Chapter 4 - Oh how the night changes 🙃

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Kaeya POV

I awkwardly finish my tasks and slip off to bed. I feel like crying to be honest. This is embarrassing and I don't think I can even bear to speak with Albedo after that. Just as i'm nodding off, I hear the soft raspy voice call out, "Kaeya?..."

"Albedo?" I ask, weary and prepared for the worst.

"Who are you?"

"I- excuse me, what?!?"

"Oh... apologies, I forgot myself. Where do you come from? What is your past? How do you know mr. Ravingr?"

I sit up with my mind moving miles per minute. How do I answer these questions... no why is he even asking them?

Albedo must have seen my thoughts on my face because he quickly starts to explain, " I did not intend to pry if you don't wish to speak, you don't have to. I was just curious because you are clearly intelligent and you have photos of my neighbor, Mr. Ravingr..."

Oh that's what he wants to know.

I climb out of bed to respond to his face.

"I was adopted by Diluc's... I mean Mr. Ravingr's father when I was 7 years old... so we are brothers of sorts."

"Oh I understand now. That makes much more sense. So you must have also obtained schooling in your years living inside the Ravingr home... but might I ask why you are not still living with your brother?"

"Well.... we don't exactly get along anymore..." I take a deep breath and almost feel tears well at my eyes.

"You don't have to keep telling me if you do not feel comfortable... I understand how hard it is to deal with family issues" Albedo's eyes cast down and he looks forlorn.

What could have possibly happened to him...

I turn and I'm about to say goodnight... when I feel arms wrap around me.

At first I am surprised but then I feel relaxed.

"It's going to be okay, you can cry, you know?" Albedo says. He must have noticed the tears threatening to spill.

I start weeping, which quickly turns into uncontrollable sobbing. It's embarrassing but I cry, I cried so hard it hurt.

Less than an hour ago, Albedo hated my guts... So why is he comforting me now?

Albedo calms me down and tells me to get some sleep... So I lie down in bed and to be honest, I don't know what happens next because I doze as soon as my head hits the pillow.

Maybe Albedo likes me too?

No of course he doesn't. Dammit Kaeya, can't you just accept kindness and be friends, but no, you're always searching for more.

So selfish...

I have to bunk with him?!?! - A Kaebedo Modern AU Genshin FanficWhere stories live. Discover now