By hazzoranstories

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By hazzoranstories



"CLOVE KENTWELL," THE electronic voice announced, and Clove stood up, practically running towards the gymnasium door to complete her private session. She was only the third person to have gone, and Cato was next. He wasn't nervous, but he was interested, to say the least, in what the Gamemakers thought of him. He figured he would be like any other career his size and get at least a nine, but some things fell out of place in the games.

Devyn, however, was quite nervous. She hadn't handled an ax in weeks, and the Capitol weapons were probably more advanced than those in District seven. She might mess up and embarrass herself in front of the very people that decide her fate. But she would be happy with any score higher than a six, so she wouldn't look like a complete fool.

"Cato Hadley," Cato rose from his seat and walked towards the door, not before sending a subtle wink at Devyn, who rose an eyebrow. After over an hour of waiting, Devyn's name was finally called.

Leighton sent her a small reassuring smile as she walked towards the gymnasium. The gymnasium had all the stations still set up, except all instructors were gone, and the only person on the floor was a Peacekeeper standing in the corner. The Gamemakers stood on the upper level, all chatting away and eating the feast provided to them. Devyn almost scoffed at how they must make sure they're looking over the tributes as if proving their power over them.

A few eyes were on her as she walked over to the ax station. Finally, she would be able to do what she did best. She grabbed ahold of one of the throwing axes. A lighter and slick black weapon with a handle made of solid rubbers and plastics specifically designed for long-range shots. She rounded back towards the Gamemakers, who still weren't fully paying attention to her.

"Devyn Dallix," she said in a proud and stern voice. "District seven," all of them turned their brightly colored chair towards her as she walked over to the ax targets. Some were on pieces of wood against the wall, some were hanging from the ceiling, and others were shaped like humans, much like the dummies at the sword station.

She drew both arms above her head and let out an exhale of air she was holding onto. Closing one eye and directing the weapon at one of the foam humans, she aimed for the face. It was at least ten yards away, but she let her arms fly forward anyways. The ax flew until it hit the nose of the dummy. She smirked, glancing back at the Gamemakers. Some shrugged while others gave looks that reassured her that it wasn't bad. But all ended up turning back to a previous conversation.

Devyn became furious, but she wouldn't let her temper get her in trouble. Not this late in the games. She picked up another two axes and went over to the rope climbing. She put one ax grip between her teeth and the other firmly in the other hand as she climbed up the unstable ropes. Once she was to the top, she hooked her legs around the ropes and dropped down, now dangling upside down as she noticed the ax targets too far away now.

But the knife targets were still in her line of aim. With the second ax still in her mouth, she pulled her right arm back and threw the first ax underhand at the ground target. A loud thud rang through the gymnasium as it stuck squarely in the middle. She knew all the Gamemakers were looking at her now.

She grabbed the second ax from her teeth and began swinging her body back and forth on the ropes until she had a steady momentum. She let the ax go with a sharp yell, and it hit right beside the first. They were so closely touching you could hardly see any space between them.

She quickly climbed down the ropes and now saw the Gamemakers gawking at her. Some had their jaws dropped while others' eyes were wide. Devyn took a tacky bow as she shouted, "want any more? Or can I leave!" One of them, a tall woman with even taller hair, nodded, waving Devyn away.

Devyn gladly left, not noticing just how angry she was. She didn't know if she was mad because the Gamemakers first ignored her until she did something extraordinary or if she was merely irritated about standing in the same room as them.


"You couldn't have said it with a little bit of respect?" Beatrice yelled, and Devyn chuckled as she relaxed into the couch of the District seven apartment.

"Don't blame her, Beatrice. The Gamemakers get bored once they get to the later districts. She improvised," Johanna added.

"Improvised?" Beatrice squealed.

"What'd you do besides yell at them?"

"I hit a dummy first, then climbed up the ropes and threw a few upside down," Devyn replied.

"That's gotta be at least a nine! Nice job, Dev!" Devyn smiled at Johanna's comment. "And what about you?" She moved to Leighton, who shrugged.

"Spared a trainer and tried throwing some. I hit close to the bullseye each time, but I did better close up. I think I hit his face through his armor. I know I saw blood drip onto the mat," Leighton took a sip of his wine he continued drinking after dinner as Johanna praised him. Devyn had noticed how much he adored the wine here, and she knew they had a few bottles in District seven but not much. But she wouldn't be surprised if Leighton's family could afford one.

"Oh! The scores are coming on!" Vanity screamed, and Devyn jumped away from her. Caesar Flickerman faded onto the screen, his blue hair, makeup, and eyebrows sticking out from the dull background behind him.

"Hello, everyone! Tonight we will be announcing the training scores of all 24 tributes. As you know, the tributes were rated on a scale of 1 to 12 after three days of careful evaluation," and then the scores began. Marvel's face appeared beside Caesar as he glanced down at the first card.

"From District one, Marvel, with a score of nine," Devyn felt her heart beating rapidly.

"Also from District one, Glimmer, with a score of nine," if the careers were getting these scores, there was no way she would beat them. She'd be lucky to get an eight.

"From District two, Cato ..." Devyn felt herself lean forward slightly as Cato's picture came up, "... with a score of ten." She knew Cato would be proud and flaunt that ten later tonight, and she also knew that if she somehow got anything higher than a seven, he would question her strategy.

"The female tribute from District two, Clove, with a score of ten," Devyn gulped.

The list of tributes went on, and many got low or medium scores like fives or sixes. The one that surprised Devyn was the District four boy who was no older than 12 or 13 who got an eight. He probably got that because he was part of the careers.

"From District seven, Leighton Kelly ..." everyone froze as Leighton appeared, "... with a score of nine." Leighton gasped, and Beatrice screeched in delight.

"Leighton, oh, I'm so proud of you!" Orina exclaimed. He got a few hugs and a pat on the back from Devyn, who was happy for him but distracted at the fact that she was next.

"And last of District seven, Devyn Dallix," Devyn's picture came up, and she held her breath. This could be a life or death number. If she got too high of a number, she would become an immediate target but too low, and she wouldn't get sponsors. She figured the second reality to be worse. "She got a score of ... eleven," even Caesar sounded shocked as he read the card.

Devyn blinked a few times, trying to process what she had just heard. "Oh my god! Devyn!" Vanity yelled, squeezing her so tight Devyn had trouble breathing.

"Amazing!" Orina and Beatrice cried.

Devyn finally got out of Vanity's hold and stood up. Johanna rushed to hug her, but she was alright with it this time. "I'm so proud of you, Dev," she whispered, and Devyn held her tighter.

"Do you think Ophelia is too?"

"She would be even if you got a one," Devyn smiled at Johanna's words and broke the hug. She was consumed in bliss, joy, and still slight shock for the rest of the scores. Although she did catch some like Thresh, the boy from eleven, getting a ten which she knew the careers wouldn't be too happy about. Rue got a seven which Devyn felt proud of her for getting. She knew she would want to team up with the little girl in the arena even if she couldn't defend herself or contribute much. She felt the need to protect someone so innocent. Peeta got an eight, and Katniss matched Devyn's score of eleven. She figured District twelve was playing the same strategy as Johanna. They must've shown their proper skills in their private sessions. Although, Devyn couldn't lie that now she would watch herself around them.

But she couldn't take the arrogant dream of her and Katniss teaming up to kill everyone else in the arena. She didn't know what Katniss's actual skill was and vice versa, but they would surely be able to kill a few tributes with two elevens under their belts. But then they would have to battle each other if they were the final two, and she didn't want to test her odds.


"An eleven?" Cato's voice was vicious and a low hiss. Devyn could immediately tell he was both confused and jealous, which would cause anger. She walked up to him, and he snapped around, grabbing her arm forcefully.

"How the hell did you get an eleven?" He whispered so deadly Devyn had to restrain herself from stepping back.

"I have more skills than climbing and weight lifting, Hadley."

"Like what?"

"You'll have to wait and see," Devyn knew that if she told him, he would use it against her some way or another. Either by preventing her from having an ax in the arena or telling his fellow careers who would gather enough intelligence to find out her weaknesses as well.

"Tell me," he gripped her arm tighter. "Now," Devyn held back a wince as he was practically bending her arm in half.

"You're getting angry, Cato," Devyn said softly and stared at Cato's dangerous blue eyes. "Let me go," her voice was barely above a whisper as Cato began shaking in rage.

"Tell me," he demanded.

"I can't," her arm began to lose circulation and numb up.

"Do you not trust me with this small secret?"

"Why would I trust you?" Devyn couldn't hold back her snap, but she didn't care. That was such an absurd question. He had done nothing to gain her trust, and even with the personal talks and banter, it was always Devyn who showed kindness. It was never the other way around.

"Because I'm trying to help you!"

"How?" Devyn raised her voice at how ridiculous Cato sounded, trying to defend himself.

"Why do you think I haven't told anyone about the little things I see that show how deadly you really are? My allies are dying to know — especially now that you've scored an eleven — how to kill you. And I have plenty of information that could destroy you, but I haven't told a soul. Because I'm trying to protect you so you can go home!" Despite him yelling in her face, Cato gradually lost his grip on Devyn's arm, and she could've slipped out of it. But she didn't.

Devyn took a deep breath, never breaking eye contact with Cato, which was growing soft. "Why?"

"Because too many people need you," his voice lowered until it was back to normal.

"Only my sister needs me —"

"That's plenty."

"Well, people need you too," Cato glanced down and shook his head before looking back up.

"No one needs me. Mom and brother are dead, remember? And dad's out for work."

"I didn't know your mom and —"

"I must've forgotten to tell you," Cato chuckled dryly, pulling his hand away, so they both went into his pockets.

"I'm sorry. How'd they die?"

"Mom got some incurable illness a few years ago. And my brother died in the 66th games," Devyn couldn't help her eyebrows raising and her eyes growing wide.

"Your brother once ..." Cato nodded. Devyn remembered that year very clearly because it's one of the most hated games in the Capitol to date. Not only was it boring in an arctic setting, so most of the tribute froze to death. But there was also the only cannibalistic tribute named Titius from District six. Being only ten at the time, Devyn would always turn away when his scenes came on because it was so gruesome.

"Yeah. He got 10th which is quite disappointing now that I look at it. But the victor Jackson Spidell betrayed the careers and pushed him into a pit of spikes. That's the reason I'm so determined to win. So I can avenge him," the slightest hint of a smile spread across Cato's lips as he mentioned his reasoning behind volunteering, and Devyn felt butterflies erupt in her stomach after seeing how proud Cato spoke.

"My mom died from a disease as well shortly after I was born," Devyn said, and Cato's interest peaked. "And my dad was crushed under a tree while working in the forests when I was 15."

"Wow, so you were sent to an orphanage? If they have one in seven."

"No, we were lucky because Ophelia was 18, and we could manage to keep our house," Cato hummed as Devyn finished.

"Boy, do we have messed up family situations," they both laughed.

"Now, do you still want to know how I got that eleven?" Devyn asked.

"I'd appreciate it."

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