𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 | P. Parker

By a_raconteur

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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and MCU crossover ----- Where Peter is the adorable idiot, and Gwen is the... More

Part One
Chapter 2 - Civil War
Chapter 3 - Translucent Bodies
Chapter 4 - Sneezes Are No Fun
Chapter 5 - C6H12O6
Chapter 6 - Abs Galore
Chapter 7 - Fighting With Flips
Chapter 8 - Breaking Hotel Rules
Chapter 9 - Ned Carried A Bomb
Chapter 10 - How To Get Locked In Your Apartment: Step 1
Chapter 11 - Hello Kitty Pajamas
Chapter 12 - Ned and Gwen Have Fun Together in a Computer Lab
Chapter 13 - Mission: Not-So-Possible
Chapter 14 - Bug-People
Chapter 15 - Billionaires in Bathrooms
Chapter 16 - End Credits
Chapter 17 - Interlude

Chapter 1 - Another, Another Universe

227 7 6
By a_raconteur


Gwen Stacy would tell you to always double check when you leap to make sure you land in the right place. Why would she tell you that? That's a story for another time.

Another one of those portal Gwen hates so much opened under her and dropped her out of it. She shot a web out and it latched on the underside of a bridge. The web stuck to the concrete and stopped her from plummeting into the ground at a frightening speed.

When Gwen opened her eyes from under her, she saw a very bulky man holding what looked like the American flag, but a frisbee version. There was a blonde woman holding a gun which was pointed at her. There was a dark-skinned man with what looked like a backpack on his back and another bulky man with a metal arm.

"Hello there," Gwen greeted from her upside-down state. She dropped down onto the ground, landing on the pointe of her shoe and a lunge, something her Peter taught her. He called it the 'superhero pose' and supposedly, every hero had one. Not very good on the ankles and knees but looks awesome.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now," the backpack sighed.

"Who are you?" the bulky man with the frisbee demanded. He was a very good-looking guy with cropped blonde hair, striking blue eyes, and a very muscular body.

"Uh, hi. I'm Gwen," she waved her hand. Her suit that her Peter made was white and black with pink spider webs on the underside of her arms. She also had a hood that was white with the pink spider web design also inside. The mask that she had was also white, with the eyes of the mask able to expand along with her eyes under the mask. Her feet had turquoise colored ballet shoes on them. "Where am I?"

"Germany. Now, take off the mask," the blonde woman with the gun demanded.

Gwen took off her mask, revealing the green eyes she hid under the white fabric. Her hair went down to her chin. Apparently, the portal restored her hair. She had an eyebrow piercing on her right brow.

The four faces looked quite surprised at the kid that stood in front of them. "You're a kid," the backpack wearing guy said.

"Who you calling kid?" Gwen asked. She then looked down at her body to see it was a little saggy in her suit. Her eyes widened when she saw her smaller body. "I'm small. Why am I small? W-What year is that?" she demanded the four.



"Is that bad?" the metal armed dude whispered to nobody in particular.

"Oh, no. This is not good. This is very not good. Great job, Miles. You sent me to wrong place," the blonde kid mumbled to herself as she paced around, her pointe shoes getting a little dirty.

"Hey!" one of them got the attention of Gwen. She snapped her head up from her internal questioning to see the backpack wearing man looking at her. "We're still here, and you're gonna tell us who you are and why you're here."

"Um, okay. So, I was fighting Doc Ock, and then I got sucked into a portal. I went to New York, but it was not mine. Turns out, it was a different New York, and that the multiverse is real. Yeah, shocker, I know, how do you think I felt? Anyways, I teamed up with some other spider people and took down their Doc Ock, which was a girl with a really weird hairdo. Then we stopped the particle collider and used it send everyone back, except the person manning the controls, Miles, put in the wrong one for me. So, instead of going back to my New York, I am now here in Germany, in the year 2016," Gwen recapped what for her, was just fifteen minutes ago, and told it to the four in front of her.

The four people blinked in the rush of words that came out of her mouth. "Okay then," the frisbee guy came out of his shock the first. "That's a first."

"Oh, and I'm also apparently fifteen again. Can't forget that."

"God forbid we forget that," backpack sarcastically said.

"Yeah." Gwen shuffled her feet awkwardly on the ground. "So, who are you people exactly?"

Backpack frowned. "Wait, you don't recognize him?" He jabbed his thumb to the frisbee guy standing next to him.

"Am I supposed to?"

"Captain America? Steve Rogers? America's poster boy? America's golden boy? The man with a plan? Nothing?"

"Nada," Gwen shook her head with a blank expression.

"The Avengers?"





Gwen shrugged. "I'm kinda used to it at this point."

"What can you do?" the blonde woman questioned; her gun still trained on the teen.

"Lots of things. Like I can shoot webs." She then demonstrated when she flexed her arm out, her fingers all out except that middle and ring fingers which were folded against her palms. She shot a few webs together all around the concrete pillars of the bridge and made a hammock. "I can crawl." She then stuck to the ceiling and grinned at the looks of astonishment on the four faces. "I also have a thing called spider sense that comes in handy."

"That is a very cool gimmick," commented backpack man.

Gwen doesn't know the names of the four people so she's just using their belonging to identify them.

She released a small, breathy laugh. "Thanks."

"Okay, this is great and all, but you three really need to get going," ordered the blonde woman as she tucked her gun into the back of her pants, deciding that the kid was not a threat.

"Right. Of course," frisbee nodded in agreement and went to a small, rundown Volkswagen Beetle that seemed way too small to fit all of them.

"Uh, this is a weird question, but can I come with you?" Gwen asked hesitantly.

The bulky blonde man looked at backpack and metal arm. Backpack shrugged, "I mean, I'm okay with it. Besides, we can't just leave her here."

"No, we can," metal arm commented.

Backpack ignored that comment and turned back to Gwen. "We're going to a fight. Are you sure?"



"Nothing new then. I'm in, if you'll allow me," said Gwen.

Frisbee man looked at the woman who was standing next to a sleek Audi. "Sharon."

The woman, Sharon is apparently her name, looked back at frisbee and replied, "I can't take her. C.I.A. is already going crazy on who took the shield and wings. That will just be too suspicious."

Bulky blonde man sighed. "Okay, come on," he waved over Gwen who was just standing there awkwardly.

"Thank you!" She ran over and hopped into the backseat of the tiny Beetle.

The man got into the car and started the car. The metal arm sat right next to Gwen, he pressed himself against the car, not wanting to touch the girl, or hurt her.

The blonde man who was driving glanced back at the blonde girl in the rearview mirror. "Why were you so eager to join us?" he asked.

Gwen looked up and met the eyes of the driver. "Well, it certainly beats sitting in a hammock in some random place in Germany," she answered, shrugging.

Backpack guy in the passenger seat snorted. "She's got a good point."

"Plus, if you were bad guy, you already would be trying to kill me and I would've already knocked you unconscious."

"We could be really good at hiding the fact we're bad."

"Then my spider sense would tell me so."

"I like you," backpack grinned. "I'm Sam Wilson aka, The Falcon. The guy driving is-"

"Steve Rogers aka Captain America," Gwen finished.

"Exactly and the broody man beside you is Bucky Barnes aka The Winter Soldier."

"Well, I'm Gwen Stacy aka Spider-Woman," smiled Gwen.

"Nice to meet you, Gwen."


The metal armed guy, Bucky apparently is his name, glanced at the teen beside him. "How long you've been a hero?" he asked. He's seen her eyes and recognized the sacrifice behind them.

To be a hero, you need to be willing to put everything on the line. To be a hero, you need to not be selfish and to keep the worlds greater good over your own wants and needs.

"Three years," answered Gwen softly.

"You've been doing this for three years?" Sam said in disbelief. "You're fifteen!"

"Technically speaking, I'm actually seventeen, almost eighteen. It's just that the portals also like to time travel."

"So, you've been doing this since you were fifteen?"

"That's when I got bitten. Freshman year of high school was. . . weird to say the least."

"Damn," mumbled Sam, "I want to be bitten."

"Maybe you can be bitten by a bird to be a real falcon," snarked Bucky.

While Sam glared, Gwen laughed.

Her laughter died down she looked out the window to see a parking garage they're going up. The sounds of a plane landing can be heard through the windows of the beat up Beetle, telling Gwen that they're at an airport.

The blue Beetle's tires squealed on the ground when it turned aggressively into a parking spot next to white van.

"Uh, you do realize that white vans are notorious for kidnapping children, and technically, I am one," pipped in Gwen, making Steve smile and Sam chuckle.

"Cap," a mans voice sounded through the parking garage. The man who the voice belonged to was someone dressed in all black and a leather jacket adoring his upper body.

"You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice," Steve greeted the man, shaking his hand like an old friend would.

"Hey, man, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt," the man in black glanced back to a brunette woman behind him.

"Thank for having my back," Steve thanked.

"It was time to get off my ass," the brunette woman shrugged.

Sam got out of the tiny Beetle and moved his seat up to allow Gwen and Bucky out from the tight backseat.

"How about our other recruit?"

"He's rarin' to go," the man said, walking back to the white van. "Had to put a little coffee in him. . . " he slammed the door of the van, revealing a man laying across the seats, sleeping. When the door slammed open, the man woke up with a jump. "but he should be good."

That man got out of the man and asked, "What time zone is this?"

"Come on. Come on." That man pushes the other man forwards to meet Steve.

"Captain America!" the man greeted with a large grin as if he was meeting his idol, which he is, not that Gwen knows or anything. She's been in this universe for two hours, so she still doesn't know anything about it. That man grabbed Steve's hand and shook it.

"Mr. Lang," Steve said, still shaking hands with him.

"It's an honor," Mr. Lang said, completely starstruck. "I'm shaking your hand too long." Oh great, he finally realized. "Wow! This is awesome! Captain America. I know you, too. You're great!" He said to the brunette woman. He grabbed the shoulders on Steve and marveled at the sheer size of them

In all honesty, Steve could probably bench Gwen's weight, and probably more.

"Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so. . . thanks of thinking of me." Steve just nodded to Mr. Lang's statement. Lang then looked over to Sam who stood next toe Steve. "Hey, man!"

"What's up, Tic Tac?" Sam greeted with a small smirk.

"Uh, good to see you. Look, what happened last time when I. . ."

"It was a great audition, but it'll never happen again."

"They tell you what we're up against?" Steve refocused the group with his questioned.

"Something about some psycho-assassins?"

Steve nodded. "We're outside the law on this one. So if you come with us, you're a wanted man."

"Yeah, well, what else is new?" Lang shrugged as if breaking the law was a daily occurrence for him.

"We should get moving," Bucky stated from beside Gwen.

"We got a chopper lined up," the man in black informed.

The PA system in the garage sounded though, saying something in German.

"They're evacuating the airport," Bucky and Gwen translated.

"Stark," stated Sam.

"Like Game of Thrones Stark?" Gwen asked with furrowed brows, but no one answered her.

"Stark?" Lang clarified.

Steve then ordered, "Suit up."

"Done," Gwen stated, nodding her head.

"Who are you?" the man in black questioned, finally asking the question after he first saw her five minutes ago when she stepped out the car.

"Hi. I'm Gwen," she waved her hand again. "Apparently, I'm here to help."

"You're a kid."

"Really, I'm seventeen but I guess that's a story for a different time." She then turned to Sam and asked,  "What's a Tic Tac? Do you mean a Tac Tic? Like little breath fresheners that look like little pills. Sometimes have Minions on them."

"They're called Tic Tacs."

"Uh, no, I don't think so," Gwen shook her head.

"No one is going to point out the fact that she speaks German?" Lang said in disbelief.

"I know German; I studied it for three years in high school. I would've learned Spanish, but Peter already knew Spanish, so I didn't have to," she explained. She then took a moment to think about it. "Now I probably have to," she frowned when she said that.

"Questions later," Steve ordered.

Gwen shuffled her feet awkwardly as everyone got suited up for whatever is going to happen. If you think about it, she's only been here for what? Three hours now. She's still new in this world and so far, she hasn't glitched yet, so maybe this is a good thing that's she is here.

Maybe she can help them with whatever this fight is going to be on. She's a hero, that's what she does. That's what Peter taught her, that's what her dad taught her, that's what Peni and Miles and the other more fatter Peter, pig Peter and Noir taught her. That's what all of them taught her to be.

She liked saving people. It made her feel like she wasn't so worthless.

When her mentor Peter died, she felt so lost and numb. She felt like a failure at her job. If she couldn't save her best friend, who could she save? For a few weeks, New York lost Spider-Woman and their Spider-Man (not that Peter's alter ego was found out). For those few weeks, it was just Gwen Stacy, or what was left of her anyway.

She became a shell of herself because she thought she was a failure at being a hero, or just. . . being a good friend. Her best friend died and if she was quicker, she could have saved him.

"Hey," a voice broke Gwen's thought. "Are you okay?" Gwen looked up to see the brunette woman from before standing before her in a red leather suit that fits her perfectly.

Gwen absentmindedly nodded. "Yeah, I'll be fine," she assured, however, it sounded like she was doing more so herself than the red woman.

The brunette gave a small smile. "I don't believe we've been introduced. I'm Wanda."


"Well, for what it's worth, it's nice to meet you, Gwen. Even if it is under bad circumstances," said Wanda softly.


"So, what's your powers?" Wanda asked in an attempt to make light chit chat.

"Uh, like a spiders. So, I can shoot webs, crawl on surfaces, heightened senses, reflexes, and strength."

"Can I see?"

"Sure," Gwen shrugged. She then aimed at the white van's door and shot a web out of her wrist, then yanked on the web to close the door. The person who was inside it, changing, Lang, screamed a very high pitch scream, making both girls snort at the sound.

"Let's go," Steve, or what Wanda told Gwen to call Captain America or Cap for short, ordered when he was finally suited up. His outfit was very American in Gwen's opinion with the shield in hand and helmet with an A on it.

The man from earlier, Clint Barton or Hawkeye, gave Gwen a little earpiece she can wear under her mask, allowing her to communicate with the rest of the team. Gwen being the curious person she was, asked Clint what happens when he ran out of arrows. She just got ignored and a snort of a laughter from Sam and Scott Lang who was Ant-Man.

It wouldn't surprise Gwen if there was a Grasshopper-Man, a Wasp-Man, a Butterfly-Woman, and maybe even a Locust-Man. Who knows how many other people would be bitten by insects.

Also, Scott apparently wasn't bitten by an ant, it's just what the suit allows him to do.

After giving the team some instructions on where to go and when to come in, Steve left to head to the helicopter.

Sam had to explain to Gwen who Captain America was and what he did that made him so significant in history. In the 1940's there was an experiment which would turn out Super Soldiers as they called it which were basically enhanced people. Bucky told her that before the serum, he was a scrawny little kid that was probably just a little bigger than Gwen.

When she was told that, Gwen started to laugh through the comms, imagining a smaller, less bulky Steve running around with a trash can lid as a shield.

It's safe to say she had an overactive imagination.

When Steve was a few meters out from the helicopter, a piece of metal attached itself to the copter, sending electricity to its machinery, frying everything in it. He looked up to see a red and gold suit come from the sky, Iron Man, and the matching black and silver one, War Machine.

The two flying suits landed in front of Cap. "Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think it's weird?" the red and gold's helmet revealed a man with a black eye and a really cool looking facial hair.

"That's Tony Stark," Sam supplied through the comm devices from their hideout in the airport terminal.

"Definitely weird," War Machine agreed.

"Hear me out, Tony," Cap said, drawing the attention from both men. "That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this."

"Is he behind all of this?" Gwen asked through the comms.

"Yeah," Sam answered.

Next to Cap, a man in a black cat suit- Wait, what? There's a Cat-Man now? Does he have a partner that's a dog who chases his own tail. Any who, that cat suit man landed gracefully next to Steve. "Captain," Cat-Man said in a deep gravelly voice that had a hint of an accent.

"Your Highness," Steve greeted out of respect.

"There's royal superheroes?" Gwen exclaimed in disbelief.

"Anyway. . ." Tony Stark said, "Ross gave me thirty-six hours to bring you in. That was twenty-four hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" As he was talking, he was walking around War Machine without a care in the world.

"You're after the wrong guy," Cap replied.

"Your judgement is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday."

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him," retorted Cap. "I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't."

"Steve," a new voice called out, making said man turn around to see his longtime friend and colleague, Natasha Romanoff or Black Widow standing there in all her glory, her suit clad on her body. "you know what's about to happen. Do you really want to punch your way out of this one?"

Steve didn't answer her but only turned back to see Tony.

"All right, I've run out of patience," Tony said. He then called out with his hands around his mouth, "UNDEROOS!"

Spiderwebs latched onto the shield and picked it up while simultaneously webbing together Cap's hands together with the white sticky stuff.

A red and blue figure landed atop of a car gracefully with its arm stretched out, shield in hand.

"Nice job, kid. Thanks," Tony complimented.

"Thanks. Well, I could have stuck the landed a little better, it's just. . . new suit," the red and blue figure replied with a higher pitched voice, indicating it's a kid. The eyes behind the mask widen when he realized what that could has been taken as. "It's nothing, Mr. Stark. I-It's perfect. T-Thank you."

"Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation."

The red and blue looked over to see one of his heroes in his webs. "Okay. Cap. C-Captain," the kid said, saluting him. "Big fan. I'm Spider-Man."

"Did he say Spider-Man?" Gwen breathed out a little shakily, but no one answered her.

"Yeah, we'll talk about it later," Tony waved off in an attempt to get the kid to stop talking.

Spider-Man waved to the whole group in front of him. "Hey, everyone," he said in awe.

"Good job."

"You've been busy," Steve stated, drawing the attention away from Spider-Man.

"And you've been a complete idiot," retorted Tony, "Dragging in Clint. . . 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep. . ." Tony sighed to keep in his anger. "I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."

"You did that when you signed."

"All right, we're done. You're going to turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us, now, because it's us. . . or a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite," Tony demanded.

"We found it," Sam's voice sounded through the comms. He used Redwing to fly around and locate what they called a Quinjet. "Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway."

Steve discretely nodded at the information and lifted his bound hands in the air. An arrow was shot through the air, tearing the webs apart.

"That was amazing," complimented Gwen with wide eyes full of astonishment next to Clint and Wanda. Clint turned around to give Gwen a small smirk and wink.

Tony's helmet reformed around his head as he watched the arrow soar past him.

"All right, Lang," Steve said.

Ant-Man in his tiny ant size climbed up onto the ledge of Cap's shield. Spider-Man looked over to the shield to see a tiny person on the metal. "Hey, guys, something-"

He got cut off when Scott resized to his normal one and kicked Spider-Man in the face. Gwen has used that move many, many times. It's quite easy as the person who will get kicked is never really paying attention.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," War Machine reeled back in shock. "What the hell was that?"

"I believe this is yours, Captain America," Ant-Man said from besides Cap and handed him back his shield, which Cap took.

Iron Man's helmet had an A.I. in it which made things to identify easier. "Oh, great. All right, there's three on the parking deck. One of them's Maximoff. I'm gonna grab her," he said flying off into the sky. "Rhodey, you wanna take Cap?"

"Got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes," War Machine informed.

"Barnes is mine," Cat-Man stated defensively before running off to Sam and Bucky.

Cap threw his shield at War Machine, initiating the fight.

"Hey, Mr. Stark, what should I do?" Spider-Man asked, putting his finger to his ear where the comm resided.

"What we discussed. Keep your distance, web 'em up," he replied.

"Okay, copy that," Spider-Man said. He shot two webs at the terminal and pulled himself onto it.

Cap went after the Cat-Man which Clint informed Gwen that it's actually Black Panther, not Cat-Man. To which she defended with saying that there's already a Spider-Woman, Spider-Man, and Ant-Man, so why wouldn't there be a Cat-Man too. Cap threw Black Panther to the ground.

While Cap and Black Panther fought, Scott was with Natasha Romanoff.

Spider-Man landed on the glass ceilings that is the terminal. The sudden sound of impact made Sam and Bucky look up to see the brightly colored suit.

"What the hell is that?" Bucky muttered while running through the terminal.

"Hey, Gwen, I think this guy stole your gimmick," Sam said through the comms while running alongside the Winter Soldier.

Spider-Man shot two more webs and swung himself through the glass, smashing it and kicking Sam in the chest. Bucky went to punch him with his metal arm, which he caught., surprising Bucky as his jaw fell lightly. "You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude," Spider-Man said in awe.

Falcon came up and opened his wings and caught Spider-Man in his arms.

The arachnid squirmed and fought in the arms holding him captive. "You have the right to remain silent!" He yelled out and shot two more webs, escaping his captor.

Gwen, Wanda, and Clint were all running down the airport grounds when Iron Man flew up behind them and shot at them. Explosions blew up all around the running trio. Clint quickly used his body to cover Wanda and Gwen, protecting them from falling pieces of concrete.

"Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings," said Tony from inside the suit.

"You locked me in my room," she retorted.

"Who's Vision?" Gwen whispered to Clint.

"Red android with a glowy thing in his forehead," he whispered back. Gwen nodded, processing the information

Iron Man's repulsors are aimed at the trio when he said, "Okay, first, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you." He then looked over to see Hawkeye with his bow ready to go. "Hey, Clint."

"Hey, man," Clint greeted back from in front of Gwen.

"Clearly, retirement doesn't suit you. You got tired of shooting golf?"

"Well, I played eighteen, shot eighteen. Just can't seem to miss," he shrugged.

Better than Gwen. If she shoots eighteen, she would be lucky to make five.

Clint then fired his arrow at Tony. The repulsors fired and destroyed the arrow before it could get into his personal bubble. "First time for everything," said Tony.

Clint smirked. "Made you look."

Cars came flying out of the parking garage, surrounded by red wisps of something. Gwen's eyes followed the red wisps to see the same-colored wisps surrounding Wanda's hands and fingers. Here eyes bugged out of her head – not literally of course, but that would be a good pun – as her jaw fell slack under the white mask on her face.

"You have telekinesis?" Gwen Stacy exclaimed in astonishment.

Clint answered, "One of the things she can do."

Iron Man turned around and tried to use his repulsors to shoot at the cars coming at him, but there was just too many. The red wisps carried all the cars out and he tried to maneuver around them but wasn't that fast. He got buried under all sorts of different cars, including the beat-up Volkswagen Beetle Gwen, Sam, Bucky, and Steve all arrived in.

"Multiple contusions detected," Tony's A.I., FRIDAY, said.

"Yeah, I detected that, too," Tony muttered in reply as his screen showed red all over, indicating where the contusions were detected, which was quite a lot.

Clint then grabbed Gwen's hand to get her attention. "Go help Sam," he ordered.

"But what about you guys?" she asked.

"I got Wanda, I'm fine. Go."

"Good luck," she said before she ran away to the terminal. Gwen ran the entire way there, the spider bite certainly helped with her stamina because before she was bitten, she couldn't run the mile for school without getting winded. Plus, she ran because she didn't have anything to swing on.

"Oh, god," Spider-Man mumbled when he sensed something coming from behind him. He jumped over the sign and grabbed it. "Hey, buddy, I think you lost this!" He threw it back to Bucky, who threw it in the first place.

Spider-Man then got kicked off of his place in the rafters by Falcon. He shot a web that pulled him away from Sam's feet and shot another web, hitting one of the thrusters of the suit.

Sam grunted when his wings folded in on itself and made him land through one of those cell phone stands they have in malls. When Sam stood up, his hands were webbed to the railings of the stairs below him.

Spider-Man landed on a directional map. "Are those wings carbon fiber?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Sam looked at the webs that are around his hands with a look of disgust on his face. "Is this stuff coming out of you?" questioned Sam.

"I would explain the rigidity-flexibility ratio, which, gotta say, that's awesome, man."

"I don't know if you've been in a fight before, but there's usually not this much talking."

"All right, sorry. My bad," Spider-Man apologized before shooting a web out and swinging on it, ready to kick Sam. But Bucky came in front and took the hit for Sam, but either way, it made both of them crash into the level below them. Bucky's metal arm was then webbed down to the ground. "Guys, look," Spider-Man's voice sounded through the room from his crouched position still on top of the direction map. "I'd love to keep this up, but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, so, I'm really sorry."

Spider-Man shot a web out ready to aim it at Sam, but the Falcon was quick thinking. He used the cuff on his left arm to maneuver Redwing to take the web out of midair and fly the spiderling attached to it out of the terminal.

Bucky sighed and closed his eyes. "You couldn't have done that earlier?" he mumbled; frustration clear in his tone.

"I hate you," Sam stated.

Gwen chose the perfect time to come in through one of the already broken windows. "Wow, who the hell is going to pay for all of this?" she wondered out load as she eyed all the broken pieces of glass and metal.

"Hey, maybe you wanna help us," Sam suggested from his spot on the ground.

"Yep." Gwen went onto her pointe shoes and tip toed around all the glass, careful not the step on any. When she reached Sam and Bucky, she couched down beside them.

Remember when Gwen's dad made her carry pepper spray wherever she went? Yeah, well, she made cuffs that go around her wrists that have them inside of them.

Miles and Peter B. Parker had to have cuffs and cartridges in order to be able to shoot webs, but Gwen was different. She didn't need any of those because the webs came out of her wrists. However, she also did have the cuffs on her wrists, one of them was pepper spray and what's the other you ask?

Well, it's a compound she developed that can dissolve the webs she shot out.

You wouldn't believe the amount of times Gwen accidentally shot of webs out when she sneezed. At one point, her entire room was covered in the webs, so to get rid of that problem, she made the compound.

Her right wrist was the pepper spray while the left one was the compound. Gwen named the compound Raid 'cause of the bug repellent thing she had in her universe.

It's a little inside joke she had with Peter.

She sprayed the clear liquid on the webs on Sam's arms and the thruster on his wings. Gwen then went to Bucky's hand and sprayed it too.

"What is that stuff?" Sam asked as he watched the liquid dissolve the webs but leaving everything else completely untouched as if it was merely water.

"Something I made to deal with all the webs. A lot of trial and error," Gwen answered, shrugging at the answer. "Uh, we should probably go." She motioned her hands to the exit, which was still, the broken window.

Nodding, Bucky and Sam joined Gwen as she swung out the window and landed gracefully on the ground with a perfect roll. There, they joined the rest of their teams running.

Their team was made up of Cap in the front, Bucky, Sam, Clint, Scott, Wanda, and of course, Gwen. So far, Gwen liked everybody she met in this universe. It reminded her of the little team she was a part of in Miles' universe.

A yellow beam gets shot out and it engraved the concrete in front of them, halting their running.

Gwen looked up to see a figure floating in air. That figure had skin that was reddish with guess what, a yellow glowy thing in its forehead. "Is that Vision?" Gwen whispered to Clint.

"Yep," he answered.

"Captain Rogers," Vision said, his accent British, "I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good. . . you must surrender now."

The rest of Iron Man's team comes down which includes Natasha, Iron Man himself, obviously, War Machine, Black Panther, Vision, and the one Gwen is most concerned for, Spider-Man.

Gwen doesn't know if she can fight him. She knows him, but at the same time, she doesn't know him. She knows different versions of him, and she's met them. But she doesn't know this Spider-Man or the person behind the mask.

Gwen swallowed the lump in her throat as she made eye contact with Spider-Man.

Spider-Man eyes widened as he saw another spider person on the opposite team. He's never met any other person who was bitten by a radioactive spider. Of course, there's the possibility that his mind was just running wild with all sorts of thought when he saw the spiderweb design in the hood of the white and black figure. But would it really be so much of a stretch to see another spider person?

Yes. The answer would be yes because the radioactive spider that bit him, is now dead, so yes, it would be a stretch.

Well, maybe they were able to Frankenstein the spider to make them bite it, but that's seems like too much of a stretch.

"What do we do, Cap?" Falcon asked.

"We fight," Captain America answered, starting in a simple walk and everyone else following him.

Across the battlefield, the Black Widow said, "This is gonna end well." She and everyone else on her team started to walk as well.

Cap then picked up the pace with a jog, everyone else copying his speed.

"They're not stopping," said Spider-Man as he glanced at his mentor, Mr. Stark.

"Neither are we," Iron Man replied.

By now, everyone is in a full out run. The fliers Wanda and Sam were already in the air. The enhanced people Bucky, Cap, and Gwen were ahead of everyone else.

On the other team, the three fliers Iron Man, War Machine, and Vision were in the air while the two enhanced were Black Panther and Spider-Man.

Iron Man's fist came in contact with Captain America's shield. The sound that came from that, echoed through the air piercing everyone's ears, signaling that the civil war had begun.

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