The Neverending Hangover

By EvelynRaineWhitmore

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*Second in the Fire Whiskey series* 'I had been amazed at the connection Brad and I had, and our connection w... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two

Chapter Nine

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By EvelynRaineWhitmore

Monday morning Brad drove his motorcycle in to work. Before he went inside, he tried calling Rev.  He answered on the second ring.

"Hello?"  He sounded gruff, suspicious, and pissed off.

"This is Brad Davis. Is this Rev?"

Somehow, Brad knew if he didn't give his name first, Rev certainly wouldn't be answering whether or not it was indeed him on the other end.

"Yeah, Brad. Hi", Rev answered, sounding friendlier. "We should talk in person, yeah? When's a good time?"

"I was planning on taking my lunch break around noon today but I'm flexible", Brad replied.

"That works". Rev gave him the name of a bar restaurant and Brad knew where it was. He had driven past it a few times.  It was about fifteen minutes from the office so he assumed his lunch would probably run long. He knew Andy wouldn't care, especially due to the reason why.

"See you then", he said, and hung up.

Just a few hours left till I can find out what the fuck is going on.

Brad tucked his helmet under his arm and started loping toward the building.


Steve got up for work Monday feeling like a brand new man. He couldn't be happier to be sleeping in the same bed with Bre, to not have to curb himself every time he kissed her so they didn't go too far, to hold her, to touch her, to see her naked. He was completely focused on her, and had been able to push Paige from his mind for a full day.

He had a hard time leaving for work. He wanted to stay home and continue to spend time with his fiancé in this new way. He felt like he was on his honeymoon already.  As he drove down the driveway, he was counting the hours until he would be back.


I got up and started my morning with Brad as usual, except my stomach was still a little unsettled. I ate what I could, refrained from coffee for the second day in a row, and kissed him goodbye. I did pilates and lifted weights, did devotionals, sang while I got ready, and headed to the animal shelter.

Kate was glowing and excited about Marcus. I felt like she was already in love with him but I wasn't going to tell her that. I would have never believed it could happen that quickly if it hadn't happened to me, too.

As I was heading home to prep supper for Brad, and get ready for taekwondo class, I had an inspired thought. I wondered if Rev would work with me. He was one of the most skilled fighters in the world. Who better to learn from than someone who had practiced in real life rather than in a studio?  I knew full well I would have to run it past Brad first. He might not like me spending time with him. In fact, I got the impression Brad really didn't like him at all. I sighed. I hoped that would change after they talked, and I really hoped it wasn't anything about Jay.


Brad walked into the bar with his helmet under his arm. He let his eyes adjust to the dim light, and then noticed Rev beckoning to him from a booth off to the right corner from the door.

Brad sauntered over and slid in the booth.

"You want some food?", Rev asked.

"Am I going to be able to eat after what you have to say?", Brad asked.

"You might want a drink instead", Rev agreed. "You drink, don't ya?"

"Whiskey straight", Brad replied.

"Atta boy", Rev grinned, signaling the waitress. "You and your girl get along brilliantly there".


"She all right then?"

"She threw up a few times but otherwise fine".

"Tough as nails, that one", Rev smirked.

The waitress appeared at his elbow.

"Two whiskeys on the rocks, love. The good stuff", he instructed her with a little smile.

She gave him a smile back, while peering at him from under her lashes, then scooted off to get their drinks.

She returned quickly and hovered.

"Thanks, love", Rev said. "Can you make sure we're not interrupted? I'll let you know if we need anything, yeah?"

"Sure thing", she said, batting her eyelashes at him.

He ducked his head and smirked at Brad.

"Drink", Rev instructed, swirling the ice in his glass, and they each took a swig.

"Paige tell you I've been continuing to investigate Jay?"  Rev spoke in a low voice.

Brad gave him a nod.

"I found out a lot of shit. He's pure evil. I've got statements from two other women he abused after Paige. I helped them get away before it got as far as it did with her. What's worse is he's fairly high up the chain for sex trafficking in the states. Minors, even. He's making millions off 'em, ain't he?"

Brad grimaced.

"I'm building a case. It takes time. I have contacts at the FBI but I'm working on my own. It's all bollocks. I don't have access to warrants.  Copper priorities aren't the same as mine, yeah? It's a lot of sit around and wait, or do shit illegally on my own".

Rev's eyes flicked around the bar. "The area around the Great Lakes has become a hot spot for trafficking from Native reservations. Jay heads that specific network".

"What can I do to help?", Brad asked quietly.

"Not sure you're going to be able to, mate.  My focus was on that area and finding evidence to connect Jay to the organization, until about a month ago. Andy called me. Paige had seen a car on your street that rattled her. Andy asked if I could do some digging".

Rev paused and took a drink. He looked expectantly at Brad, who did the same. Brad was starting to feel a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"The judge who let him off is a customer and a supplier, now ain't he? He gives Jay connections, names from your area and a little further south into the state. He has lists of vulnerable women who might easily be persuaded to become prostitutes. That judge lives and works here".

Brad felt his heart start pounding hard.

"Jay has personally been in town to see that judge. I can't confirm whether or not he knows Paige lives here, but he knows Andy's business is here, and a reasonable guess would be that she stuck with her brother, yeah? I suspect he might have done some digging himself".

"He's been here?", Brad gasped in a furious whisper.

"In May".

"Jesus fuck".  Brad's heart was pounding so hard he felt like his temples were going to explode. "How can I get at him?", he asked.

Rev shook his head. "We're going to do things right, mate. We gotta buy our time and take him down correctly. If you go after him, guns blazing, you're going to either get shot down or arrested, ain't ya? He's got protection, twenty four seven. Official and illegal. Either we get enough evidence for the FBI anti-trafficking task force to step in and nail him, or we get him in a situation where we can kill him as self defense. Those are our only options for the best outcome".

"Best outcome for whom?", Brad rage whispered.

"For Paige, mate", Rev said, looking at him like he was an idiot. "You fuck it up, Jay walks again, and you die or go to jail.  Either way, Paige is left alone, yeah? You want that?"

"But I can't sit here and do nothing!"

"I'm givin' you somethin', ain't I? Watch her. Protect her. Be aware of the neighborhood, her routes, where she volunteers. Follow her when she doesn't know you're doing it. See if you notice anyone following her.  I can protect her but I can't get evidence at the same time, can I? I can't be two places at once, yeah? I'll go back and forth, and keep an eye on the judge here, but I can't be here every day".

Brad slowly nodded.

Paige is actually in danger.

"How concerned are you?", Brad asked. "Level with me".

Rev leaned forward on his forearms and exhaled heavily through his nose. "If that was my girl, I wouldn't let her out of my sight, and I would be fully armed at all points in time. That sick fuck has a fully functioning trafficking route, and has contacts that would make your skin crawl. If he gets his hands on her, she will disappear".

Brad felt a cold fear replacing the rage. He couldn't imagine the horrors that could happen to his precious Paige.

"I'm sorry, mate", Rev said, taking another drink, and actually looking sympathetic. "I really would stay here and follow her around myself, but that ain't gettin' him to prison. Now that Andy is informed, and on board, it might go a little faster.  He's giving me access to persuasion dollars I didn't have before".

Brad nodded and took a drink.

"You up for this?", Rev asked critically.

"Yeah, but I don't know how. I can't keep her locked up without telling her why, and there's no way I'm telling her. No one can tell her. You know she tried to kill herself after her miscarriage?"

Rev nodded. "Andy gave me a quick rundown of everything that's happened in the last four years.  Are there friends you can trust that would keep it from her and help you watch her?  The best scenario is that she's never alone or in an unpopulated area, yeah?"

"I don't know", Brad said. "Steve's getting married and Andy's about to have a baby. That's the extent of my friends".

"Andy said you have a tracker on her phone and she's been practicing shooting and self defense. Keep up on that. How about you?  Can you handle yourself?"

Brad nodded.

"I'd recommend brushing up on your skills", Rev continued. "I practice and work out at least two hours every day, don't I? You should be doing something daily. You good with guns?"

Brad nodded again.

"Ever handle a knife?"


Rev nodded. "I can teach you. It's a good skill to have. Knives are hidden easier than guns and don't run out of bullets, yeah? Might be handy for Paige, too.  I'm heading back up north today. Call me or text me if there's an emergency or if you find anything out. Don't leave details in any message".

Brad nodded.

"I'm real sorry about this, mate. Paige is a gem. It kills me what she's already been through. We can't let it happen again, can we?"

"Absolutely", Brad agreed.

Rev signaled the waitress for the bill. He paid her and shook Brad's hand.

"Thank you", Brad said.

Rev nodded. "Be in touch", he said, slipping out of the booth.

Brad sat stunned for a moment, processing the horrors running through his mind. He slammed the rest of his drink and left.

As he rode his cycle back to work, he kicked around everything Rev had said, and let it marinate in his brain.

By the time he had arrived, he had one name that kept surfacing for who to ask for help.



Andy did not like the look on Brad's face as he stormed into his office. A combination of murder, fear, and complete frustration.

"I need to leave work for the rest of the day", Brad said.

"You have a plan?"

"Not yet.  The only person I can think to include in this knowledge right now is Bre".

Andy nodded slowly. "What about Steve?"

"Steve already worries enough about Paige. If we tell him this, he's going to obsess himself right out of getting married. He damn near ruined Bre's bachelorette party by nagging at her to keep an eye on Paige".

"That big Swede is awfully thick", Andy said, rubbing his forehead.

"No shit. I hate to burden Bre, but right now she's not working and has more flexibility".

"All good points", Andy said. "You know, I can hire people to protect Paige, too, but I don't know who to trust. Rev doesn't have many contacts here. Marcus came to mind but that's about it".

"Marcus would be great, but the more people that know, the more likely Paige knows. I really don't want her to be suspicious".

"What are you going to tell her?"

"That Rev brought me up to speed on Jay's activities, and that they're not for her ears".

"Great. Simple but honest. Love it", Andy agreed.

"Let me start with talking to Bre and we can go from there. Also, Rev volunteered to teach us some skills when he's in town".

"Perfect", Andy said, then took a hard look at his friend.  "How are you handling this?"

Brad met his gaze and Andy read the anguish in his eyes. "I want to fucking kill him, Andy. It kills me that I can't just go do it and solve the problem. Waiting for him to make a wrong move, waiting to see if he's going to try to kidnap my girlfriend, it's driving me so insane, I feel like I'm going to explode.  If anything...anything happens to her...", Brad's voice broke and Andy saw tears spring into his eyes.

He clapped a hand on his shoulder and squeezed.

"I know", Andy said quietly. "Keep perspective, though. We don't know for sure he even knows where she is, or that he cares. Obviously he's busy and obviously he's moved on. There's been a string of other women since Paige. He's got Senate duties and his other business", Andy winced. "For all we know, she's not a priority. This is erring on the side of caution, and being over prepared, because we love her".

Brad took a deep breath and nodded.

"You smell like whiskey", Andy said. "Maybe Bre could get you some food while you're there?"

Brad nodded. "Thanks, Andy".

"Thank you", Andy replied, "for being exactly the man my sister needs you to be".

Brad nodded and started to walk away, then turned back, indecision written on his face.

"Say whatever it is", Andy said. "You can tell me anything".

"I asked her if she wanted to get married, you know. This weekend. She said she's not ready".

Andy smiled at him, feeling a surge of affection for this exceptional man. "She will be soon enough", Andy assured him. "It's not you, it's just the previous circumstances making her skittish".

Brad's face flooded with relief. "That's what she said".

"See?", Andy nodded at him. "Patience".

"Yeah. I've got that", Brad said, heading out.


Brad called Bre as he was walking out of the building.

"Hello?", she answered, sounding surprised.

"Where are you?", he asked abruptly.

"I'm at home. Is everything okay?"  She sounded worried.

"I'm coming over. I'll explain when I get there".

"Okay". She sounded really nervous now.

"Don't tell anyone I'm coming. Please".

"Sure. Okay. You're kind of freaking me out".

"I'm beyond freaked out", Brad admitted. "It wouldn't hurt to have a drink before I arrive. Be there in fifteen".


Bre hung up with Brad and started pacing. Maggie watched her solemnly. Yesterday had been so completely perfect. Why did anything need to be wrong at all? Why couldn't perfection stay a little longer?

What if something happened to Steve?

She almost tripped mid-pace then scratched that idea out. Brad wouldn't have told her not to tell anyone if something had already happened to one of their someones.

Maybe he has suspicions about Rev as well?

That was a possibility, but why would he recommend she have a drink for that?

No, this had to be bad news for both of them, or he wouldn't have said he was freaking out and she should have a drink.

That means Paige. She sighed. It was literally always Paige. Something was going on with Paige.

I still think Rev has something to do with it, though.

Bre grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge and did pour herself a glass. She took a big swig and then went to the front porch to wait for Brad.

He pulled up on a black motorcycle and swung a long leg over to get off.  He pulled off his black helmet and set it on the seat then loped over to her in fluid paces. She had stood when he pulled up and opened the front door for him to stride through. He looked rough. His face was stormy, as usual, but his icy blue eyes were filled with anguish.

Maggie followed him in, then Bre, letting the screen door slam behind her. Brad unzipped his jacket as he strode to the kitchen, peeled out of it, and tossed it on one of the island chairs. He sat at the kitchen table, and slouched back in the chair, folding his muscular arms across the chest of his plain black short sleeve v-neck t-shirt. Bre quietly sat next to him, set down her wine, and waited. Brad met her eyes.

"I don't want to involve you and I don't want to burden you so close to your wedding, but I honestly can't think of anyone else that could help me with this".

She blinked. "Of course I'll help you. Tell me what's wrong".

Maggie very politely set her head on Brad's knee and waited for a pet. Brad stroked her fur, his expression unchanging.

"I met with Rev today". 

Bre felt her breath catch.

If Paige has cheated on Brad, I will literally kill her!

"You know his background and how Paige knows him?"

Bre nodded, waiting for the blow.

"Since he left after Jay's trial he's been investigating him. It really burned him Jay didn't get time.  He's discovered that Jay is running a leg of a sex trafficking ring, one of the biggest in the states".

Bre's hand flew to her throat. This was not what she was expecting.

"What a sick individual!", she gasped. "I can't believe Paige lived with him!"  She shuddered involuntarily.

"The judge who let him off is a contact and a customer, who lives here. Jay has been here.  He was here in May".

Bre's heart started pounding.

"Does he know where Paige is?", she whispered.

"Rev doesn't know. He says we need to assume Jay knows. Paige saw a suspicious vehicle parked on our road about a month ago, happened to tell Andy, and that's what prompted him to call Rev".

"Oh God", Bre breathed, her eyes filling with tears.

You've done it again!  Every time you start resenting Paige, something happens to her!

Brad looked terrified and furious.

"Rev is independent. He says that means he has to work through his contacts in the FBI to get warrants, and to get Jay arrested, which is why it's taking so long. Andy's able to help him financially now so he hopes it will go quicker.  He needs to be up north where the start of the trafficking is, but will head here periodically to keep an eye on the judge and Paige. In the meantime, I'm supposed to protect her...".

Brad's voice broke and he looked away. Bre's hand shot out to his knee and squeezed it.

He looked back at her with tear-filled eyes. "I'm supposed to protect her without letting her know what's going on. Andy would let me stop working but she wouldn't understand me sitting home every day and keeping her under house arrest. Rev had ideas, and I will do all of them, but I can't do it alone".

Bre squeezed his knee. "Tell me what to do".

"I need you to spend more time with her, keep an eye on her. She shouldn't be alone or in unpopulated areas. Find reasons to come over to our house.  Keep her practicing shooting. Practice yourself... God...Bre, this is too much to ask of you".

Brad shook his head and stood, acting like he was going to leave. Bre leapt up and grabbed him by his shoulders.

"NO!  No, it is not!  If you think you can tell me my friend's life is in danger, and then expect me to let you walk out of here and do nothing, you do not know me at all!"

Brad looked at her and a tear actually escaped his eye. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him fiercely. He very slowly accepted the hug, first lowering his forehead to her shoulder then putting his arms around her back. They were close to the same height, with Brad only an inch or two taller.

"I can do this", Bre said. "It's going to be okay.  How long does Rev think he needs to get him?"

"He doesn't know", Brad muttered, lifting his head and pulling away from her. "He says we have to wait until then, or until Jay makes a wrong step, and we can kill him in self defense. Basically I need to wait to see if he is coming after her, rather than doing what I want to do, which is solve the problem permanently".

His face was filled with murderous rage.

"If something goes wrong, though, she's more vulnerable without you here", Bre pointed out.

"Yep", Brad agreed.  "I opted against telling Steve for multiple reasons. You agree?"

Bre nodded. "He will protect her if he's around, regardless if he knows there's an actual threat or not. If we tell him, he's going to lose his mind worrying to death".

"Yeah. That's what I thought", Brad said. "If we asked Marcus, do you think he could keep it from Steve?" 

Bre thought for a moment. "I really don't know", she finally said.

"Yeah, that's also where I was at with him", Brad said.  "So, I guess it's just me and you, kid".

Bre nodded. "I'm not afraid of him. Or anyone who works for him. I am afraid of what might happen to Paige, though".

Brad nodded. "Same.  She's got taekwondo on Mondays.  I'm going to follow her tonight, hopefully without her noticing, and sit outside the whole time. I'm going to see if anyone seems to be following her".

"That's a good plan".

"Rev thought of it. Tuesdays and Wednesdays she's at church from six to eight, so I'll follow her again, but those days she doesn't go to the shelter now, so during the day those are pretty open".

"Got it. I'm all over Tuesdays and Wednesdays", Bre volunteered.

"I'm usually home by quarter after five", Brad said, "and now I guarantee I will be. What about Kate? She sees her at the shelter".

"I think...she could probably handle keeping an eye on her, but she would definitely tell Marcus".

"Well, let's think about Marcus some more then. Andy also mentioned him so maybe we should", Brad mused.

"I think he's totally capable, I just don't want him telling Steve and ruining our wedding. That sounds really selfish", Bre said, rubbing her forehead.

Brad grabbed that wrist. "You have every right to be selfish. That is your fiancé. Almost your husband. You don't need to share him and you don't need to put a positive spin on it for me". He looked at her hard. "EVER. I see it, too. It's hard for me, too. We both understand why, but it still sucks sometimes, and you have a right to feel every one of your feelings. Steve is fucking lucky to have you. I can't think of another woman that would tolerate his behavior, including Paige. The very last thing I want to do is cause more turmoil between you two. My girlfriend does enough of that".

"She doesn't mean to", Bre said, feeling flattered by all the kind things Brad had just said.

"No, she doesn't, but the shit still happens anyway, doesn't it? Between the two of them, they made you feel pretty awful on Saturday, am I right?"

Bre teared up and looked away. Brad still had ahold of her wrist.

"I'm sorry", he said quietly. "I knew it was going to happen and I would have stopped it if I could".

Bre nodded.

"I wish you could see how amazing you are", Brad said. "I am consistently impressed by you. You are truly a force to be reckoned with".

Bre gazed into his icy blue eyes, which were currently concerned. He was being genuine.

"Thank you. You're always so kind to me".

"You're kind to everyone else. Even when they don't deserve it", he pointed out, then smirked. "I'm pretty sure you and Paige are the only two people in the world who think I'm kind".

"Well, everyone else has a very small mind then", Bre said.

He smiled. "Thanks for doing this doesn't cut it. I don't know what to say".

He gave her another hug and she caught a whiff of alcohol. She remembered what he said about her having a drink.

"How about some lunch?", she asked.

"Yeah, that would be great", he admitted.

She patted him on the back, and he released her.


My phone rang. I didn't recognize the number but answered anyway.


"Yeah, is this Paige?"

"It is".

"Yeah, this is Tommy. You sang for our band last weekend".

"Yes! Hi!" I felt a flurry of excitement.

"I was wondering if you were interested in singing with us sometimes for cash, and if yes, if you could practice with us maybe once a week?"

"I am interested, yes. When do you normally practice?"

"Mostly Tuesday and Thursday nights, and we usually play Fridays and Saturdays".

"I could possibly practice on Thursdays. I'd probably have to rearrange some things. Can I get back to you?"

He gave me some more details and I thought about my options. I didn't want to lose another two nights a week with Brad. They pretty much exclusively played in bars which meant nights.

I was in the middle of cooking supper when Brad walked in. He wasn't usually home before I left for taekwondo and he looked frazzled. I glanced at the clock on the microwave. It was four thirty.

"What's wrong?", I asked him.

"I met with Rev", he said, removing his jacket and setting the entry points alarm on the house. "You need to remember to do this, Paige. Every time you come in. Every time I leave. It's not optional". He looked pissed.


He hung up his jacket and grabbed me, smooshing me in a giant hug.  He swayed slightly.

"Have you been drinking?", I asked in disbelief, not that he was drinking during the day, but that he had left work to so so.

"Yeah, babe. Just said I met with Rev, didn't I?"

He was not slurring at all but I knew his tolerance was high. I was surprised he drove the motorcycle home, though.

"Oh, sorry, obviously I should have known that would mean drinking. How silly of me". I wasn't annoyed, just confused. "What did he say?"

Brad sat heavily in a kitchen chair and I got him a glass of ice water.

"A bunch of details about that fucking bastard, what he's been up to, and the plan to put him in prison".

I flipped the chicken breasts in the pan and waited.

I looked over at him when he didn't answer.  "And?!?"

He looked up at me with tortured eyes.

"Sorry, baby. I can't tell you any of it. I won't tell you any of it.  No one will, so don't ask".

I bristled. "You mean you and my brother have decided what's best for me again?"

"I'm sorry, babe. It's a non-negotiable. You won't be okay with what you hear".

I froze. "Well that's great", I said coldly. "I can about guess what that means anyway. You do know I actually lived through it, and didn't just hear someone telling me a fucking story about it!?" I slammed the spatula down on the sink so hard it broke.

Brad just stared at me. He looked sad.

"I can handle a lot more than you all give me credit for because I've already been through it! I don't understand why no one gets that!"

"We do get it, baby, and it kills us. Every one of us. That's why we do everything possible to ensure we don't cause you any more pain".

He stood up and reached for me. I didn't go to him, but I didn't resist as he wrapped his arms around me.

"How would you feel if you were me?", he asked quietly. "Would you willingly tell me something that would upset me?"

I sighed. "Probably not".

He kissed the top of my head then patted my butt. "You're burning my food, woman".

"Oh, shoot!", I exclaimed, turning off the burners and grabbing a new spatula as he snickered behind me.

"I gotta go", I said. "It's all done".

"Love you, baby", he said, hugging me and kissing me on the mouth. I couldn't wait to go punch something.


Brad effectively pulled off being slightly tipsy so Paige wouldn't question any odd behavior she might be suspicious of otherwise.  As soon as the garage door shut, he was running upstairs for a gun and tucked it in his back waistband. As she was backing down the driveway, he was pulling on his jacket, setting the alarm and scooting out to the garage. He peeked out the garage door to see her tail lights disappear before opening the door. Then he took off on his motorcycle. He quickly caught up enough to see her, but remained far enough back that she wouldn't identify him. He followed her to the studio and parked on a side road across from the parking lot to wait. He hadn't noticed anyone following her but there was a lot of traffic at this time of night.

Brad waited outside for the full hour of her class. He even took a couple laps around the building. He didn't notice anyone hanging around outside the building or loitering on the surrounding streets.

When people started trickling out, he waited until he saw her, noted that she wasn't walking out with anyone or talking to anybody, and then he took off quickly for home.

He got home, shut the garage door, and flopped on the couch. He focused on slowing his breathing and waited for her. He felt a wave of relief as he heard the garage door opening.  She came inside and set the alarm.

"Thanks for remembering", he pointed out.

"Why didn't you eat?", she asked, then saw him laying on the couch.

He heard her sigh and walk over to him. "If you were affected by the alcohol at all, you should have had me pick you up".

"I know, baby. Sorry".

She nodded and extended a hand to him. She looked sweaty. "Come on, I'll heat it up for you".

"Only if you eat with me", he said, taking her hand.


"You still mad at me?", he asked as he stood.

"Not really. I figure it had to be pretty bad for you to react like that, so I guess I'm going to wait and see what happens, and get the full story once he's behind bars".

"You trust us, right, babe? Me, Andy, Rev?"

She looked up at him with her large beautiful eyes and said without hesitation, "With my life".

He felt sick. He wished she hadn't used that phrase.

"Then trust that we know what we're doing and that it is, actually, what's best for you. Please".

She nodded hesitantly. "I was wondering earlier today about you think I could ask Rev to work with me on some stuff?  I mean, he's used taekwondo in real life, not just in a gym".

She looked uncertain, like she expected him to say no. Unknowingly, she had provided him with a perfect opportunity to present the idea he hadn't been sure how to bring up.

"I think that's an excellent idea, baby. Maybe he would be willing to show us both some stuff". 

She smiled, looking relieved. "I'll ask him".

"Oh, he's going to be gone for awhile. I'm not sure how long. He'll get ahold of us when he's back in town".

"Okay", she said, moving back to the stove. "I also got a call from that band today".

She relayed the details. The fact that she would be playing in bars was the part he couldn't get past, especially with the Jay situation coming to a head.

"Babe, if I can sit in the front row the entire time and drop every slimeball who makes a pass at you, then you can consider it".

She wrinkled her petite nose.

"I figured you wouldn't like the bar part".

"Sorry, babe. Your safety is more important than any amount of money".

"Fine. I'll tell him no, then. I was also not liking having more nights away from you".

"All right, baby", Brad said, relieved that she came to the decision he wanted.


Brad's birthday was Friday, and this was the first I would celebrate with him. He had his birthday right before we met last year. When I asked what he wanted to do a couple months ago, he had no idea, but as the date kept creeping closer, and I kept asking, he finally decided on a baseball game. I booked tickets for us, Steve, and Bre, and the guys were leaving work at noon so we could drive the four hours back to their hometown, have time to eat, and look around before the game.  We also had gotten hotel rooms because the game wouldn't end until late, and the guys wanted to drink beer.

Bre and Steve were at our house by twelve thirty and we took the Durango. I started driving, then Brad drove about halfway on. He took us past the apartment complex they grew up in. Both men seemed nostalgic and contemplative after that until we were done with supper.

"They're not gonna have anything but beer in the stadium, babe", Brad said at the restaurant, "so if you want a drink, it's now or never".

I ordered four shots of fire whiskey on ice. It was lovely.

I didn't mind baseball, and knew how the rules worked, but I had never followed any sport. I had a surprisingly good time, though I was a bit alarmed at how animated Steve and Brad were during the game.  Both men drank an excessive amount of beer, and even Bre had a couple, so I drove us back to the hotel. Our home team had won and the guys were hanging out the back windows whooping at other men doing the same thing as we left the parking lot.

Men were so strange.

As soon as we were in our room, Brad was all over me. I loathed the smell of beer, maybe because that's mainly what my alcoholic mother had drank.  All I could smell or taste was beer, and it was making me nauseous, however, it was the man's birthday, so I held my breath and made him extremely happy.

In the morning, when we were showering together, he said, "That was probably the best birthday I ever had, babe".

"Are you serious?", I asked.

"Yep. That's the first birthday that had you in it".

I felt tears spring into my eyes and one escaped. I wrapped my arms around my wet, naked man, and hugged him fiercely. God, how I loved him!  He was so perfect for me, and for whatever reason, he thought I was perfect for him, too.

Brad and Steve were both hungover. Steve was completely worthless and passed out the whole way back, while Brad just complained of the sunshine, but also slept most of the way after navigating us out of the city.

I drove through the heavier traffic areas then stopped about halfway for gas and bathrooms, while Bre took over and got us the rest of the way home.

Brad hugged both Bre and Steve in the driveway and thanked them for celebrating his birthday. He was so sweet.

"Good luck with Steve", I snickered to Bre. "He's probably going to be worthless tomorrow, too".

Bre rolled her eyes. Steve hardly ever drank, and pretty much never got drunk. He was hurting.

I took Brad by the hand and pulled him inside.

"I was wondering if we could celebrate your birthday some more?", I asked, grabbing his face and pulling it down to mine.


* Celebrate Brad's birthday by giving him a vote and continuing to read! *

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