Sequel: teenage years

By honk-meh

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This is a sequel to dream smp x young reader. This book Will be about y/n going through there teenage years... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7.
Part 8.
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12

Part 3

495 2 7
By honk-meh

Y/n pov

I woke up the next morning very sore. And both dads on each side.

Clay: morning y/n

Y/n: morning dad
I said rubbing my eyes

George: how you feeling

Y/n: sore very sore

George: your gonna be sore for awhile. You can do online school while recovering

Y/n: yeah
I still said tiredly

Clay: you u wanna come downstairs

Y/n:  carrryyyy meeeeeee

Then he grabbed me and I went on his back. I couldn't stop laughing

Y/n: weeeeeeeeeee

George: ayyyy uncle Karl brought Mac and cheese over

Y/n: what a dub.

He then put me on a chair and I started to eat.

George y/n, Megan wanted to stop by today to check

Y/n: yayaya

We just chilled until Megan got here she dropped off brownies and cupcakes. We talked for awhile then she left.

Clay: y/n, sweetie you Should join your math class

Y/n: ok, dad, I will go grab my computer.

I grabbed my computer and set up zoom and joined

Mr t: hey y/n how you feeling

Y/n: a lot better thanks.

After an hour about doing math I had to do homework for it. Let's just say wasn't the easiest

Clay: don't you have to carry the 5

George: but you need to multiply first.

Y/n: yeah what about division.

Clay: hold on I think I figured it out add then carry-

Y/n: you always have to multiply first tho

Clay: this isn't the way I was taught it.

George; same everything is different

Y/n: maybe just maybe you guys didn't listen because you wanted to be Minecraft streamers.

Clay: fuck this, I am calling uncle nick over he is smart.

Then uncle nick came.

Uncle nick: what's up

Y/n: can you help me with math

Uncle: what grade : 9th.

Nick: multiply divide add subtract carry

Clay: how t he fuck do you know that

Nick: I paid attention.

George: ok y/n do that one.

I worked it out and g out the right answer

George: good job

Clay: yeah. Should we make dinner.

Y/n: yasssss.

We all ate dinner and watched a movie before going to bed.

I started to sweat over heat and cry

Y/n: no no no stop please

Y/n: AHH stop

George pov

It was 330 when I hear screaming from y/ns room.

George: Clay wake up shE is screaming.

Clay: ok ok

We both got up and walked to her room. There she was sweating and heavy breathing.

Clay: hey hey y/n

George: shhhh~
I said while rubbing her hair

Y/n: is he here, is he gonna take me away. I don't want to leave my family I want to stay with you guys. I am really scared. Help I can't breath.

Clay: sweetie you are going to take deep breaths

George: in and out.

George: he isn't here we will protect you with everything we have. Just breath he will never get you. You will never go back there.

Y/n: I-I am sorry this keeps happening. I s-should be over it

Clay: it's ok, what he did was very bad
He said as he kissed my forehead.

George: you should come sleep with us

I went into there room and slept in the middle of them. I am only 5feet and 78 pounds for a 14 Year old. So I am pretty small I think so I slept in between them. And was safe.

Thanks guys for reading love you. Leave suggestions so I can have ideas to write about. Sorry for the short chapter.


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