I have to bunk with him...

By KysToes

67.8K 2K 4.8K

Albedo's school is implimenting a dorming system now... and Albedo just wants a good roomie. Who he gets may... More

Chapter 1 - Prelogue
Chapter 2 - Kaeya has it down bad
Chapter 3 - What am I supposed to do?
Chapter 4 - Oh how the night changes 🙃
Chapter 5 - In le morning
Chapter 6 - Kaeya fr ngl bad at engrish class 😘
Chapter 7 - History, a simp, and sucrose
Chapter 9 - So like Yay for Kaeya... Boo for PE lmao
Chapter 10 - My crazy friends
Chapter 11 - sussy lunchy baka
Chapter 12 - Mmm the flavors are melting on my tongue
Chapter 13 - damn feelings go brrr
Chapter 14 - emergency bestie alliance
Chapter 15 - omgay that is kinda homiesexual
Chapter 16 - Yooo repairing friendships with deez nuts

Chapter 8 - Kaedehara Kid

3.8K 121 119
By KysToes

Kaeya POV

I sit down next to a boy with really light, almost white, blond hair and a red streak on one side. Quite a fashion statement if you ask me. 

I think I've seen him talk to Coach Beidou and Mrs. Ningguang, the personal finance and economics teacher, a lot. Perhaps he knows them outside of school? Or maybe he is just particularly close to both teachers.

He looks up from his phone and offers a small wave when I sat down. He plays with his hair a bit and I notice these really pretty maple leaf earings, I'm tempted to ask him where they're from, but just as I'm about to open my mouth, a fairly short boy, with a bowl cut pounds his hand onto our table. He glares at me and then asks the boy with a red streak, "Kazuha (that must be his name) why did you let this hooligan sit at our table?" He sounds menacing despite his... sheepish size. 

I take the tactical desision to get up, I end up sitting at a lone desk, not put into those weird groups. I don't mind though, this class is hella weird. The lesson begins. Ms. Yae is a good teacher... but she teases her students too much. She even got the super grumpy bowl cut boy (turns out his name is Kunikazushi...? or is it Scaramouche? perhaps it's like Childe and his names, Ajax which is his real one, Childe, and Tartaglia. idk) to cover his face in embarrassment. 

This is really short and not a lot of content i'm sorry QwQ

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