Dreams of War, Dreams of Liars

Oleh Zana_Zoola14

3.2K 97 1.3K

Weird things happen with Jedi and smoke. Lebih Banyak

Dreams of Dragon's Fire
Beast under your bed
Say your prayers
In your head
Include everyone
Going for a swim
That's Kote to you
But it's sand!
The Lakes of Naboo
Held Hostage
So, A Jetii

And of Things that will Bite

333 9 55
Oleh Zana_Zoola14

"Phoenix Squad, on me!" Cody ordered, igniting his jetpack, hearing the others follow him into the air.


"Commander's hit!"

Cody tried to jumpstart his jetpack, but the bolt must have hit the starter motor. He kept trying, attempting as many of the ways as he could remember. Looking forwards again, he could see the cliffside was approaching fast. He reflectively braced, bringing his arms in front of his face, even if it would mean no change for his fate.

"Commander's down!"


Rex only stopped himself from freezing as they said it over the comms. He ducked down into cover, making sure he wasn't going to be shot while his brain tried to catch up that Cody was gone.

Anakin swore, grabbing Obi-Wan. He pulled him into a shelter, deflecting bolts away from them as he went. He could see that Ahsoka had moved to where Rex had ducked into cover.

"Sirs, we got incoming," Waxer said, sliding into the building the two General's were using.

"Reinforcements?" Obi-Wan asked, snapping out of his shock.

"Negative, sir," Waxer stated, "it reads for neither. And it's coming in fast."

"How fast?" Anakin asked.

"The sensors are struggling to keep up."

"How large is it?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Sir, it's almost as large as your dragon form," Waxer stated, looking over at General Kenobi, "we might have to do a code blue."

"Do you need all three of us, or just one?" Anakin asked.

"Sir," Waxer stated, "it will dwalf you; you should be prepared but not yet active."

"Right," Anakin nodded, "how long until it arrives?"


Sen'tra froze, seeing the Commander disappear into the valley, heading straight for the wall before a ball of rock and dust flew into the air.

Time seemed to freeze for Pheonix Squad.
Suddenly, a gold blur shot upwards. It moved too quickly for any of them to guess what it was. All they saw was that it was gold and that it was large, huge even.

"What the kriff was that?!"


"Less than a minute," Waxer frowned, "its signature is heating up drastically."

"Right," Obi-Wan nodded, moving to the outside of the building, "what direction?"

"That way, sir," Waxer stated, glad General Skywalker started to deflect the bolts again.

"Alright," Obi-Wan nodded, looking closely at the gold blur heading towards them.

"Code blue! Code blue!" Waxer roared down the comm, watching everyone move out of the way. He ducked, crouching so that he wasn't thrown from his feet as General Kenobi took to the air.

Boil's eyes widened as he realised that the blur that General Kenobi had approached was another dragon. He watched as General Kenobi hovered in front of the dragon.

Anakin frowned, looking over at the two. He deflected another bolt before answering, "somethings wrong." He looked closer with The Force, his eyes widened, "they're communicating."

Rex ducked as General Kenobi, and the unknown dragon turned and shot right over him. He watched as the others all ducked out of the way, trying to get to shelter.

"Focus on the droids!" Anakin shouted, "Obi-Wan will deal with the dragon!"

Ahsoka frowned, looking up at the two dragons.

"How strong are your instincts as a dragon?" Rex asked, shooting the droids that tried to sneak upon them.

"Strong," Ahsoka muttered.

"Strong enough that General Kenobi might assist the dragon instead of us?" Rex asked, kicking the droid reaching for his legs across the floor.

"I don't think we have to worry about that," Ahsoka answered, "that gold dragon is wanting to kill the clankers."

Rex looked over at Ahsoka, "what–" Before Rex could finish, the gold dragon suddenly shot down, landing in the middle of the droids, scattering them everywhere.

"Don't shoot!" Anakin shouted, "we don't want to hit the gold dragon!"


Sen'tra looked around at the carnage the blur had caused. All the clankers were melted and sliced apart.

"There's no sign of the Commander," one of the newer members of the squad stated, flying back up from where he went to have a look for the Commander's body.

"We need to focus on what that thing was and whether it was a threat," the squad leader said.


With the help of the angered gold dragon, the battle quickly came to a close.

They watched General Kenobi approach the dragon; the two stared silently at each other until the gold dragon released a warbling noise and began to grow smaller. They watch it suddenly grow smaller, disappearing into a weak-looking Commander Cody that General Kenobi grabbed and held close.

"What the kriff?!"

Cody looked over at Rex, the man's words echoing through the silence. He wanted to move, remove his helmet at least; however, he felt his energy quickly draining from him. He just managed to shift his head to look over at his vod'ika clearly before he slipped into unconsciousness.

Obi-Wan shifted, picking Cody up into a princess hold when he felt the vod go completely slack as he lost consciousness.

Wrap quickly hurried over, "is he okay?"

"Exhausted from transformation," Obi-Wan explained, "the first time I transformed back to human, I was unconscious for over a rotation."

Wrap nodded, making sure the man's armour was still picking up the readings before moving off to check on the other casualties with Kix.


Anakin slowly entered the private medical room, ensuring the door closed behind him before walking towards the bed. He could see that Obi-Wan was leaning forwards, observing the unconscious Cody. "How is he doing?" He asked, seeing the various sensors and the IV.

Obi-Wan didn't turn to look at Anakin, only continuing to monitor Cody, "he's doing well. They're monitoring his recovery as well as trying to assist his recovery." Obi-Wan briefly turned to glance at Anakin over his shoulder, "have you warned Padmé that something like this might happen to her?"

Anakin swore to himself as Obi-Wan turned to look at Cody again, "no, I hadn't thought of that."

"I think you should warn her," Obi-Wan sighed, "you're due a chat anyway."

"Yeah, you're right, I'll tell her," Anakin nodded, turning to leave, "how long have you known?"

Obi-Wan chuckled, shaking his head with a smirk, "we all knew; I'm just glad she makes you happy."

"I–" Anakin paused, "–thank you."

Obi-Wan smirked again, "and it wasn't random who we all had to bite. Otherwise, one of the vode would have been able to do so."

"What do you mean?" Anakin frowned.

"Never mind, you'll figure it out," Obi-Wan chucked, reaching forwards to hold Cody's hand.

Anakin frowned again but left the room to notify his wife of the development.


Cody frowned down at the datapad Wrap had handed him. It contained a list of letters that he did not know how to understand.

"So you're saying that this is DNA broken down?" Obi-Wan asked, "the first one is for a human, and the second is for a dragon?"

"Yes, and the third is General Kenobi's DNA pre-dragon," Wrap nodded, "it's human. The fourth is General Kenobi as a dragon during the time you were under the effect of the curse."

"It's completely dragon," Cody pointed out.

"Correct. The fifth is General Kenobi now; it shows a complete blend of the two," Wrap stated, "the sixth is Commander Cody's just an hour ago."

"It also shows a blend of human and dragon," Obi-Wan pointed out, "the curse must get rid of all traces of human and the ritual to fix it must share."

"Meaning anyone who bonds will be a part dragon and most likely to be able to shift," Wrap nodded.

"Have you told any of the others?" Cody asked, shifting so that he was sitting more upright.

"I told them while you were still unconscious," Wrap nodded.


Rex sighed, sitting down on the crate; he could hear Ahsoka sit down on the box opposite him. He rubbed his forehead before looking up at her, "so, I could turn into a dragon as well?"

Ahsoka nodded, looking around to see that the cameras were disabled in the room, "yes, you most likely will be able to shift into a dragon as well."

Rex sighed again before leaning forwards, resting his arms loosely over his legs, "and how strong will the instincts be once I become a dragon? I want to know to be able to prepare; you got me to hand-feed you while you're shifted."

Ahsoka ducked her head, looking over to the side in embarrassment, "I had hoped you'd forgotten that."

Rex chuckled, seeing her montrals brighten, "I do believe that I will not forget that for a while. And please, answer the question."

"They'll be strong," Ahsoka warned, "especially if you're in a stressful situation. Once human again, you'll most likely keep some instincts, but they will not be as strong. They'll be more in the background."

"Will I lose control or something is what I'm asking," Rex explained.

"No," Ahsoka stated, "and if anything happens, I'll be there to help you."

"And how exactly will you be able to help? As far as I remember, you like to cuddle, not fight," Rex smirked, "going to cuddle me to submission?"

Ahsoka grinned, jumping forwards, sending them both crashing to the floor.

Rex smirked, raising an eyebrow, "very scary."


"Anakin Skywalker!" Padmé almost shouted down over the comm, "how do you always manage to drag us into messes like this?"

"I didn't know that it would do this," Anakin tried to defend.

"Anakin, you got turned into a dragon," Padmé sighed, "I could have lost you. I want you to be more careful; you know how dangerous our lives are."

"I'll try," Anakin sighed, "I honestly didn't know this was going to happen–"

"Don't you dare say that you would have refused," Padmé growled, "everyone needs you to be human."

Anakin sighed but smiled anyway, "of course not."


Obi-Wan walked into a clearing, making sure that it was large enough before he shifted; he saw that it would easily hold another dragon his size as well. Looking down, he nodded, watching as Cody closed his eyes.

Cody closed his eyes and, thinking back to what Obi-Wan had told him previously, imagined himself as a dragon. He could feel himself changing before feeling wind across the top of his head. Opening his eyes, he saw his head come to around halfway up Obi-Wan's neck.

Obi-Wan looked at Cody curiously; he didn't look the same that he does, and he had different proportions to him.

Cody had two horns and a tooth-like horn on the tip of his snout. His gold scales were smooth, helping give him a more streamlined look. There were no scales on him and nothing on his tail either. On his head, he had two ear tuffs, almost similar in size to what Obi-Wan's dragon form had.

At the start of his tail, he had two fins, and towards the end, he had another two. The first two looked more significant than the second two. On the tip, he had a spade-like fin, one that wholly wrapped around both sides.

"I'm less dangerous looking than you," Cody frowned, stretching his wing out into the air above them, seeing how enormous his wingspan was.

"You look faster and more agile than me, however," Obi-Wan pointed out, "and your talons must be highly sharp with how well you cut through everything."

"I guess," Cody shrugged, "just thought that I would have more spines."

"Remember, it's not always about looks," Obi-Wan pointed out.

"Still would have liked more spines," Cody huffed, bringing one of his paws up to his snout so that he could look at them closer - they didn't look that sharp.

"Think on the positive side," Obi-Wan stated, nudging his wing against Cody's, "they'll be even more surprised when he defeat them."

"I'm a dragon, surprisingly enough," Cody said.

"See! Now you're getting it!"

It turns out you can roll your eyes as a dragon.


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