Expecting the Unexpected (Bak...

By LadysDaze

777K 35.4K 25.7K

"Hey... you like fucking coffee?" Had you known that Bakugou's request toward you as you both held onto your... More

A Warning Before Reading This Book
A Warning to Future Readers... Again
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 13
Week 16
Week 18
Week 20
Week 22
Week 24
Week 26
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 33
Three Months
Six Months
Eight Months
Nine Months
Eleven Months
Fifteen Months
Seventeen Months
Twenty Months
Twenty-Four Months (Part 1 Finale)
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 13
Week 18
Week 21
Week 25
Week 29
Week 33
Week 40
Birth (Part 2)
Newborn (Part 2)
Month 1
Month 3
Month 6
Month 9
Month 12
Month 15
Month 18
Month 21
Month 24
Month 38
Month 39
Month 40
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #10

Bonus #9

2.5K 109 35
By LadysDaze

Bonus Nine - Yuuei Academy

She inhaled and looked out at the giant campus around her. Today was the day! The day she would start on her journey to becoming a hero! Her mother had done it. Her father had done it. And now... it was her turn to make memories at UA that she would forever remember and one day tell any kids of her own until they too knew all her high school tales by heart.

So with an excited smirk, Bakugou Katsuko took her steps towards the school. She looked around, trying to see if anyone looked familiar. Truthfully, she was only looking for two people. She did not know if they all would be in the same class. Katsuko hoped they would be, though. They had been together in preschool and elementary school, but their middle schools had all been different! So Katsuko would not accept it if she and her two boys were not together for high school!

She wandered into the main building and stood before her locker. This was it. When she opened this locker... she'd know which of the three first-year hero course classes she'd be in. Apparently, back in her parent's days, there were only two hero classes! How crazy! Now the hero course had a third, but for students whose quirks may not have been effective in combat. That was class 1-C. 1-A and 1-B were still for students whose quirks were more combated effective. Like her quirk.

Katsuko unlocked her locker with the key that came along with her acceptance announcement, letter, and uniform and peered inside. She saw a few sheets of paper welcoming her and then what she was looking for. Katsuko's eyes widened, and she smiled widely: 1-A.

Just like her old man and mom. Class 1-A! Looks like she was continuing the legend of being a near-exact copy of her father. Not that she minded... her dad was the fucking best!

Katsuko grabbed the sheet with her classroom assignment and started up the stairs to where the map that came with the paper said she'd need to go. She looked around and saw lots of upperclassmen hanging around as well as other first-years in Support, Business, or General Studies. Everyone looked to be a good mix of excited and nervous, like her. So, at least the first-year, first-day jitters were common.

Katsuko arrived at her classroom door and smiled softly. Her classroom at her hero academia. She wondered what other nineteen people were inside. She'd be spending the next three years with them after all, and she wanted to make lots of friends and push herself with worthy rivals.

Katsuko slid the door open, looking inside. The classroom looked to be about half full right now. She glanced around the room, trying to gather first impressions: a pair of twin boys, a girl with silver-gray hair and turquoise eyes talking to three other girls and laughing with one another. A boy in the seat by the window in the last row looking bored. A girl with glasses was cleaning the whiteboard, even though it looked spotless to Katsuko. With her, that made half their class. As for who the last person sitting in the room was, Katsuko knew right away.

He sat with a book in his hands, sitting at the desk he claimed for himself. His white locks were neat, and he looked absorbed into whatever new story he had picked up. Katsuko smiled widely when she saw him. She and Yuuto were in class together! She would be with Yuuto for three years! Her heart squeezed, and she quickly shook her head. Not the time to deal with those... no! She needed to let Yuuto know she was in class with him-


Katsuko let out a surprised gasp as someone tackled her from behind and sent them both falling onto the polished tile in their classroom. She groaned, feeling a bit of anger rise inside of her. There was only one person who would give her a tackle in the form of a hug.

"Are you in Class 1-A too?!" Hiroki beamed brightly. "We're just like our parents were! I wonder where they sat! Oh! Yucchan is here too! Yucchan! Look! Katsuko and I are in class with you!!"

Yuuto blinked and looked up at his friends. He placed a bookmark into his novel and then made his way over to his close friends. Hiroki was eagerly talking about how his mother talked for hours about how good UA's food was, and he was so excited for lunch. Katsuko tried to hold it together. She didn't want to blush at how Hiroki was still hugging her tightly and that her temper was trying to take control.

"You two should get off the ground." Yuuto told them. "Other people can't get in because you're blocking the entrance."

Hiroki blinked and stood up quickly. He looked very apologetic and nervous when he saw he had been blocking his classmates from entering. Frantic apologies and bowing occurred from him as Katsuko stood up.

"Moron." She clicked her tongue and then looked out at the desks.

"I save you both a seat by me." Yuuto told them both. "We had a good chance of being together after all."

"This is going to be great!" Hiroki declared with a determined face. "Time for the next generations of Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugou to finally start writing their hero stories!"

"You're too loud for the morning, Hiro..." Katsuko whined and followed Yuuto over to the desks.

Yuuto slipped back into his seat by the window, but in the first row. Katsuko hummed and took the seat right behind the white-haired boy. Hiroki slipped in right next to Katsuko without a second thought. Looks like they had claimed their spots for the year.

Small chatter came from their little group, but it didn't last long as the rest of their class had by now filed in and were staring at the trio, though the three were unaware.

"Excuse me?"

The conversation stopped, and all three turned to look at the girl with the glasses who had just been wiping down the clean board. She looked orderly and was exuding a 'no-nonsense' attitude. Her red glasses were pressed perfectly on her and her sleek fuchsia hair was just as neat and went down towards her lower back.

"Oh. Hi!" Hiroki greeted with a smile.

"Hello." Yuuto nodded at her.

"Hey." Katsuko waved at her.

The girl inhaled slowly and then gave them an intense look. "I couldn't help but overhear... but are you three actually related to the top three?!"

"Her personality switched." Yuuto muttered and was elbowed by Katsuko.

"Yeah!" Hiroki nodded, answering the question over Yuuto's comment luckily. "I'm Midoriya Hiroki, Deku's son. The calm boy with the white hair is Shouto's son, Todoroki Yuuto. And finally, we have the fiery daughter of Ground Zero, Bakugou Katsuko!"

"Hicchan." Katsuko whined and pressed her hands onto her face. "You need to let me boast myself up."

Hiroki laughed. "Ah, right. Sorry."

"The answer to your question is yes." Yuuto told the girl.

"Incredible!" She spoke with even more excitement. "To think I'd be able to call the children of the top three my classmates! I am both honored and worried about my academic and heroic standing and class has not even started yet!"

"I'm sure you'll be fine." Hiroki chuckled awkwardly.

"What's your name, glasses?" Katsuko asked her and the girl looked shocked.

"I haven't said yet, have I?!" She inhaled sharply and tears prickled in the corner of her eyes. "I have been so rude to not only the children of the top three... but also my new classmates! Please forgive my discourteous discussion with you all thus far!"

"You're very dramatic." Yuuto spoke, Katsuko lightly slapping him again.

"I am Amano Chikako. It is my pleasure!"

"Chika-chan~" A voice sang, and another girl appeared by them all. "You're acting like a salary woman again."

Amano inhaled sharply and looked shocked at herself again. The girl next to her smiled widely and laughed before her eyes fell on the pair of you. She had dark green skin and a pair of near glowing white eyes. Her hair was in two twin tails and she moved with glee.

"Nice to meet you guys!! I'm Kurosawa Ezume!" She showed off peace signs. "My quirk is 'Marshland' so I hope you guys are ready for when I turn the ground you walk on into wet, sticky, and mushy swamps! And I'm ready to see what the kids of the number three can do!"

"Are we challenging them already?"

"It seems like it."

The twin boys laughed and then each held out a hand towards Katsuko. She shook one after the other and then so did Yuuto and Hiroki. The twins were more identical than anyone Katsuko had ever seen! And they looked to be in sync, too.

"Sanada Hiroshi is my name."

"And so that makes me Sanada Hiroyuki!"

"Wait! Do you both also have the kanji for joy and happiness in your names?!" Hiroki was excited by this.

The Sanada twins nodded and suddenly Hiroki was on his feet and hugging the pair. All three laughing and seeming to almost instantly click thanks to this small little detail.

"I guess they are the 'Hiro Hero' Trio." Yuuto nodded at his clever name.

"Bakugou-chan!" A large group of girls surrounded Katsuko suddenly. "Your hair is so pretty!"

"I wish I could put my hair up into such a nice ponytail."

"Do you always wear orange ribbons too?!"

"I want to team up in hero training if you'd like!"

Katsuko blushed and tried to hold together the flustered joy she had. She had never had a lot of close female friends, as she had always preferred activities many people deemed as 'for boys' growing up. But here, she was with other girls who enjoyed fighting and also talking about things that Hiroki and Yuuto never really understood the appeal of.

"Todoroki Yuuto?" A tall boy with a dark streak across his face spoke lowly. "You're the one who also got in their recommendations, right?"

Yuuto nodded. "Yes. I wanted to do the normal exam like Hiroki and Katsuko... but my mother was so excited and I didn't want to disappoint her."

The boy chuckled and gave Yuuto a dark smirk. "Well, I'm the other recommended student! So prepare yourself, Todoroki! You're going to remember the name Monoma Kisho!"

"Oh. I think I remember my dad talking about yours." Yuuto snapped his fingers. "My dad said yours was always annoying. So I hope you won't be annoying."

Kisho's eye twitched and Hiroki was now apologizing and trying to explain Yuuto's social ineptness while Katsuko grabbed both of Yuuto's cheeks and pinched. The conversation continued from there and soon it seemed everyone had come over and introduced themselves to the rest of their class. They had a good mix of mutants and emitters. Guys and gals. Intense and calm.

The door slid open and everyone looked up to see who had entered. The bell rang a moment later and everyone quickly scrambled to their desks. The teacher hummed, looking out and seeing that all twenty of his students were here on time... he hoped it would stay that way.

"Alright. I'm going to do roll call." He spoke and picked up a piece of paper with his hands that were covered by gloves. "Pay attention. If you don't say here I'm marking you absent."

He looked down at his list and blinked for a moment.

"Bakugou... Katsuko?"

Their homeroom teacher looked up and met the eyes of the young girl. Katsuko's face was shocked, but slowly a wide grin crossed over her features. She was sure she had been mistaken before, but she knew for sure now as she looked at the teacher with unruly orange hair.

"Oni-nii-chan!!" Katsuko cried happily. "Are you my teacher?!"

Onishi coughed and tried to pull on his professional appearance again. "It appears so."

"I didn't know you were a teacher!" Katsuko called out. "The old man said you took an alternative career path, but he never said it was to teach at UA!"

"Kameko's thrilled as your father's head sidekick... but I realized I wanted to be something more than just a hero. So, here I am. Thanks to your mother, no less. She was pretty excited to hear I wanted her help and mentored me all last year so I could have my first class this year."

Onishi shook his head. "But that is enough pleasantries! And from now on Bakugou-san, it is Onishi-sensei!"

"Understood, Onishi-sensei!!" Katsuko told him. "I am present!"

Onishi nodded and moved on down the list. Katsuko could feel her heart swelling up, though. How could so many of her wishes and desires come true in such a little amount of time? Class with Hiroki and Yuuto. Interesting and kind classmates who all were worthy rivals already. And a homeroom teacher she knew was going to be perfect for her as she made her way through UA.

"Before we move onto what to expect for the day, you all will have the choice to live on campus." Onishi started. "The dorms were renovated this year, so everything is brand new."

"Either of you thinking about the dorms?" Hiroki asked as Onishi-sensei passed each an information sheet on the dorms and a permission slip for parents to sign should the student want to move into the dorms.

"And leave my sweet baby brother Roro all alone!" Katsuko shook her head. "No way! I'm staying at home!!"

"He's a second year in middle school." Yuuto told her. "I doubt he needs you to protect him."

"S-Shut up, Yuu!"

"I might do the dorms." Hiroki continued and avoided a fight. "Mom and Dad loved the dorms... so many for one year?"

"I'm not sure." Yuuto admitted. "Home is nice, but I feel you don't get the full UA experience if you are not in the dorms..."

"I just want to get my hero case and suit up..." Katsuko whined. "I want to blow stuff up too."

The chatter continued until Onishi-sensei called attention back to the front. They had a few more items to go over for the first homeroom before they went into regular classes and then lunch. Hero class was the very last class and Katsuko was already impatient.

Lucky for her, though, the day went by quickly with so many interesting people around her. She already felt so excited and ready to get further and further into her high school life and experiences. She knew from the moment she walked back into the classroom after lunch, though.

Oh yes.

Katsuko was positive that her time at UA was going to be one of the best times of her life. She was certain of it.

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