You make my world wild- A Nik...

By Girlwithoutname9719

20.3K 574 1.3K

At the age of 20, Evangeline Martin aka "Evie" still lives with her mother who is a strong religious person a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 28

233 6 26
By Girlwithoutname9719


Listen to the song when it will point! I warn you that this chapter is very sad. And I think you're going to have a panic attack again. Sorry for that. I hope you don't kill me after reading it.

Nikki hears Evie giggle. He looks around to see her. He sees her coming out of a building with some unknown girls. They seem to have a negative presence near Evie. Evie looks too happy. Something is wrong with her. With her voice. With the expression on her face.

Evie doesn't seem to see him and continues on her way until she reaches her car, from there she says goodbye to those girls, they leave in their cars. Nikki goes to Evie, but she already gets in the car and leaves.

He stops walking but then has a huge shock. Everything happens much too fast. Evie's car hits a tree and overturns several times.

"EVIE!" Nikki screams in shock and runs to the place where the car overturned.

He sees a liquid leaking from the car on the road. His eyes widen and he can no longer breathe. It's gasoline. He hears Evie grunts in pain in the car. Terrified to death, he runs to the car, but it's too late. The car catches fire, huge flames grow, Evie can no longer be saved.

"No, no, that can't be true..." Nikki murmurs trembling. "Evie!" He yells, kneeling and looking at the burning car.

He feels so helpless watching his beloved woman burn in that damn car. How could this happen?

"Ah!" Nikki shouts and opens his eyes.

He looks around agitatedly, sweaty and with a dry mouth. His heartbeat subsides when he feels something on his chest and sees Evie sleeping peacefully. He sighs in relief and puts a hand in her hair, so happy that all he saw was just a nightmare.

But what kind of nightmare was this? Was it like a warning? Will something bad happen to Evie? Again? Will something bad happen to her if she stays with him? Is he a danger to her?

He looks at her sleeping peacefully after all this crazy day. He made her feel so bad. He feels so guilty now. And although he want to change, to go to the rehab clinic tomorrow morning, a thought enters his mind. He can't continue to be with Evie no matter how much it hurts him and how much he loves her.

He sighs, his gaze moves to Evie's face. A faint smile appears on his face. He approaches her and kisses her on the forehead, putting aside a strand of her dark hair.

After a few hours...

Nikki wakes up looking at Evie and then he looks at the bedside clock. It's 6 AM. He has to leave now before Evie wakes up.

He gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom where he takes a quick shower. He walks slowly into the room so as not to wake Evie, gets dressed and goes to bed.

He leaves a note on the nightstand and looks at Evie, who is still sleeping. He leans over and kisses her on the top of the head. He looks at her once more, the sadness in his eyes is so big, and leaves.

An hour later, Evie wakes up with an annoying headache. She opens her eyes, which are so painful from how much she cried yesterday. She looks in the bedroom. She turns her head to see if Nikki has woken up. He's not there with her!

She is already starting to panic, imagining that Nikki is doing something stupid again. She gets out of bed and looks for him all over the house, taking each room in turn, but he can't be found. She even knocks on Tommy and Heather's door. Heather opens the door and looks puzzled and concerned at Evie.

"Evie? Did something happen?"

"I can't find Nikki!" She says with frightened eyes. "He wasn't in bed with me when I woke up. What did he do now?"

"Oh, Evie," Heather seems to remember something. "Nikki woke up before you. He and Tommy went to the rehab clinic together."

"Oh," Evie still looks confused even though she found out what's going on." Why did he leave so suddenly? There's something strange about his behavior."

"I don't know Evie," Heather shrugs.

"No, something is wrong," Evie says and leaves.

Heather follows her and sees her enter the bedroom. There Evie looks around the room and sees the note on the nightstand. Curious, she goes and reads it, her eyes moving fast.

'Good morning, honey. I didn't want to wake you up so I left you this note. Evie... I think the best thing for you... for me... for the two of us... is for both of us to go in different directions. Too much has happened. Too many bad things. You know very well that I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I love you so much. I love you so much that I think you're better without me. You can keep this house, Ev. You don't have to leave it. At least that's what I can do for you. After how many sacrifices you made to open my eyes. Thank you, Evie. Thanks for taking care of me. And that you loved me. '

The brunette has a ajar mouth and enlarged eyes. She stares at the note in astonishment. Heather is in the doorway, staring at her nervously.

"I still love you! You idiot!" She shouts, clutching the paper.

"Evie? What is it?" Heather asks who is getting more and more worried.

The brunette looks up blankly at Heather. She lets the note fall out of her hand and runs to the door. Heather steps aside and Evie leaves the room.

"Evie? Where are you going?" Heather asks her and walks after her but Evie is already reaching the foyer.

"I have to go now!" That's what she tells her and leaves the house.

"Oh God," Heather sighs as Evie gets into her car and drives fast. "What happened now?"


Listen to the song now!

Evie sticks her hands on the steering wheel. She can't believe Nikki is breaking up with her like that. It's not possible! Oh, she has a lot to say to him. She hopes that she can find him soon. Maybe it was traffic and he hasn't reached the clinic yet.

Her heart beats fast when she realizes she's right. She arrives at the rehab clinic and sees Nikki and Tommy advancing to the building. Most likely because she drives very fast, Nikki and Tommy hear and turn around and see her. They both look at her in amazement. Especially Nikki.

He sees her get out of the car, slamming the door, and walking rapidly toward him. Nikki tells Tommy to come in without him. That he will come later. His bandmate does just that and Nikki is left alone to face Evie's frustration and confusion.

She looks annoyed as if she wants to kill someone. When she reaches him, Nikki wants to say something to her, but she goes ahead and shouts at him, visibly angry:

"You could say all that in front of me! You know, right?"

"I'm sorry, Evie," Nikki gives her an apologetic look. "I didn't want to wake you up."

"What does that nonsense in the note mean?" She demands an explanation.

"That's what I thought was better-"

"Are you crazy?" Evie gets angrier and angrier. "I want to be next to you! I want to help you get through your problems!"

'I am toxic to you, Evie!" Nikki raises his voice a little, staring at Evie who is speechless. "Bad things happen to you since you've been with me."

"It's not true!" She firmly contradicts him. "It wasn't because of you that it happened to me. I have fond memories of you, Nikki. Ever since I've been with you, I've learned what it's like to really live. Yes... You have your problems... But I've been with you... I want to be with you. I love you. You make my life wild," she says emotionally and a tear slips down her cheek.

Nikki approaches her, wipes her tear gently, his mystical eyes overwhelm her. That look that made her feel butterflies in her stomach more than 2 years ago since they first met at that party where she was brought by Amelie. And she can't forget the way he first touched her face. As he does now.

"I can't Evie," he whispers, staring into her trembling eyes. "This is better. Go home and rest. Ok? I'll be fine. Don't worry about me," that's all he says and he quickly kisses her on the forehead and walks away, leaving her with a face full of tears.

She can't do anything anymore and just stays still and watches Nikki enters the rehab clinic. She goes to the car, tears still streaming from her eyes. She goes inside where she hits the steering wheel and cries uncontrollably.

Evie gets home in about half an hour. If she can still call it home. She can't live here anymore, even though Nikki told her that he would give the house to her. She has so many memories with him here. It was like they were a husband and wife. It would always remind her of him. It would drive her crazy.

She gets out of the car and someone gets out of the house. She knows that Heather is at home, but she is amazed to see little Laura, who is one year and 10 months old. Heather holds her in her arms and goes down the stairs in front of the house and lets the little girl down.

"Auntie Evie!" The little girl shouts and runs towards her with her arms raised.

Although Evie is her godmother, Laura likes to call her "auntie". It doesn't bother her. She thinks Laura is adorable when she does that.

Evie feels so ruined, but she bends down and takes her goddaughter in her arms and kisses her forehead. The little girl brings her a little ray of happiness on this fateful day.

"Hey, sweetie," she smiles at her and strokes her head.

Heather walks over to them and says:

"I had to go get her. Her grandmother called me and told me that she was crying for me and her father."

"It's okay," Evie smiles. "Laura could never bother me."

The three of them go inside. Heather takes Laura to the living room where she gives her toys to play with and looks at Evie who apologizes for having to go to the bedroom. Heather follows her, though, wanting to know what happened. She finds Evie inside, packing her luggage.

"Evie, what are you doing?" She asks, confused. "Where are you going?"

"Oh, I didn't see you," Evie says calmly. "Don't worry. I'm not leaving now. I'll leave after you and Laura leave. I will not leave you here alone. I can't live here anymore, Heather. Nikki and I are no longer together..."

"Oh, Evie," Heather walks over to her and takes her in her arms. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," Evie smiles sadly. "Everything will be alright."

"You honestly don't look very well," Heather stares at her worriedly.

"I'll be fine," Evie forces a smile. "I have to be."

After a few hours...

Evie arrives in front of her father's house after a long journey. It rained all the way here, the sadness applying in her heart. She can't stop thinking about Nikki. It hurts so much. But she can't make him change his mind.

She gets out of the car and goes towards to the house. She knocks waiting for someone to open. She hears someone walking through the house and see the door handle move and the door open. Jack, her father smiles and hugs her and says:

"How glad I am to see you. Although I am sorry about what happened to you. But I'm glad you're here."

"Thank you for welcoming me to stay here," Evie says, thinking she'll cry again.

"You can stay as long as you want," Jack tells her gently.

"That's right," another voice is heard.

Evie looks behind her father and sees his wife, Li Mei. She smiles broadly at her and hugs her. Evie hugs her back and a low voice is heard:

"Evie! Yes! You came to us again!"

The brunette is looking down at her brother who is 5 years old now. In the two years she has known him, he has grown so much. She smiles broadly, kneels at him and hugs him, saying:

"We'll be together for a while, dear brother."

"Now I have someone to play with my toys with. Can you also help me with my homework?"

Evie chuckles, continuing to hug him. Jack and Li Mei giggle too, amused by Anthony.

Soon, Evie enters the house, and the door is closed behind her. That's how another part of her life begins. A part without Nikki. It will be hard, but she has to succeed.


So I know you want to kill me now. But even though Nikki and Evie broke up, their story won't end here! I still have many chapters to post! I hope you will like them!

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