Space Oddity

By AmariannaRose

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Kehaulani (pronounced keh-HOU-lah-nee origin Hawaiian meaning heavenly dew-cool breeze from heaven) came on t... More

🚀Making The Trip To Their New Home🏡
🫐Blueberries & Strawberries🍓
🔍🕵🏻‍♂️🔎Discovering The Discovery🌌🚀☄️
🤕Painful Bliss😇
Don't Worry About Me😟
⚫Black Alert⚠️
Close Proximity👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏻👩‍❤️‍👨
Saru To The Rescue🦸🏻‍♂️
🥰Feelings Are Frightening😱😨
Pete And Repeat Went For A Discovery Ride🌌🚀☄️
Here We Go Again And Again♾️
Showoff Sexy Saru
He Is No Longer Himself😢
The Fear Of Losing You
🪞Mirror Mirror🪞 Lost In Space🌌 What The HELL Happened To This Place?!🤷🏻🤷🏻‍♀️
Slaves In Another Universe🌌
Going Home To War⚔️
🌎🌍🌏 Earth The Final Frontier And The New Acting Captian
Have A Little Faith In Us
Family Reunion Of Sorts👩‍👧
A Reason To Carry On
👋🏻🙋🏻‍♂️Goodbye Hello👋🏻🙋🏻‍♀️
Delta Dawn
🏡Home Sweet Home🌐
Fear Of The Well-Known😨
🌑Living In Darkness With Only You As My Light💡🕯️
You Are My Cyan Angel👼🏻😇🪽
Like Brother Like Sister👨‍👧
🎼🎵💖🎗️🎶In Remembrance And Honor🖖🏻🖖🏼🖖🏽🖖🏾🖖🏿
⌚⏲Time Apart Brings Me Sorrow😭
⏳Do You Think Time Will Ever Be On Our Side!?!⌛
This Is Just A Bad Dream We Cannot Wake Up From💤🛏😴🛌🏿
👼🏻😇Angels Have Gone👋🏻🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️
An Odd Welcome Home🏡🏠
Around You All Who Love You 😘 No Matter What News You Bring 📰
🌐🌎🌍🌏The Future Of Earth Left Uncertain🌎🌍🌏🌐
Failed Exam
My Love🥰 For You Is Like A Red ❤️Red❤️ Rose🌹
🏴Keep Your Flag Held High🏳️
🦸🏻🦸🏿‍♀️Saving The Lost
I Envy You Saru
💗💖Of Heart And Home🏡🚀
Finding Yourself In Someone Else👩🏽‍🦰🪞👩🏽‍🦱
Into The Void We Go To Lose Our Senses And Save Our Souls
How Do We Survive This MADNESS!?!
Naughty Nhan
One Of These Things Doesn't Belong
Kneel Before Unknown Species 10-C 👾🧎‍♀️🧎‍♂️

✌🏻🕊️Is Peace Even Possible!?!☮️✌🏽

19 1 0
By AmariannaRose

"Enough!"  Kehau says with a low disciplining growl in her tone as she walks into the room where the crew was eating together like they were having a Thanksgiving meal with family with her children in her arms Keyla who was speaking head spins in her direction and she looks at her friend ashamed of her behavior "I have no idea what is going on with you young lady but I will hear no more of these dark words slipping through your lips is that understood!?!"  Kehau scolds "yes ma'am!"  Keyla replies softly with a tone full of shame lowering her head shamefully as Kehau sets her children down in their fathers lap "remember you all are not the only ones who went through the experience perhaps my "saving" you from the "worse" of it made it worse than it should be, perhaps even though I softened the blow the effects still penetrated through the shield I have so tirelessly built to protect those that mean the most to me may have cracked during our journey, but we ALL have gone through it! we ALL have suffered! we spent the past year awake and yet asleep at the same time we ALL had done our part to do the best we could do to make sure EVERYONE survived! and yet in some form of a way no of us have for just like we don't know this future none of us know the past we have missed!.... we all chose to come despite the fact that we all knew we'd lose just as much as we hope to gain but we are not quite there yet and going at each others throats will not help ANYONE!.... remember we are not the only ones who felt it just imagine how those we left behind must have felt not knowing ANYTHING about what had happened to us for who knows what LIES they had been told to "save" them from a truth they will NEVER understand!.... WE are our family now just as we always have been but NONE of you are acting like it most of all YOU Keyla!.... I think this dinner is over and you all should spend a few hours in your quarters attempting to cool yourselves down and be grateful I will NOT make you make a public spectacle of having you each apologize to one another in front of the entire crew! Michael has been here longer than all of us can you imagine what she must have gone through when she WAS alone without ANY of us?! what she might have thought or wondered she may have never doubted us like you all seem to be doubting one another but NO ONE knew the FULL consequence of the feat we ALL have accomplished! what is worse is I'm guessing you all either can't or don't care to know what all these people went through when we disappeared throughout the face of the universe, what horrifying tragedies they must of had to suffer I above all have NEVER expected ANY of you to act so SELFISHLY after doing something that one would consider selfless all for one woman who is STILL trying to find a way to HELP those who apparently can't help themselves, you had the Federation these people don't, but above all else you all still have each other and it isn't the docs fault none of you will come to one another and talk through your problems facing them head on instead of ignoring them and pretending they don't exist blaming those that in your heart you know are not at fault for this is NO ONES fault! not a single person in this room, on this ship or anywhere in this unknown galaxy is at fault for no one has complete and total control of all that goes on no matter how much they'd like too!"  she looks at Georgiou who smiles at her as a scatter of soft chuckling is heard throughout the room coming from everyone in it "now go! and remember those outside this room look up to each and everyone of you! in their eyes we are all heroes! for we each had a part in saving everyone's asses not just the three of you! you are the Bridge crew, Spore Drive Specialist, and Doctor the ones who fly the ship, keep it whole and protected, help it navigate itself through a Network we have no right to be in and yet fly through a bit too often! and the healer of lost souls you are the HEART of this ship!  and when you break the rest of it becomes damaged to the point where even I can't heal it! we are supposed to be a "well oiled machine" and right now we are so rusty we can't move without the fear of falling apart! so go rest not only your bodies but your minds and instead of listening to those thoughts in your head TRY to listen to your hearts for that is what I remember you all having but am not seeing.... at all! and you seem to be forgetting the most important thing of all we are not JUST a team we are FAMILY! and not just because we are stuck in a confined space in a strange place that is yet isn't home but because of ALL that we have been through together, remember that just like when I feel what happens to each and every one of you.... when one of all falls we all fall and only we can pick one another back up for we are all we have!"  Kehau says gently the crew smiles at her then does as they are told.... well they at least leave the room.... Saru was the only one who didn't stand or walk out instead he looks up at his wife who looks down at him with a smile then kisses his lips and says softly "you too Captain! and it might be a good idea to TRY and do what they are doing"  Saru smiles then stands and follows her out of the room with his children still in his arms fast asleep.... as they were walking Saru stops when he hears his wife jump back with a gasp "what the hell!?!"  she whispers softly he turns and looks at her with a worried expression on his face she shakes her head and says as she gently grips his arm "I.... think.... I'm ok!"  then she whispers to herself "GOD I HATE the Trill!"  he chuckles then they continue walking towards their quarters and she explains what she's feeling to the best of her ability and how Michael has to go "save" Adira who is supposed to be communicating with her symbiont by entering the same waters the Trill did "this is something for them they don't need me but.... Michael just went into the waters so I of course "fell in" too!.... they're ok it's just been a long time since I felt....!"  she tells him he nods understandingly and a look of relief flashes over his face she smiles then kisses his lips and he moans softly at the feel of their soft, gentle, loving caress that look of relief returns to his face when she tells him that they (Michael and Adira) had succeeded in their mission "they'll be fine! they just needed a good spanking!.... I mean reminder that....!"  Kehau says as she looks into her husbands eyes and Saru did a rather rare thing he laughs which makes her smile and he kisses her lips as the door to their quarters opens and they walk inside and end up taking a short nap together as the rest of the crew that was at the meal reconciles as they apologize to one another for their rude words and bad behavior.... Saru is the first to wake from his nap he sits up and looks down at his still sleeping wife and children with a smile then kisses each of their foreheads before standing up and heading out of the room letting those that matter the most in his "new" life sleep and the last thing he sees before walking out the door is his wife softly smile and he leaves completely with a smile of his own on his face....

Adria was surprised to see Kehau standing in front of her with her children in her arms after she answers the chime of the door to her quarters what shocked her even more was the fact that the woman could see the unseeable "we just wanted to welcome you back.... hello.... Gray is it!?!"  Kehau asks curiously Gray nods with a smile as Adira looks at Kehau in shock "you'll catch flies if you keep doing that.... not that there are any here but....!"  Kehau teases Gray chuckles as Adira's jaw claps shut then shakes her head with a smile "you'll learn that there's a lot to learn about us that will surprise even my husband as well as myself for I am sure there is plenty I still don't know about what I am capable of and I was born this way!"  Kehau adds Adria chuckles "well!.... we'll leave you to your lesson for as I said we only wanted to welcome you back though I wouldn't be surprised if he's just using it as a excuse to get close to you"  Kehau says with a wink Adira chuckles with a smile "see you later and it was nice to sort of meet you Gray"  Kehau says with a wave before she walks away "you too"  Gray replies with a smile as the door closes and he tells the woman he loves "I like her!"  Adira replies with a smile "me too! and I guess this proves that whatever is going on will be excepted for if the crew can except her as she is then perhaps they will except this as well" Gray smiles then they go back to their Cello lesson.... Kehau felt the excited anxiety of the entire ship once they reached Federation Headquarters then awe when those on the Bridge saw it for the first time and unlike the rest of the crew something was bothering her something she did not know or understand she ignored those feelings for now and played with her children on the Holodeck which she had made to look like Saru's homeworld she had programed her "favorite" people within the holodeck using the memories, thoughts and emotions she had sensed and felt from them everytime she saw them within the program so they could be as much like the "real" person as possible and as of right now they were spending time with the program made to represent Saru's sister Kehau gasps when she feels Saru, Michael and Adria be beamed aboard the Federation.... whatever it is.... as though the sensation took her breath away and she was trying to get it back "I don't like this one bit!"  she whispers to herself once she finally catches the breath she lost.... "your arrogance will get you nowhere! just because....!"  Saru hears a familiar soft exotic voice say from behind him after Michael offered the Discovery's assistance to Fleet Admiral Charles Vance and he turns and sees his wife standing alone behind him he looks at her with a surprised expression on his face then says with a soft matching tone "Kehau!?!"  and the "salty" haired Admiral raises a eyebrow at her then says as he looks at the celestially exotic beauty standing behind the Kelpien "I don't recall giving you permission to board!"  to which Kehau replies "as if I need permission! and whoever claimed I would board you is an idiot!"  Vance chuckles softly with a smirk then looks at Saru with a surprised expression on his face when he says "I apologize for my wife....!"  Kehau interrupts by saying "don't apologize for me! he's going to have to get used to my ego if we're going to have to suffer through his!"  the Admiral smirks as he tries very hard not to laugh and Saru looks at the man oddly once he sees his expression Kehau walks past her husband and the grey haired Admiral then looks down at the Kili she places her hands on the balcony then jumps down and walks over to one of the Kili who looked like he was having a seizure and gently touches its arm Vance's eyebrow raises once more when he sees the Kili's body calm and the others that were near follow suit Saru smiles when he hears his wife whisper as though she was right next to him "rest! you'll be alright!"  then the Kili fall into a soft slumber then he hears Vance whisper to himself with a awed tone "amazing!"  as Kehau disappears then reappears next to Vance "you will learn Admiral that I will NEVER need "permission" to board anything!"  she tells him and he chuckles "they seem to be suffering from the oddest form of food poisoning I have ever seen.... it's worse than my allergy to the food simulator and what they ate wasn't simulated!"  Kehau tells her husband who nods at her "I do not envy them after all they have to deal with HIM!.... and his crew!"  she adds nodding her head over at the man beside her and Michael hides a chuckle Kehau walks over and kisses Saru's cheek then disappears completely and Saru smiles.... "there's a little thing known as personal space it would be best if you did not invade hers!"  Kehau says as she gets in the way of a man in white who was getting uncomfortably close to Michael and seemed to be sniffing her as she and Saru debriefed the Admiral the man in white backs away in shock when he sees her appear out of nowhere and get in his way the Admiral on the other hand smirked he seemed to be getting used to her appearing "without his permission" a little too quickly "shall I kick him!?!"  Kehau teasingly whispers to Michael who smiles and Vance chuckles as Michael replies "that won't be necessary but thank you!"  Kehau smiles with a wink at her friend who chuckles Saru on the other hand shakes his head at his wife his eyes widen slightly when he hears her whisper into his heart as she looks over at the Admiral "I do believe he may think I'm some form of AI who's infatuated with her Captain he's gotten used to this a lot quicker than most and seems most entertained by my.... um...."humanity"!"  she looks at the man in white and growls threateningly "keep your nose and body AWAY from my HUSBAND!"  Vance's eyes widen as she stares down Eli with a dark expression on her face and the AI seemed to look.... frightened of her as she says "now disappear!"  and Eli disintegrates back into the ship "h-how....!?!"  Vance whispers trying to get over his shock "as I've said before Admiral there is a lot you don't and will NEVER know about me!"  Kehau tells him as she looks over at him she looks down at her husband and coos "have fun!"  then disappears once more and Michael lets out a breathy chuckle though she did wonder how Kehau's astral projection of herself seemed more solid than usual.... "that doesn't surprise me there is much I'm sure even they don't know for it was probably hidden or lost and I wouldn't be surprised if Spock and Pike did whatever they could to protect us but it also doesn't surprise me that even the Federation you love so much would hide such information from it's own people for it seems to HATE when it fails to do things on it's own and will never allow someone else to take credit for what it believes it should be known as a hero for not to mention they gave Leland way too much leeway when he was controlled by Control and they would NEVER want THAT to be known ANYWHERE! and I still think he's a heartless bastard but after all they have possibly been through I suppose I can understand why.... trust is hard to come by in ANY future and we are strangers in this one"  Saru hears his wife say into his heart once he and Michael were told that by Vance that there was no knowledge of Red Angel or Control and that history says that Discovery was destroyed in 2258 and he could see the truth in her words but the fact that the one thing he believed in the most for so long no longer believes in him hurt his heart.... luckily his wife and children were around to help repair it....

"You know as well as I that they will not give us permission even if we go through "the proper channels" stop thinking with your head and start thinking with your heart which I HOPE you still have!"  Saru hears his wife say from the door to the Ready Room and he looks past Michael who he was speaking to at the moment and into his wife's eyes with a surprised expression on his face "they don't TRUST us! and as I told you we are strangers to them not to mention those poor innocent beings that they are PRETENDING to help don't have the time to wait for us to get permission from those channels! I know you're trying to do what's best and no matter what the Admiral said to you to make you jump trough hoops for someone WE don't know what the Federation wants isn't always what's best for ANYONE! those power starved greedy.....!"  she adds "Kehau!!"  Saru says with a soft surprised tone "let me ask you something HUSBAND! if that arrogantly greedy SOB wanted to take me and our children and "preform tests" on us "for the good of the Federation" would you let him!?!"  she asks as she walks into the room Saru flinched when she spoke the word "husband" with a hint of venom in her tone and stammers "t-that's not fair!"  she replies as she looks into his eyes "no! it isn't! but it also doesn't answer my question!"  her body seems to slump with a sigh as his lips move but no words come out "I see!"  she whispers dejectedly with a sad tone then she turns around and walks back out of the room "Kehau!!"  Saru calls out with a heartbroken tone as he reaches for the one he could not touch just as the doors to his Ready Room close and he lowers his head in shame for he didn't answer her question because he was uncertain of the answer and he knew she knew it and that hurt even more for he wanted to do what was best for ALL parts of his life he was just unsure how to do it and what exactly WAS the best for all he was by far WAY too used to doing just as he was told and not brave enough to go against the rules and regulations of the only world he knows the Federation world he has spent far too long trying to please everyone and seems to always do it in the wrong way while still expecting the "right" results and now all he could think about was how he was going to make up for this and wondering if she would leave him and take their children with her so he could never see them again not to mention he wondered if she had the capability to go back home to their time with each thought he had his heart hurt a little more till he felt like it had shattered to dust.... Saru searched everywhere for his wife and children but couldn't find them and that shattered him even more he also found that there was a small shuttle missing and that broke him for he knew Kehau had taken it and took their children with her.... "Admiral Vance"  Vance hears a familiar celestial voice say from behind him he turns and sees a familiar cyan colored extraordinarily exotically exquisite woman walk towards him with two one and a half year olds walking beside her his eyebrow raises not only at that particular sight but the fact that she was pushing a cart full of plants in front of her "these are for your patients"  Kehau tells him waving her hands at the plants on the cart as she stops in front of him his eyebrow raises even higher at her words "if you want to save them I suggest you start creating the antidote as soon as possible after all these plants are from the very planet the Kili come from and or visited but from our time, the plants from this time were poisoned long before they were mutated.... I understand that trust is earned but with a attitude like yours it'll be quite hard to gain...."  she says he chuckles as she continues "though that is the idea isn't it?! to test us and see what we can handle.... if I may make a suggestion.... perhaps instead of just relying on your hologram humans.... interrogation.... it would be more prudent to actually SEE what they are truly capable of by sending them out on a mission of sorts while keeping one of us here I am a wife and not a member of Starfleet so I would do you no good but if I know my husband the way I know I do he would "volunteer his life away" just to prove how loyal the little Federation puppy's truly are no matter WHAT "future" they come from!"  she tells him and he laughs "I do believe there may be a seed-vault ship either here or somewhere out there that has the same plants I gave you and probably quite a few more.... why don't you send the Discovery crew out there to find it?! I believe it was known as the USS Tikhov"  she tells him and he nods with a smile.... Saru was shocked when he heard Vance tell him via holo "your wife is quite resourceful"  at first he was confused and then a lightbulb went off in his head.... as the saying goes.... and he (Saru) finally figured out where Kehau had taken their children which surprised him especially since she seemed to not have anything good to say about the man who in a way stands before him "how so?!"  Saru asks "she brought some plants from the planet Urna so we could make a antidote for the Kili"  Vance replies Saru's eyes widen in surprise he had checked the garden and he didn't realize that any of the planets were even missing "ah! yes! she has quite the extensive garden of plants from just about every planet we have and apparently hadn't visited.... at least not when we were together"  Saru tells him and Vance smiles then tells him "the plan" and just like Kehau predicted Saru "offered himself up" to stay behind as Michael commanded the ship with whoever Vance chose to go from HIS crew

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