise in the sky as my surroundings changed, the sound of water dripping was heard and with the movements of my hands the water rose and covered me like a blanket and the water burst, revealing my Fairy outfit. I wore a light blue dress almost close to white that had translucent sleeves with a dragon-like crystal on the dress paired with translucent thigh-high socks that matched my sleeves and ankle-heeled boots that consisted of silver designs while my snow-white hair remained loose. Sparkles surrounded me and soon my small light blue translucent wings formed on my back, finishing my transformation.

Stella kicked the ogre in the face while I was preoccupied with the blue troll.

"Bloom! you take care of the ghouls." I ordered and Bloom nodded and ran out of the house to lead the ghouls away from us. While I was distracted, the blue troll saw an opening and punched me out of the window making the window break into pieces, I felt excruciating pain as I landed on the ground while bloody cuts littered my skin when suddenly Stella harshly landed on the ground next to me and I quickly helped her up.

"We're outnumbered." I stated the obvious as we all started to back away when the ghouls, the ogre and the troll slowly approached us as if trying to intimidate us.

"What are we going to do?" Bloom asked, fear evident in her voice as I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Hey! princess Stella I hope your friend is the pretty one with the blue and not that troll." Brandon shouted. He has blonde hair and beautiful blue ocean orb-(Anyways) A rope shot out and steadily wrapped around the troll's neck.

"Don't bother! I'm enough to defeat this beast." A maroon haired jerk acted cocky but his cockiness was his whole personality. It was based on his skill at being able to adapt quickly and thinking he was the best at everything and snapping when someone shows even one sign at being a little better at something.

"One month at squash buckler camp doesn't mean you can handle it yourself." A guy sighed while resting his chin on his sword. Sky. The maroon haired also known as Riven got thrown away. "I rest my case."

I stifled my laughter but it was hard to hide when my shoulders were shaking as I tried to suppress peals of laughter that were bursting from within.

"Stay behind me," Brandon instructed as he was struggling to hold onto his shield as the ogre's attacks made contact with his shield. "What have we learned about battling trolls?"

"Smash 'em, right?" Sky grinned as he raised his sword and slammed it down causing the ground to split in half.

"Nope, you take them on their feet." Timmy grinned and shot out some yellow arrows and just as the arrows made contact with the troll, they exploded and caused the troll to fall into the ground split hole.

"Ghouls." I warned them and I was about to blast them but Riven got up and slashed the ghouls unfortunately, because of his reckless action that he barely coordinated, he got punched in the face and was sent flying like an NPC.

"Leave him alone!" Bloom suddenly yelled as her hands started glowing until she could do nothing but release that sudden power, blasting the ogre to the ground.

"Nice one Bloom!" I smiled softly at the fiery girl and patted her back. "See? told you that you have magic."

"It just happened.." Bloom breathed out while looking at her hands in both amazement and confusion.

"Like Alethea said, you have Winx." Stella smiled and then winked at me before turning back to the ogre, her smile falling. "And as for you, leave before I put my Stinkus-Removus spell on you, then you'll smell like you just took a bath!"

The ogre was horrified and then took off.

"What a coward." The softness of my voice didn't back up the harsh wording but I took no mind and turned to Bloom, my eyes softening. "Bloom meet the Red fountain boys; Brandon, Prince Sky, Riven and Timmy." They all smiled - Except for mister grumpy - and waved with a chorus of 'Hey's'.

"Hi.." Bloom greeted, shyly.

The troll tried to escape but Sky placed a collar on him before the said creature could. "Not so fast. You're coming with us. You have done enough for today."

"Where are you taking him?" Bloom asked, furrowing her eyebrows and wondering where they could possibly bring such a massive troll.

"To a creature preserve." Riven decided to answer, looking strangely calm and completely different from his normal harsh and cocky personality as a glowing portal opened.

"Bloom, I hope to see you at Alfea!" Brandon waved and Bloom flushed red, my lips curled up in a knowing smile as the boys went into the portal and disappeared.


Next morning, Mike was cleaning up the mess that the ogre and troll has caused. The whole place looked like it went through hell which it partially did. The glass was broken, walls were torn and the furniture was scattered everywhere.

"You know that I can fix this with a little magic." I pointed out and flashed the working man a kind smile, ready to utter a simple spell to make the mess disappear and fix the damage.

"I've had enough of magic." He sighed, annoyed at the mere mention of magic and I faltered but I understood. His first impression on magic isn't a great one after all.

"Bloom's ready." Vanessa spoke up from the entrance of the living room as she and Bloom walked in while holding her red colored suitcase.

"You're sure about this sweetie?" Mike asked, unsure if he should let his daughter go with strangers to some boarding school.

"Yes dad." Bloom determined while gripping her suitcase tightly and Mike sighed in defeat, knowing that he wouldn't be able to convince her otherwise. "I'm going with Alethea and Stella to the realm of Magix at Alfea castle."

"However." Mike began in a serious tone. "We're going with you, I'm kinda curious about this Alfea school you keep talking about so how do we get to Alfea?"

"A portal." I explained, simple as that, I don't think I should elaborate what a portal is, it's obvious isn't it?

"People without magic normally can't go through portals but my scepter can handle it!" Stella grinned as she raised her scepter. "Sun Power!"

The bile of food that rose in my throat desperately wanted to get out as we were flung in a portal. The nauseating feeling of transporting washing over me like a bucket of ice cold water.

"Woah.." Mike breathed out in amazement the moment we arrived on a hill. The view of the Alfea school for Fairies clearly visible and standing tall.

"Pretty cool huh?" I beamed as I adopted a dimpled smile. My eyes seemed to sparkle and gleam, unable to stay still as the excitement of going to the best school for Fairies bubbled in my stomach like a fluttery feeling of butterflies.

"With a capital C!"  

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