chapter four • My Kind Of Woman

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"So what's he like?" April queried whilst flicking through the clothing racks in their favourite thrift store, collecting as many oversized shirts and jumpers for the homeless they desired to provide for.

Scarlets stomach turned; she had only told her best friend about Rafe just now and for some reason felt nervous when doing so, there was so much she could tell the blonde about him but found very little words to use. "Well, he's really tall and dresses nicely"

An cold sweat was instantly at the brew within the brunettes body, beginning to feel her heart triple in pace as she did so little as just think about her new male friend. There was no explanation to why he evoked this certain effect upon Scarlet, he just simply did, and had since the moment they traded their first words.

But those few last moments they shared in the sand dunes replayed mercilessly in her mind over and over since that night, both laying down with their faces aligned, lips dangerously close as they enjoyed the gratifying silence- soaking in the euphoria of their high with one another.

That portentous moment was just as euphoric itself, in fact the high she felt by just feeling safe and content in his presence put up absolutely no competition with the cocaine, it excelled by a mile.

April stopped dead in her tracks and narrowed her eyes down on Scarlet with impatience, huffing out an irritate breath. "I asked what he was like, not what he looks like!"

She raked her mind for a sensible description, picking out the main highlights that stood out to her and censoring them slightly in awareness of their current surroundings. "He's quite cheeky but still has a way with his words, he feels dangerous but still radiates a safe energy at the same time. In a sense he reminds me of myself, like we get along insanely well that it's concerning but also extremely exciting. Do you know what I mean?"

"So he's basically Jekyll and Hyde?"

"He's not a murderer April, well, what I know of anyways" she chucked, wrapping the heap of clothing around her arm for its security before trailing towards the cashier.

Within a second the blonde was at her side and doing the same, dumping the mountain of thrifted clothes and blankets onto the counter in a messy pile of material. Scarlet eyed the items sceptically and began speculating wether or not she was purchasing enough, finding a homeless was near impossible on figure eight but the cut was scattered with them on every corner. Her thought process was interrupted by her best friends voice, pulling her out the trance her eyes had fallen captive to.

"So who is he anyway, does mystery man have a name?"

"Rafe Cameron" she answered simply, digging into the pile to catch a more in-depth glimpse of the items she were about to purchase.

The teen gasped, slightly frightening Scarlet from where she stood directly next to her. "Wait, what! Ward Cameron's son?" The pitch of April's voice had heightened with surprise, earning a confused glance from the brunette as she attempted to grasp how the blonde apparently knew his farther.

"Who the fuck is Ward Cameron?" As soon as the dumbfounded words passed her plump lips she was met with an expression of disbelief from April, making Scarlet feel slightly insecure with her lack of basic knowledge about whom lives in the same area as she did.

"They live in Tannyhill! I swear your farther has done like a millions business deals with him Scar, how do you not know who he is?"

The words had washed completely over Scarlets head, not one syllable ringing a bell within her mind to give any instinct that she knew who the apparent well known family were. "I just don't and how do you know who Rafe is?"

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