illicit affairs | Charlie Bar...

By spookydal

64.1K 2K 2.7K

Attending classes at UCLA full time, you had to work hard unlike your other classmates. They partied and dran... More

illicit affairs (IA) opening credits
chapter one: new beginnings
chapter two: comparison of literature
chapter three: first impressions
chapter four: invitations
chapter five: burning questions
chapter six: forbidden fruit
chapter seven: manhattan
chapter eight: shared hatred for socks
chapter nine: office hours
chapter eleven: the world of charlie barber
chapter twelve: the lost art of distraction
chapter thirteen: sacrifices
chapter fourteen: right and wrong
chapter fifteen: cardigan
chapter sixteen: under the weather
chapter seventeen: opening night
chapter eighteen: caught red-handed
chapter nineteen: thanksgiving
chapter twenty: great expectations
chapter twenty one: welcome to new york
chapter twenty two: exit ghost theater
chapter twenty three: you can hear it in the silence
chapter twenty four: the only soul worth getting to know
chapter twenty five: dress
chapter twenty-six: finding a new routine
chapter twenty seven: introductions and questions about oneself
chapter twenty eight: a cozy day in
chapter twenty nine: i told you so
chapter thirty: solace
chapter thirty one: clandestine meetings and stolen stares
chapter thirty two: when things go right
chapter thirty three: wages earned and lessons earned
chapter thirty four: time to go
chapter thirty five: an affair to remember
chapter thirty six: "until the end"

chapter ten: shaken up

2.7K 79 145
By spookydal

HAPPY ILLICIT AFFAIRS DAY!!!!!! Holy cow, you guys didn't waste time, getting IA to 6k in just under a week!!! Have I mentioned before that you guys are awesome?????? 

As you guys know already, there are links at the end of the chapter to get in contact with me and to get better lost in the world of 'IA'! Make sure you guys check those out and make sure you let me know what you think!

I won't keep you long, considering we are about to have dinner with Charlie!! So, let's jump into it! -Dal

You were feeling nervous. Butterflies fluttering around in your tummy, fidgeting with your dress, and chewing on your lip kind of nervous. Thoughts of chickening out definitely crossed your mind but you couldn't bring yourself to do it.

With it being five long years since you went out on a date, you figured you would cut yourself some slack. You were allowed to be nervous, even if you didn't know if this was technically a date.

That topic certainly took interest with you that day. In the morning, you spent some time doing some homework. Well, trying to do some homework. When it was time to give that up, you jumped into the shower and did what you do best. Organize a checklist.

Were you having a date with Charlie?

While you rubbed the shampoo out of your hair, you still found that you were nervous. With butterflies fluttering around your tummy, you figured that was one thing you could cross of your list. After you stepped out with a towel around your body, you headed straight to your closet. It was an easy thing to cross off, pushing for the back of your closet and towards all the dresses you haven't seen in years.

Another thing off of your list was when you made sure your hair looked acceptable, smoothing out all of your fly-aways. Doing your makeup was next, knowing it's been years since you even thought about fixing yourself up like this.

Okay, so it was obvious that you thought of this as a date... but did he think the same thing?

During your adventure towards his place, you tried to focus on anything other than your upcoming dinner with your professor.

As you left your apartment, you focused on the slight breeze in the air, reminding you of the upcoming cooler months. When you took your seat on the bus, you focused on how the setting sun shined bright into your eyes.

You sat by yourself with your headphones in, trying hard to focus on the low beats playing in your ears. Trying to preoccupy yourself and distract from the anxiety, you bounced your leg as you looked over to your bag. You had your phone and a few things you needed to get around but you were starting to wonder about why the hell you brought your book with you...

Before you could figure out the answer, it was time to get off of the bus. As you slid the strap to your bag over your shoulder, you looked around the quiet street. With the street lamps starting to flicker, nighttime was quickly approaching you. That was your motivation to start your journey.

Passing the different driveways on the way, you noted various brick walls littered with graffiti. You held out your finger, tapping a few leaves from the vine-covered fences as you silently counted each one you touched. When a few untrimmed tree branches grazed the top of your head, a small giggle pushed past your lips.

Based on the text you received from Charlie earlier that morning, you had your eye open for his place. After he listed his address he wrote out: Building 30. You'll have to curl around and turn a few corners to reach my front door. See you tonight.

Your heart skipped a beat every time your eyes read the last of his text. See you tonight.

When you reached the building he lived in, you noticed the obvious shift in environments. Before, it was more residential, giving it a feeling you haven't felt in a long time. Just by walking past them, you could tell a lot of memories and laughter were shared there.

This place only felt like a temporary home.

When you approached his apartment number, you noted a small plant resting between two doors. Before your legs decided to run the other way, you pressed the lit-up button beside the door frame. As you questioned your outfit choice, you exhaled a shaky breath, looking around as you waited. You worked overtime, trying your best to hear any sort of sign of life behind this door.

Chewing on your lip, you started to hear a few thumps and bangs in what you imagined was the kitchen. Next, you heard footsteps approaching the door. That's when you could have sworn your heart stopped...

His steps seemed to pause at the door before it swung open, revealing the six-foot-something staring down at you. You watched as he lifted his hand, brushing his fingers through his dark waves.

"Hi." You cooed quietly, your fingers fiddling with the material of your dress. That's when you noticed Charlie's eyes roaming over your body, making note of the dress that fell perfectly around your curves. His mind was preoccupied until his eyes met yours again, shaking himself out of whatever thought was just running through his head.

"Come in." He quickly stepped to the side. You nodded your head, gliding past him. You felt heavy under his stare, holding your breath as your fingers grazed against him.

It was hard to believe you were actually stepping foot into his place. Who would have thought you would be here, in your professor's home? With this thought, a sense of anxiety was starting to creep low in your belly, making you take a quick look around.

In front of you, there was a light tan couch with a couple of decorative pillows lying across it. Hung against the wall, a few pieces of art were framed. Noticing the messy lines of what seemed like crayons, you figured they were drawn by Charlie's son.

"Can I take your coat?" Charlie's quiet mumble caused you to turn in his direction, nodding your head. You set your bag against the couch, peeling off your denim jacket. You could feel the slight cool of the air conditioning hit against your skin, handing it over to Charlie.

You kept your eyes on him until he went out of sight, giving you a chance to finish scouting out the living room.

In front of the couch was a glass coffee table, a variety of newspapers and children's books placed across it. A cushioned chair sat in the corner, a couple of plants on either side of it. Besides the plant was a small shelf, a record player, and a stack of records parked beside it.

The desperation to get to know him better was your driving factor to walk over and get a good look at the records. That's when you heard his footsteps growing closer, his voice mumbling your name.

"Can I get you anything?" He stood beside you as he quietly asked his question. You noticed a few classical records mixed with some David Bowie and The Beatles, humming to yourself as you nodded. He had good taste in music.

When you turned your head up at him, his lips parted.

"I have water, soda... Wine?" He cocked his brows, trying to read your facial expression. It was clear to you now that he was just as nervous.

"Wine... Please." You huffed out a laugh as his lips curled with a smile.

"Come on."

You froze where you stood, feeling Charlie's hand slipping into yours. His hand overpowered yours without a surprise, locking his fingers in between yours. Ice grew around your feet, planting you in place until Charlie tugged you along. He let your hand go when you entered the kitchen, leaving you to lean against the wall.

A variety of smells accompanied you, seeing a few pots and pans spread across the kitchen counters. You took a shallow breath in, shocked by the setup Charlie was doing for you. You couldn't remember the last time you had a home-cooked meal like this...

"It's not chilled, I hope that's okay." Charlie mumbled, breaking you out of your thoughts. Your eyes glanced over, watching him pull out a bottle of wine from the cabinet in the corner. He seemed urgent to pour the glass for you, walking over the cabinet on the other side.

"Dammit." Charlie groaned quietly under his breath, his fingers prying the wrong side of the door. "You think I would be used to this place by now." He was quick to give you an excuse, embarrassed as his hands traveled to the other side.

You bit down on your lip, watching him precisely pour a few ounces into your glass. He set down the bottle, inhaling a quick breath before deciding to bring out another glass. With a quicker pour this time, he grabbed both glasses before walking over to you.

"Here you go." He handed you one of them before the both of you retreated back into the living room. After you sat on the couch, you watched him settling onto the seat in the corner. You couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that he was that far from you...

"I see you brought your book." Charlie's voice hummed across the living room, causing you to look over to your bag. It was knocked over, A Room with a View falling out of your purse.

"Force of habit, I guess." You huffed out a breath before you shoved it back into your bag. A wave of embarrassment washed over you, bringing the glass to your lips.

It seemed like you caught him off guard, turning your head back and noticing his eyes roaming over your legs. Since he was otherwise busy, you took this time to study him.

A silver watch wrapped around his wrist, being significantly shinier than the ones he wore to class. He wore dark blue slacks with a light blue button-up that was rolled up at the sleeves. When his eyes finally met back with yours, he cleared his throat.

"It's not a bad habit to have." Charlie stood from his seat, his large strides taking him and his glass of wine back into the kitchen.

You could hear him rummaging through a few things before standing at the corner of the island, a knife in his hand as he chopped a few carrots.

"What do you think about the book so far?" He kept his focus on his chopping while you turned your head over to your bag again. You could see some of the spine peaking out of your bag, thinking over the story you've read so far.

"I'm enjoying it, actually." You took another sip from your glass, knowing you needed to shed off some of your nerves.

"Actually?" You noticed his lips curling into a smile as he repeated your choice of words. "Were you surprised to learn I have good taste?" Your name fell from his lips, sending shivers down your spine. That's when you decided to take another sip, only this time it was a gulp.

"I'm learning a lot about you, Charlie." You hummed in his direction, this being enough for the knife in his hand to halt. He turned his head, squinting his eyes at you before continuing with his task.

"Nothing to scare you away, I hope." His tone was quieter this time, making your stomach drop with anxiety. The knife continued to chop, hearing the tune and rhythm of the blade pounding against the cutting board.

"Even if that was the case, I'm not one to be easily scared." This halted the knife in his hand again, his eyes staring down at the carrot slices, thinking about your response. Finishing your glass, you stood from the couch, watching his jaw tighten. Needing to shed some of his own nerves, Charlie set the knife down and finished off his glass.

As you drew closer to him, setting the glass down on the counter, it seemed like he was holding his breath. With each second passing by, you could feel your heartbeat starting to quicken. Even with wine in both of your systems, it seemed like the two of you were still nervous.

It did give you some sort of confidence, taking a step closer to him. Feeling his heat radiating from his body, his hand carefully set the knife down. You watched as he carefully turned his head, his lips parting as he met your gaze.

The two of you were lost in each other, ignoring the various noises around the kitchen. There was a pan of vegetables sauteing beside you two, the carrots patiently waiting to be thrown in next. A long beep indicated that the preheated oven was done and ready for whatever Charlie had prepared.

None of it mattered, though. The world around you disappears as you stared into those green-rimmed eyes.

In the corner of your eye, you could see his tongue cautiously sliding in between his lips. His hands reached for the towel lying beside his workstation, quickly wiping his hands off. It was silent between you two as he threw the towel over his shoulder, his lips parted like he was about to say something.

You were eager to know what he was thinking about, hoping he would mumble your name down to you.

Whatever he was going to say, seemed to slip away when the floor underneath your feet started to vibrate.

Only a split second went by before Charlie's arms were wrapped tightly around you. He tugged you in one swift motion effortlessly, planting the both of you under the doorway into the kitchen. He held you close against his chest, making sure not to let go of you even when it felt like giants were roaming the streets outside. In the three years you've spent in California, you've never experienced an earthquake quite like this.

Various things around his kitchen shook, hitting against each other. The frames hanging on his wall swung back and forth while the ground still vibrated underneath your feet.

With the increasing vibrations, Charlie reached one of his arms out. He held onto the wall, trying his best to keep the two of you steady. The world around you seemed to crumble, his arm around you being the only thing to keep it together. That's when his eyes locked on yours again, his lips pressed hard as his arm grew tighter around your waist.

It was a few minutes before everything returned back to normal. As everything settled down, the silence grew between you two. There were only a few creaks from his settling apartment but it wasn't enough to pull your attention away from him. Staring up at him, your neck was starting to ache from the angle. As he returned the gaze, a shaky breath pushed past his lips.

You wanted to thank him, appreciating his quick response but you failed to articulate any words. You couldn't focus on the way you two stared, completely lost in each other's eyes.

Before you could realize what happened, you found his lips pressing hard against yours.

His tongue was quick to find yours as he took a step forward, pushing your back against the doorway behind you. Charlie's moan filling into your mouth caught you off guard as his hands started to trail up your sides. As his hands traced over your chest, cupping your full breasts, your dress was being lifted by his grip.

Charlie took a step forward, pressing his body against yours. You were quick to find his growing cock pressing into your side, giving you a proper excuse for the heat to start in between your legs. A moan quickly escaped your lips, arching your back to press your chest into his grip.

"Are you okay?" His words were muffled against your lips, making sure you weren't too shaken up. His palms started to knead your tits, a wave of ecstasy taking over you. With your moans being the only thing you could respond with, you nodded your head, still focused on the way his hands felt against you.

Almost stunned by his grip around your breasts, your hands started to work on his shirt. It was obvious what you wanted, a grunt slipping past his lips as you tried to free him from his shirt.

He wasn't something you wanted anymore... You needed him.

Charlie seemed to feel the same way, feeling his hands move down your sides again. His lips soon found your ear, nibbling on your earlobe as he leaned over you. When his hands moved behind you, your body ached, desperate to be touched by him.

Underneath your dress, your clit screamed for his attention. Chills spreading across your skin, you could feel his hands slipping underneath the material. When his hands found your skin, his large grip started to knead your ass.

There was another grunt from Charlie as his fingers felt how thin and lacy your panties were. His lips soon left a trail of kisses against your jawline, your body shivering for more. When your hands finally unbuttoned his shirt, his teeth grazed your skin. That's when you felt the trail of goosebumps his hands left your bottom. With them now slipping in between your legs, your body was possessed with a moan.

You tried to tug the t-shirt still clung around his chest, but you lost all sense of control when his fingers met with the damp lace covering your folds. You could hear him grunting like a hungry animal, his teeth grazing your skin yet again.

"Fuck," His deep voice vibrated against your skin. Normally, Charlie was the one to taunt you, making you a dripping mess and stopping things before they progressed. He played you and denied you of the things you wanted the most. After all, he was the one under control.

Except for now.

That's when you felt Charlie curling his fingers. He pressed hard against your clit, claiming you and marking his territory. Longing for his touch, you were a whimpering mess as his lips drew dangerously close to your full tits.

"N-No more teasing." You stuttered out, wiggling your hips to get any sort of friction. "Please... I want you, Charlie." Your choice of words seemed to work, his fingers drawing slow circles around your clit.

"I have you all to myself now, sweetheart." He grunted against your chest. As his fingers continued their rhythm, his other hand moved over to your chest, yanking your dress down to reveal your bra. He lifted his head just enough to look at your tits bulging out of your bra, shaking with each deep breath you sucked in.

"You have nowhere else to be... Nowhere to hide..." He grunted, dipping his nose into your cleavage. You could feel his teeth nipping at your skin, his fingers swirling faster.

"Do you know what that means?" He spit your name against your skin, ordering you to answer him.

"W-What?" You tried to keep yourself under control when his finger came to a standstill. He stopped kissing your chest, lifting his head until his eyes met yours.

"I can hear those delicious noises all I want now."

His lips curled, smirking like a devil until his lips found yours again. It was more sloppy than before, his hands resting on either side of your hips now. His grip was tight, yanking you off of the wall and holding you close to his chest again.

The two of you stumbled as he led you out of the kitchen. You tried to make a mental map, walking through the living room and down the hall he went before. When he wasn't pressing you against the wall, he continued the journey to the final destination, outside of his bedroom.

You had your hands lost in his dark locks, tugging them as you moaned into his mouth. Your back was against the door, his hand trying to grasp the doorknob behind you. It took him a few attempts before the door swung open, the two of you nearly losing your balance.

His name dripped from your mouth, calling out to him as he walked you to the bed sitting in the middle of the room. He seemed to be glued to you, falling on top of you as he pushed you against the mattress.

He tore away from the kiss, settling himself in between your legs.

"Be as loud as you want, sweetheart. I want to know how good I make you feel." His voice was low, his eyes locked onto your legs. Charlie hummed to himself as his finger started at your ankle, tapping your legs wider. When you followed his command, his finger started to run up your leg, a trail of goosebumps following behind.

You parted your lips, inhaling a shaky breath as you watched him. His eyes followed his finger, watching himself grow closer and closer to your dripping cunt. The smirk across his lips grew bigger, slipping his hand underneath your dress.

"I want to know how badly you want to cum."

His fingers were delicate, curling around the hem of your panties until he had a soft grip on them. His eyes glanced to yours before he tugged them down your legs. Your chest stuttered with a shallow breath, lifting each leg until he dropped the lacy material on the floor.

While his eyes were still locked on yours, he shed his button-up and t-shirt, giving you a view of him you've never seen before. His chest was wide, noting that his arms were as big as you imagined them. With his deep breaths, his chest moved up and down, his hands gripping your hips again.

As his fingers pressed deep into your skin, a soft moan pushed past your lips. A wave of impatience washed over you, drowning in the thought that you were still waiting to be filled up by him. In a last-second decision, you pushed him down against the mattress, your legs quickly resting on either side of him as you straddled him.

You could hear a sinister chuckle from underneath you, his hard cock resting comfortably against your inner thigh. Hearing that only motivated you more.

Your fingers found the button to his slacks, your hips thrusting forward as you unzipped his pants. That was enough friction for the both of you to let out a loud moan, exposing just how desperate you were for each other.

"The dress. I want to see you take it off." He hissed up at you, his hands slipping under your dress again. He held on tightly to your hips, rolling them against him again. A low grunt echoed throughout his chest causing your lip to be trapped underneath your teeth.

Your stomach was doing flips as you gripped the material, bunching it under your fists. You were slow with its descent, giving him the show he was longing for. He rolled your hips again, curse words stuttering past your lips.

When you lifted the dress above your head, his hand moved over to your tits, kneading them again. You let the dress fall to the ground, reaching behind you as you unhooked your bra. When you brought each strap down, revealing your bare tits to him, he thrusted his hips upward. This caused him to grunt out your name, calling out to you as his fingers pinched your pebbled nipples.

Your body whimpered on top of his as your hands slid up and down his bare chest. You started to count the moles across his chest, rolling your hips again. You milked another moan from the both of you before you sat up on your knees, your fingers working on his slacks again. It was enough room to grip the material still clung around his waist, tugging it down his legs.

For a second, you thought you would be in control. You were going to finally know how he felt, knowing you didn't have to imagine it anymore. You would set the pace. You would know what it was like to feel him deep inside of you...

Until you found your back hitting against the mattress again. He quickly overpowered you, not even your best fight could take him. You were starting to get annoyed but when you heard him laughing down at you, your blood started to boil.

His lips were still spread into that smirk, rolling your eyes up at him. After this, you could hear him tsk-ing down at you. The weight of his body lifted off of you, Charlie standing from the bed.

"Something the matter?" He teased you with his question. You would have argued with him too if you didn't see his hands. As he kicked off his shoes, his hands tugged down his slacks. His briefs were next to go, his hard cock springing free.

That seemed to shut you up, any sort of argument in your head vanished. He seemed to catch drift of this, in a trance with what you wanted the most.

"I need to know one thing before we go any further." He whispered your name, climbing back on top of you. Before you knew it, his fingers were sinking deep inside of you. After your initial shock, your gasps soon turned into moans as he started to pump his fingers.

"Stay focused." He grunted himself, knowing that he wouldn't have a clear head either pretty soon.

"Are you on... birth control?" You could tell it wasn't easy for him to ask that question, breaking his stare away from you. "If not, I have-"

"I am." You spit out. "I-It's okay." You nodded your head, reassuring him.

That was all he needed, growling underneath his breath. His fingers slipped out of your cunt, finding a new place past his lips. He sucked your juices off, reminding himself just how good you tasted. When he slipped his fingers out of his mouth, his cock sunk deep into your cunt without warning.

Your hands shot out to him, grasping whatever you could as your walls stretched around him. The both of you could barely form words, Charlie resting his forehead against your shoulder. His lips trembled against your skin, mumbling your name as he tried to get control of himself.

Even though it was a while since you've had sex, it didn't feel like this. Looking back at all the other times, all of them seemed wrong. Considering your professor had his cock deep inside of you, it came as a surprise to you when it felt so right.

"Fuck-" Charlie grunted against your skin, lifting his head as his hands gripped your hips again. His lips trembled as he pushed you down against the mattress, thrusting slowly. He kept his pace like that, thrusting every so often. He didn't want to overstimulate himself at first, wanting to take his time with you.

He continued to curse under his breath, blaming you for how tight you were. He blamed it on you for how good you felt around him. How sinful it was...

Charlie held you down, not wanting you to go anywhere as the rhythm of his hips picked up. With each pump he took, he drew out another moan from you. With each moan growing louder, your back arched off of the mattress. Your leg soon wrapped around his waist, sinking himself deeper into your cunt.

Your body started to shiver, knowing just how badly you've wanted this. Leaving you in the condition he did, you didn't know how long you could last. Telling by his flushed face, you could tell this was just as hard for him.

He groaned your name, huffing a breath out as you looked up at him. With each movement his hips made, his hair mirrored, bouncing over his forehead.

"Louder, sweetheart. I want to hear you." He hissed, a grunt soon coming after that. His hips snapped harder while his hand ran down behind your leg. He curled his fingers behind your knee, lifting your leg until your ankle rested over his shoulder.

This seemed to do the trick, rubbing your ridges at a different angle. Your moans grew louder and more sporadic, quickly heading towards destruction.

The insatiable man that he was, he wanted more. He continued to pound into you, sucking in breaths as his thumb pressed hard against your clit. A sinister chuckle fell on top of you, watching you squirm underneath him.

His grunts grew more frequent, the hand around your hip now around one of your tits. He held onto you tightly, a new handle as he grew breathless with his thrusts.

You were practically shouting at his point, his name falling from your lips. You shut your eyes, focusing on the noises your bodies were producing for each other, wanting to remember this. You wanted to know what it sounded like to scream his name. You wanted to know what your damp skin felt like rubbing against each other. The smell of your cunt still lingering on his fingers.

You drew this memory in your mind, never wanting this to end.

"S-Say my name again." He begged with a shaky voice. By the stuttering of his hips, it seemed like he was the one losing control. His thumb attacked your clit, sending jolts of energy throughout your body.

Your face twisted as your brows furrowed, trying to say his name. Your body was under so much stress, it barely came out as a whisper. You could feel your nails sinking into his skin, trying to get a grip as you felt the pressure building in your body again.

"C-Charlie-" You said a little louder, trying to focus on one thing at once. It wasn't working though.

His breath against your skin had goosebumps spreading across your skin. Now that he was hunched over you, his hair tickled your skin causing you to shiver underneath him. His shaky voice filled your ears, your name falling from his mouth with each thrust he took. His hands held onto your body, keeping you anchored against the bed.

Feeling his cock rubbing against that perfect spot sent you spiraling towards your demise. Everything seemed to explode, not knowing how you would survive after this. You could feel your walls pulsating around him, coating him nicely with your juices.

As he continued his thrusts, you whimpered with each one he took. You were torn between pleasure and overstimulation, moaning up at him.

It wasn't until his thrusts stuttered and came to a complete stop. As you whimpered and moaned, his name fell off of your lips one last time. He retreated into the crook of your neck, hiding his face as he sputtered curse words against your skin. As you laid there, you could hear his shallow breath as his cock twitched deep inside of you. He took it a step further, claiming you just how you wanted him to, filling you up and covering your walls with his cum. Exhausted, you two stayed put until you caught your breath.

It was a few minutes until you felt Charlie's lips mumbling against your skin again.

"Hm?" You were too tired to talk, asking him to repeat what he said.

"I-I'm sorry..." He lifted his face from your neck, swallowing a lump in his throat as stared down at you.

"For what?" You furrowed your brows with your voice still weak.

"For it not lasting... Longer..." He trailed off. "It's just been a while and I was nervous-" You cut him off, pulling him into a kiss.

There was nothing cuter than what he just admitted, feeling a smile spreading across his lips before you pulled away.

"Don't be sorry for that." You bit down on your lip, trying to hide your own smile now.

"Okay." Charlie hovered over you, staring in between your eyes as his lips found that smile again. You two stared at each other before he whipped his head towards the door.

"Shit!" This caught you off guard, jumping to his feet as he threw his briefs back on. You sat on your elbows, watching him running out of the bedroom. You were confused at his, pulling the sheet over your body and sitting up in bed. It wasn't until you heard him rummaging through the kitchen again, the obvious smell of burnt food now making its way over to you.

It was another minute until Charlie walked back into the bedroom, defeat hanging by his shoulders. His lips pouted out until he threw himself back into bed, pulling you close to him.

"Everything okay?" You giggled, pushing his hair back. His face was lost into your chest, huffing out an obnoxious breath.

"Everything is burnt... Everything." His words were muffled before lifting his head. "I swear I'm a better cook than this." Charlie huffed another breath as you started to laugh.

"It's alright, Charlie." You smiled over to him, stopping yourself from laughing again. "We can order a pizza." You shrugged your shoulders, trying not to make a big deal out of it.

"Are you sure?" He furrowed his brows, guilt washing over him again.

"Yeah." You nodded your head.

"Fine." He stood on his feet again, walking over to grab his phone. He sat beside you now, tapping away on his phone as he ordered some pizza.

"But I won't get distracted next time." He pouted to himself, leaving you alone in your thoughts. His words seemed to echo in your mind, clinging onto 'next time.'

Whatever tonight was, date or not, was just guaranteed to happen again. 


FINALLY RIGHT?!?! What did you guys think of the chapter? Did you enjoy it? Hate it? Let me know :)

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Twitter/Instagram: Spookydal_

Tik Tok: spookydal
(if you guys make any edits or tik toks about IA, make sure you use the hashtag #illicitaffairsfic so i can see them!)

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