By ixfixite_

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*Completed* (SEQUEL TO UNVEIL) UNRAVEL book 3: Now, as things have started to change, the challenges Aine had... More

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39 3 0
By ixfixite_

In the abyss of the deep, dark Black Lake where it was like a pandemonium, above it was still and peaceful, like a completely different world. The dull monotonous world beneath was drowned out of the vibrant Hogwarts and its students above. Aion Luceras was leaning against the railings with Aine beside him, they have been flooded with their thoughts in their heads. He peeked at her from the corner of his eye, her side profile was so similar to the person he knew, the resemblance was uncanny but yet it was their eyes that was different. He wondered about her words, After all this time, after all those years that passed with her absence, I guess everything just feels empty, there is no emotions or feelings left. Just nothingness. 

Emptiness, huh?

He clenches his jaw, just how long does he have to put up with this act? The itching urge to spill everything out was tough to keep it in, even though like her, he tried so desperately to lock it all up; the chains and the shackles were trembling, forcing themselves apart to escape. But not now, a little longer, just hold on a little longer. He told himself.

Yet he was curious, he wanted to see what happened if he had defied his promise because truthfully, he was just tired from going on without letting her know what happen. She deserves to know, she needs to know... Aion bit down his lips, his fringe falling in his eyes as he tried to contain it once more, perhaps after all of this... He can finally be brave enough to tell her the truth.


The boy returned to reality with her voice, he flinches before turning slowly to her, "Are you alright? You have a scary face on you," Aine said to him, her gaze full of concern.

He forces a smile and his hand gently patted down on her black locks, "It's nothing. I'm fine!" he reassures her with another lie, not wanting to make her worry. Awkward, he quickly faced ahead, unable to meet her face at the moment, not when his mind is jumbled with all those thoughts.

Aine stares at him, exhaling a heavy sigh through her nose. Unknowingly, she was boring into his mind from his green eyes, not knowing that she was attempting to read his thoughts but she couldn't. It was as if there was this barrier protecting him from her invading and she wasn't sure how to control it. She ignored his side glances to her, clearly feeling a little uncomfortable with her intense stares. However, her focus on him was torn as soon as he jolted up, his eyes widening as he ran to the girl who swam to the surface, "FLEUR!" he shouted.

Ginny exchanged looks with Aine who approached the Beauxbaton's champion, her face paler than ever was filled with distress and terror as her friends layered towels over her to keep her trembling body warm. "Est-ce que ça va? Que s'est-il passé?" Aion asks, wrapping another towel over her drenched hair, alarmed with his best friend who was shrieking, "Gabrielle!" 

"Calme toi mon cher!" He urged, grabbing on her shoulders as he strokes Fleur's tear-stained face, her words fumbling through her quivering lips as she dart from Aion to Madame Maxime, distraught. 

"I think she said her sister is still down there. She was attacked by the Grindylows and couldn't save her sister." Dean told the girls, Ginny cocked her head, "You understand French?" she asks and he shrugged, "A little. I just pick up certain words."

"Wow, Dean. Amazing," Aine complimented, impressed and a little surprised but it didn't last long when she watched Aion slowly peeling his outerwear, his face determined and yet full of panic as he prepares to dive into the water. She gasped, running towards him before he could jump in, but Fleur held him back, she screamed in his face, "Et si toi aussi tu te fais attaquer?!" Fear plastered all over her face as she shook her head, pleading him not to leave her.

Aine squeezes Ginny's hand, "They need to get her out of there," feeling the surging anxiety through her body as she soon started shaking from it. She didn't like it at all, watching both Fleur and Aion's faces growing whiter as their hair as they grew worried of little Gabrielle.

"It's alright, the creatures won't hurt her. Dumbledore made sure they do not harm a student," her friend reassures her, but it was still unsettling knowing that Fleur's sister who was just a little girl alone and stranded deep in the depths of the lake.

"The Beauxbatons champion, Miss Delacour, has unfortunately been forced to retire so she will take no further part in this task," Dumbledore's voice echoed through the speakers.

The tournament staff and officials were bustling around, some entering the water in search of the champion's sister while others were crowding around the Headmasters. Soon, the signals were sent underwater to the Merpeople who had surfaced to the top.

At that same time, the clock struck an hour and a minute later, two heads bobbed to the top and Aine quickly turned to the two figures, only to find both Cedric and Cho's puzzled faces. Cheers erupted from the stands as they swam to the dock, their lips curled up as they hear the applause from their friends. 

Next to emerge was Hermione, much to Aine's relief, she quickly ran towards the edge, almost slipping as soon as she caught sight of a shark's head next to her, "Oh sh—" she nearly cursed, almost casting a spell to attack the animal. It turns out that Viktor Krum had partially transfigured himself to become a shark, something that looked horrifying disturbing as his lower half was of a normal human body.

The Durmstrang students howled with joy as they watch their champion earn a second place in the second task and had successfully returned with the treasure, unscathed. Although the stands were filled with cheers and claps, the Beauxbatons were silent and students almost forgot they were there because they hadn't moved an inch ever since Fleur had come up. Their attention was still focused on the lake, hoping for Gabrielle to come to sight, but to no avail.

"Hermione!" Aine and Ginny cried, reaching out to the brunette who was coughing and trembling with adrenaline. They immediately pulled her up and showered her with thick towels and warm cuddles, not caring that their clothing was slowly dampening. "Oh! Hi! Oh my, thanks!" the girl replied, smiling as Krum placed a fur coat over her before making way to his mates after knowing his partner was in good hands.

"You must be freezing!" Ginny exclaimed, rubbing the girl's arm while Aine cast a Hot-air charm to Hermione's robes, instantly steaming her clothes to keep her nice and warm. "Thanks, Ai!" she breathed and Aine smiles, "Did you see Harry, Ron and Gabrielle while you were down the lake?" she asks.

The girl shook her head, "No, we were sort of... Put to a temporary sleep. I only regained consciousness as soon as I came out of the water."

"Oh no..." Ginny mutters, feeling sorry for Fleur as she turns to her, she was slowly getting even more impatient and frantic as she paces back and forth with Aion by her side. It was almost as if she was reaching the peak of her patience before she burst into a frenzy when two more heads floated up, that Fleur beamed in relief.

"Thank Godric," Aine sighed as she watches Ron helping Gabrielle swim towards her sister before she rushes towards the boy with her two friends. 



Waves of hurrah exploded from the spectators, mostly from the few red-heads Aine knew which made her snicker. She caught sight of Fred and George fisting the air, clearly proud of their little brother even though they don't usually show it on their faces or actions. 

"Viens ici! Gabrielle! Oh, dieu merci!" Fleur clasps her hand, running straight to her sister as she arrives with Ron.

"RON!" Ginny yells, rushing to her brother as she flung herself at him, catching him off guard. "Oh, hey Ginny," he greeted before she steps aside for Hermione to hug him, "Thank goodness you're alright!" 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Brilliant actually!" he gave a smug grin and causing Aine to burst out laughing as she handed him a thick blanket while Hermione ruffles his hair dry with her towel.

"Where's Harry?" he asked and their smiles dropped, "Wait, he's not with you?" Aine questioned and the boy shook his head, casting his gaze back into the lake. "He didn't drown did he?" Ron's face fell into horror, he gulped as he quickly stood back up, not minding the cold. 

Professor Moody hobbled towards their group, throwing a thick cloak over the boy and harshly patting his back before his magical eye whirled to the flying creature that shot straight out of the water, its body slamming violently onto the wooden board. 




Aine, Ginny, Hermione and Ron quickly speeded to their friend who was choking and coughing from the lake's water, gashes of scratches embedded in his skin ran from his neck to his legs; no doubt given from the Grindylows. Although they couldn't be next to him with all the pushing from other students and staff, they were relieved to see him chuckling while he was coughing, his eyes were fluttering all around him and the flashes from the camera wasn't helping him regain his composure at all.

"Harry, you're alright. You're safe now," Dumbledore reassures him before his schoolmates volunteered their cloaks to him to keep him warm from the slapping coldness. "I WANT ALL THE JUDGES OVER HERE NOW!" The Headmaster ordered and students soon scatter for his friends to make their way over.

Fleur, Aion and Gabrielle quickly scuffled over, planting kisses all over Harry's head as she panics again, "'ou sav'd 'er! Ev'n though she wazn' 'ours to sav'! My litt'e s'zter!" she thanked him, her trembling hands helping him with the towel as she gives him a grateful smile before her eyes moved to Ron, "And 'ou! 'ou 'elped!" she gasped, beaming at him.

"Yeah, well— A bit," Ron replies, taking in that bit of gratitude and attention he has from his eye candy. Fleur giggles at his reaction, kissing both of his cheeks before pulling her little sister to her friends to get her dried. She gives Aine a relieved smile before squeezing her arm as she passes by her. "Merci," breathes Ron, starstruck as he froze on the spot, trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Thank you, to both of you. Truly," Aion added, looking at the two boys who returned with a grin, before he nodded to Aine, "Be careful," she tells him and he smiled, moving along for her to tend to her friend.

Aine quickly enchanted the steaming charm to make sure Harry wasn't suffering from Hypothermia. "Thanks, Aine—"

"HARRY!" Hermione screeches, making him squawk from her sudden rough actions, "Ah! Hermione, good lor— " his wounds were hurting now when he was out of the water and with the towel rubbing onto his scratches, it was adding to the pain.

"Are you alright?! You must be freezing!" she exclaims, taking the towel off her and giving it to Harry instead.

"Fine! I'm fine! Don't worry!" he winces, and she went on, "Personally I believe you've performed admirably!"

"Definitely! You outdid yourself in this one, mate," Ron chimed.

"You did well, Harry," Aine added and Harry frowns, "I did not. I finished last, didn't I?"

Hermione planted a peck on top of his head, making him yelp and groan, she cups his face, "Next to last, Fleur never got past the Grindylows," the brunette told him and his eyes sparkled for a moment. 

"Make way! Make way you idiots!" someone shouted from behind and the group turned to Dumbledore who made his way to Harry despite the enthusiastic clamouring from the Durmstrang students. The Headmaster sighed, glaring at the students who apparently had no intention to stop their cheering. He gave a slight roll of an eye before putting his wand to his neck, "ATTENTION!" he roars and his voice echoed deeply into everyone's ears.

Aine stumbled backwards, covering her ears as she squinted at the sound. Ron playfully shoves her, causing her to open her ears for a second, she darted a glare at him before doing the same. "Hey!"

"You started it first!" she smirked, sticking her tongue out.

"The winner is," Dumbledore gave a pregnant pause and everyone went silent, waiting for the results.

"Mr Diggory!" he announced and students burst out with loud cheers and claps. Cedric friends patted on his back as he grinned joyfully as the camera flashes on him.

"Who showed innate command of the Bubble-Head Charm. However, seeing as Mr Potter would have finished first, had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr Weasley, but the others as well—" the man looked to Gabrielle who was smiling with Fleur, "— We've agreed to award him, second place!"

"Second place!" beams Aine and Hermione, not believing what they're hearing.

"Well done, mate!"



Students cheered for Harry nevertheless, despite the Durmstrang being upset about the results. Aine eyes met Karkaroff's who was sneering through his golden tooth, spatting at the ground in frustration with the announcement. Krum was also seen frowning but as soon as he saw Harry, his lips curled upwards slightly, respecting the title he got from saving his friends before his friends pushed him back, disappointed with the outcome and the humiliation they've received.

Hagrid embraces Harry before ruffling the boy's head, "You did well, Harry," he said, eyes brimming with proud tears. "Thanks, Hagrid!" he replied, clutching tightly on the giant's sleeves before going in for another round of hug.


Later that day, Aine along with her three friends had gone to Hagrid's for a small celebration after the second task had ended. They all had drunk tea while the giant himself had the pleasure of having a goblet of fire whiskey that had left him a little tipsy afterwards. 

"Now, l remember— l remember when l first met you all. Biggest bunch of misfits I ever set eyes on! Suppose you remind me of myself a little." said Hagrid to them, as they walked back to the school grounds after the party they had. "And here we all are, three— four years later!" he chortles.

"We're still a bunch of misfits!" Ron chuckles, "Except Aine, since she's got a bunch of eyes on her!" he added.

"Nonsense!" Aine scoffs, and Ron rolls his eyes, "Yeah sure! Says the person who got noticed by two top students of the Beauxbatons academy!"

"I didn't get noticed, we just became friends!"

"Whatever! How do you even do that, huh? Did you enchant them or something? That Luceras boy especially seems heads over heels for you!" Ron smirked.

Aine facepalmed herself, "I did not enchant them or any sort, Ronald. We just got along naturally and please, he's not interested in me that way! He's got Fleur!" she retorted.

"Rubbish~" boos Ron, "I heard they're both close but not in that kind of relationship. They've grown up with each other after all!"

"Stalking, much?" Hermione inquired and the red-headed boy whipped his head to her, clearly offended, his face glowing red like his hair. "I don't stalk!"

"It's hard to believe that, right, Mione?" Aine asks and her friend nods, "Indeed."

"But hey! All things considered, Hermione's got herself a new snobby friend from Durmstrang!" Ron accused.

"Jealous, Ronald?" smirks Aine, the boy immediately went defensive, "Why would I be!"

"I thought you liked Krum!" she remarked and Ron kicks the fallen leaves in his way, "I didn't say I liked him, I only admired him."

"You have a new friend from Beauxbaton too! Wasn't his name, Louise?" Hermione questions and he immediately halted, feeling the shivers down his spine as his neck creaks to her, he gave a forced laugh, "Hah... Hahaha... Right— Um. Yeah, sure. He's nice, but he creeps me out a little too much for me."

"Well, but we've all got each other!" Hagrid interrupted them, he hiccups before continuing, "And Harry, of course! Soon to be the youngest Triwizard champion there's ever been! Hooray!"

"HOORAY!" the three of them cheered, almost as if under the influence of alcohol, they all were high in spirits and ecstatic. 

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts Hoggy Warty Hogwarts Teach us something, please~" Hermione sang, skipping through the forbidden forest.

"Whether we'll be old and bald or young with scabby knees!" Ron went along before Hagrid chimed in, closing his eyes as he sang loudly in the quiet forest where the night was closing in, "Our heads could do with filling~ WITH SOME INTERESTING STUFF!!"

Aine giggles at her silly friends, joining in before she caught Harry walking alone, dragging his feet before she runs up to him to keep him company. "Are you okay, Harry?" she asks and he looks to her, "Fantastic."

"You were amazing today and very brave," she complimented him.

"Thanks, Aine."

"Have a good rest later, alright? You deserve it!"

"I will!"

"By the way, how was the Gillyweed?" she asks him, "Is it really as awful as the books say?"

Harry let out a groan, "It was horrible!" he exclaimed, gagging at the thought of it, "It's so slimy and it's just disgusting. I wouldn't want to eat it again!"

They both shared a laugh before their gaze fell to the object on the floor, it was a bow cap. "Hey, I recognize that hat!" Aine said to Harry before he pulls her behind him, "What is it?" she asks and they plodded towards it slowly, circling the large bark tree. Harry started to wince, his fingers trailing to his lightning-bolt scar.

"What? What is it?" Aine repeated, concern for her friend as he breathes heavily and when they saw the motionless figure, their hearts dropped and their breaths hitched together in unison.

"Oh no..." Harry swallows and Aine's mouth hung open as she stares at the man.

It was the Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Barty Crouch Senior.

 ─── ⋆⋅☀⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☀⋅⋆ ───

How is everyone holding up! I'm actually posting this real early instead of the weekends. Feeling rather anxious and nervous for tomorrow as I'm bringing my cat to the vet for a dental surgery. It's just a simple cleaning that involves anaesthesia but I'm bloody worried since they might have to extract some of his tooth and he had to starve before the surgery. So, fingers crossed! I really hope he feels better. Wish us luck! ;-;

Anyways! Here are the translations for some of the French dialogue in this chapter! I apologize if it's not as accurate as it is because I had to translate some of them and French isn't my first language but I love to learn it!

"Est-ce que ça va? Que s'est-il passé?"
(Are you alright? What happened?)

"Calme toi mon cher!"
(Calm down, my dear!)

"Et si toi aussi tu te fais attaquer?!"
(What if you get attacked too?!)

"Viens ici! Gabrielle! Oh, dieu merci!"
(Come here! Gabrielle! Oh, thank god!)

Sending loves to all of you! 

- Zeneria

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