Tronnor one shots

By basicallyfravan

16K 346 84

Tronnor one shots idk some of them are like so long, It's like a fcking short story, so idk enjoy or don't. y... More

Coming out
My light
A day out in brighton
Lost and found
its not over
apples, oranges and strawberry kisses


4.6K 60 19
By basicallyfravan

Connors pov

I'm so excited because today I'm going to Australia to see Troye and visit his family, yes I know what you're thinking, 'Troye just left LA three days ago' yes I know but I have some meetings to go to for my book I'm making, and Troye offered me to stay at his house for however long in staying here for, I gladly accepted! Troye knows I'm gay but He always asks me who i like, but I just can't tell him because, well, it's him! His beautiful eyes, his little adorable curls, his soft hands, his face, and his smile ugh, i always find myself looking at his lips because I really badly want to kiss them, but then I always think 'what if he'll hate me' or ' he's going to think I'm disgusting' anyways I just can't tell him that it's him because it's like awkward, even thought nothing is ever awkward between us! And I love the Mellets they're the sweetest, and some of the funniest (Shaun) people ever! *intercom* 'flight (random numbers) boarding for Perth Australia, time for my 14 hour flight!

Troyes Pov

I'm sooo happy right now. Why? Because I just found out that Connor's coming down to Perth until he finishes his meeting for his big book he's making, so I offered him to stay here because hotels can be pretty expensive! Yes of course I asked my parents, he will be staying in my room on the spare bed we have, which is weird because we have a spare bed but no a spare room... Anyways I thought it was funny because I Left LA three days ago and he's coming down today, so he'll be here around 10pm. I'm gonna go pick him up! (Subject change) I have this massive crush on Connor, and every time I ask him who he likes he says 'it's confidential.' That's like the most annoying thing he's ever said, because aren't best friends supposed to tell each other that kind of stuff?? I also told him I like this guy, I told him many features of the boy I like, but the one thing I haven't told him is his name, because it's him, surprise surprise! I honestly can't believe he hasn't figured it out that it's him yet, I mean I drop the biggest hints, even my family knows and pretty much my internet people!! Connor just texted me saying he's boarding now so, I guess I could sneak in a little cheeky nap before he comes!!

Connors Pov

Ten minutes 'til boarding, I'm starting to get butterflies, but I don't know why because it's just Troye, other than the reason of me liking him, but he legit just left on Monday! As I get off the plane and enter the building, I go straight to get my bag and wait for Troye Boy because it looks like someone's a little late! It's now 10:28pm and he is 15 minutes late, I hope he's okay, and not hurt or anything! Ugh Connor stop thinking that he's fine!

Troyes Pov (earlier that day)

I wake up and see that Connor still has a few more hours on the plane, so I decide why not go and and watch some tv and hangout with my family! When I finish eating my lunch, I decide to go hangout with Kayla for awhile before Connor gets here! I'm in my way to Kayla's house when I see Kayla walking, and there's someone next to her, I don't know who until I get a closer look, it's seems that I see my sister got to Kayla before me! But me being the nice guy that I am, I ask them if they want a ride because I'm still not giving up on hanging out with Kayla. I haven't seen her in ages, I missed her so much!! So I pick them up, I don't mind hanging out with my sister because she is really nice even with her little bit of annoyance, she pretty cool I guess! (Flash forward) hSage, Kayla and I have been talking and having fun for so long I have lost track of time, it turns out it's past 10! I quickly drive to the airport, to see that Connor isn't there! So I decide to call him, as the first ring goes, I here an echo but I can't find it, it goes a few more times until I find where the echo is from and I look at the phone and it says my name! Though I don't know where Connor is?!

Connors Pov

I see troye walk in and quickly hide somewhere, where I can see my stuff and troye at the same time. I see troye pull his phone out and start to type and bring it up to his ear and he hears the echo of the ring coming from my phone, and starts to walk to it, he lifts my phone and has a confused expression on his face. It's now my time to act like a total douchè because he forgot about me for a half an hour! But first I guess I'll go surprise him before I ignore him, kind of! I slowly walk up to him and when he turns around he's face goes from confused to extremely happy then to mad! I laugh so hard I legit start to shed a couple of tears!

Troyes Pov

I suddenly feel a light tap on my shoulder and I turn around and see Connor standing there, I go through multiple emotions one confusion one ridiculously happy and the last mad, because he tricked me! I go in for a hug but he dodges it to grab his bag and rips his phone from my hand! That was rude! And he starts to walk out and go to my car! What's with him.

Connors Pov

Wen we get into the car I decide to do the silent treatment just to make him more mad until he understands what I felt like!! It's been about 5 minutes and he turns the music off and says 'why aren't you talking to me it's making me said mad and scared!?!' I slowly start to think of what to say, all of a suddenly something just pops out of my mouth that I wasn't excpeting 'the guy I like has brown hair!'

Troyes Pov

When we got in the Car we didn't talk for about 6 minutes! I decided to ask him why he's wasn't talking to me, all of a sudden he said something that was really unexpected! He told me the guy he liked had brown hair! I wonder if he thinks about the guy he likes how I think about him! 'Is there anything I should know about this "guy" or is he even real?' I asked ' yes he's real, I'm not that lonely in my life, to the point where I make up my own dream guy!' He giggles at the end! God dammit his giggle! We finally get home and It feels like I just got hit by a bus full of tired, because the moment I step into my house my eyes feel heavy, I look over at Connor and he looks the exact same, thankfully my parents are asleep so we don't have to ditch them to have a nap, we actually just get to sleep! Before we sleep I lead him to my room and I make his bed, when I finish I look over at my bed and he's half way under the blanket on what I assumed was his phone, until I realized it was mine!

Connors Pov

While Connor was making my bed I wiggled my way under his blanket on his bed, but before I did that I sneakily took Troyes phone from his back pocket, and I was surprised when he didn't notice I took it ahha! When he finished he started panicking because he couldn't find his phone, I just started laughing really hard because I had it! All of a sudden I felt this big wait jump on me, troye straddled me and started tickling me until I couldn't breath from all the laughing, he finally got off of me after like 10 minutes of him just sitting on me staring into me when he stopped tickling my stomach! I would think it was awkward because he sat on top of me and I was below him and we just stared at each other forever, until I stupidly moved my hand to fix his perfect hair that was in his perfect eyes! I wish that moment lasted longer! I wish I wasn't so scared to tell him I liked him! I just want to kiss those perfect plump lips!

Troyes Pov

I was just sitting in top of Connor looking at that beautiful face, until he knocked me out of my day dream when he touched moved my hair out of my eyes! That was the moment where I wanted to bend down and just kiss those lips! Ughh I just wish he knew how much I liked him, I wish he got all the hints I was giving him, I wish he thought of me the way I think of him! But he's my best friend, and I will still love him no matter who he chooses to love! We both start browsing tumblr to fall asleep! I saw this really cool thing and I told Connor to come look, he came over to my bed and sat down next to me putting his laptop on his lap, guessing he's staying on my bed after. As he looked at it, I look over on his computer and he was about to put a song on because I saw spotify! 'Hey, Connor press shuffle, oo do your casual playlist too!' I say 'okay' he replies! He presses shuffle and the first song that came on was ILYSB, I love this song because it explains the way I love Connor but he wouldn't know that!!

Connors Pov

I press shuffle, and what comes on, ILYSB, this song makes me so happy but upset because I love troye but he will never know that, unless I actually tell him, like that'll happen ahha!! I look over at troye and notice that he has his eyes closed and is humming along, I love his voice so much sometimes I just want to tell him to sing! Out of no where he just starts singing, it's like he read my mind!! When the song finishes I notice I'm still staring at him smiling, he turns his head and ask why I'm smiling so wide!

Troyes Pov

I look over after the songs done and Connor has the biggest smile on his face and he's staring at me! 'Why are you staring at me Connie?' I ask 'because your voice is like heaven!'
He says and when he noticed what he said his face when pure white and then really red, without any emotion! I start giggling quietly, while he is still really embarrassed! 'Thanks Connie Frannie, I really appreciate it, maybe you could come along with me to the studio when you aren't busy at any meetings' I smile with what I said. 'That would be awesome' he says with a large smile on his face.

Connors Pov

I start woke up and I noticed I was in the bed troye had made for me, all I thought was how I got here because the last thing I remember was falling asleep on Troyes shoulder while browsing tumblr! I slowly got out of bed while remembering I was still in my clothes from yesterday, so I decide to go have a shower and get ready for the day, which reminds me because I have absolutely nothing to do today! When I get out of the shower I realized I forgot my clothes in Troyes room! I walk back to the room and notice Troyes awake on his phone, most likely on twitter! 'Morning sleepy' I scare him. 'Goodmorning you morning person!' He sasses me!

Troyes Pov

Connor walks in and scares me half to death, he says goodmorning and I say it back while putting a bit of sassiness with it! While he walks over to his bed I slowly watch as he walks looking at his beautiful body, me badly wanting the towel to come off, he slowly bends over to grab some clothes for the day I'm guessing. ' what are you up to today Connor?' I ask before I start drooling over him! 'Nothing, but I just wanted to go for a walk because I have nothing to do, and I kinda wanna get rid of my jet lag' he answers! 'Mind if I join?' I ask politely. 'It Depends will you actually get out of bed?' He smirks! That little jerk, he thinks I can't get out of bed well I show him! I just realized while I was zoning out I lost my balance and fell half on Connor and I started laughing Hysterically, 'see I told you I could get out of bed!' I said in between my laughing. 'But it looks like you found a new bed!' He said while laughing. 'I guess I should go shower..' I said embarrassed! Holy sh** that's the first time he actually flirted back at me I said in my head while freaking out in the shower!

Connors Pov

Oh my god, what did I just say, I'm so stupid why the f*** would I say something like that! He walked out of the room horrified from what I said, god I'm so stupid!! Why in the world ughh! I guess it was nice while it lasted, him in my arms while laughing hard, ugh it would be the best, but I can't I need to stop thinking about something I will never have! I finally pick out my outfit and change before troye comes in! Troye walks in when I'm sitting on my bed on my phone, he's dressed nicely and his hair is down, he has been keeping it down for awhile, ever since Tyler and I have told him his curls looks adorable sitting above his eyes on his forehead!

Troyes Pov

I walk in and see Connor sitting on his bed on his phone, probably just posting his airplane sunset photo he took, saying he's in Perth Australia, for some special meetings! I walk over and snatch his phone away while quickly walking out of my room and running up the stairs to the kitchen to see my mom cooking! 'Morning mum' I say fully out of breath! 'Goodmorning sweety, how and why are you u-' she's saying as she's cut of by Connor running into the kitchen attacking me! 'Ahh I see know!' She says smirking 'nooo, haha no mum Connor wanted to go for a walk, I'm even surprised I ran up the stairs!' I kind of scream. 'Morning Laurelle' he struggles saying because he's kind of out of breath while holding me. 'Goodmorning Connor!' She says while smirking! 'Connor let me go or else!'
I threaten him. 'Or else what, the tickle monster will get me!!' He says 'actually yes!' I say smirking and start tickling him and he drops me! 'HA' I say! 'Can I have my phone back then, I need to post my photo!' He says while acting out a pout! 'Hmm nope no electronics today mister!' I say while handing my mum our phones. 'Now let's go on that walk shall we' I say smirking! 'Fine! See you later Laurelle' he says while waving. 'Later mum' I shout from the door!!

Connors Pov

We just left Troyes door and we're deciding which way to go, troye decides because he wants to show me the beautiful park that he loves a lot!! He said that's the park that he told Kayla he thought he was gay, turns out he was, I smile at his story! 'So how was the flight?' He asks 'it was good, long, breath taking!' I reply. 'How was it breath taking, it's a plane!!' He says in a high voice, 'because your really breathing in peoples air they just breathed out!' I reply laughing after my fact. 'Thats true, but I'm pretty sure you stole that from the person I replied to on twitter!!' He said while giggling 'that is true, I did' I laugh after my statement.

Troyes Pov

We get to the park after all of our many conversations, and when we get there Connor reaches to the back of his pocket to grab his phone when he realizes it's back at the house. I giggle at his happiness to confusion to upset emotions! 'Awe Connie Frannie, are you upset because you can't take pictures' I say while using a bit of sad sarcasticness 'yes troye boy, because somebody not naming names *cough* you *cough* stole my phone!' He says teasing me! 'Well maybe I was thinking for the best, before fans actually know your here, we will get to walk without any fans approaching! Don't deny it, of course we love our fans, but sometimes we need a bit of privacy, get it?' I say 'yea I guess' he replies.

Connors Pov

While we were walking through the park troye sees something and his eyes go wide, more wide than an owls, he also has the largest smile I've ever saw on his beautiful face! Out of nowhere I feel warmth on my hand and I get pulled half across the parks yard! 'This is my favourite part of the whole park, it's so relaxing and nice, I always come here to write my music!' He says excitedly! I can't help but smile at him, he's such a little child, it's adorable!! 'Really what's so special about it?' I ask 'well when I was little my family always used to come here and we would have the best times ever, we would talk and laugh I have the best memories here! Also this is where I came out to Kayla..' He tells me while slightly blushing. God dammit troye stop being so damn adorable, that's what I wish I could say to him but I don't have the guts! 'Now I get why you love it so much' I smile while looking around!

Troyes Pov

We get to my favourite spot in the park and I tell him why it's my favourite spot, I slightly Blush while telling him why! We finally sit down and relax after about 20 minutes I hear soft breaths and a little snoring, I look over and find Connor sleeping! Damn this is when I wish I had my phone, so I could take a picture of him! (Payback ahah) Connor is the most adorable, handsome, cute, sensitive, funny, adorable, stubborn sometimes and every other cute word to describe him!! He always says he has so many flaws, but honestly, I see none, he's perfect, the most perfect person ever, he has no flaws, he had the best features ever like his eyes, his beautiful hair, his cute little nose, his adorable ears, his perfect body, and his luscious lips holy they look like heaven and so soft! But it's not just his features, it's his personality, Connors personality is the best, he makes everyone happy when he's sad, when he's sad he doesn't let anyone know because he doesn't want them to care about him, he always has a smile on his face, even if he's having the worst day, he cares about his fans more than they even know, he has the best photography skills, when he's angry he doesn't take it out on you, he cares so much about the people he loves, it's amazing! I just wish I could tell him all of that! 'You just did' someone whispered. HOLY SH** I did not just say that out loud! I jumped up and kind of paced back and forth until I realized Connor wasn't laying on the grass anymore... 'Connah, connah, connnahh?' I start panicking 'yes' I hear a quiet reply. I turn around Connors sitting under a tree with is legs crossed. I go sit I front of him, 'so, you heard everything..?' I asked quietly 'every single word.' Connor said almost to quiet! 'Well um *giggles awkwardly* now you know I guess...' I say shyly 'honestly troye, you got to it before me!' He replies 'wait wh-what?!?' I reply confused.

Connors Pov

I heard every word he said, and honestly I want to cry of happiness because I feel the exact same way, while he was pacing back and forth, I slowly crawled to the tree and just sat there, and thought " none of this can be real " but surely enough a couple minutes later troye sits In front of me and asks if I heard anything and I told him I did, and something I didn't regret, he was confused if what I said but the next thing I did would make him more confused than ever! 'Troye you did that before I did, so I need to do this before you do!' I say and lean in almost all the way and troye says 'and what's that..' He says while smirking! 'Kiss you!' I say and lean in all the way until I feel those soft plumb lips on mine, honestly nothing could make me happier right now!

Troyes Pov

The only thing running through my head is Connors lips on mine, until I feel them gone! I open my eyes and see those beautiful green eyes staring into mine! 'Well what can I say Connie Frannie, I was right about those lips!' I smirk at my comment! 'Oh shut up!' He says while he pulls me in again!


Alright, sooo that's my first tronnor one-shot, I hope you like it. I'm sorry if it's lame or if it doesn't make any sense, I got really bored and started texting my internet bestie these and I guess I just made this and wanted to post it ahah! I hope you enjoyed, and I don't know when I'm gonna post again(:

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Tumblr: @/basicallytronnor
Twitter: @/__sammmy__
If you liked it maybe vote if you want and comment some ideas and I'll right some of them(:

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