chapter two • summertime sadness

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Scarlet loved her job, there was nothing better then watching the sweet smiles of the elderly as she served their favourite regular beverages or the warm grin that melted onto children's faces when she handed over a sweet treat that their parents finally let them have. Those minimal things always made her day, just giving and making those people's days that slight bit more better.

Yet the same coffee shop she had been loyal to for around two years was normally humble and placid, aura thick with the sensual scent of coffee and sugar, but upon this occasion it seemed to have took off in the opposite direction.

The cafe was borderline empty with the odd regular dipping in for their usuals, just Scarlet wasting away her hours by fruitlessly wiping down unused tables and sanitising the serving counter every ten minutes from boredom. Currently leaning on that same surface with her elbow supporting her weight, palm cupping her chin which she rested on whilst thinking over all her life decisions.

One thing that inched her thoughts often throughout the day was wether or not she should have made some last minute impulsive plans to go out tonight, because god knew she hated going home. Not because she hated her family or way of living, but because she hated playing the up tight prissy bitch she had been raised to be.

Some may say Scarlet was ungrateful for her wealth and status, but to that she'd simply reply shove it up your ass- having money could be a blessing and a curse and made the female feel out of touch with reality. Herself and her father would sleep tight in their million dollar mansion with multiple investments being finalised, whilst meanwhile some individuals were struggling to keep meals on their tables and could barley fund for themselves.

Of course being the spoilt brat who she was, Scarlet convinced her father to donate large masses of money at least three times a year to charity's- sometimes she'd walk along the streets to solemnly find the homeless and provide them meals, blankets and cash to get them by for as long as she could possibly afford that day.

It didn't make her feel better in the slightest though, not one bit- cause although she made those efforts and kindly provided to those in need, she was still far more better off as a nineteen year old then ever had been in their entire lives.

The kook lifestyle was bitter sweet.

Luckily for Scarlet her mind was torn away from the guilt ridden trance she had fallen captive to as an elderly lady she had become familiar with entered the coffee shop, hobbling along with the sweetest smile upon her aged features.

The brunette sported her welcoming grin as she observed the lady, standing up straight and tapping the counter lightly with her fingertips. "The usual today Mrs Saunders?"

"Please! I've told you enough times to call me Dorothy, and yes my dear the usual" she used her frail hands to smack the air in insist that the teen called her by her first name, pulling her purse from her pocket in preparation.

Scarlet chuckled, turning towards the expresso machine and began to assemble the cappuccino with soya milk and three sweeteners. Dorothy was a loyal customer that would visit around two times a week, the female learnt not long ago that the elderly lady only lived around the corner and owned her own catering business back in her youth. Sometimes she'd sneak Scarlet a freshly baked cake or two for when she had her lunch break and she must confirm that the lady was a magician in the kitchen.

"Busy day today Dorothy?" She spoke over her shoulder, fast hands moving to pull together the desired beverage.

"You could say so dear, my son took me shopping in the morning for my groceries and the grandchildren came around for a few hours. I tell you, children don't half tire you out! Live your youth the most you can before you even consider having them" Mrs Saunders rambled on, lightly patting her freshly permed hair du to confirm it was still perfectly in place.

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