
By CourtesyTrefflin

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Count Dooku takes three-year-old Ahsoka as his apprentice, raising her in the ways of the Sith. It changes ev... More

Chapter 1 - Master and Apprentice
Chapter 2 - Meet Me On the Battlefield
Chapter 3 - Mortis
Chapter 4 - Deception
Chapter 5 - Shattered
Chapter 6 - Revenge of the Sith
Chapter 7 - Duel To The Death
Chapter 8 - To Rebuild the Sith

Chapter 9 - Family

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By CourtesyTrefflin

Author's Note: Welcome to the grand finale of this fic! I hope you all enjoy the ending! Thank you all so, so much for voting, commenting, and/or reading this story! I hope you aren't disappointed by the ending! 

If you want a few afterwards, well, I'll tell you what we headcanon. Obi-Wan eventually marries Sabe. Ahsoka marries Rex. Vader eventually finds and marries an OC. And they all live happily ever after. ^-^

To hiep16: Well, this is the end! I hope you enjoyed it! :D

~ Amina Gila

"Let's hope this report is actually accurate this time," Ahsoka mutters as she and Vader make their way through the outskirts of the same city where they found Windu. By the time they were recovered enough to move from their injuries, there was another report that this time seemed to more accurately match someone who could be Ventress.

"It is," Vader replies, a warning note slipping into his tone as he seems to spot... something. Ahsoka turns, gaze falling on a masked figure standing on top of a nearby building.

Ventress, for certain. So, she finally decided to come out of hiding? She jumps off the roof, landing in front of them. "I see you've found yourself a pet, Skywalker."

Ahsoka snarls, lunging forwards – or trying to – because Vader promptly catches her arm. "We're just here to talk, Ventress," he tells her.

The Nightsister reaches up, opening the visor to her helmet. "Talk?" she echoes dubiously, "About what?"

"You're the only fully trained Sith left," Vader replies bluntly, "You're the only one who could help reestablish a Sith Order."

She blinks, staring at them seeming at a loss for words for a moment, and then she laughs. "You're asking me to teach you how to be a proper Sith?"

Ahsoka really wants to strangle her right now. Because no, she absolutely does not want anything from her. She'd rather run Ventress through with a lightsaber more than anything, but she wisely keeps her mouth shut.

"In fact, I am," Vader confirms, eyes narrowed.

"What makes you think I'm even interested in starting a new Sith Order?" Ventress scoffs.

"You're a Sith. It's what we do. I didn't ask you to lead it, either. We need..."

"This one needs a crucial lesson on control," Ahsoka interjects loudly. "I don't know of anyone else who could teach him."

"Controlling the Dark Side," he scowls. "You're a Fallen Jedi, too. I know of no other who could show me."

She seems to be considering it for a few moments before replying. "I'll think about it."

A small part of Ahsoka almost hopes that she's going to refuse. But they do need help with this new Sith Order, and if she learned to get along with Vader... maybe she can at least tolerate Ventress. Only time with tell.


Rex was anticipating the chances of a lot of strange things when General Skywalker and Ahsoka finally returned to Coruscant from their long trip around the galaxy, but this was definitely not one of them. The last thing he was ever expecting was for them to walk in with Ventress in tow, and Ahsoka to cheerfully explain that the former assassin will be sticking around to teach them more about the Force.

Ventress... who fought against the Republic for so long and was considered a war criminal. Well, he supposes it's not a lot stranger than the General allying with Ahsoka, but still. The place seems to be steadily filling up with all the people that he's not entirely comfortable being around, and he can't help but wonder who's going to be next.

"Had fun while we were gone?" Ahsoka chirps, walking over to him as Anakin disappears into the next room to see his children and deal with Obi-Wan who's looking decidedly unhappy about the turn of events.

"Things were... uneventful," he replies, because what else would she want to know by that question anyway? They don't 'have fun'. It's not what they do.

He has to say, with as strange as it's definitely going to be with them having Ventress here, when Ahsoka first showed up it was much stranger. He only ran into Ventress once or so during the war, but he and Ahsoka had fought on multiple occasions.

Still, things have changed between them a lot ever since she came here. He doesn't know that he'd actually call them friends, but at the same time, they aren't exactly not. He's never really gotten to know many natural-born people before, not on a personal level like this. It's hard to actually put a label on how he does feel towards her. It's not – it's not exactly like anything he's ever felt towards anyone before.

"Good to hear," Ahsoka responds, "Because our trip was eventful enough for everyone combined."

"How... is the General?" Rex asks hesitantly after a moment, gaze darting to the doorway the General disappeared through. He's been pushing himself way too much but as worried as Rex is about it, he doesn't know what to do. He doubts whatever conversation happening between him and General Kenobi right now is very pleasant, and that certainly isn't helping General Skywalker's mental state.

"He's fine," she answers flippantly, which doesn't really answer the question at all, but Rex doesn't comment. He has his doubts, too. "I mean... other than deciding it was a good idea to ally with a former Separatist terrorist."

"I'm sure the General knows what he's doing," Rex replies instead.

"Well, if he doesn't, I doubt I'll be around long enough to say, 'I told you so'," Ahsoka chips, heading off as the General reappears in the doorway of the room again.

Rex is pulled out of his thoughts a short while later when General Kenobi, Ventress, Ahsoka, and General Skywalker all make their way out into the same room. Ventress and General Kenobi are engaged in a... very strange conversation off to the side.

"And here I didn't think these times could become any more unpleasant," General Kenobi is saying.

"The pleasure is all mine, my dear Obi-Wan. I've missed you," she drawls.

"To what do I owe the honor of this visit, my dear?" he replies.

"Don't flatter yourself," Ventress quips, "This isn't all about you."

Ahsoka nudges General Skywalker, including her head towards the two of them. "They sound like us."

The completely aghast look on his face is nearly enough to make Rex laugh. "That's called flirting!" A behavior that Rex still really doesn't understand.

Ahsoka snickers. "Still."

Ventress finally turns away from General Kenobi, approaching the other two. "So, are you ready to get started, and have you figured out somewhere we can do it without having a Jedi observing us this whole time?"

"We could always go to the Jedi Temple since that's where we always go for these Force things, even if that makes no sense," Ahsoka suggests.

"We can," General Skywalker agrees.

Ventress hums thoughtfully. "Rebuilding the Sith Order on the remains of the old Jedi and Sith orders? That sounds appropriate. Let's get going."


"Alright, alright, wake up," Ahsoka grouches, her voice filtering in through the fog. "It's your turn to watch the twins, and if you're going to sleep instead, at least don't do it on your desk."

Vader pushes himself up with a groan. The remnants of his injuries ache at the movement, and he's still very sore. It's a good thing Ventress agreed to come, because he wouldn't have been able to fight well in this condition. "Wasn't intentional."

"What would the galaxy think, if they knew their Emperor fell asleep on his desk on a regular basis? Goodness, what do you think beds are for?"

"Rarely use 'em," he grumbles.

Ahsoka huffs. "I'd like to say I'm surprised, but sadly, I don't find it that strange. I really don't think I need to drag Kenobi in here. Shoo. I'll finish your work like I've been doing this whole time."

Anakin's too exhausted to argue with her right now. He stands, slightly unsteadily, and makes his way off to find the twins. Ventress is nearby, because he can sense her presence, and isn't it sad that it doesn't even bother him? He doesn't trust any of these people, and yet...

Honestly, he's surprised no one's commented – other than Ahsoka – about how rarely he sleeps. He's seen the worried looks Rex and even Obi-Wan throw his way. In truth, he hasn't slept for more than a few hours at a time in the past two months. First with the war, then everything falling apart, then with the Empire... there hasn't been time. Every time he closes his eyes, all he remembers is – is everyone who died. He's been drawing his strength purely off the Force, off the Dark Side for quite some time now.

He ignores Ahsoka, anyway, and decides to take up the couch. He feels totally, completely worn, like he could sleep for a week and a half, but images of the duel he and Ahsoka fought dance through his mind. He – Windu's dead now, for certain, because of him. In part, he doesn't mind, but there is a part of him that... does. That's why he doesn't stop and think, because it hurts too much, and it's all too confusing.

The Force feels empty in a way he's never felt it before. Of course, it does. The brightest light in the galaxy is gone. Not for the first time, Vader finds himself wishing that taking down Sidious had been the end. It was supposed to be. If not for Ahsoka, it would have been.

He rolls onto his side, finding himself slipping into a sort of half-asleep, half-wake state. The twins are sleeping right now; he can feel it. In this state, he can feel the Force so strongly. Every thought, every intent, every emotion runs through it, through him.

And it infuriates him that – that somehow people can be happy right now.

Padme's gone. It should've been her here, doing all this, instead of him. She should've been the one to live, but she's gone. Sidious killed her because Vader wasn't strong enough to stop him. Sometimes, he doesn't think he'll be strong enough to do anything.

It feels like the world should stop moving, stop turning or something because Padme's gone, and it's like no one cares. It doesn't matter, and it won't change anything.

He only doesn't cry because he can't. It hurts too much.

He nearly jolts awake when a hand gently brushes his forehead. Obi-Wan. It's hard to remember, sometimes, that he cares, for how frequently they argue.

He doesn't react, not wanting to let it show that he's awake, but a feeling of warmth swells in his chest. The moment is fleeting, and he half-opens his eyes. The look on Obi-Wan's face is slightly sorrowful, slightly... something. He doesn't really know.

"'m sorry," Anakin mumbles, reaching up with one hand to take his former master's.

"That doesn't change it."

Somehow, even now, it doesn't seem like he's been able to let go of the constant urge to prove himself, the ceaseless desire for acceptance. "Master..."

"Rest," Obi-Wan orders, pushing him back down when he makes a move to get up. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's okay," he objects, but drops back onto the cushions anyway.

"When you're rested –"

"Not gonna happen."

"– we need to talk about this, the Empire."

Anakin frowns but doesn't ask any questions. What could Obi-Wan possibly have to say about it, other than a long list of ceaseless criticism? "I try," he snaps

"I didn't mean it like that. It's not – just rest. It won't do good if you're half asleep.

"Tell me, then," he snaps, pushing himself upright. "Get it over with." He hates how there's still a part of him that's afraid Obi-Wan will hurt him. It's against everything they've ever been through, but... he did once before. It's not something Anakin can forget.

Obi-Wan sighs. "When I saw you – when I realized what you were going to do back at the Temple –"

"I don't know how that has any bearing on the Empire," Anakin snaps. He does not want to talk about what happened there. Not now, not ever.

"Just hear me out," he requests.

Maybe he should argue, but he can't. "Fine," he says, cautiously. "What of it?"

"I knew nothing was like I believed." He looks thoughtful, and decidedly uncomfortable. "You're not... stable. You're young, and I know this was hard on you."

"You're trying to say I should hand the Empire over to someone else," he deduces. He hates how he can't argue the point. Maybe he's too tired to. Obi-Wan was right about not having this conversation when he's exhausted.

"I would suggest transforming it back into a Republic."

Anakin leans against the back of the couch, closing his eyes again. "Eventually, yes, but not yet. I – there's so much corruption. I have to take it apart and..." He waves a hand. "Remake it." He's scared, and he lets it fuel the Dark Side. Obi-Wan knows who and what he is already; letting him see wouldn't matter. He's only waiting for the inevitable rejection.

"I see your point, but there's other ways to go about this, even while it is a Republic. An Empire isn't... right. It isn't the way to go about things. The power is too easy to be misused, and I know you wouldn't do that, but it's a possibility for others."

"Why?" he bites out. "Why is it always different for you? Why can you do anything you want to reach a goal, and it doesn't matter? Is it because I'm your precious Chosen One?" He spits out the name with every bit of the anger and disgust he's always felt towards it. "Why – why'd it matter, what happened back there? I'm a Sith. That's what I'm supposed to do."

Obi-Wan looks stricken, and he reaches over to touch Anakin's arm. "No. That's not what I want. Why would you even think that?"

He looks away, stubbornly, suddenly fighting the urge to cry. He's not a child anymore. "You never hesitated to throw it in my face, even when you knew what I was." Ahsoka makes it so easy, compared to this. He doesn't know if he should love or hate her, and it's a weird mixture of both, but how uncommon is that among Sith? With Obi-Wan, it's always so complicated. "How can I know, now, that you aren't just waiting for the opportunity to – to leave me?" He must be talking so easily because he's so worn out, because normally, Anakin would never have dared voice such a thing.

"Anakin, look at me," Obi-Wan requests, even if it manages to sound more like an order.

For a moment, Anakin swears he can feel Leia poking at him, and Luke's worry – they're both awake. He shakes it off, drawing the Dark Side to him again, letting it feed hungrily off his fear. It only demands, he's come to realize, and he offers it himself. Reluctantly, he does, meeting his former master's gaze, expression carefully blank.

"I told you before, I don't want to hurt you."

His cool composure melts away almost instantly, and his grip on the Dark Side fades away, somewhat. He hates it. "You did," Anakin whispers, crossing his arms. His injury aches at the pressure nearby. It might've closed over, mostly, but it's still there. Technically, he shouldn't be moving yet, but Kix hadn't been there to yell at him – he doesn't know, actually. "I could see it in you. You pulled your lightsaber on me, and..."

"I wasn't... thinking," Obi-Wan admits. His hand on Anakin's arm is warm, somewhat comforting, though he doesn't find it in himself to trust it.

"I thought you wanted me dead."

"And that was it? You've always fought. Why stop now?"

It's a hard question to answer, especially because he's afraid he'd get laughed off for being dramatic. "Why not?" Anakin asks, tears blurring his eyes. "You were all I had left, and..." This is the longest conversation he's had with Obi-Wan since everything, and by far the most civil.

Obi-Wan moves to rest his hand on Anakin's shoulder, grounding even though the part of Anakin that fears him. Somehow, it's still able to provide a small measure of comfort, despite everything. For a moment, he dares to hope that maybe things will change between them, eventually.

"It's hard, at times, to remember you did this for Padme and not yourself."

"You thought I'd slaughter so many for fun?" he snarls, jerking away and bolting to his feet. Raw pain flares through his side, jerked by the suddenness of the movement, and he yelps.

Obi-Wan stands, reaching to steady him.

"Don't touch me," Anakin snaps. "You – you see me as no more than an animal, don't you? My whole life, I did everything for you and your Order, and you only took from me. You demanded more and more, and – and I didn't want this! I didn't want you to betray the Republic. You told me to commit treason. What was I supposed to think? I get it. I get it! You think I'm a monster because I'm a Sith, and I suppose you wouldn't be wrong."

"We were trying to help the Republic," Obi-Wan replies with a voice of steel. "Windu saw what Sidious was planning. He tried to stop him."

"By breaking the Code himself." Anakin turns away from him sharply, lest he lash out. He already feels like he might. "And then you preach to me about it. At least I don't lie about what I am." Obi-Wan looks like he's about to start talking, so Anakin cuts him off again. "Don't start telling me how I should've let my children die again." If you cared, he thinks bitterly, if you ever cared for me, for even one moment, you would know why I did it.

"You were closer with Palpatine than any of us," he retorts. The you should have known something was wrong, is unstated but obvious enough.

"Wow," Ahsoka drawls from the doorway. "I see someone doesn't know what grooming means."

"Quiet," Anakin snaps. He's not in the mood for dealing with her, not right now. Especially not about that. Even now, he hasn't taken the time to process the implications. He doesn't want to think about Palpatine. Doesn't want to remember how lost and wildly alone he feels without him. He's exhausted as is, and this conversation is wearing him out even more. "I told you as soon as I did. Look where that ended up."

There's a moment of tense silence before Obi-Wan speaks again, this time far more calmly. "You're not a monster, Anakin."

"You say that, because you want to believe it."

"Perhaps." Obi-Wan studies him in silence for a moment. "You're injured."

"It's nothing," he snaps.

"I take that to mean you... screamed for no reason."

"I didn't – fine, have it your way. I ran onto one of your Jedi friends again. He decided to leave a parting gift."

"You said you were fine!" Ahsoka huffs.

"I can function," Anakin shoots back.

She blinks. "You can function. With a hole through you? I thought it was closed up."

"May I see?" Obi-Wan asks slowly.

"Why? Why would it matter?" He doesn't know what the Jedi Master is playing at, but he refuses to be any more vulnerable than he already is. It's – Anakin may love him, but he's a Jedi, and he'll do his duty before anything else.

"Sit." He sounds commanding, and Anakin doesn't move, just to be stubborn.

"If you're concerned about it," Ahsoka says, from the doorway. "I can look at it. Better yet, Rex? Does the 501st have a medic?"

"You do not need to call Kix in here!" He shoots her a glare, but she's already out of the room.

"Anakin... I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I know you're struggling."

"Don't," Anakin sighs. "Don't do this." He doesn't know what 'this' is. He doesn't know anything anymore. "Master, if – you know what happened. You're right; I should've known."

Obi-Wan steps closer, slowly. Anakin fights the urge to tense. "I know you don't trust me, but I –" Something in his expression shifts, and Anakin can't read it. He doesn't know if he likes it. It's too... unusual. He doesn't know how to handle it. "Despite everything, I raised you," he says slowly. "I still... care for you, Anakin."

"You say it like it's some horrible thing." His heart his pounding, and even if a small part of him wants to believe it, he can't and won't let his guard down. Not again. Never again.

"You don't make it easy," Obi-Wan continues, "Especially now."

"I don't, or you don't?"

"Both, perhaps," Obi-Wan concedes. "It matters little. Either way, since I came, we've been doing little but fighting each other."

"You're only noticing this now?"

"What I mean is, it's counterproductive. I have nothing left to teach you, nothing you can learn. We've chosen paths the other can't follow. I don't want to ruin my memories of you like this, and I doubt you do, either."

It's amazing how it only takes a moment, a moment for his mind to spiral from rage to raw panic. "Master, you can't – you can't leave."

"Not permanently," he replies soothingly. "Only for a time. Unlike you, I only remember being a Jedi. We both need time to... process."

"Which you don't think we can do with each other," Anakin realizes numbly. He takes a shaky step back. He wants to argue it, but he can't. Nothing is changing, and he doubts it ever will. In some ways, being around Obi-Wan more hurts worse, because it reminds him of what used to be.

"I'm sorry," Obi-Wan says quietly, "But I know no other way."

He closes his eyes, breathing ragged. He's lost so much over such a short time, he can't – he can't handle this. But Obi-Wan is asking, and – and he doesn't know what to do. "When?" he asks instead. Somehow, Anakin wonders if this isn't some sort of... motivation for him to drop the Jedi's traitor status to something... lesser. He has to, now, if Obi-Wan is leaving. He won't put his former master in danger like this, but he doesn't know what else to do. Come public with the information that Palpatine started the war? It would hardly change anything. The Jedi still committed treason, and they had no evidence of it. It was only ever an assumption.

"Sooner rather than later," Obi-Wan responds, and the 'now' remains unspoken. "This isn't working."

Anakin wants to... he doesn't even know. He wants to beg Obi-Wan not to go, but he can't do that. He doesn't know how he can let him go either, even if he understands very well why he's going. He doesn't know what to do or say.

Their conversation is interrupted when, Ahsoka and Kix appear in the doorway. "You need to be in the medbay, General," Kix orders firmly, giving him that look he can never ignore. Not that he even has the energy to refuse this time as the clone leads him out.


Ahsoka is waiting when Vader wakes up in the medcenter. He's mostly recovered, Kix said. After a bunch of semi-coherent ramblings, he asks about his children, which she finds mildly touching. Did Dooku ever worry over her like this? she wonders.

"Obi-Wan?" he asks quietly.


He drops back onto the bed, the Force around him rippling. The temperature drops a bit, and she picks up on a violent whirlwind he's holding in, consisting mainly of pain and loss and loneliness.

"Sith are always lonely," she says.

"How do you stand it?" he asks. His eyes are blue, right now. It's strange to see, and the first time she has since the start.

"I've never known anything else. My master was... caring, but not like you know."

"The cost of being a Sith," he states, more than asks, with a sigh.

"Yes, I suppose it is," she agrees, moving to sit down on the edge of his bed. "By the Sith philosophy, you shouldn't need anyone else." Not that that's something she's ever followed very well, she supposes. She only realizes now how much she depended on Dooku since he's gone.

Vader pushes himself into a sitting position – likely ignoring that he probably shouldn't be. She's not exactly sure. He should be more or less better, but it's the mental scars that concern her.

She hates seeing him like this – so quiet and lost and withdrawn, even if it probably shouldn't bother her so much seeing as in the end, it's a part of being a Sith. Still, she scoots closer to him almost impulsively slipping her arms around him – careful not to jar his injury.

Vader stiffens for a moment, totally caught off guard. After a moment he reaches out, wrapping an arm around her in turn. With the way the Force always ripples around him, seeming to respond to any of his emotions, she's certain she feels a flare of adoration from him for a brief instant.

This is so un-Sithly it's not even funny anymore, but she can't even care. "But hey, maybe neither of us need to be entirely alone anymore," she offers finally, relaxing at the feel of her not-master-so-does-that-make-him-her-Sith-brother-or-what's arm around her.

"Maybe not," he agrees, and even if she knows this can't make him feel entirely better over Obi-Wan being gone and his wife being dead, she thinks maybe it's something they'll be able to work through. Together.


It's been two years. Two years since the Empire – which is now flourishing – formed. Two years since the twins were born, and since their mother died. Two years since Obi-Wan left. Sabe kept contact with him, and however infrequent it was, Vader sometimes gets the feeling there's a bit more to them.

It's been... good, he supposes, all things considered. Extremely stressful, certainly. Still, he's alive. That is... enough.

Ahsoka – he's finally given up calling her by her official Sith name, even if he refuses to allow her to call him Anakin. That man is, for all intents and purposes, dead – has somehow managed to self-appoint herself as the twin's aunt.

She's almost fully grown now, and she's closer with the clones than he could have imagined. It's nice to see them, some of them, starting to settle down and learn to live.

Unlike him.

He can't move on. He never has. He – he lost too much in such a short time. He's not Anakin anymore. He can't be, not when Padme's dead. To put it simply, Anakin Skywalker can't live without Obi-Wan. It plainly isn't possible.

Ahsoka is, in a lot of ways, like the sister he always wanted. Asajj is as hostile as ever with Ahsoka, but she's growing close with Vader in her own right.

And Sabe... she is, really, the only person around he knows who lost Padme like he did, who can understand what was lost that day.

He'd thrown himself into his work enough that it didn't fully sink in that Padme was gone, not until the twins started talking. Not until it finally dawned on him that they'll never, ever get to call anyone 'mother'. They'll never know her, the person she was.

And yet, Ahsoka had stuck with him through that, when he broke down completely, to help him regather himself and keep moving. As had Rex. Vader will never understand how the clone can be so willingly loyal to him. Ahsoka told him about the inhibitor chips, which he knew nothing of, and even afterwards, Rex stayed with him. He did it because he wanted to, not because he had to, and... that means more than he could ever say. Even now, he can't quite put a name on what their relationship is. It's something slightly brotherly, and yet... Vader is the superior, and that would make it awkward.

"Sometimes, I think we're doing the exact same thing the Jedi were doing," Ventress remarks, leaning back in her seat next to Vader.

He glances up from the datapad that he's trying to work on. "Meaning?"

"Running around the galaxy trying to be heroes."

"We aren't trying to be heroes. We're keeping order."

"Yeah, the way the Jedi claimed to do but definitely were not," Ahsoka chirps, appearing in the doorway, "So we're actually quite different from them."

"I thought you were working on seeing if any of those other fallen Jedi wanted to join the Order?" Ventress quips.

"Still trying to get rid of me?" the Togruta shoots back.

"No, she is merely reminding you of your duties," Vader replies, dryly,

"Already done." Ahsoka rolls her eyes as she crosses the room, moving to take a seat next to them, "So I came to see if you needed any help here instead."

Vader's about to respond when the door to the office suddenly opens again, and this time Sabe appears in the doorway. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything," she greets cheerfully, though there's an underlying note of seriousness in her gaze that puts him on edge.

"Not in particular," Ventress drawls.

"What is it?" he queries.

"I got a call from Obi-Wan," she answers.

He instantly goes tense. Occasionally Sabe will give him an update on how his former master is doing, just to assure him that he's still alright, but it's never easy to hear or think about him. Not when he's gone like this, never knowing when or if he'll see him again. Yes, Obi-Wan might have said he'd come back some day, but it feels like... eternity already, especially with no real end in sight. Even if it's something that he's learned to live with. "And?" he prompts.

"He wanted you to know that he's... worked a lot of things out," Sabe replies, "And he's planning on coming back."

What? What?!

For a moment, a part of him wants to believe that he heard wrong – because he can't let a hope like this be totally destroyed. Even Ventress and Ahsoka seem shocked into silence.

"This better not be a prank," Ahsoka deadpans.

Sabe gives her a flat look. "I wouldn't joke that. He said he'll be back next week or so unless you'd rather it be longer...?"

"No," Vader finally recovers his voice, "If he wants to come back... he can. Any time." It's been so long. He doesn't know what to expect anymore. Will Obi-Wan still be very much the way he was when he left? Still upset with him over the Sith and the Empire? Or will he be... different? More... accepting if that's even the right word? He can't even imagine what that would be like.

Regardless of how his former master is going to feel about everything now, he can't stop the surge of excitement that runs through him, even if he's just as scared. After so long, he'll finally get to see Obi-Wan again. And its long past time that Luke and Leia get to meet their... grandfather-maybe-uncle, because calling Obi-Wan a grandfather sounds way too old.


The familiar presence crashes down on him, for the first time in the longest it's ever been. He's missed it, so much. It's like... a piece of him finally coming back, even if his fears are growing by the moment.

"You okay?" Ahsoka asks, poking his arm.

"Perfectly," Vader snaps.

"You're shaking," she replies, raising an eyemarking. "Do you expect me to believe that?"

"Don't be ridiculous." He is, but it's not like he's admitting it. It's been two years. Obi-Wan is, technically, another person lost in his past. He doesn't want to confront it again so soon, but... he does want to see him, and it's all so confusing. Most of all, he's scared. Obi-Wan will have changed, no doubt, without Anakin. He won't be like Vader remembers, and he doesn't know what to expect.

"It's called using my eyes."

Sensing Obi-Wan's approach, for the first time in two years, to the same place Vader saw him last is what saves him from thinking of an equally sassy response. "Obi-Wan?" He looks... older, a little, and more worn, but more... at peace?

"Anakin." He smiles, slightly sadly, but it's there, and that's enough. In that moment, it feels like maybe nothing has changed.

Reason abandons him, and Anakin strides across the room, pulling him into a hug. "It's been – how are you?"

"I'm alright," Obi-Wan promises, wrapping his arms around him.

It's been so long, it feels like they don't even know how to talk to each other anymore, though Anakin suspects they hardly knew from the start. Likely, that's why it's so hard, because there's so much to say, and he doesn't know where to start. It's been... a lifetime. Neither are the same person they once were.

"I missed you," Anakin admits. I thought you'd never come back, that I'd be too much of a disappointment for you to come back to.

"It's been a long time," Obi-Wan acknowledges, pulling back. Anakin reluctantly steps away too. He doesn't want to. He wants to hold on forever, to know they won't have to spend so long apart ever again, even if Obi-Wan's presence will throw off everything in his life again. It's annoying, how it feels like he's suddenly at a loss for words. He still doesn't know what to expect, or exactly what Obi-Wan came back for, what he wants with Anakin.

"Master..." he starts, not entirely sure what he's trying to say. "I'm – I'm sorry for – for everything." He knows how entirely insufficient that is, after what happened, but it's all he has to offer. Not even Anakin can bring the dead back.

"I know you are," Obi-Wan reassures.

"I don't – I don't deserve your forgiveness."

"Regardless, I still... care for you."

His breathing hitches, and he dives forwards, wrapping his arms around Obi-Wan again. "Are you sure you're alright?" Anakin mumbles into his shoulder. "You're not this... emotional."

"I see a journey to the Dark Side hasn't made you any less dramatic."

"It's his nature," Ahsoka cuts in cheerfully. How does she always know the worst points to join conversations?

"Excuse my still very snippy apprentice –"

"I'm not your apprentice. I'm your sister."

"Keep telling yourself that."

"I must say, I am mildly surprised you haven't killed each other yet," his former master remarks.

"I hate to say so, but so am I," Anakin grumbles. Ahsoka moves a little closer, but it doesn't make him feel awkward like it once would have. She's a part of his family now. At the end of the day, she stood by him even when Obi-Wan didn't, when no one else did. Her presence is a form of moral support, in a way, because he knows she'll stay with him even if Obi-Wan doesn't, which... Anakin is quite certain he will.

"Are your children alright?" he asks somberly.

"Mmhmm. They'll recognize you, no doubt. Do you want to see them?" He doesn't know why he suddenly feels shy. It's not as though Obi-Wan hasn't seen them before, and it's not as though there's anything strange about it, but... he fears rejection, that an unknown something might be enough to push Obi-Wan over the edge and make him leave. He's spent all this time knowing already that he's a failure, that he'll never be able to live up to being the person Obi-Wan wants him to be, so why is it... hard?

"I'm already dealing with one Skywalker too many today. Come." He pulls Anakin over to the couch, where they settle down next to each other. It was a joke, but it still stings, in a way, because he honestly thought for a long time that Obi-Wan didn't want to come back, to be with him. "It's been a long time. What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Anakin blurts out automatically. "It's nothing."

"Talk to me," he requests, fixing Anakin with the look that demands answer. It's not something he can ignore, even if his time as a Sith tells him he shouldn't give in so easily.

"I didn't think you'd want to come back," he admits.

Obi-Wan's expression remains mostly blank, though Anakin senses a flicker of... something he can't quite name. "If there's one thing you must know, it's that I'll always come back for you."

Anakin closes his eyes, a wave of adoration and gratitude and a million other things he can't and won't take the time to sort out right now washing over. "Thanks," he whispers. "I love you, Master. I always will."

Obi-Wan doesn't speak, but he lays a gentle hand on Anakin's arm, the touch warm and grounding. It feels like... it feels like home.

The twin's squeals suddenly split the air, and moments later, Luke and Leia race into the room. "Uncle Obi!" they squeal in unison, running over to them. Ahsoka walks in behind them – when did she leave the room? They've heard enough about Obi-Wan that even if they don't consciously remember him, they still know him, in a way. And they have a bond with him, so they remember his impression in the Force. It's not as though Anakin didn't talk about him all the time.

Anakin leans down to pick up the twins and they settle in his lap, chatting a mile a minute about... literally nothing, and Ahsoka seats herself on Anakin's other side. "I hope you're gonna offer to take babysitting duty," she chirps, "They're miniature terrors."

"Oh, I've been looking forward to it," Obi-Wan quips.

"Good to hear," she shoots back.

It's... almost surreal to have them all here. Things might never be what he once wanted, especially not with Padme gone, but Obi-Wan – his father – is back and he doesn't think he'll leave again, and he has his children. Rex is here too, and Ahsoka who's become so much like a sister. He wouldn't actually say Ventress is like a sister, but they've become relatively close over the years as well. At the end of the day, even if he lost everything, he still has a family.

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