By justarockstarbaby

32.5K 473 309

Sometimes some people aren't worth saving, wether it be someone you love dearly or someone in serious need, s... More

cast call
chapter one • the night we met
chapter two • summertime sadness
chapter three • are you bored yet?
chapter four • My Kind Of Woman
chapter five • the less i know the better
chapter six • summer
chapter seven • meet me at our spot
chapter eight • fantasy
chapter ten • hurts so good
chapter eleven • the heart wants what it wants
chapter twelve • can i call you tonight?

chapter nine • washing machine heart

1.2K 17 8
By justarockstarbaby

Wrapped up in a heap of limbs, loose emotions and thick mass of duvet covers, Scarlet lay numbly in the comfort of her own bed.

Since she had woken from the shallow sleep that had consisted of a series of restless tosses and turns, her eyes had been wide open and decorated in a crimson tint. Just staring into the dark abyss whilst trapped in a never ending day dream, millions of thoughts terrorising her sanity.

Although she was far from heartbroken as the feelings she felt towards the male were ones she would never admit, there was an unfamiliar pain that coiled around her heart which sprouted from a sense of betrayal she had never been accustomed to before.

It was ironic really, Scarlet could a hundred percent confirm it wasn't love as it was too early for that sacred emotion as she had only known the male for a short period of time, yet there were undeniable feelings that she continued to deny over and over again in that moment due to sheer embarrassment of capturing feelings for someone whom had been using her like a puppet on a string.

Something she continuously prided herself on being was a hard headed individual, always able to detect the wrong people who weren't good for her soul like a drug dog in a meth lab- but then there was Rafe. Everything that had come after him seemed to be one colossal blur.

Introducing her into the glorious substance known as cocaine was something that the male shouldn't have indulged in, since the moment her eyes had fluttered open and absorbed the light, a bump was ready at her right nostril to aid her through the already patronising day. It seemed she could no longer dispute with the dirty blonde over his evident drug abuse as she could proudly acknowledge that it came in useful for times like so.

Often Scarlet would remorsefully allow her mind to drift into the heavens, wondering what her mother would think of her now she was growing into a woman and making her own decisions for herself. Slap her back into sobriety probably, with a scowl and a broken heart because her little girl had washed away down the drains she once showered above.

But her heart was so pure it would be fulfilled in forgiveness, soothing fingers running through Scarlets untamed locks to comfort her only daughter when going through such a mind boggling time.

Caught in the midst of silent yet such violent thoughts, the vibration from her phone that rested on the bed side table grasped Scarlet's attention- hand reaching wearily out to retrieve it from its current location and see what had pulled her from the hour upon hour filled trance she had been in.

Squinting to rid any sensitivity her eyes were burning with from the burst of light off the screen, her heart dropped with disbelief. A gut wrenching feeling occurred as Scarlet's whole being was summoned in a abrupt sickness, reading each letter over and over again to ensure her eyes weren't deceiving her.

I know I'm the last person you probably want to speak to but I need you to know that I'm really fucking sorry Scar, last night I was out of order and I want you to forgive me.

The nausea she felt was quickly replaced with a burning enmity, each breath she took sped up to triple in pace whilst her thumbs were itching to reply with something that would be equally as cruel as his previous acts. He had unrightfully revealed his true colours and demonstrated exactly why the female shouldn't proceed in their involvement, the virulent words which he called her bouncing relentlessly in the back of Scarlet's mind.

Why would I forgive you Rafe. You're exactly who I thought you would be, leave me alone.

It wasn't as scornful as she would have liked it to be but it easily conveyed what she wanted to say to the male, Scarlet not getting the chance to lock her phone before a reply appeared below her message.

Please just at least give me the chance to make it up to you, but if you still don't want to see me after tonight then that's fine I'll leave you alone.

Her head and her heart were screaming two different opposing things, one suggesting to block his number and completely remove him from her memory- the other being slightly more lenient and acknowledging his apology and efforts to reach out to her. Anyone could gather it was the bare minimum but for a proud male like Rafe it seemed beyond his ability, for once taking his wrong doings into perspective and feeling some sense of regret.

Sighing in a conflicted mindset, Scarlet let her thumbs type for her and sent the message before she could take it back and regret the in the moment decision. It was evident that he wasn't good for the female in the slightest, but since the day they had met she had been ignorant to the continuous red flags that would surface on random occasions that were obvious signs to run away.

Instead Scarlet ignored the signs from the angels and ran straight through them, diving straight into into the pits of hell.

Either be here at eight to pick me up or I'll block your number

The reasoning to why she was turning down that same damn path once again was one she couldn't simply answer herself. Usually if something occurred like so, Scarlet would send them packing and on their way before they could even begin to plead for a second chance- never mind actually granting their wishes.

But there was something, a specific feeling she couldn't shake away about Rafe. One that resentlessly lived within her mind and taunted her in the entirety of a usual twenty four hour day. She had never been an addict to anything before whilst indulging in multiple substances, always had a knack for suppressing her urges and controlling to need to return to any of the intoxicants used.

Her character was more than enough to fuel any sense of fun she desired, using alcohol or drugs on an occasion was a delightful yet unneeded addition.

But since he had strolled into her life like the devil disguised in white, relapsing seemed like the only option- craving his attention and presence like nothing she had ever known before. Trouble was the only thing she knew to be in, feeling the deep gut wrenching feeling in her stomach that was being easily ignored by the female.

She wanted him, because Rafe Cameron was addictive, and Scarlet Meadows seemed to have contracted a taste for endangerment.

Deal, I'll be at yours at eight.

And there it was, another deal with the devil. Scarlet wondered how many times she'd make these arrangements that had the threat of possibly being mislead and hurt once again before she completely turns away from their involvement. With authentic honesty the most she had ever felt alive was in those moments with Rafe, skin buzzing and senses tingling to just the singular thought of the alluring male.

Feeling a sudden burst of energy summon her, Scarlet made her way down the elongated staircase of her home and wondered into the kitchenette that was currently unoccupied. Pulling a deep bowl and a spoon from the areas they are kept in and pouring herself a generous amount of frosted flakes to settle the aggressive roars of hunger that were audibly coming from her empty stomach.

She checked her phone for any notifications that may have came through whilst she made breakfast, one from April that she is yet to respond to, accompanied by the last message Rafe had sent. Two messages that were unopened, but none from the person she needed the most in that particular moment.

Lake never bothered to message or call whilst he painted a new life for himself in a country that was unknown to both Scarlet and her father, the tone and rhythm of his voice was something she was beginning to forget, as well as being in the unknown on how he looks.

Would he have a beard and long hair? No, he never suited longer hair when he was younger and made a valid point that it made him look 'unkept and ugly'. A beard was also quite a stretch, her brother was previously one to take care of himself and enjoyed the bareness to his face much more than some facial hair. The day their dad taught him how to shave was the best day of his life, despite only having a few hairs growing on the upper lip area and a minimal amount on his chin, you'd find him in the bathroom two to three times a week with shaving cream covering the entirety of his lower face and a blade at the ready.

Scarlet chuckled, reminiscing the memory that was long gone and too far in the past to revisit. It was painful to think that her older brother didn't care anymore, a piece of him left when their mother died and he took the rest of himself elsewhere. Neglecting the ones who remind him the most of the beloved one they lost, as well as the family home that consisted in the ghost of childhood memories.

Unable to help herself, Scarlet picked up the phone and dialled his number- holding it close to her strongest ear and waiting patiently whilst it rang out. In hopes that his voice would meet her on the other side of the line, ask her how she is and how their father was doing, maybe even how the weather was in Outer Banks so she could reciprocate the same query and finally find out where he was shacked up.

But it didn't and the brunette was met with the same voice message of the answer machine, a remaining piece of her heart rifted within her chest as she closed her eyes and exhaled deeply in disappointment.

"Hey Lake it's me, Scarlet. I was just calling to see how you are because we haven't spoke in awhile, I think dad would like to hear your voice too. Call me back when you get this please, I miss you. Okay love you, you dick"

It was a fruitless attempt and one she should have probably not made to effort to do, considering the last time she had left a message on his answer phone it had been lost amongst his other messages and left without a response. A continuous pattern that happened too often, wondering if she'd ever get the chance to see her brother again in the days that were left to live.

Sitting stiffly and aggressively eating heaped spoon fulls of the chosen cereal, Scarlet didn't realise the new presence that had newly joined her- only coming to that conclusion once the familiar voice spoke out and cut the silence like a sharp blade.

"Good afternoon doll, you feeling well today?" Her father asked whilst placing the shopping bags down onto the island, the female had completely forgotten that her only guardian had a day off today.

Pulling a empty smile upon her face whilst swallowing the contents within her mouth, Scarlet hummed and nodded in response and followed his movements carefully with her attentive gaze. Wondering what foods had been restocked and consisted within the many bags. "Anything for me?"

As if he had read her mind, the males hand gripped all jumbo boxes of candy he had purchased and pulled them out of one of the paper bags with a wide grin. Pushing four packets of sour patch kids towards his daughter and feeling the immense joy once her face lit with realisation. "Like I could forget them Scarl. Every month you get four boxes else I'm in trouble"

"You're the absolute best" she cheered, ditching her bowl to make a dent in one of the new boxes of her favourite sweet treats.

Whilst continuing to unpack, he chuckled and looked to view Scarlet over his shoulder, watching her carefully pick out the red ones first to devour. "Those have always been yours and Lake's favourites, I remember the day we made that deal"

Pausing mid chew, Scarlet cleared her throat in preparation to ask the question that she would undoubtedly know the answer to. "Have you heard from him recently? Lake?"

"Yes for the first time in nine months he called me last night whilst you were out, although it was only to ask me if I had found his watch that he had left behind. Typical of your brother"

Remorse burned within her blood to the words, she had missed the singular call that had been awaited for many lonely days over an night that concluded to be awful. If there was any chance of a reply from her sibling before then it was been incredibly slimmed, Lake had already made his once in a blue moon effort and the female had past it.

"Cool" is all she could reply, her emotions switching once a vibrant bunch of sunflowers were held within her father's hands and placed into a vase that sat above the sink on the windowsill.

"How was your night anyway mija? I've completely forgot to ask" he cluelessly asked, taking interest in something that the female didn't exactly want to address.

"I was good dad, I enjoyed it" her fabricated lies slipped right off her tongue, convincing enough to earn a simply good from the parent before she dismissed herself and made a trek towards the bedroom where she'd feel sorry for herself for a few more hours until the dreaded came.

She often found showers therapeutic, a place to unwind or let the droplets of warm water wash away and disguise the tears. Yet today it felt patronising, too hot or too cold, uncomfortable and irritable to the skin and Scarlet wondered if the dreadful experience in the shower foreshadowed the upcoming line of events to occur tonight.

Once her shower had been conquered, the female quickly moisturised her face and wrapped the damp chocolate locks into a towel, making it into a heap of drenched fabric on top of her already heavy head.

Not much effort would be poured into her appearance tonight she had decided, not exactly exceeding in energy as the brunette was severely lacking in that department. Makeup was already something she couldn't bring herself to do, the skin care that she did daily was already becoming a ball ache and was leaving little to no motivation to work with the cosmetics.

Her hair was also left to dry naturally, product to maintain her authentic curls was already in her mane and ready to be ticked off the to do list.

Although the male supposedly wanted to make it up to Scarlet, she had no intention of dressing up in a classy outfit or anything of the sort to impress the dirty blonde. Instead she threw an oversized red hoodie over her head and paired it with a simple pair of black shorts, the nights were progressively getting more crisp by the day and the brunette was adamant she'd be warm enough and find all the comfort needed in the chosen outfit.

To pass away the hour that was left until Rafe would be attendant in his car, she opted for another bump of cocaine to keep herself company. Pouring out the lasting substance which remained in the packet that the male had provided her with on the bathroom counter and sculpted two perfect precise lines, then bending down slightly so the rolled note was met at either side with the power and her nostril.

The first line was the easiest, snorting it with one quick motion and standing straight with her head tilted back so it travelled easily to her brain. Sniffling and letting some air pass through the route she had used to inhale the drug to clear the junction, Scarlet bent down once again and repeated her previous actions.

A shiver erupted down her spine as it all disappeared, granting the drug swifter access by a few additional aggressive snorts with an index finger run under her nostrils and rubbing the dust of the drug off the counter into her gums.

"What a person you've become Scar" she whispered to herself, breaking into a curt chuckle when the humorous side to her actions found her just seconds later. She barley even recognised herself when looking in the mirror, standing and watching the dilation of her pupils whilst they glaze over with a cocaine influence.

What was life like before Rafe?

Nothing in her memory could be recalled; Scarlet couldn't remember what the days were like when they weren't tainted by his presence, his cruel yet beautiful eyes, the wonky smirk he often portrayed, the way his voice was as smooth as velvet but could switch into hard leather within a second.

All of those things outweighed the odds against his monstrous side that had been exploited, twisting the females arm and guiding her back into pools of admiration so she drowned in self hatred for softening once again. Scolding herself as the pure emotion of anger melted into instant forgiveness by just the thought of his angelic traits, such a pretty boy with such a devilish core. 

"Fuck you" Scarlet added whilst still glaring at her reflection, sighing in disappointment before taking one last look in the mirror and walking away from the foreigner she witnessed back in the lavatory.

Seconds passed and turned into minutes, those minutes ticked away as the clock hanging on the wall counted down for the dreaded moment the brunette had been waiting on all day. Seeing him face to face again riddled her with anxiety, feeling an unsteady unsureness, Scarlet wasn't sure if she could look at Rafe without hearing the sultry tone in his voice as he called her boring repeatedly.

Was she boring? No one else had ever said she was such, maybe she wasn't as outgoing and full on as the girls he was used to meeting at his parties. That definitely couldn't be it, because the first time they had met she snorted coke straight off her finger and danced on top of a table where everyone's eyes were fixated on her.

I'm outside Scar

The message appeared on the screen to urge the female to leave, nerves collecting within her stomach and sending a sickly feeling to the brim of her throat whilst she sat up and pulled her vans onto her feet.

Making her way down the stairs and through the door was like the two similar ends of a magnet forcing the other away, half of her wants to go and feel his apologetic nature but the other side is adamant about staying away. Yet despite the conflict that was hosting a battle inside of her mind, Scarlet was already half way there to the Range Rover, having a clear view of the male sitting inside and awaiting for her arrival.

Rafe didn't see her approaching, head down as his leg bobbed up and down nervously, drumming his fingertips against the steering wheel in angst. In all honesty the reasoning behind begging for her forgiveness was because he needed her, his mind had shortly become a jungle in the slim amount of time since he had pushed her away.

Ever since the night they had met he had knew she would be one hell of a distraction for him, one that he couldn't afford to throw away. And that scared him tremendously, as nothing rarely does these days, the one thing that did was going back to the place he had been in before Scarlet came into his life.

Collecting all the worrisome emotions that were seething from her pores, Scarlet quickly placed her poker face intact to secure the hard facade she promised herself she would keep and opened the passenger door. Watching Rafe's head whip round to acknowledge her and mould into an awkward half smile, the female ensured she wouldn't return the expression and sat down with a blank slate.

"Hey" he addressed, voice low and husky like he was unsure on how to speak to her anymore.

At one point all he knew to do was sweet talk the brunette, lure her in and woo her with his charming side- and now he could barely figure out to conversate with Scarlet after his actions, never mind figuring out something to start a smooth exchange.

"Hey" it was short and sweet, a slight snappy intent with her efforts that would portray he wouldn't be forgiven as easily as he would of hoped.

But he knew that, Rafe was alert to the fact that Scarlet didn't make eye contact since being seated in his vehicle. One thing was for certain though, Scarlet looked absolutely beautiful, she always did, yet there's something about her today that outshone all the other existing times he had saw her. "How are you?"

"What you mean since the last time I saw you when you called me boring and said you used me? Well, I feel absolutely amazing Rafe. What about you though? Are you good?"

His eyes rolled anti-clockwise unintentionally, scowling internally once his actions had taken place and fixed his suspicious gaze onto the brunette. "I said I was sorry Scarlet, I am truly sorry. I lost control of my thoughts, okay?"

She hummed, feeling a certain desire to milk the situation to see the male beg for the forgiveness he wants desperately. A rustle caught her attention, turning to view Rafe leaning backwards and grasping something unknown off of the back seats.

The colour yellow registered first once her focus was upon the items, a gorgeous bouquet of sunflowers were held in one hand and a black gift bag in the other. Scarlet had never considered herself as materialistic individual so gifts wouldn't usually tide her over, but the thought that Rafe had took note of the repetition of the certain flower around her house had make the female melt slightly.

"I didn't know what to get you, I'm not really good with words so I thought I'd utilise the only thing I am good with, money" his position was awkward whilst he faced her, fingertips itching to push the gifts into her possession so he didn't feel like he was going too soft.

They were just gifts to get on her good side, right?

Her frail hand warily reached out to grasp the bunch, fighting away the urge of the smile that was threatening to betray her cold mask. They were mesmerising and vibrant in colour, something that Rafe could see reflected Scarlet's personality perfectly.

It was unsure what was to be expected but it certainly wasn't this, getting a sense of achievement when imagining the male in a florist and attempting to pick out the best bunch. "Thank you" was all she could say, eyes still captivated by the entire beauty of them.

Next he handed over the black bag, the gift that would be seen as less sentimental in Scarlet's eyes yet more precious in his.

Peeking inside, Scarlet was taken aback. A small burgundy box was sat with the gold engravings Cartier were on top. Immediately she took her eyes away from the box and up towards an observant looking Rafe, her mouth ajar and heart beating rapidly with disbelief. "You've got to be joking me right?"

Playfully nudging her arm with his elbow, the male nodded his head down in the direction of the bag that had been patiently waiting to be opened for the past few hours. "Just open the damn box Meadows"

Deciding against disputing with Rafe despite how much she really wanted to in that moment, she reached in and pulled out the small leather box. Already her heart was tripling in pace; unable to confirm is she had ever received a gift this extravagant from another boy.

Opening it steadily to reveal what was consisting within it, Scarlet was met with a breath taking piece that she certainly was familiar with. It was the Étincelle de Cartier ring with eighteen karat yellow gold, set with an emerald-cut diamond centre stone. A gasp ripped from her throat, earning an admirable smile in her direction from the dirty blonde.

"Rafe, I- I can't take this it's way too much" was the first thing to slide past her lips whilst till gazing at the dazzling jewellery, mesmerised by the way the diamonds were winking as it hit the light.

"Just shut up and put it on"

"You can't actually be sane enough to buy me something like this and expect me to accept it, the flowers are enough honestly" her eyes lifted to connect with his for the first time today, which is where she went wrong, her heart began throbbing whilst her own irises melted into his azure hues.

"You're right, I'm not sane. Now shut the fuck up and put the damn ring on Scar. I want to see how it fits" and just like that they were back to being them, whatever happened last night was completely lost down the hole that Rafe's sanity had slipped down along time ago.

"How much was it?" Scarlet demanded, hesitant to wear the jewellery due to being worried that she will not be able to take it off and turn back once she had tried it on.

"I'm not telling you"

"Five hundred dollars?"

"I'm not telling you Scarlet" he was adamant to keep the price a secret, in full knowledge that if he let slip the price of nearly four thousand dollars, Scarlet would give him a hard time on homeless people and the ones in need. Which were all none of Rafe's concern.

"Was it more or less?" She questioned, hoping the male would crack and spill on the pact he had made with himself.

"I'm not fucking telling you, now try it on or I'll start cutting up the sunflowers and feeding them to you" he rose a brow with a daring manner, catching the frown that she threw his way before pulling the ring out of its velvet cushions.

It fit like a glove, sliding onto Scarlet's middle finger as if it was made specifically for her. And she was right, now she had seen how it complimented her hands so elegantly she never wanted to take it off. Like magic her heart was open to him again, despite her deep admiration for the ring, the flowers are what had won her over in an instant.

"I love them, thank you Rafe" her smile was genuine and beaming with fulfilment, suddenly all memory of their ugly moment was pushed to the back of her mind. Fuck you, Rafe Cameron.

"It's the least I could do" he reciprocated her expression with his own, that same magnetic pull was evident in the atmosphere and could be felt by them both. But Rafe was a game master and wanted to play his cards right, winning Scarlet over with just the gifts wasn't his intention. Their night was only just beginning. "Now, we have places I want to take you"

"Then we better get going sir" her mouth moved but her eyes didn't leave the piece sitting proudly on her middle finger, even when the radio turned on and the music began to get louder, they stayed studying each jewel and on the hypnotic shine it reflected.

The car journey was left in a comfortable silence like it usually was, just the low melodies plummeting between the two to satisfy Scarlet's orders that he always remembered.

It look a lot of strength to rip her gaze away from its position on her hand, but once she did Scarlet recognised the scenery all too well as the familiarities began to settle in. This specific deserted area was a place she often thought about, wondering when the next time she would visit it would be as the memories they shared here replayed within her mind like a home film.

From his explanation to why he favoured the location to them nearing a kiss whilst laying flat on their backs, this destination was probably equal ties with the cave to being her favourite place he had bought her to. Because it held a meaningfulness, a piece of the puzzle that moulded their involvement together and made them into what they were today.

They were going to Rafe's secret spot, the deserted beach.

By time they pulled up and Scarlet's suspicions were confirmed, the male was already out of the car and beckoning for the brunette to follow in a much similar fashion to how he did the first time. Drawing the same reaction from the female, a swift roll of the eyes and the word dick whispered under her breath.

It wasn't as eerie as the first time when she knew absolutely nothing about the location, a less creepier vibe wasn't prominent as they made their way through the sand dunes and towards the man made den which was still sculpted quite sturdily in the honour of the Cameron.

"We're lucky, the tide is coming in so if you squint and look hard enough, you might be able to see the outline of the shore" he pointed out once seated on the old planks of wood, following his own instructions and scrunching his features whilst trying to view the far away scenery.

Watching him in such manner came completely odd to Scarlet, the person seated next to her right now was the complete contrast of whom he was last night. Two different people with two completely different personalities collided into one, maybe April was right about the dirty blonde having ties with Jekyll and Hyde after all.

His profile turned to address the stare that she had captivated upon him, clueless to the numerous thoughts bouncing around in the back of her skull at that very moment. "What?"

Then again he wasn't entirely the same person that he was when they visited this spot all those weeks back, Scarlet noticed that each time she saw him, his eye's were slightly more hollow and empty. Like the life was gradually draining from him day by day and the sparkle they consisted of was getting leisurely duller.

"You know you ruin your eyes Rafe, they're so beautiful before you get high"

His brows furrowed with offence, despite him deserving a few severe jabs for being vile the night prior, the blown pupils and glazed over look too Scarlet's own pair of hazel oculars didn't slide past him so easily. "That's a bit hypocritical don't you think? Tell me, how many lines have you done today Angel?"

"Enough" her voice was calm, duplicating the serenity within the atmosphere as she spoke. To the male it looked like she had gone beyond past caring, just now wondering if a piece of Scarlet was left back in his room amongst the other destruction- that too being unable to be mended.

"Maybe you shouldn't use it so much"

"Maybe you should remind yourself who gave me the coke in the first place" she shot back, watching the male struggle for words to respond with. "Anyway, I at least needed to be high to see you again. I'm surprised I've kept myself so calm"

"I don't know how many times you want me to apologise Scar"

"Oh I'm sure I can get a few more out of you, then again I don't want you to get bored" earlier on when the female implied she had forgotten about the incident wasn't the complete truth, this valuable situation was something she planned on using for along time to tease the dirty blonde with to provoke any reactions she desired.

And he couldn't respond with a valid answer, only poking his tongue on the inside walls of his cheek whilst he chuckled to himself, finally turning to Scarlet as he rested his forearms on his hiked up knees. "You're a real fucking brat huh?"

"Born and bred baby, shit like that doesn't just slide" she smirked, alert to the miniature smile Rafe had itching at his features once her words had passed her plump lips.

The comfortable silence overtook them once again, both just gazing into the moonlit distance with the sensual sound of the waves playing as music throughout the air. Sitting placid and content, two ironic descriptions that polarised the chaotic mess inside Rafe's mind that had shortly became permanent. Nothing was able to tame the voices that were torturing his sanity, like a prisoner in his own mind, the Cameron was trapped.

She's gonna find out what you did.

She gonna hate you forever.

Why would she want to be with a murderer like you?

He would ensure that Scarlet wouldn't ever witness the cruel truth and the secrets he held, if there was one thing that Rafe could hold on to that was his own, it would be her. Feeling threatened by his authority and upholding a heartless exterior was tiring, so now was the time to act upon what he really wanted to do since his eyes had laid upon her.

"Can I kiss you?" Rafe abruptly asked, cutting the tranquility with his sudden query and feeling an impulse of relief once Scarlet nodded with consent.

His hand slid to the nape of her neck without hesitation and drew her lips closer to his with a crash, smacking together with such urgency Scarlet's mind fell numb. His touch, his taste, his skin, his scent. Everything about him was addictive, to the way his tongue slid in correspondence with hers to his cold touch trailing its way from the back of her head so his broad hands cupped just under her jaw.

He was a drug, a strong one if that. And Scarlet was willing to overdose on the feeling if it meant she could relish in the feeling of his constant touch and affection for the rest of her days.

A gracious grin was worn by both of the individuals and could be felt throughout the kiss, fighting the urge to laugh at the solemn fact of how short it took them to run back to each other, but it all felt right.

From that moment on they were considered bound, no turning back and freeing themselves from their involvement. God had given Scarlet an out, yet that sign was ignored and trampled over whilst she sat kissing one of the darkest males to walk upon the pavements of Outer Banks.

The angel on her shoulder had disappeared and burned by the devil that consisted within him, Scarlet feeling the flames of hell licking her tender skin whilst their tongues lapped around one another with immense synchronisation.

The brunette's mother rolled over in her grave, as did Peterkin. Rotting in the casket whilst her murderer walked free and sat on an isolated bank where they couldn't be seen, charge-less without a care in the world although his hands were smeared with the stains of her cold blood.

The same hands he used to wrap around Scarlet's throat, the same hands he used to touch a women whom he swore to protect with every ounce of himself he still had.

They were red, but so were their eyes, counteracting his crimes as the female sat clueless of his sins.

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