copycat ~ k. saiki x fem read...


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"Oh, so you're just a copycat." After a weird encounter at the beach, Saiki wonders if he's not the only one... Еще



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Saiki's POV:
The group returned to their homes late at night. The next day would be the start of a new school year and everyone was excited to be on their last year of high school.

Saiki insisted on walking Y/n home and came to regret the decision when a certain someone answered the door.

"You should be ashamed of yourself," Y/n's mom spat as she pulled her daughter into her house.

He didn't expect Y/n to have told her mother what happened on the mountain so soon. Then again she almost died so it was understandable.

"Mom, pl-"

"I thought I could trust you," she said with a glare, "Instead you hurt my daughter more than you've helped her."

Saiki nodded to the ground. He knew what had happened was his fault. He knew that he shouldn't have asked Y/n to remove one of her antennas. There was nothing he could say that would make his situation any better.

Her mother continued to bicker before finally slamming the door on Saiki's face. He sighed in disappointment and began to walk off the L/n property. He turned to look back at the house and spotted a familiar boy leaning on the windowsill.

He was mouthing something he couldn't understand. He squinted before making out the word: "Stu-pid"

He rolled his eyes. What an annoying brat.

"Good night, Y/n," he said as he walked off.

There was a long pause before he heard her voice, "good night, Saiki."

Y/n's POV:
Y/n sat on the staircase as her mom began to pace the living room back and forth.

"I just can't believing you right now. You said it was a vacation! How could you be so easily manipulated?!"

"To be fair the first half was a vacation," Y/n said turning to look at her mother.

"Oh don't you get sarcastic with my Y/n."

"I wasn't being sarcastic...." she said getting up from the staircase and walking to her room.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To my room. I have school tomorrow," she monotoned as she continued to walk without hesitation.

"We are not done with this conversation!" her mother said running up the stairs to follow her.

"Oh cry me a river mom,"she replied finally stopping at her doorframe, "I'm so tired of looking at your face just to get the same thought every time. Her fault. Her fault. Her fault. Her fault!"

Her mother pursed her lips as she continued.

"I don't want to get blamed for something I had no control over! It wasn't my fault! I'm sorry he's dead but blaming me will not bring him back!"

"Well I'm sorry for being a bad mother!"

"Don't be sorry! Do better! I can't keep having the same fucking argument with you!  You're driving us insane! Your driving me insane!"

Before Y/n could sputter out anymore nonsense, her mother slapped her. She yelped in surprise and held onto her burning cheek.

"Oh God. Y/n I'm so sorry," her mother said reaching towards her.

"Get the fuck out of my room," she mumbled.

"Y/n I—"

"GET OUT! Before I do something we both regret."

Her mother stepped back. Y/n had never gotten so angry before. It was like a whole new rage had awaken in her on that mountain.

Y/n slammed her door instantly creating a huge hole on it. She gasped. Kaito's head poked into the hole with curiosity as Y/n's mother also stood there flabbergasted.

"I didn't...I don't know why that happened," Y/n sputtered.

" much for returning your door," Kaito whispered.

Ugh school tomorrow again.

Another morning, another migraine.

Mmm tuna.

Why is the afternoon so hot? This is what I get for moving to the East Coast.

"What is going on?" Y/n said shakily, "she reached for her ears, "why can I hear everyone again?"

Y/n spun around her room as heat began to consume her.

Pyrokinesis?? Are my powers out of control again?

Saiki's POV:
~The next morning~
Saiki felt like he had waited years to be a third year.

The day had finally come and this time Y/n would be by his side. He looked over at the empty seat next to him which "coincidentally" had been assigned to Y/n.

And so he waited for her arrival.

And waited.

And waited.

...and waited.

The door of the L/n household opened revealingly it's youngest inhabitant.

Kaito stared blankly at Saiki. His thoughts seemed different. His demeanor had changed, almost as if some alien replaced this five year old.

"Can I help you mister?"

"Um. Y/n. Is she home?"

"She is not," Kaito began to close the door before Saiki placed his foot on the doorway to stop it from shutting.

Kaito looked down at the foot in thought. The old Kaito would have slammed the door on his foot, instead he looked back up at Saiki as if waiting for him to make the next move.

"Kaito please," Saiki whispered in desperation, "I just need to know that she's alright."'

"She's fine," he lied, "but she really isn't home."

He was actually telling the truth there. Y/n wasn't home, but he had no idea where she was.

"Can I take a message?"

With those slipping out of Kaito's mouth Saiki finally realized why Kaito seemed different. His mother gave him a script for whenever someone asked for Y/n. Clever.

"Is she really okay?"

She's not home. I thought she was with you.

With that thought Kaito slammed the door on his foot. Saiki jumped back in pain as Kaito finally closed the door.

The next few days would be a waking nightmare for Saiki. Word had got out about Y/n's transfer to home schooling and everyone was curious as to why it had happened so suddenly.

And worst of all......Teruhashi had been reassigned to Y/n's seat.

Saiki tried communicating with Y/n telepathically everyday with no success. Maybe she wanted some space? Maybe he was being too co-dependent. Maybe she had come to the realization that she didn't like him!

A loud series of knocks snapped Saiki out of his insecure episode. He heard his mother answer the door and have a brief conversation with the guest.

"Ku!" his mother lovingly called from downstairs, "a little boy is here to see you!"

He walked downstairs and raised a brow at the familiar face that stood by the doorframe of the entrance door.

"He says it's important," his mother said tapping his shoulder and walking back to the kitchen.

"Um...hi?" he said awkwardly to Kaito.

"Saiki you need to help Y/n!" he whisper shouted.

Saiki looked around the neighborhood before turning his attention back to the boy, "how'd you get my address? How'd you even get here??"

"There's no time to explain. Y/n's in trouble! She needs your help."

~Slight Timeskip~
Saiki stepped into the L/n household despite Ms. L/n's protests. He was led to Y/n's room which now had a hole in the door. He gulped before turning the knob and entering.

He gasped at the mess that had consumed Y/n's room. Books were thrown on the ground, there was a patch of a sticky substance next to a broken snow globe, her desk looked like it had been moved several times, and finally, what hurt Saiki the most, the beads of the bracelet she had bought in Oshimai were scattered on the floor.

Y/n turned to look at who had entered the room. Her eyes widened and Saiki stepped back in utter shock. Y/n's hair was a mess and her dark circles had become darker. She looked almost rabid in a way.

She cocked her head at Saiki and let out a soft cry, "Saiki?"

A/N: THREE more chapters!! Whoop whoop! Ahhhhhh! I'm excited! Are y'all??

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