The Lost Howl

By EricaBraveheart

79 15 12

As a serial killer appears, leaving bodies in his wake. It is up to detective Diana to find the killer and st... More

The dream
Car trouble
The next day
The search is on
An unexpected visit
The werewolf


5 2 1
By EricaBraveheart


Rain, why did it have to rain? Daina was not one to like water a lot. Especially when she had to drive for hours in the rain and could hardly see anything. The wooded areas didn't help ease her anxiety surrounding the weather, as at any point, an animal could jump out and cause a crash.

Diana had been driving for hours now amongst the wooded areas, crossing some towns on her way but not many. What was she doing all the way out here? Was going to Oak Ridge a good decision after all? Was it worth it?

Part of her was really doubting if it would be a good move. She would long for her family in the big city after all, though their corporate lifestyle was something she wouldn't miss. Something about having lawyers for everything and owning a multi-million oil company didn't sit well with Diana.

But hey, that's the charm of heading out on her own to a small forest town to build her own career there as a detective. Besides, most things were already provided for her, like a house on the edge of town.

Finally, after her long drive, she saw a sign that read the town name "Welcome to Oak Ridge..." Diana mumbled to herself as she read it, mentally preparing for what lay ahead. Her eyes scanned the area the moment she hit civilization, her stop for the day it would seem.

At first glance, the town looked to be quite dull and boring, most houses were painted white and well there wasn't much fancy around there. She passed a quarry, which was probably where most people in town worked. And as she made her way deeper into town, she also noticed a large bridge hanging over a river on the east edge of town. It probably lead towards another set of towns.

Following the road, Diana surveyed the town for herself until she decided she was lost. Maybe asking directions would help her find her new home? And later the police department.

Stopping in a parking lot next to the local supermarket, Diana waited to see if she saw a cop car or, any car for that matter, that she could ask for directions.

Waiting for a moment in her car, she finally saw another car pull up, close beside her. With a huff, Diana exited her own car and stepped into the rain, deciding to grab her chance. And what a great chance it was!

A chance to step into a puddle and have her whole leg and boot be drenched in water. Diana's smile immediately soured, as her loose, straight black hair instantly was drenched as well and hid most of her face.

A loud huff left her as the occupant of the other car stepped out themselves. Diana must have looked like some kind of character from the ring, and probably just lost her chance to find her way to her new home.

Yet, rather than hearing someone ask what the hell Diana thought she was doing, she heard a giggle. One of the most annoying ones Diana had heard recently. "Need help there stranger?" A high-pitched woman's voice piped up, as the woman took a step towards Diana.

Diana pulled the hair out of her face, finally able to see the stranger in front of her. It was a short blonde woman, who was obviously pregnant. Yet she was smiling at Diana, and unlike others who pretended to smile, her eyes smiled too.

"Is it that obvious?" She answered, her tone annoyed more than anything as she assessed the damage when it came to her whet clothes.

"Kinda," the stranger replied as she approached Diana, now standing up close to her to assess the damage herself as well. "Looks like you've got some water in your boot there-"

Diana scoffed at that, rolling her eyes as she looked down at the woman, "yeah, and in my socks too, before you ask." This only seemed to amuse the stranger who giggled at Diana's snarky attitude.

"I'm Daisy," The woman introduced herself, "And I might be able to help you, I have a dry pair of clothes in the trunk if you'd like!." Daisy proposed, causing Diana to raise an eyebrow at her. "No thanks, I'm Diana by the way, I'm new in town."

"I thought so," Daisy replied with a shrug, closing the door to her car, looking her up and down with a friendly smile still. "Why'd you think that?" Diana asked the pregnant woman who just looked to Diana's car.

"Well, for one, your trunk is filled with stuff, and second, I know everyone in town, and I've never seen your face before" Daisy explained, crossing her arms over her large belly. "Huh, didn't mean to make it that obvious," Diana added with a shrug, looking to her car. It was cramped wasn't it?

"You could help me with something," Diana said, making eye contact with the woman again after a short silence. "You can help me find this address." Pulling out a note from her pocket, and giving it to Daisy. She read it over for a few moments, before nodding.

"Sure I know the place,  don't know why'd you wanna go there though, since it's at the edge of the woods and there are a lot of wild animals there." The small woman handed the note back, biting her lip.

At this, Diana smiled, "I like the privacy" She replied, pulling her jacket closed around her. "So, wanna show me the way? I'll follow you."

Daisy her happy smile returned and nodded as she got back into her car, "Alright! Let's play follow the leader alright?!" She shouted before closing the door and turning the engine on. This made Diana smile, feeling a tiny bit of warmth inside her she hadn't felt in a while.

Getting back into her own car, she shoved the door closed a little harder than she intended to. Her pants were still soaking whet and sitting down, she noticed it more than before. She didn't have long to think about it however as Daisy took off, and Diana followed.

15 Minutes later they reached the location, and Daisy wasn't kidding. The house looked a bit like a fixer upper as they approached it. There were vines growing up the side and there was moss growing on the stone steps leading up to the house. The windows were in a good state at least. None seemed to be broken so far.

Daisy had already gotten out of her car, and approached the house, ringing the doorbell. Diana hadn't realized that she had been staring until she heard the doorbell ring. "Hold on," Diana called out to her, walking up behind her and pulling the home key out of her pocket.

"This is my new place." The key fit in the lock as it should have and the door clicked open, creaking as it did. On the inside it looked a lot warmer than it looked on the outside at least. The walls were dark hard wood and there was a nice red carpet in the hall at least.

There was a steep staircase that presumably led to the bedroom, a door on the main floor that lead to the living room and another that led to the kitchen and then the laundry room. It was small, but cozy. Diana could find her way here perfectly on her own.

Daisy walked in behind her, whistling as she looked around "Well, looks like you got some remodeling to do, will keep you busy at least."

Diana scoffed "I think it's just perfect," She replied, eying the woman next to her.

She giggled. "Right, well, while you're working on that, how about you eat dinner at my place tonight? Hubby and I love company and besides" Daisy motioned to the rest of the house, "You won't be able to cook here for a while anyway"

The detective smiled at Daisy "alright, you got a deal."


The memory usually made Diana smile, but today that wasn't the case. It was dark and Diana was driving around town in her car, speeding a little as she tried to locate Daisy's car. She had started looking after the call from Daisy's husband that she hadn't come home that night. That wasn't normal for her.

She had a young child that was Daisy's everything, and the thought that she was out there somewhere, keeping the serial killer in mind, worried Diana to death. Or at least enough to just ignore the wolf outside of her house earlier, get up and start searching. She hadn't given the wolf a second look when she got the call.

No, her friend was much more important.

Scouring the edges of town and the roads, Diana looked and searched for anything that looked out of the ordinary, this really wasn't anything like her at all. And the more she searched and found nothing, the more Diana worried about the whole ordeal. What if the serial killer had gotten to her? What if Diana was too late?

Maybe she was in a car wreck and needed help? Her only friend? The only person that made this town feel like a home to her at the moment?

Shaking her head, Diana focused back onto the road, thoughts like that wouldn't help her now, for now she had to look for her friend, no matter where she was, she had to find her.



The phone ringed, a ring Diana had been waiting for all evening as she sat in front of her TV, absentmindedly watching the series on there as she waited anxiously. A few hours previously, Daisy had gone into labor and had been taken to the hospital that was about an hours drive away.

Diana had been there when it happened, her waters broke in the office where the two of them worked. After they met it soon turned out they were colleagues, though Daisy was more someone of the research on records and papers. Diana being a field agent, if you could call it that.

The detective had been the one to call Daisy's husband, since Daisy was stubborn enough to say she'd drive herself to the hospital. Yeah, that was not something Diana would allow. She'd drag her there herself if she had to. Luckily, she didn't and wished Daisy good luck by giving her a small animal totem she had gotten from a shop out of town. A wolf.

Sure call it superstitious, but Diana felt that the little totem might protect her friend in one of the hardest moments of her life. She had a tattoo of the same animal on her own shoulder anyway.

After the day had ended at the office, Chief had sent Diana home, quoting "Ya are gonna just worry yer head off if ya keep working, go home, have a drink and think of somethin' else."  Well if Chief ordered it, Diana had to listen to it, didn't she?

Picking up the phone, the relieving message was finally given. "It's a boy... We have a b-baby boy!" The emotional voice of Ricky, Daisy's husband, was heard through the phone. Diana couldn't contain her smile when she heard it. "Congratulations man! Is he doing alright? How's Daisy?"

Ricky took a breath to steady himself and his excitement, "She's fine, our little boy is too... Oh my god... I can't believe it, I'M A DADDY!" Ricky shouted through the phone, causing Diana to squint, holding the phone away from her ear. "I can't wait to meet him." Diana said after Ricky finally calmed down some.

A few days later, Daisy was allowed to go home with her new addition to the family, and Diana was hopping down with excitement. Sure, the others usually teased Diana by calling her cold and emotionless, but Diana melted at the sight of baby's. Who could not love a tiny bundle of joy that made cute little noises, that hade cute little toes and a whole life ahead of them?

Walking up to the large house Daisy and Ricky owned, she rang the doorbell. Diana had a few gifts with her for the happy couple, and for the little boy as well, of course. When Ricky opened, they greeted each other with a hug before he lead her into the house and to the living room where Daisy sat.

She smiled up at Diana, holding a tiny little boy in her arms. It always amazed Diana how small baby's were when they were first born. It was like a type of magic all on its own. "Hey you" Daisy greeted, patting the couch next to her, to let her friend sit.

"I've come to check out the new trouble maker in town." Diana's tone was a teasing one as she sat down, putting the presents on the coffee table. To her surprise, the tiny wolf totem she had gotten Daisy stood on that table as well. She had kept it then?

"Awww, we aren't that bad, are we Di?" Di... a nickname Daisy had chosen for her. Diana hated it, but let it slide. Though anyone else that hade the bright idea of using it as a nickname for her, would find out why Diana got to work in the field instead of the office.

"Only when you call me that" Diana assured, taking a closer look at the little one and leaning in. "Did you name him yet?"

"Fair enough," Daisy rolled her eyes at her friend, and gave a big grin when she asked the question. "Yes, meet Hans. Say hi little Hansy" she whispered to the baby, rocking him a little as if to stir a reaction out of him. Though Hans seemed much more occupied with sleeping, rather than playing the part of the cute baby to notice.

"Hey Hans" Diana greeted the new addition to the small family. "He looks like you, you know? He's gonna be one hell of a heart breaker when he gets older." The detective assured. Daisy was a looker, and had always told Diana about how she had to fight off boys when she was in high school. Diana could believe it, she looked like a model- though she was a bit too short to actually be one.

Daisy giggled, "I hope so, though I'm sure he will make it far in life, in whatever he wants to do." Daisy rubbed her nose up against the baby's face with that big grin still there. "I  mean, who couldn't love this little guy?" She asked, making eye contact with Diana.

She shrugged. "Not sure-" then Daisy's expression shifted to a sly one, as she held out her baby to Diana. She froze for a moment "Ehm- are you sure? I haven't held a baby before..." Diana mumbled, becoming a little red with embarrassment. Daisy however didn't relent and held out the baby still.

"Yes I'm sure silly!" The blonde insisted, causing Diana to relent and take the baby in her arms. She was sure to support his head, and soon after Hans squirmed a little, he settled down in her arms. He was surprisingly warm, and seeing the child sparked something in her... Something that caused tears to well up in her eyes.

"He... he's beautiful Dais..." Diana mumbled, rocking the baby a tiny bit, not taking her eyes off him. "I know..." Daisy replied, her voice softer than usual, as if she was shocked by her friends display of emotion. Was Diana crying?

She could only wonder why, as Diana herself wondered. Then again, to Diana, it felt like something was always missing, and even though a baby wasn't it, the unconditional love he projected gave her a tiny bit of a clue towards it.

"I get to baby sit right?" Diana asked after her tears dried up a little, making eye contact with Daisy again who grinned brightly. "I wouldn't have it any other way, auntie Didi!"

Diana frowned. "Don't call me that."


After hours of driving, the sun was about to come up, as the sky tinted red, marking its arrival. Diana hadn't found Daisy's car yet, and there seemed to be no sign of her anywhere. The detective grew more worried by the minute, so decided to head to the office to make a report and assemble a search party.

When she reached the parking lot Diana's blood ran cold once again as her eyes caught sight of Daisy's car. Parking her own car messily, Diana ran to it. Finding the car locked, she looked around. From the looks of it, the car had been there all night as it was damp and the hood was cold.

Looking to the pavement underneath some saw Daisy's car keys laying on it. This wasn't just a simple case of a disappearance, Diana soon realized.

"It's a kidnapping."

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