Magical Forests (Narusasu)

By casually_confused

558 34 18

i suck at descriptions, but all im going to say is that this ship isn't canon (wish it was), this book will i... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
part 4
Authors note
Authors note part 2

chapter ✨2✨

105 7 1
By casually_confused

Sasuke's Pov:

While i was walking farther into the forest i noticed that there were BIG glowing blue mushrooms 'woah... It so pretty here!' I took a photo of the scenery, i had to show Sakura this later. 'I Still cant believe she left me. I hope i don't get lost-' i kept walking straight until i had to take turns due to rivers, thick leaves or spider webs. I am NOT walking through that. I wonder if anyone ever got lost here. Are there any animals here? i haven't seen or heard a single one. Its just been peaceful with these big mushrooms. Oh and i know for a fact that there are spiders here. Ew. Omg what if the spiders are big like the mushrooms. No way the webs were small-. Stop thinking about spiders Sasuke. (My autocorrect wants Sasuke to be sauce)

Naruto's pov:

I have normalized taking walks every morning to see if any of the surroundings have changed. If you don't know i've been here since i was 12, so i've been here for 10 years. Crazy right? Not really, I heard that children got lost in forests a lot but i haven't seen a single one here so that's good. but its lonely, i have found a way out. That's how i get my food or I would be dead. It did take like a week though but i was used to the place already. everything else was from the forest which i consider my home now. While walking i heard..'footsteps? I haven't seen or heard anyone since the last time i went to get food for the month' although confused i decided to check it out.

I quickly climbed onto one of the mushrooms and got out of sight. Oh yeah these mushrooms weren't here a few days ago. Did i mention that the forest changes a lot? Yes? oh ok. I looked down and saw a boy that appeared around my age looking around i think he was mumbling to himself. 'Is he lost? Wait does that mean i'll be able to have a friend!? No no if he's lost i should help him out. That's scary i haven't talked to a person in the forest alone before.' Of course people came but none came alone and most the time i wouldn't talk to them. I almost made eye contact with him and i quickly ducked

'That was close did he see me?? Also why does his hair look like a ducks ass-' i felt the mushroom start to shake and then i felt myself falling. 'oh no-'

Sasuke's pov:

'What was that? I could've sworn i saw something Yellow, eh it was probably nothing.' I have been walking around for maybe 30 minutes? I still don't know when Sakura has her break i'll have to text her. I looked around and one of the mushrooms started shaking, is that normal or am i going to die-? I saw a blonde-haired person fall and the Mushroom... disappeared? I walked over to the boy who was now on the ground groaning in pain.

"Are you ok?" I put my hand out to help him get up, "yup! Thanks! what's your name?" He asked smiling a toothy smile. I felt my cheeks burn a little, he was very handsome. "Uchiha Sasuke, you?" He put his hands behind his head and smiled again "Uzumaki Naruto! Nice to meet you Sasuke!"  He removed his hand and looked around "y'know this place changes a lot. I also wasn't expecting that mushroom to disappear-." He looked back at me and we made eye contact "why were you even on the mushroom?" I got curious, why was he on the mushroom and i think he's the yellow thing i saw. "Oh um i was just bored i guess. I also take a walk in the mornings so yea." I saw his cheeks turn a little red. was he embarrassed? No, why would you be embarrassed about taking a walk- "anyways what are you doing here i haven't really seen or talk to another person since i last left here?" He sat down and patted the ground next to him. I sat down with him.

"I have always wanted to go here so my friend dropped me off here, she was supposed to come but told me that she had work last second. Why are you here?" I don't know why i was talking to him but hey it couldn't hurt to be a little more social i guess " oh, i live here! I don't talk to people much and i've got no friends but its fine plus this place changes a lot so there's always a chance to explore!" He said excitement clear in his voice "that's cool, what was it like last time before it... Changed?" I looked back at him and took some time to take in what he looked like, he had spiky blond hair, tan skin, whisker on each cheek, bright blue eyes they looked brighter than the blue sky. He had a orange shirt on that was kind of see through so i could see his stomach.  I saw him look over at me and i quickly turned my head, my cheeks red embarrassed that he caught me.

Naruto's Pov:

I looked over at Sasuke and saw him looking at me. He quickly turned away his face turning red. It was adorable. "Last time the mushrooms were smaller and there were a lot of pretty water falls, there were also fairies i rarely seen them, i made sure to take a picture! Wanna see it?" I said grabbing my phone. " uh sure." He got closer to me and looked down at my phone his face instantly changing. From a once plain emotionless face to a one of surprise.

"That's so cool!" He said looking up at me, smiling but instantly turned red and scooted back once he noticed how close we were. I felt my cheeks burn up as well. I finally decided to look at him closer and saw that he had beautiful obsidian eyes and dark hair that matched, his skin was pale, he looked as though he's never been in the sun, his shirt was open half way down to his stomach, and you could see that he worked out. I looked back up at him and turned red when i saw him looking back at me "What?" He looked down at himself probably checking if there was something there, then his phone rang "hello? I- you're skipping break? How the hell am i going to get home then? Girl you don't get off until 9pm  Ughhh whateverrr. Guess what, i get to see these beautiful sights while you have to do some lame ass job." I saw him then hang up after him and some other person stopped talking. "That was my friend she was going to pick me up on her break." He rolled his eyes "oh, well wanna go to my house its not that far from here and we could get to know each other!" I said getting up and smiling brightly. "Sure there's nothing else to do really."

Pow! chapter two done 😁
Word count: 1212

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