"Unreachable me!"- Felix ff βœ“

By ilegalalien17

19.3K 992 192

A young and ambitious girl owns one of the biggest companies of fashion in South Korea. She believed money wa... More



608 29 4
By ilegalalien17

Our kiss was only getting more intense. There was already no space between us, but I wanted even less than that. He leaned even more to me and at this point, he was on top of me. But he stopped kissing me, suddenly.

"What's wrong?"- I asked.

"I just-... Don't think I want to do this yet..."- he shyly confessed.

He didn't look me in the eyes. He was clearly embarrassed and I just smiled after a moment of looking at him. He then diverted his eyes back to me. I could only peck his lips out of cuteness.

"It's alright! We don't have to do anything"- I told him the truth and he was stunned.

"Really?... But you and Jungkook-"

"The relationship I had with Jungkook was different"- I interrupted him, knowing what he was going to say, and to relax him a little -"No pressure"- I reassured with a smile.


"Wanna watch Adventure Time?"- I gave the idea and a wide smile appeared on his face.

He pecked my lips a few more times as we laughed in between, when someone knocked heavily on the door.

Felix was going to get up to answer the door, but I stopped him.

"I've seen this on a scary movie. If it's a ghost, it will walk in without you noticing"- I said.

"A ghost?... Knocking on the door?..."- Felix didn't believe me and ignored my words with a smile.

He directed himself to my front door and looked through the loop. He frowned.

"If it's not a small man ghost with crooked teeth, it is not my father, so don't open the door!"

"It's your assistant..."- Felix said as he opened the door.

A fast paced Hyejin entered my house as nerves seem to consume her.

"Where were you?? I've been calling you for like an hour!?"- she claimed.

"What are you talking about? My phone is-..."- I stopped midway once I realized my phone was not on the table -"Oh... I left my phone in the car. What's wrong?"

"Have you seen what's going around about you??"- she was worried.

"No..."- I was confused.

"Yoon Y/N, CEO of Unreachable Me!, was confirmed to have been in a relationship with Jeon Jungkook from the worldwide band, BTS. The relation between the both soon ended, after Y/N cheated on her lover with one of her employees, even after engagement..."- Felix read the news on his phone after googling my name.

"What?!"- I felt indignation. -"How did someone know about that!?... How did this happened??"- I freaked out.

"I don't know! But the company is in big trouble. Armys are threatening you all over the world! It's not even safe to go out there. They are making protests!"- She warned me.

"What do I do now!?"

"What can you do?! Nobody will believe you! If someone can clear their minds is Jungkook..."- she told me.

"That's not going to happen..."- I sat on my couch out of lack of hope.

"What do you mean?? You cleared things out and he-..he said he loved you!"- Felix was confused even though he hated to admit the last part.

"Because Jungkook loves army and big hit more than me... His work is everything... His company will demand him to stay quiet and he will obey... Besides I can't ask him that..."

Felix sat by my side from shock and worrying.

"I think it's best if you stay quiet to for the time being... Just until things calm down..."- Hyejin said.

"We are still launching the collection tomorrow"- I said.

"Why are you thinking about that now?..."- Felix frowned.

"Because... I met someone who made me do all of this... I told them I would give them the clothes they desired... I can't go back with my word... They need that for a breath of hope more than I do"- I explained.

"It could be a killer move..."- Hyejin said.

"Let's be honest, with all this and the image that is painted of myself, armies will ruin me... They will always remember this... Might as well take the shot and put the collection out there"- I sadly said.

"Fine... I'll talk to the stores and deliver it tomorrow... But you have to stay inside until I say so... It's safer..."- she told me as the air got heavier.

She was ready to leave but stopped.

"That isn't true, right? I mean... It's Jeon Jungkook, he is a world-"- I looked at her and she gasped -"Omg! You were a thing??"- she was surprised

I nodded and she gasped even more.

"And you left him for who, girl?? Are you crazy?! It's Jeon Jung-"- she was going to finish but realized Felix was by my side and gasped more -"You're dating Felix??"

"Now that you understood the storyline, can you keep going? Today was the worst"- I asked her but she couldn't move out of shock.

Felix got up and led her to the door while reassuring her that in fact I was dating him.

I was just staring at the ground thinking I might be doomed...
Felix just stood by my side and looked at me, like he was waiting for an answer of a question he was too shy to ask.

"What?..."- I was confused...

"Were you and... Jungkook... engaged?..."- he finally asked.

I looked my finger and frowned.

"Nope, don't see any diamond ring there"- I was sarcastic.

He sat by side and sighed.

"I'm not joking..."- he clarified not looking at me

"Felix... We weren't even an official couple even after 2 years... No, we were not engaged..."

"It's just-...I really like you... And I still can't believe you left him to be with me... It should be the other way around!"

"Nature has it's weird turns"- I joked around but he didn't seem happy -"Look, Jungkook was something to me and although he is great, he made realize what I don't want in a relationship. Yes, we hung around, but we didn't talk much as before and it got to the point where our relationship was so weird to me. I felt alone because in fact, he was never with me and that wasn't the relationship we agreed on... In opposite to you... You hear me, talk to me and save the time to know me and laugh with me. I don't want a Jungkook if it's not going to be like that... Got it?"- I reassured him and he gave me a small smile.

I kissed his cheek and got up.

"I feel tired from today... I'll go take a shower and just go to sleep... I won't be great company so feel free to leave"- I told him in a low and hurt tone and left to my room, leaving him alone.

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