Change Me

By DarkSoulFloating

246 20 25

Emma, known as the perfect girl in her old school, has just recently moved into a new school, more specifical... More



118 6 5
By DarkSoulFloating

HEYYYY GUYS this not the story yet haha sorry to disappoint you, the story is right below👇 after this wittle author's note but WAIT don't scroll, I need to get this off my chest, soooo this is my second story and no it's not a fanfiction, sowwie. Fanfictions really bring me anxiety kind of and I just wanted to embrace my ideas that really didn't suit in a fanfiction so WÂRÑÏŃG!!!!! This story contains really bad words and stuff like that so read it on your own responsibility and don't comment stuff like 'oh gawwwwd have a mercy on you! There're children readers' well mom, dad, sorry to disappoint you. Anyway I HOPE YOU ENJOY MY WEIRD WAY IN WRITING AYE. Also I wanna add that I will only update once a week cause as you can see those are hella long chapters, so to do that I have to post weekly due to school and the fact that I'm currently working on another fanfiction (Upside Down) go check it out! Yeeeeh self promoting. And I have to post on U.D twice a day soooo yup. Anyway this is a complete different story. Last but not least I'm not doing covers for every chapter nor a name cause Ya know I suck at that, and I do covers and name on every chapter on the other fanfic and they're not good, may I add. So I don't want that to happen.
So yup ENJOY! And don't forget to vote (: xx ILYSFM STAY FAB! (Mind the mistakes please)


Luke's P.O.V:

"Come on Luke, don't be a pussy. One more shot" Josh nearly fell as he was swinging to both sides half drunk, half affected by the cocaine, total grumped and full of trashy things running in his blood.

And yup he was my friend.

As you can see, I'm going to tell you a really long dull paragraph which unfortunately is, the story of my life

Okay so, I'm Luke, I'm a guy apparently. I tend to have fun and get loose. I don't worry about shit, man. And yes I smoke weed and get drunk every night though I had this shitty thing called high school the next morning.

Long enough? Yup thought so.

"Okay man just sit down, aye? We don't wanna spend some cash on your shitty ass dead body" I put down the vodka I was drinking from on the wooden seats that were all set on the roof

Me and Jai helped Joshua to sit down, then I took the weed he was waiting for me to take, I unfolded it from the sheets which were all wrapped around it, then I started professionally making weed babies, aka cigarettes

I huffed in a smoke before Jai came over to me "hey mate, I got that chick waiting for me" he winked and he sticked his tongue out teasing me

Like dude I don't want your hoes

"Kay man" I coughed slightly at the effect the weed was blowing in my lungs, I looked over to Joshua who was literally passed out, I waved Jai off and he was soon also gone to take care of what the fuck ever he should do.

I put off the cigarette, and bended down to my phone, I slid on the screen to check the clock

It was 1 am.. Fuck

Don't get me wrong or anything, it's not like I care about school but Ya know, I already got the two warnings and the third one was getting me suspended.

I don't mind quitting this shitty ass school, but my "dad" note the sarcasm, may you? Will get mad since his position is well known and the last thing he'll ever want is losing some crap big deal cause of his "badass son" .. Hah badass, I like that.

"Where's the--.. Syringes?" I was dragged from my thoughts by Joshua who tried to gain back his balance and stand up, he was still under the dizziness and he looked like he's going to trip. "Wohoo man" I grabbed him quickly as he was one inch far from falling on his face. "Come on we will get you settled" I lifted Joshua and rested him on my shoulder, I took small steps down the ladder that connected the roof with the rest of the house, thank god, i didn't fall on my bum either.

If you smartasses didn't figure it out, that was my house, if we couldn't find a club to have fun with and smoke as much as we want. we spend it in my "fancy" house. Well I couldn't actually say it's mine, it's my dad's but ya knowww, he's not here. He's a fun killer anyway.

"Here.." I said quietly as I laid Joshua on my bed, he was dead, and his saliva already was running down his mouth, which I found it really disgusting, but heck no I ain't wiping his uncontrolled mouth. I pulled the covers over him and got him comfortable, well I don't know honestly, he was already dead. I squeezed a pillow underneath his head, and I was fully satisfied to go.

Well since that cunt Joshua took over my bed, I'll go mess around in Clark's room and by Clark I mean my biological father that if I had the chance to choose to be an orphan instead, I would. He's the Clark Franta, the biggest businessman in the United States, yes gentlemen, I live under the same roof with him, that if you consider his soul is here, cause as I said before we rarely even meet. We only meet when I get in trouble so he can give me a life lesson that he probably learnt from the radio in the tenth century or something.. He's so pathetic.

Soooo that makes me Luke Franta, call me with my full name and I'll just pick your throat out so I can break my record. Scared yet? Bøø!

I swing the knocker open but the door didn't open, I repeated the process, no it can't be locked, the actual fuck?? He never locked his door!

I searched for the keys in those weird statues he had put on the doorframe, even under the carpet.. Nothing! No keys! Why would he lock the door?

I didn't bother breaking down the door or some shit like that, I'm not that curious about any business shit he's doing anyway. Note to self.

I jumped off my place when I heard the clock ticking its hourly limit, I looked over to it and saw it 2am! Fuck I gotta sleep.

I ran downstairs, literally jumped and took over the sofa, soon enough I was sleeping like a dead puppy.


I was awake.. Without any alarms or anything, I looked over the huge clock that was hung up on the wall across the living room, it was 5am.. Every second is moving like a century.
I decided to do something instead of staring at the four walls I was trapped between. I got up, headed slowly upstairs, since every footstep I took echoed in this huge house like those kind of creepy movies.

I looked over my room.. The door was closed. I don't remember closing the door on Joshua, I got closer leaned my ear against the door seeking for any sound, I was hearing mix sound of both male and female moaning

Oh no you did not.

I harshly pushed the door open which freaked the couple out in complete shock
And by couple I mean, Joshua and some hoe

"For fuck's sake josh!!" I yelled at both of them whom attempted to cover every flesh by the covers thrown around them

"Not on my fucking bed!!" I yelled again losing my temper, I found the girl's clothes and lingerie, drooled over the floor, I picked them apart quickly and threw them once at the brunette. "Get out!!" My voice still on the same tone, maybe even louder, I pointed my index finger over the door for her to get the hell out, she obeyed terrifyingly, she looked over to josh who was enjoying himself then back over to me. she slipped on her clothes and was soon out of the sight.

I was shooting josh death glares and what angered me more is that his face was totally emotionless, no sign of any embarrassment or regretting a fault.

"Get out of my house." Simply and affective, my eyes still not finding a way to get off josh

"Look man.." He sighed pulling his wet hair away from his forehead "don't be like your father" he chuckled sarcastically at the mention of his name.

That got me even angrier. Yes I hate my fucking father but josh seems to get used to me a lot? Like dude watch your limits.

"Get the fuck out of here or else I'll punch your fucked up head in a goddamn wall" I was serious, deadly serious. We both knew I'm not kidding. At all. He pointed out for his clothes which were quite far away for him to reach. I snapped at his attitude, reached his clothes and threw them back at him with all the force.

"Kaykay I'll leave." His smirk soon fell as he knew he was going to a dead end with me

He was soon gone for good.

As I changed the sheets that got filthy by both of those whores, I took a glimpse at my phone and saw it was about 6am. I had to get ready, cause I'm not willing of having a detention again.

Being a senior sucks cause at this level you may lose all the seven years you've spent in this shitty ass school if you got suspended and apparently I'm on the edge of that.

Sleepy feeling soon made its way to me, I yawned loudly as I stretched my arms to both sides.

Get out of my gaze! I got school don't sleep!

I rushed myself to the kitchen to make some coffee to keep me awake for as long as possible. I opened this weird coffee machine and put the espresso mini package in it, and filled the other place with hot water, then I let the magic to happen.

After my coffee was well done, I took few sips as I made my way to the bathroom, I left the rest aside and hopped into the shower as I smelled like.. Drugs.

I made sure to scrub myself well but also made it quick. It took me 15 minutes to be well satisfied with my smell.
I took the towel and dried myself with it, I went to my closet to pick something to wear, seeing that all the clothes were black
And no I'm not a fucked up emo.

I'm not a girl so it didn't take me long to decide what to wear.

I was done, from clothes to everything
And nope I didn't mention eating my breakfast cause I don't have one occasionally. I take my wallet and buy some junk food whenever I'm hungry. And no I'm not fluffy, thanks for wondering.


"Mr. Franta, are you paying attention?"

Fucking shit woman, I've made it clear I don't want anyone calling me with my last nor full name. Stupid hoe.

I bit my bottom lip holding back any bad word, she smirked at how I badly wanted to insult the hell outta her but I couldn't, getting suspended was the last I wanted and Ms. Pop My Ass, knew it. So she loves getting on my nerves.

I nodded lightly but she couldn't notice it since she was caught by the slowly opened door and so did everyone in the lab.

A 5,4 tall girl entered the lab, with the company of the head teacher, guess she's a new student.

She was blonde, I guess not naturally.. She had those light blue eyes and she was skinny, like I could see her collar bones showing from the loose white tank she was wearing
She also added a tight skinny black leather pants which showed off her thigh gab and her perfect posture, adding to that, the black beanie and those necklace and the choker one of course.. How grunge.

"Take care of her" the head teacher pointed his words to Ms. Casper and to the rest of the pupils who couldn't stop staring at the girl, thirsty bastards fighting over the new fish.

"Will do" the teacher nodded back and soon the H.T was gone

Like dude we're not going to rape her calm down.

"Hey, may you tell me and the rest of the class about you?" She asked the new girl politely and she shyly blushed nodding.

"Well I'm Emma and I'm from-" she was cut off by Jai. "No one cares" he sarcastically remarked and the rest of his douchebag group giggle including that filthy animal which had sex on my bed, Joshua.

"Well I guess you're no one" Emma forced a smile towards him.

We were all literally shocked by her reply, we couldn't expect that, no one could, like ever.

She was totally different.

Awkward silence was soon spread all over the room, people whispering about how brave she was to mock him out in public and straight.

"Well Emma take a seat" Ms. Casper smiled slightly pointing her to the rest of the classroom to find herself a seat and suit herself

Was she blind? There wasn't any empty place.. Except next to me


Emma soon found her way up to me since that was her only choice available. Once she reached the place, she took off her cross jeans bag and rested it on the desk then she smiled towards to me "hey" she greeted with a smile still on her face

She looks so friendly.

I don't like that.

I didn't reply her greetings, well that's me. "Nice one you did there" I sated looking at Jai and his group, finding them shooting both of us death glares, but I couldn't care less.


"You still stink" I cut her off with no realization about what the hell I spoke out, she didn't stink! She actually smelled like strawberries

Out of the maze Luke!

Her face palmed, she didn't reply though her expressions explained it all. She got out her notebook and pencils and was soon occupied with the whole paying attention thingy.

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