Baneful Royal (Kylo Ren x Rea...

By VenusHasVixens

114 5 1

The once prosperous planet of Naboo is dying for help, still suffering the after effects of the Emperor from... More

Ch. 2 Control
Ch. 3 Power
Ch. 4 Decisions
Ch. 5 Escape
Ch. 6 Truth

Ch. 1 Shadows

25 1 1
By VenusHasVixens

WARNING: topics of corruption, mentions of violence and angst


It took a moment to grasp that Naboo had given into the new empire.

For the sake of your people and reputation, you had to remember the first important rule as a public figure whose influence could impact all. Control your emotions. Too much of them could get you killed.

As you exited the front entrance of the palace, you took in the gross display of "celebration". You accepted the outcome of the queen's decision, but didn't expect the government to pull out all the stops. Sleek starfighters flew above your head, their roar heard over the loud commotion. Banners and flags were waved in the crowds of people, songs from various music groups played loud and clear. How much did we pay for this?

The council stood on either side of the Queen on the grand front steps of the palace, their stances solemn but proud. Governor Sillin whispered nervous encouragement to the others, a fleeting hand giving a pat on the Queen's shoulder. His head turned, she swiped at her shoulder quickly.

"And you, try your best to smile." He said, mimicking the action of pulling your cheeks up with his fingers.

"I'll try." You replied, hands clasped in front of you. You scrunched your face in agreement, a good amount of annoyance rising in your throat as you did.

"You won't try, you will do. Understand?"

I hope they shoot you first so I can watch, you fucking sorry excuse for a man. "I understand."

Nodding, you saw the distant hovering transport tanks and rows of stormtroopers as they marched in the city. The military forces of the planet sat quietly aside, lines of officers behind you.  They came in tows, the sound of their march growing louder and louder. Each stomp your heart thumped, like your doom was coming for you. So slowly did the sound grow closer, leveling up the anticipation.

Stormtroopers entered the vast clearing, marching right up to the last step and stopping. Rows and rows of shiny white bucket heads shown in the sunlight, about near blinding you. The black transport tanks planted themselves in the middle, the hiss of the doors sliding open from the first one. Followed by a few personal guards, the same red-haired man from the holomessage stepped out.

His long black cloak hung from his body, a snug military cap on top of his head as he surveyed Naboo's welcome. You couldn't help but notice his scrunched nose, as if he had smelled something disgusting. Out of hearing, he said a word to his other officials. Apparently whatever he said was so funny, since they stifled their laughter and jeered.

They walked up the steps towards you, a line of stormtroopers following. As the officers of the First Order approached, you made eye contact with the red haired man. He glanced at you, eyebrow raised. To add more insult, he turned away, scowling once more.

"General Hux, we are grateful to meet your acquaintance  for the Order's help in our time of need." The Queen projected.

"Yes of course." He bowed shortly, his voice just as annoying as before. "We are rather intrigued by this...warm welcome."

"Of course, only the best for the Order-" the governor slipped in before being shot down.

"Your saviors, you mean." Hux replied. "We did promise to bring this planet from non-existence, isn't that correct?"

His First Order party nodded, agreeing silently.

"Well let's not dawdle, we must get to business right away." He commanded, waving his hand for the council to travel into the palace.

The queen looked appalled, as did everyone else. In an attempt to cover the rudeness, she looks back to her people and waves, a solemn face so proud, as the rest of the Naboo's council. As you give a wave, you lean over to Sillin.

"I can tell he likes you, Governor." Your voice is low and full of sarcasm. "And is blown away from this wonderful presentation."

"And I can see he doesn't care much for you, (L/N)." He hissed at you through clenched teeth. You whistled softly at the disrespect of not addressing you by your title. "At least I tried. What did you do?"

"I breathe. And my very existence can bring out the worst in anyone." Your eyes set on him, watching as he is more infuriated, pausing in anticipation of his response to your next free thought. Getting your lick back was all you wanted right now, it was just what you wanted. " As I can see right now."

Sillin leaves in a huff, flipping his giant robe in the wind, following the council back in. You follow suit, triumphant in your words but not in your faith. You loved bringing those you hated to to anger. Abie trailed  behind you, careful not to step on your small velvet train.

"That looked like it went decently." He mumbled quietly behind you.

"Far from it." You replied, sighing. "So far from it."

The day consisted of the plan to set in motion the "saving" of Naboo. Sat in the throne room for hours, discussing terms and conditions. Hux droned on in speech after speech, praising the Order and what it has done for their loyal allies. This felt more like a bragging fest, brought on by the Governor's sad attempts to win back favor with Hux.

"One question remains, General. And I believe it's been on almost most of the council's minds." Sillin swallowed before speaking timidly. "Will the Supreme Leader be joining the celebration ball tomorrow?"

How could you forget the Supreme Leader? 

A sight of terror. Told by wandering voices of the appearance of  a tall, masked creature, a dark energy encircling him and snatching the lives of those around him. It sounded like a children's story, imagination rampant with terrifying descriptions of a monster. To be in its presence, you would die from fear, they also said. You had seen and felt far worse, how bad can the Supreme Leader be? As much as your courageous nature was your mask, you couldn't help but be scared for your life.

Your heart raced, hoping for the General to say no, the "thing" will not make an appearance. You could imagine the palace in disarray, bodies strewn as his red blade sawed into the heart of Theed. All because he felt like it. You were no child, but good stars, if the stories were true....

Hux sighed, rolling his eyes obnoxiously. "The Supreme Leader is unpredictable. At the moment, he could be off with his Knights, doing what he pleased. I don't prefer to meddle into the affairs of Ren, unless it is necessary."

It's a no, thank the Maker. you thought. Hux's nose scrunched once more. Does everything annoy this man?

The conclusion of the meeting was a short one. The Queen stood, thanking everyone. A quick bow and she made her exit quickly. You wouldn't blame her one bit, and felt like doing the same. Hux and the First Order party stood, deciding to make friends with the rest of Naboo's council. Sillin basically jumped Hux, arms flapping about like a bird's mating ritual. An exaggeration, but it was close to it.

Cringing, you slowly faded into the background of conversations, welcoming yourself silently into the mixture of talks.

"As delightful as that sounds, I think I would prefer a tour of the palace before the announcement." Hux interrupted one of Sillin's offers. You didn't want to know what it was. Maybe kissing his ass in the privacy of his office.

"Oh is that so?" You heard the Governor say as loud as he could, glancing in your direction.

Oh no.

It was time to make your escape, swiveling on your heel.

"Lady (Y/N)!" The Governor's voice boomed. You bit on your lip, pausing before turning around. He waved his hand for you to come over, giddy to enact his revenge on you.

"Allow me to introduce the absolutely beautiful Lady (Y/N), a councilwoman. And a former queen at that!" Sillin smiled, his hand on your shoulder.

"Oh, please. Don't patronize me, Governor." You smiled back. If I'm right about what you're about to do, I'd find the nearest balcony and throw us both off.

"Ah yes. Queen (L/N), if I can recall." Hux said the last part quietly. A awful feeling in your stomach emitted as you eyed Hux, his glare on you unwavering. Up and down, around your chest, you felt like you could throw up by how you were being ogled at. "Who could forget your declarations of peace and unity for Naboo?"

"Yes." You nodded.

"That is most admirable, especially from someone at such a young age. But you were unsuccessful." He added, raising his eyebrows.

"There is nothing wrong in trying. I can try to do a lot of things even now for my home." You muttered, trying so hard to not take him down with Sillin too. "Like participating in this conversation."

To assure that it was all lighthearted, you gave a lifty laugh, placing a gentle palm on Sillin's arm.

Sillin cleared his throat, bringing the attention back onto him. "I believe Lady (Y/N) will be more than happy to show you around our grand Palace and its history. Matter of fact, I think she is one of the only people on this council who knows so much of it."

You hated being right.

Two guards trailed behind you and Hux as you began your well practiced monologue of the palace of Theed. Throughout the library and state rooms did you go, across intricate balconies cluttered with vines and stained glass windows depicting monarchs of the past.

Hux asked no questions or inquiry. As you spoke, you realized that this was his perfect getaway from Sillin. You could say it was yours as well, but technically you were still working. Each little fact from you  was met with a "humph" or a "hmm." It was only till you had entered the royal garden did he finally speak.

"Ugh, the smell." He complained, face disgusted. The urge to break his nose off if he did that face again was so strong.

"Yes it is a garden, General. I'm sure most flowers do smell." You replied, holding up a nice big red one, its petals vibrant in color. "This is one of the many flowers found on Naboo, and is most common in-"

Hux held up his gloved hand, interrupting you. You noticed his intense glare at you, staring straight into your soul. His eyes focused on your forehead.

"Is there something wrong?" You asked, confused.

"Yes. That little ghastly thing that is dangling from your head has been an eye sore for me." He said, no sense of respect in his voice. "What is it?"

Your cheeks burned. Anger crept up on your shoulders. And yet you smiled so politely. After an hour of trying to get any response out of Hux, you had finally given up. This entire day, this horrible gross show of power from both sides bubbled to the surface.

"It's the golden crest of Naboo, worn by present and former monarchs." You stated, leaning in. Your eyes never left Hux's, staring sharp daggers into his face. You could see him become uncomfortable with your intrusive energy, so ready to tear him down.

"If you're going to take over a planet, General, it would be wise to at least learn the customs of its people before you destroy it."

"Take it as a gift. A personal remembrance from a forgotten planet."You clipped the emblem off the chain that slid through your hair, holding it out to Hux. It glimmered in the sunlight, catching his ogling. "I got a lot more at home." You finished. Quick embarrassment rose in you as you realized how much you were shaking from anger, your hands in fists on your side.

The corners of his lips curled into what you think was an attempt at smiling. He hesitantly picked the emblem out of your palm, admiring it in his forefingers. Taking small steps back into the palace, he spoke softly. "You really are something. I can see why he's so..."

"Who, the Governor?"

"Oh please, he loathes you." He spoke rather quickly, exchanging a glance between you both that could agree on one thing. One last look and hesitantly, the emblem was put in his pocket as he made his departure, both stormtroopers awaiting. "I look forward to seeing you at the ball."



"The professionalism Armitage Hux carries with him is just astonishing, don't you think?"

"I couldn't agree with you more, the Chommell Sector must feel very lucky for the Order's help!"

You watched the announcement as you got ready for the gala. It was all the news could talk about for the last day since its initial broadcast was shown. Imperial approved commentators praised Hux so much it made you sick. The words they spoke felt repeated as if they were a broken record, although it did make good for some zoning out noise as you had your hair and makeup done.

"And he's going to be there tonight?" Your former handmaiden Sara asked cautiously, carefully applying mascara onto your lashes.

"Uh-huh." You replied, staying perfectly still.

Putting the mascara back into its tube, she grabbed a makeup brush. "Let me come, for old times sake. We still have the disguise right?"

"What, why?" You said, furrowing your brows.

"For protection, my lady." She replied in a matter of fact tone, gently grazing the brush against your cheeks.

"Sara, what do you think Abie is for?"

"To stand there and look cute." She said, smiling.

"If that's what you think, but I'm going to be fine. I plan on leaving early anyway. A drink or two and I'm heading back home." You sighed, closing your eyes for finishing touches. "Doesn't really give the Order enough time to kill me."

"I'm just concerned about him." Sara muttered, pointing the tip of the brush to the holoTV. "Why would he say "he's so enticed with you"? Like, is he one of those people that talks in third person or what?"

"If that's what makes him feel bigger, then yes." You chuckled. "Sara, you should've seen the way he looked at me when he arrived."


"His eyes were popping out of his head, staring into me. Almost had me checking my dress to make sure my these things were out."  You gestured to your chest as Sara laughed out loud, flopping onto a lounge chair. You couldn't help but laugh with her, affected by her infectious giggles. In a sea of laughter, you desperately tried to tell the rest to her.

Oh, oh, no no no listen! Then he went like this." You put on your most accurate Hux's impersonation, your nose scrunched and lips pursed. You flipped your head up dramatically, sighing as if everything inconvenienced you. It only made Sara wheeze even more, flipping her arms around.

"I'm serious, that's exactly what he did!"

Taking a sip from a glass of water, Sara breathed in and out as she came down from her cackling fest. "W-well, now you convinced me even more to come."

You sat beside her, leaning on her shoulder. "I still don't know. It could be a waste of time."

You both sat in silence for a moment, listening to the commotion of Theed prepare for the gala. It wasn't the sounds of children playing or the women walking on their daily get togethers. Instead it was the distant thuds of stormtrooper patrols from right outside your front door, comms ringing in sections to inspect.

"On second thought." You finally whispered. "It doesn't look like such a bad idea now."

A briefing with Abie about updated security personnel and you were off to the palace. Sitting in the back of your limo cruiser, you felt the tip of your mini blaster pressed into your leg. Only as a precaution, you were told. Sara and Abie sat opposite of each other in the cruiser, speaking softly to one another. This was only small talk to mask the confirmations of signals in the case something was going to happen. It was a tactic you were taught well as you reigned and one you still used in front of the public.

The palace bustled with both rich imperial sympathizers and socialites of Naboo. Old and young, it clearly didn't take long for the credit-hungry businessmen and women to make acquaintance with the First Order. How quickly the switch was turned on.

Sara kept her head down low as the side door of the cruiser opened swiftly. You stepped out, immediately greeted with a clamor of oohs from the surrounding crowd of citizens who wanted a closer look at Theed's finest.

Hung down from your shoulders was a cascading sleeves of solid navy material, met with a medium plunged v-shaped neckline. What brought the most attention was the tiny bits of glitter and stars. They sparkled in the warm light as they did in the night sky, illuminating flecks of lights against the pillars as you walked the steps. The whole ensemble of your dress was complimented by a simple silver collar choker and cuffed bracelets on both wrists. Others would have taken this as a defiant but subtle stand against the recent political action, but honestly it was just because the hassle of taking care of the dress was minimal.

Nonetheless, you looked beautiful.

You were announced as you approached the top steps of your presence, the mention of your name alerting the Governor. Clamoring over in his gaudy robes, you prepared yourself quickly.

"And I thought I was overdressed." You whispered to Abie out of the corner of your mouth, earning a snicker from Sara and him.

"Ravishing! Look at you." Sillin proclaimed grandly, his arms open. "As always, a sight to see."

"I'm most flattered." You smiled, masking your hatred of being present.

This wasn't a change of heart, but a show for the cameras. They were everywhere, following the action. The over the top acting would definitely make tomorrow's tribune. "Over there!"

A flash of clicks went in your and Sillin's directions. You met his stare briefly, understanding it was time to play the game once more. The ball was in your court this time, waiting for the shot.

"And may I say," you said aloud, the same charm that won over your election, "I am amazed at the wonderful company we have here tonight. You've done an excellent job for our warm hospitality, Governor."

"Thank you most kindly, Lady (Y/N). However," Sillin began before taking your hand into his, placing his other on top of it. "You've made the evening all better with that dress of yours, it brings it all together!"

A polite laugh was shared, captured by the cameras once more. With commands for more poses and questions regarding the future of the sector, you obliged. After all, this was your job, and you knew the mechanics of it well. An aide of the governor tapped in, signaling it was time to enter the party. A brief wave to your former subjects and past the threshold into your doom.

Out of the way of the cameras Sillin's face switched to its normal frown, led away into the grand down the winding hallways to the spacious royal garden. A few drinks and conversations and that's it. Directed by guards and party planners with the rest of the council to take the shortcut through the wings cut off to the public, you passed in front of the library. You couldn't help but notice the entrance doors were guarded not by stormtroopers, but two dark robed figures.

Masked, their weapons hung on their shoulder and side, staring straight ahead. A pit of intrigue and unease grew in your stomach.

That isn't normal.

It felt like time slowed as you walked past, taking in the detail of their appearance. It seemed that they did as well, their attention snapping to you. Caught, you turned your head, watching your step all of a sudden.

"Odd." Sara said. You replied with a nod, anxiety amped up.

"I have a bad-" Abie began.

"Don't start." You snapped, shutting him up.

The party was blown into full gear. Traditional tunes played from skilled musicians, echoing sweet melodies into the air. Drinks and hor dourves traveled through, eventually making their way to you. A swing and you were done with your first drink. Had it not been for her guards and handmaidens, the Queen would have been trampled with imperial officials, bombarding her with their demanding presence. But you could see she was handling it quite well.

"Just smile and nod, it works all the time." You recall telling her, earning a giggle from her after an exhausting day from the same type of company.

She saw you out of the corner of her eye, giving a small smile. Giving her a wink of encouragement, you made your way through the party. Relieved to see Hux occupied with his own entourage, you sat idly in a seat, bored out of your mind. Sara and Abie went on a quick patrol of the palace at your request. All you had to do was wait.

"Please do it in case. I don't want to leave this gala in a waste pod."

"On it." Sara replied before going the opposite direction of Abie. You watched her leave a side entrance quietly, disappearing into the hall.

A nod of hello and a wave here and there is what kept you occupied. Admiring side flowers and leaves made you think of what could've been happening right now.

Caught and questioned by palace guards. You weren't too worried about Abie, but Sara. Even though she had lived in the palace, as a civilian without an invite she had no business being where she is right now.

Caught by stormtroopers. Shoot first, ask questions later. But then that would start a riot that no one but the First Order could afford.

Or they could be making out for all you know. They acted like you didn't notice the fleeting glances and subtle brush against their arms. It was super noticeable. You wouldn't mind the relationship, but they were on a job at the moment.

You twiddled with the intricate detail on your cup, running a finger along the edges in anticipation. It's been a while since they left and nothing. You felt so helpless just sitting and doing nothing. But you couldn't exactly leave without anyone taking notice.

Common sense told you to stay, but your gut feeling was begging you to escape.

"Ah, fuck it." You said to yourself, dumping your drink into the bushes and hastily tip-toeing to the same side entrance Sara left in. You took a glance at the party, searching for any suspicious eyes. You almost wanted to breathe in relief until those menacing blue irises caught your attention, never blinking.

You stared back, frozen. Smart girl, play it off, you thought. You bowed slightly, smiling. Hux did the same, returning the gesture. His grin felt so different now. Before it was fake, only for show. This one showed a true emotion, like when a snitch has just told the teacher of your misdeeds. Waiting happily to see you punished.

Shaking your head, you gracefully but quickly walk down the hallways again. Every corner your heart jumped, expecting to see your dear friends in handcuffs or in a fight. You were met with stormtroopers or royal guards, a few stragglers who had shown up late, or nothing at all. No sight of the masked figures or Abie and Sara.

Leaning against a pillar, you clicked on your comm, hearing nothing but static. Your frustration grew as you knew their receiving comms were turned off. Damn it, where could they have gone?

As you rested, you remembered. The library. You hadn't scoped out that area yet. You were so enthralled with finding your friends that the thought had slipped your mind. Taking off your heels, you hid them on the other side of the pillar, your feet making no sound as you crept up in the hall.

Not taking you long, you slid across the floor by the wall, peeking over. The masked figures were gone, leaving the library unguarded. Looking both ways, you inched to the grand double doors. Carefully, you tugged softly at the door, surprised to see it open. You pulled the rest of your dress into the library, mindful of the loud thunk of the grand door.

You were met with the sight of lamps turned on dimly, the only other source of light being from the large window that was straight ahead in front of you. The night lights of Theed guided you in further, head turning at every sound. You looked around the shelves of books, met with dead ends. Even under the tables there was nothing to be seen or discovered. You soon began to relax for the place you were in, comforted that there was no disturbance at your getaway spot in the palace.

Nothing was here, nor ever was.

You flopped on a lounge chair, sighing. At least take a breather before you go back out to find them. The chair overlooked the window, seeing those white helmets engulfing all of the city. It mesmerized you as they walked about, curious of what was under the suit. What kind of life could they have lived? Order and discipline was their code, but so was yours. It came in variations, but theirs was so much more strict. Live, fight, die.

That was their purpose.

You had been sitting in complete silence for minutes, the distant sound of music and laughter were far away. You were in a place of comfort, your body surrounded by books and quiet. You barely got any silence, and when you did, you reveled in just...sitting in it. Taking your thoughts, you put them aside. Closing your eyes, you breathed softly.

A creak.

Your eyes opened. Slowly your hand slid under the slit of your dress, taking the blaster out with ease. You were definitely off your game tonight, having not noticed the lamps had dimmed even more, some corners in complete darkness. The air felt thick, stuffy and ominous, not the library you were used to.

Someone else was in here.

You got up, relieved that the chair didn't cause any noise. On your feet, your vision wandered frantically over the snuffed out areas of the library. Goosebumps raised on your arms as you had the feeling of being watched. A predator watching his prey from its hiding place. Powering up your gun, you held it behind your back.

Then the soft thwip of a page turning could be heard.

"Who's there?" Your voice steadied itself, shredding no sign of fear. Or so you think. "Show yourself."

Another creak. And out of the murkiness came it. You could only see the feet, giant black boots coming into your view. Another turn of the page.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" You questioned, tone brave and defensive.

"Just a shadow." It said, voice full of timber and baritone. "Admiring old pages in peace."

"You need a pass to get in here. The palace is well protected and strangers are not allowed in."

"No its not." It scoffed, amused at your lie. "Everywhere I go I have a pass. Whenever and wherever I please."

"How lucky." You replied, the barrel of your blaster pressed against your back. "Must be nice."

"Is that jealousy or sarcasm I'm hearing?"

"Which would show me your face?" You muttered, annoyed. "I demand you show me who you are."

"I'm afraid I'll scare you. So no."

"I'm not scared. Do I look scared?" You said too quickly. Your defense was slipping, the former queen turning back into a frightened girl.

"You don't look at it but I can hear it. Feel it too." It dropped the book on the desk, making you jump. "See?"

"You dropped a book, asshole, of course I'm going to jump." You snapped back. Oh yeah, this wasn't a revered monarch. Just someone who was politeness was dropped kicked and thrown out into cold. You felt embarrassed as your true self slipped. It's deep chuckles sounded like a growl, vibrating the room. "You can't possibly be that shocking to look at."

"Oh, but I am."

"Show me. Or I'll scream."

"Is that an order?" You could hear the smile in its voice.

That sounded really flirtatious, you thought. There was a glint of playfulness in his voice, not taking your tone seriously. Toying with its food? Probably. But you wanted to see how far you could push. It could be a bit of fun before you're eaten alive.

"Sure, we'll call it that. After all, I am on the council." You said.

"Being on the Council doesn't sound like being the queen."

Backfired. "That's correct but I am by right, a noble woman of Naboo. I hold power here, so I command you to show me your face."


"Oh come on, I'm not going to say anything bad about it, I promise."

You didn't have enough time to react as the being came to the light of the window. Literally frozen in fear. Or stunned because what you had in mind was not what you saw before you.

Dark locks framed his strong face, with matching raised eyebrows. His massive frame made you feel small, a well pressed uniform of black ribbed sleeves and matching short tunic were clasped by a belt. No cape, mask, nothing. Jawline as sharp as a knife, his teeth clenching and relaxing. Hands behind his back loosely as he settled by the window. His eyes were hooded in amusement as he looked down at you taking in the sight of him. Mother of the maker, this man is gorgeous.

He chuckled. "I'm glad you think that."

"How did you-?" You started.

"It's too obvious to see it in your face." He replied, looking out the window and up into the sky.

Years of training to be an emotionless droid has failed. Somehow you couldn't sense any danger from him. Relaxed around you, defenses down. He did have his back turned to you, so this could've been a great opportunity to attack if you really wanted to. Your smaller stature could give you the upper hand, but you weren't willing to give it a go. So you sat back down on the chair.

"I'm sorry for my hostility." You finally spoke, sticking the blaster in between the cushion beside you.

"You were just afraid of what was in the dark, that's all." He waved away your apology with a gloved hand. "I think I should apologize for not making my presence known before."

"So you're not going to kill me?" You asked boldly.

"Why would I do that?" He questioned. "Have you wronged me?"


"Then no, I will not kill you."

"Huh." You finished, embarrassed at your naivety. "Are you with the Order or..?"

"I'm on my own accord tonight." He leaned against the wall, gazing at you.

"Okay, what does that mean?" You shrugged, annoyed. "Are you a stormtrooper or a civilian or what?"

"I'm afraid I'm not any of those. The questions are a little tiring, so I suggest you stop." He uttered blankly, disdain not evident in his voice.

"Or what, you'll eat me?" You rolled your eyes, fiddling with your dress. "Trust me, some beings on Naboo would pay a pretty penny to see me dead."

He walked over and sat on an opposing chair facing you, eyes never glancing away. "Is that so?"

"Ask the governor, he'll tell you all about it." You mumbled.

"Tell me. You caught my interest." 

You scoffed softly. "You're not a journalist, are you? They pay a lot for a piece like this."

"I have no interest in spreading rumors. But you have me intrigued." He said, literally on the edge of his seat. "You did bring it up."

"That I did. But how can I trust you? We just barely met. " You propped your feet up on your chair. "Telling a stranger all my personal thoughts that I wouldn't even say out loud."

"I can be a therapist. Of sorts." He shot a short smile. His eyes glinted. "Secrets are always safe with me."

You pressed your lips together, and then clicked your tongue. "Well, even if this does come out, what future do I have in the council? We're probably going to be out a job soon."


You shuffled in your seat, and then clasped your hands together. You couldn't believe you were doing this, but he did ask. And you were willing to give.

"When I was elected a queen, I went into the role with a list of plans that I had made to save Naboo. As young as I was, I wanted to see real change, the Naboo that I was told of by my parents. Seeing the planet suffer mistake after mistake, and the whole time the government sat by and watched. Stars, it pissed me off to hear an "we'll be  stronger than we ever were before and we'll get through this" speech by the council."

He nodded, urging you to continue.

"After the coronation ceremony, I gathered my council in the throne room to discuss what the outline of the next two years would look like. What a waste of time. Every idea or proposal was shut down immediately. Citing that it wasn't possible and it was unwise for me to begin such a big project this early in my reign." You got up, pacing in front of the couch the man sat on. Now you were on a roll. His eyes followed you, his eyebrows lifted. "The hypocrites turned around and did the opposite of what we needed for their own gain."

"Like what?" The man asked.

"Let's just say that you shouldn't be given more than what you're willing to put out. Its disappointing when your own people are suffering all for the sake of you buying another lake house or nice vacation off  planet because the sight of a crumbling structure gets you stressed." You breathed, fists balled. You stared down out of the window, baffled but relieved at the release of your deepest thoughts.

"I wore the crown, but it didn't mean anything to them. I was a puppet, the face of their decisions I had no part in. The only reason I took this job was to make sure they would never manipulate another little girl to do their beckoning."

"That's a very honorable thing to do." He said.

Turning, you flashed him a sad smile. "I'm not doing a very good job at it."

"Do you think that not doing your best is not because of your skill but the governor himself?" He questioned. "You said the council, but from what I can deduct, these sound like the actions of one person with a strong influence. To group them all together for the ideas for one man is obviously a show of influence."

Spot on. The answer was murky, covered with random factors that drove you in different directions as you tried to find it. Then the most random of people out of nowhere is able to tell you plainly, no need to swerve clear of the situation.

"Say it out loud. Admit it."

"Admit what?"

"Speak freely. Tell me that Sillin is the root of their hatred."

"Are you really sure you're not part of the daily tribune?" You chuckled. "The trouble I would be in if anyone hears of this."

He shrugged. "Who am I to judge?"

You bit down on your bottom lip. Tell more of your truth and you would have to face a possible scandal. Or stop it now and change the subject. Finally, after what seemed like hours of silence, you nodded. "He's the problem. Always has been."

A hand was held out, as if the truth was set in his palm. "So much greatness could be achieved when the obstacle is taken out of the way." He stated, his dark eyes looked to you. "Can you imagine how much this planet could grow with the right leadership?"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"It seems like you need the truth."

Your nails dug into the flesh of your hand as you picked at it as thoughts you wanted to scream to the world made a manifestation on your tongue. "I'm due for some real change."

"You could be that change. Do you know that?" The man proclaimed, getting out of his seat. The energy that swirled around him grew intoxicating, inviting you to divulge some more into his praise. "From what I've seen, it's such a shame for someone so smart to be in the background. You need to be in the light, for all to see and admire."

He swallowed, looking out the same window as you. "To match the beauty with the mind."

Your cheeks were burning by his compliments, secretly hoping to tell you more.  It elevated your ego to be spoken to like that, words that were true and not to appear "nice" in front of the cameras. For the first time tonight, you felt a genuine sense of enjoyment. He stood silently by the window, feeling his gaze upon you. You allowed your vision to return to him, taken aback at the hope and encouragement this man possessed for someone he hardly knows. But the tough reality continued to find its way in the cracks.

"Everything comes at a cost for the ability to do such a thing." You began. Your morals always dictated to do the right thing, to steer clear of consuming the wrong that surrounded you. But you couldn't help it sometimes. What would it be like to have the taste of power. To ravish it, tear it and make it to your liking? Was there any way to turn it good?

"Well." You said aloud, clearing your throat as those thoughts fleeted into the back of our mind. The man snapped out of his trance-like stare out of the window on you. "Its been nice to have someone listen."

A low grumble of gratitude came from him. "Its a relief to hear someone tell their truth instead of the answers they think I want to hear."

"Its probably because they want to please you. With..." He likes the truth, tell him the truth, "a rather attractive build as yours, I would too."

Then it got quiet again.

"Are you flirting with me?" The man inquired, a lilt of faint delight in his voice. You could hear the slight upturn of a smile as he spoke, hoping that he felt the same drive of emotions as you did before.

"Absolutely not at all." You taunted playfully, smiling back. "But you did give me a compliment, so I'll give you one. Its all about balance."

The man looked away, his smile faltering at your comment. "Hm."

Worried that you said something wrong, you were going to try your best to change the air. "I've talked about such a rough topic with someone I've never met before. Who really are you?"

The man grunted in agreement, seemingly avoiding your answer. Hoping to not lose his focus, you stepped closer to him, putting yourself directly in his view. "Shadows have names too."

Attention turned to you once more, his eyes moved around, studying your face. There was no signs of menace, but endearment. A small smile returned, his prolonged gaze causing you to giggle. "Don't keep a councilwoman waiting, they're very busy people with a lot of things to do."

Before he could open his mouth, the smile faded in a second. The small glint in his face had disappeared, a veil of seriousness had come over his head. Brows furrowed, he looked to the door, as if he was preparing for something to come crashing in.

"What is it?" You whispered, feeling the change of energy in the room. A tingling sense of dread crawled up your spine. You flinched as the doors of the library swung open, the two dark robed figures from earlier floating in. Anxiety spiked, you remembered you were some feet away from your blaster and that it would only take a millisecond to retrieve it. Your hand itches for it, begging to be equipped in the case that it was about to go down.

"There's no need." The man said, holding his gloved hand up to you. Was it that  noticeable to see your sense of danger? "Of course. Inform him that I await his company."

Your confusion amplified as the figures left, leaving you and the man alone once again in the library. "You're with the First Order, aren't you?"

The man marched over to the table behind the couch, the sounds of his heavy boots echoed loudly in the library and into the hallway. He picked up a black helmet, the vision encircled with silver lines that extended to the bottom half. Without thought, the man enclosed it around his head, a hiss heard as locked in.

"You'll find out soon." The vocoder boomed, taking the man's voice and lowering it octaves down, scratchy and growling.

The sudden footsteps of guards grew louder, at full peak as you saw Hux come into view. Followed behind was his set of stormtroopers, circling behind him for his safety. He breathed heavily, face stoned cold as he leered at the man.

"General." The man spoke.

"It would have been pleasant to know of your presence, Ren."

Your heart dropped. This couldn't have been him. Where was the monster that you were told so much about, the same monster who bloodlust ravaged many nations and uprooted innocent ways of life? He must've been so good at what he is that he's able to take different faces at the drop of a hat.

"There should always be a contingency plan in case I make an appearance. It makes sense that you didn't give it any thought as it gave me and my Knights no resistance to infiltrate the palace." He scolded Hux.

"A woman of stature should be able to go where she pleases knowing that she is safe." He gestured to you, who was frozen to your spot. "She could have been killed instantly had I not been there. An assassin or crazed person had the ability to sneak into here and seriously injure her."

You only stood by and watched. You were anything but helpless, but you felt no need to interfere with their conversation.

"There are more pressing matters to attend to. I will meet with you shortly to discuss the mishap." Hux nodded, lips thin and eyes down. He briskly stumbled out of the library.

The man now known to you as Kylo Ren rotated to acknowledge your presence. A minuscule sense of betrayal traveled through you as you gaped at him, not deciding on what to feel.

"Now you know."

"Will you still kill me?" You replied, word monotone. Taking your blaster, you put it back in its spot under your dress. "I saw your face."

"No. I trust you enough not to tell."

"Trust." You muttered before taking the shameful walk out of the library. Not looking back, you gave your final words as you crossed the threshold into the hallway. "How disappointing."

A child's imagination was fake.


[A/n] this is the longest chapter I have ever written for a fanfic, omg. But on another note, next chapter of Life is but a Dream will be a Christmas chapter (cheesy I know). Y'all be safe and thank you so much!

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