Red Lily | heaven or hell

By lizzieknudson

314 57 22

"... you have given me purpose... that's all I could ever ask for... let go..." More

1 First Time
3 White Lily
4 Homecoming


8 3 1
By lizzieknudson


    Ah the first day back after the homecoming dance in which I assume half the school is extremely hungover and or planning on skipping morning classes, luckily I had the right idea last night to come straight home. I don't mind that all of my friends were disappointed, but they also don't understand the importance of having a dry season. I grabbed my buzzing phone and realized that I pressed snoozed about three times and only have half an hour to get ready. Shit. I rushed out of my bed ignoring the soreness radiating from my feet, and went into my own bathroom. For my sixteenth birthday my parents decided to renovate  the hallway closet into my own personal bathroom, because my brother and I always found ourselves in unpleasant predicaments when sharing a tiny bathroom. 
    I turned on the shower and waited by brushing my teeth for the water to get warm. Given that everyone else in my  family most likely showered this morning, I'm stuck with cold water. As I hopped into the brisk shower I realized how great I felt. Funny. I never feel wide awake in the mornings, let alone amazing. I am ready to begin the day optimistically. As I continued to clean I noticed a small spot on my lower leg covered in blood, I must have cut myself in my sleep. Possibly it was my kitten, Lady, she is very mischievous. I continued to scrub the dry blood away, yet I could not find the source. I didn't think much of it, just odd.
    As I turned off the nozzle I heard my brother Lucas literally scream:
"Get your ass downstairs! You're making us late," then mumbled talking from our mom I assume:
"Watch your language young man!"
"Mom she does this every morning!" I laugh and get out of the shower and dry off.
Oh what to wear, I contemplate. This is easily one of the hardest things I have to do in the mornings. I decide to throw on high waisted white shorts, to complement my very tan legs, along with a form fitting pink and white striped halter top, and white converse to match. My nails matched my shirt perfectly, as do my pearl stud earrings.
    I sat down at my extremely messy vanity slash desk to do my hair. My vanity is covered in jewelry, artwork and supplies, as well as all my makeup that I rarely use, because I prefer a more natural look. I brushed out my long light brown locks and decided to throw my hair up into a messy bun so my sun kissed freckles will steal the show today. As always I'm running low on mascara, but I managed to get all that I needed.  Maybe it is just me but I find it hard to find the perfect mascara in drug stores, due to my need of brown mascara. Brown seems to be the perfect shade to look very natural and it matches my green eyes.
    I grab my cheer uniform and throw it into my pink bag with my phone charger and phone and run downstairs.
"Good morning sweetie, I packed your lunch" my mom says handing me my lunch bag. She really is the perfect mother, seventeen years later and she is still making my lunch.
"Thanks mom." I say with a pleasant smile because I genuinely mean it.
I see Luke sitting at the kitchen counter listening to his music, that I can hear from a mile away.
He notices me and says, "LET'S GO! Do you know what late means?"
"Since when are you so eager to get to school? If you wanted to be there so early, why don't you walk?" I snapped back.
"Layoff your brother, I think it is a good thing that Luke wants to be on time. Shows maturity."
"As if,"  I say under my breath while headed to the front door.
    As we all walked outside I took a moment to appreciate the beautiful weather. But then I snap back to reality and call shotgun. It is a rule in our house that if the car is in sight and everyone is around, the first person to yell shotgun gets the front passenger seat for the car ride. I heard a groan coming from Luke, I guess it is his way of showing that he cares.
"Did dad have an early meeting? I assume?" I asked as I got into the front seat.
"Yes he did. But he will be home early tonight." Mom said as she started the car and backed out of the driveway.
    I don't understand why Luke and I don't walk or ride our bikes to school. We practically live four blocks away from the school. It is a two minute drive as well. My dad always complains about how our mother shouldn't have to continue driving us because we are old enough to walk alone. But my mom is such a kind hearted person that she would do anything for us, well anything reasonable.
    I reached my hand out to the dash and started meddling with radio stations, but there was nothing good on. We really need an aux cord. Luke wouldn't complain, he always has his damn earbuds in anyways. That gets annoying, and even our parents think so. You think that he is listening but then he turns around and doesn't even realize how long you've been in the same room with him. Oh well I assume he is going through a fourteen year old male thing.
"Why can't you just take me when Mare's running late? Make her walk." We hear Luke pipe up from the back of the car. Mare is basically the nickname everyone close calls me, I guess it sounds shorter than Mary.
"Shut up, I can't just wake up and look this good," I say with my notorious smirk. Luke definitely is trying to keep a straight face. I know he loves me but I guess going to the same high school as you're older sister isn't cool.
"Because sweetie that would be rude to make your sister walk," as always mom to the rescue to end our nonstop bickerment.
"Mare needs her own car then."
"Ooh yes! Hear that mom, even Luke agrees," I have always wanted my dream car, a 1979 MGB Roadster convertible in red.
"We'll see honey," she replied, pulling into the school parking lot.
"I didn't hear a 'no'" I added sarcastically happy, and I'm pretty sure I heard a moan from the backseat as well.
    Luke and I hop out of the car as I tell my mom that I love her, she responds in a cute yet surprised manner. I can't help but feel on top of the world today. Nothing will stop me.
Mom also tells Luke to have a good day at school, but as per usual he ignores her and closes the car door.
"So how does it feel to be in the high school with your big sis Lukey?" Taunting him obviously as we walk into school  because that's what we do.
"Lame." That's all I get from him as we parted down two separate hallways. Even though I love my brother, I am glad that our lockers are in different ends of this enormous building of Oneonta High School.
Walking to my locker first thing it seems as if everyone wants to get a word in, say hi to me, compliment my summer outfit, or ask me if I went to the many parties last night. But I didn't stop long because I wanted to get the details from my most reliable sources, Ryan Paige and Michelle Wagner, my two closest friends since we had Mrs. Gallagher in kindergarten. We are an unstoppable trio.
And there they were, the two of them waiting in front of my locker.
"Late as always?! Hello time management is key." Michelle is always reprimanding me for my for silly mistakes and it's okay, she has a lot on her plate being top in our class and all.
"M, it always seems as if you are looking down upon us," I give her a big smirk.
"I can't help it if I was born as a human giraffe Mare!" She sarcastically responds. What I am about 5 '5 and she is 5' 7, she loves to exaggerate and stretch the truth. She's known for it. And half the time she can get away with it given her long blonde hair and smokin' looks.
"You need to relax M." Ry, short for Ryan laughs at Michelle. Ry is a great friend, and she is really looked down upon by M, given that she is literally 5 feet tall, with long black locks down to her butt. She was given the name Ryan because her dad wanted his first born to have that name, her dad is Oneonta's chief police and is extremely important in town. So M and I are extremely proud of Ry that she has never been caught partying or sneaking out. Anyways I am extremely curious to get some details!
"Sooo!!" I say excitedly while opening up my locker, "I want details about last night. After I left!"
"Come on Mare, I can't believe you left us! You are the life of the party." Ry was disappointed when I dropped them off at the Tyler's party last night and didn't go in.
"But guess who I saw MAKING OUT!!" M perked up out of her phone, "Tyyy and Ryyy!!"
"Oh hush, I was obviously intoxicated, and it will not happen again," Ry claims.
"I'm calling bullshit." M gave Ry a devilish smile.
"Ry it was bound to happen sometime. He has had a thing for you since like 7th grade. And all you've been playing hard to get," I say as they simultaneously follow my lead down the hallway. Ry laughed and brushed it off. I know her very well and what they have is something special.
"Anyways forget that dumb party and listen to this!! A new cutie and his sister moved to town and they are starting today. I say we befriend his sister and that's how I get with the hottie." Of course M! That's totally the way to go about it.
"What happened to Emit?" Ry questioned M.
"He's old news." M responds. Ry and I roll our eyes and laugh, of course. M goes through boys like she does with clothes, she would never be caught dead in the same outfit.
"But you two were sooo cute" Ry says sadly.
"Old news!!!" she snaps back and we laugh making a right turn into the English hallway.
"Doesn't that plan sound a bit devious M?" I comment.
"You will understand when you see him."
"He is very attractive, I can't argue with that" Ry agrees.
"His name is Malakai Mason and his sister is Abigail Mason." M says excitedly. How could she possibly know that already, I chuckle. M seems to know everything about everyone in the given minute. She can smell drama coming from a mile away. But we love her for that, she is definitely the brains in our trio.
"How could you possibly know that already? First period hasn't even started!" Ry jokingly demanded.
"Perks of being number one sweetie, I get to show new students around!" Oh M, she's too excited. I smile.

*Bell Rings*

"Calculus 2 is calling my name, see ya later bitches"
"See you at lunch. Our spot?" I ask turning the corner to the history hallway with Ry.
"Hell yea," We hear M confirm round the corner.

"Don't you just love first period?!" Ry says with the most dreamy eyes.
"Oh you just love it because of Mr. Miller, hmmm am I right?" I smirked.
"Come on admit it!!! Every girl in the school has the hots for him." I nod and smile as we enter Mr. Miller's room and take our seats. Mr. Miller our stunning 24 year old U.S History teacher is standing in front of the room looking very excited about what he has planned to teach today. As always, being a new teacher he has new fun activities and ways of teaching us that aren't entirely lame. His short blonde hair is always flawless, it's like he doesn't even have to try. Best thing is everyone knows he is totally single and is ONLY 8 years older than us. Oh and Mr. Miller has impeccable taste in work clothes, he comes in everyday looking sharp. Today he is wearing a black polo shirt, khaki dress pants along with his very expensive looking black italian dress shoes.
"Take your seats," Mr. Miller says as the new kid walks into the room. All eyes in the room redirect their attention to the dirty blonde boy. M was totally right, everything from his short hair to the muscular body is attractive. Blondes in general have never really been my type, however the way his chest and shoulders filled his grey shirt perfectly allows me to make an exception.
"Well introduce yourself kid, and take a seat next to.... umm... Miss Anderson," Mr. Miller said as he pointed in my direction. The boy gave me a smirk, a cute smirk.
"I'm Malakai Mason." He introduced himself with the attitude that he is going to have to do  this for the next 8 periods. Every girl in the room seemed to already be fantasizing over him, even Ry sitting to the left of me. Tyler was clearly not impressed. But who could blame her Malakai such a sexy name to match his sexy khaki shorts.
Malakai leaned over to me as he sat in the desk to the right of me,
"You can call me Kai." He smiled.
"I'm Mary."
"Oh I know all about you," he smirked. Oh, of course Michelle probably goes around spilling the beans on everyone. "The tall blonde one mentioned you on the tour." I smiled, I was flattered that  M would do that. Kai smiled back. He was the definition of gorgeous.
"Anderson!" Oh shit here we go again, I'm like Mr. Miller's target. "Anderson, why are the colonists angry at their mother country ?" Easy.
"No taxation without representation... etc"
"Pay attention this time Anderson. Now what did the colonists do as a result, anyone?"
"Pearl harbor!"
The class giggles at these two idiots on the football team, Matt Gilbert and Jeremy Morrell  obviously your classic jock. Fast on the field, but dumb in the head.
"WRONG, and wrong!" Mr. Miller rolls his eyes.
"The Boston Tea Party." I hear Kai say under his breath.
"Speak up."
"The Boston Tea Party," Kai says louder.
"New guy knows his stuff."
"Yes, do you?" Kai antagonizes Miller.
"What was Britain's response, Mr. Wise guy?" I looked to my right and Kai was smirking, he obviously knew the answer. If Miller seriously thinks that that is a hard question, he clearly underestimates us.
"Intolerable Acts passed in 1774 after the Boston Tea Party in 1773."
"How many acts were passed by parliament?" Miller snapped crossing his arms, possibly knowing he walked into an argument that he will not win.
"Five were passed."
"Wrong, there were six."
"No I am right."
"Someone google it." Twenty something phones came out of bags, everyone in the class hoping that Miller would be wrong. I looked at Kai again he seemed very confident with his answer, clearly not worried by the man that actually majored in this crap.
"There are five Miller, he's right," Ry shouts out. I turn to my left as she talks and see Ty behind her clearly not happy with Kai. Ty needs to get over it, Kai is not threatening his manhood or dominance or whatever. I looked up front to Miller and he looks very unpleased. Then Kai flashed me a very cocky smile.

*Bell Rings*

     I noticed that Kai continued to be in my next three morning classes as well, Trig, Chem, and Art. But throughout those classes it seemed as if he was trying to keep his distance from me. I totally blew it. I'm going to be forever alone. However, I noticed that Kai didn't seem to talk to anyone else, he ignored every girl that came up to him. Him rejecting every girl in the school must mean he has a girlfriend. Not even M has a chance with this beautiful boy.
As I continued to work on my self portrait, I felt eyes piercing my skin, someone was watching me. This uncomfortable sensation is leaving me defenseless. I decided to glance over at Kai, but it obviously that it is not him, he would have made an effort by now if he wanted to talk to me. My table is empty and he decided to sit at the table alone behind me. Odd. However, when I looked over at him, he seemed to be deep in thought, going through his own process with his work. He glanced over at me and smiled, I raised my hand and waved and turned back to my work. A wave! This boy is making me act dumb! Not possible, I am Mary Anderson, a strong independent women who will never fall weak due to a silly crush. And there it was, I admitted it to myself: Kai Mason, a boy I like. I continued to try to talk myself out of it, it's only the 'hots' for him. I don't even know him, so how could I possibly know if I like this boy!
The sensation of being watched continued and I looked around the room, Jessica Parker and Melinda Griffin were the only others besides Miss. Eleanor, Kai, and myself in the room. Everyone is clearly deeply working on their portraits. 

*Bell Rings*

"Don't forget to bring your projects home to finish," Miss. Eleanor informed the class in her cheerful yet soft manner. She was a sweet lady in her 50s, she had no kids and sadly her husband passed in a freak animal attack out on route  7 a couple years ago. I remember it clearly; it was the first day of my 8th grade year and it was cancelled because of the attack. Chief Eleanor did great things for Oneonta. The whole town mourned for the tragic loss of her husband, at the time he was chief of police. After his death Ry's dad stepped in and took his position, the town respects him for that.
    Anyways I stand up and tell Miss. Eleanor to have a good day.
"See you tomorrow Mary," she responds.
    I grab my bag and walk out the door and head to my locker before finding Ry and M. Kai followed behind me but didn't make any attempt to say anything. So I will.
"Hey how is your day going Kai?" I turned around and waved him over with a smile.
"Very good, I met you," he smirked. Wow maybe I'm reading this boy all wrong.
"That's good," I responded eagerly. I smiled, probably too cheerfully and again made myself look like an idiot.
"Which way to the food court?"
    Damn. Honestly I didn't want to go to the food court, I wanted to keep talking to him. But alas, I pointed him to the left and said:
"Go straight down the hall and take a left. Basically you'll see a swarm of people." He laughed, and nodded. We parted and   I headed for my locker.

After getting my lunch I headed directly to the tables outside to our usual spot. It was a perfect spot in the courtyard under a tree that provides us with enough sun and enough shade. And I can't believe it but I see Ty and Ry sitting together at our table. Oh new love. I really like Tyler, he's good friends with my brother despite the age difference. I've known Ty Robinson since we were kids, as well. I walk over and Ry is flushed in the cheeks, so cute.
"Heyy guyys!!" I'm super happy, and I know that they can sense it too.
"Ahh 'you can call me Kai.'" I sat down across from the new couple.
"Oh shut up Ty."
"Everyone saw it happen Mare, he deff. picked you. Know one will shut up about it." Ry added.
"That's odd, it seemed like he was keeping his distance from me today."
"He's totally into you, I know it. It's a guy thing."
"How could you possibly know?!! Mr. I've been in love with one girl my entire life" Ry and I both laugh.
"It's that smirk he gives you. That's when you know."
"Oh okay," I rolled my eyes and laugh.
"Have you seen M? She said she'd meet us here," Ry questioned.
"Speaking of the devil." Ty says turning his head to see M walking outside with the new girl.
"Heyyy guys I want you to meet Abby!!" M cheerfully introduced the new girl.
"And that's my que." Ty said as he grabbed his stuff and kissed Ry on the cheek. "I've gotta meet up with Luke, catch ya girls later."
"Oh come on Tyler!!" But it was too late for M to stop him he was out the door.
    Ryan is typically very shy so who knows how she'll react by M trying to invite another girl into our group. I can't believe that M is going through with this plan.
"Hey Abby, I'm Mary."
"But you can definitely call her Mare! And this is Ryan, call her Ry." M said as she pointed to us, Ry waved and gave a genuine smile.
"Oh yes Michelle has informed me on how great you two are."
"Flattered really," Ry laughs, "But you should get to know us and judge yourself." Abby laughed and they both sat down next to us. I looked up to see that Kai entered the courtyard and sat down all alone.
"Do you think we should go sit with him?"
"Oh MY it's not gonna happen." We all laugh.
"He can handle himself," Abby added.
"Oh why not?!" M pouted.
"Because Mare totally has the hots for him." My face turned beet red.
"I do not."
"And so does every other girl in the school! Your point." We laugh at M's oblivious denial. I am totally embarrassed, I don't even know if I like Kai. All I know is that he makes me feel something.
"It's okay, he gets it everywhere he goes. He attracts girls left and right."
"Well you must too Abby." Ry said. Abby is absolutely beautiful as well. Her short blonde hair suited her perfect round face. Her skin is flawless, I literally can not find a single acne scar, nothing. She glowed sitting there in her pink floral dress.
"I agree. What shampoo do you use?" M eagerly asks.
"What it is a serious question." We all laugh at her.
"Well thanks, you girls are all gorgeous too." Abby replies.
"So give us the details on your brother." Ry begs.
"There's not much to say, I haven't seen him in awhile."
"Well what does he like to do?!!"
"Let's not bug Abby. It's not like I want to talk about Luke anyways."
"Oh right, I forgot that he's a freshman now. Gross."
"Thanks M" I laugh "For your input."
"Well, last I knew Kai loved art."
"Right he is in my advanced art class with Miss. Eleanor."
    I look over at Kai without him noticing, his hair was flowing due to a small breeze in the air. Like his sister, his skin was absolutely flawless.
"Hey Mare, how's your self portrait coming?" Ry asks.
"Oh shit." I stand up quickly grab my stuff and rush to the art room,
"Sorry guys I lost it I'll see you tonight at cheer." I yelled as I ran back into the building. My artwork is something that is special to me. It's like a diary, i'd kill anyone if they got their hands on it.

As I rushed into Miss. Eleanor's room I startled her so badly that she threw her pen across the room.
"Mary you almost gave me a heart startled heart attack!"
"I'm so sorry Miss. Eleanor," I said as I rushed over to see if I left my portfolio in my work shelf.
"Sweetie what are you looking for?"
"My self portrait! Have you seen it?"
"I'm afraid not."
"Oh okay." Damnit. I have no idea where I would have left it.

After checking my locker I knew that someone must have taken it. My mood took a tragic decline. Could this day get any worse?

Luke and Ty walked by me.
"who's the loner now?" Luke laughed as he passed me. I waved, and turned around.
As I turned around I ran into Kai.
"Whoa slow down there," he smiled.
"Oh sorry," I am not feeling good, I'm sick to my stomach over this. How could I be so dumb?
"Are you okay Mary?" I loved the way he said my name. It rolled off his tongue so smoothly, as if it belongs there.
"Yea, um I just lost my portfolio and it means the world to me."
"Oh I'll be sure to keep an eye out for it," he smirked. However even his reassurance doesn't comfort me.
"Thank you." He nods and walks away, with his bag thrown over one shoulder.

*Bell Rings*

Great time for English. Not.

Throughout the day, Kai was not in any of my classes; English, Lab, Spanish, or Health. So I headed to my locker.

"Hey Mary! Where's your new boy toy?" Matt freaking Gilbert, he's a pig. Always bragging to the whole school, especially his dumb jock friends, how much sex he gets. Truth be told Matt the schools 'man whore' is 100% a virgin.
I found that out at Ty's end of the summer bonfire. The pig was so drunk that his constant flirting was a total turn off. When I turned Matt down he started to cry on my shoulder and proceed to tell me how fake he is; that it's all an act. To be honest I felt bad for him at the time. But at least I have the decency to keep my mouth shut. Now he won't stop tormenting me in the hallways. The pig started to laugh and his friends followed his lead. And I just ignored them as I got my books out of my locker into my bag.

As I walked outside the front doors of the school, the sun blinded me, but the warm weather felt so good on my skin.

I walked over to Ry and M waiting for me by Ry's new car. It's a beautiful new white BMW i8. Everyone is so jealous that her dad gave her this car for her seventeen birthday.

"Hey you want a ride Mare?" Ry asked as I looked over to see Kai leaning against what I assumed is his car. Kai noticed me look and waved me over.

"Maybe next time. Thanks girls see you later at practice!"
"See ya Mare!"
"I better see you there!! Don't let that boy make you skip!!" I laughed and started walking over to Kai's car.

"Hey, were you waiting for me?"
"I was." He smirked as he pulled a portfolio behind his back.
"Is that mine!??"
"Yes, after you mentioned it to me I searched around for it."
"Where was it?!" I said as he handed me it.
"On the ground by the by our lockers. It must have fallen out of your bag."
"Thank you so much Kai. You made my day." Kai grinned. I couldn't help but look at him in his eyes, it isn't awkward. His light green eyes shined in the sunlight. And his skin continued to be radiant.
"Would you like a ride home?"
"Yes thank you."
We got into his car, it is really nice. Leather seats, even stick shift.
"What a lovely car. What year is your Camaro? 196-"
"1969 Chevy Camaro."  He said as we pulled out of the school parking lot. The roof was down on this perfect day.
"I love the blue." I decided to continue making small talk with Kai.
"Well me too," he said, ''I laughed a little.
"So why did you guys move here, and where to?"
"Oh I'm here because I got dragged along, but something tells me that staying will be worth it." He paused and I smiled at what he said.
"I live in the old Mason Manner."
"You're that Mason family?" I asked rhetorically.
"I guess."
"One of the founding families, right?"
Kai hesitated and then responded:
"I don't know much considering that I have lived in Manhattan my whole life."
"As kids my friends and I would visit the mansion all the time, but never went in because we all thought that it was haunted." Kai laughed.
"Well that place is so historical that I'd kill to actually visit it."
"Our family doesn't get much company. I'm sure you'd love my brother." That's odd, Abby didn't mention having a brother, let alone M didn't even know.
"Okay cool." I say, even though I am freaking out with excitement. Kai Masson just invited me to his house-mansion.

We pull into the driveway of the Mason Manner. I am stunned by the beautiful landscaping. They clearly updated everything since I saw it last. The Manner was a gorgeous brick building connected to a three door brick garage. The driveway was a huge circle driveway with a flower bed in the middle. The flower bed consisted of white lilies and a small water fountain. Blossom trees surrounded the straight part of the driveway leaving a beautiful trail out to the road.

Kai put his car in park and we get out without saying a word.
"This place is beautiful."
"Thanks." Is all that he replies as he walked to the front steps leading to the main door. The carvings and what appeared to be Latin inscriptions made the door beautiful.

He walks right in, odd, it isn't locked.

"Hey brother." I hear Kai say as I walk in behind him. I was stunned by the old and lovely furniture. The big restored carpets. The Black curtains that flowed down the wall. The huge brick mantle topped with black marble placed perfectly in the center of the living room. In a modern house it seemed as if a television belonged there, or at least a family portrait, but the mantle laid bare. The ceilings were high and are held up by beautiful dark oak beams. My personal favorites are the paintings and the enormous bookshelf covered in hundreds of old stories. But none of this compared to the piercing blue eyes staring at me.

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