This is Perseus Jackson

By Islandking02

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The story of our hero as he strives to be the model and hero as the son of Zeus. He faces challenges some wou... More

Chapter 1- The realization
Chapter 2-The fates are immenent
Chapter-3 The renewal of darknesss
Chapter-4 fate defied
Chapter-5 The siblings of darkness
So, My cousin asked...
Chapter-6 Conflicts within you and A begging of Romance
Chapter 7-The war effort
Chapter 8- The base mechanisims
Chapter 9- The beggining of the end
The war against the Titans 2-Chapter 11
Chapter 12- The last reality
Important notes.

Chapter 10-The war against the Titans 1

34 0 0
By Islandking02

Percy didn't know how long he'd been at this. He was hacking, slashing and screaming through the armies of monsters. Krios had swatted Percy upside the head, turned him about and clapped him. However, it seemed that the Titan was called back and Percy could have round 2 with the Echidna. He jumped as the claw's of the killer of Heracles swiped his way. "I killed you once." He reminded the Echidna. "My first death." Echidna admitted. "Not even the hunters could kill me. But, it won't happen again." She snarled, and lunged at him, claws on the ready.

Percy chopped Echidna up for Kabab. "Anyone else wanna fight?" The Chimera blasted fire at him. "Yeah... it seems so. He sliced the goat head off. "Come at me boy!" He whistled, like fetching a dog. The chimera reeled back, pride and used-to-be-head hurt. It didn't last long though, Chimera jumping back in action, its 2 back legs springing upwards with a great roar from the dragon head. Percy sliced Mr. Lion head off, cuz animal services, Ya know?

The last head of the chimera roared at Percy. Percy roared back hitting the dragon head in the nose, concussing it. He sliced the head with great effort swinging his sword, panting heavily. "Hmmph. Anyone else?" The nemean lion grinned in anticipation. "Of course." He muttered. "You. I haven't met you yet. Heard Heracles killed you, killed ol Chimera, completed the labors and the Echidna got revenge for killing her son." He remarked. "You're just a piece of the puzzle aren't you? Heracles, Echidna and Chimera are the picture. You're the background scenery."

Apparently the Nemean lion didn't like being called 'background scenery' It, snarling in anger jumped on top of Percy, pinning him down. "It's all fun and games till now." Percy mumbled. He grabbed the lion and jumped in the air, with the Nemean lion, slamming the creature on the earth, doing a rock bottom. "OOOOH! ROCK BOTTOM, ROCK BOTTOM!" Percy screamed like a madman. The nemean lion groaned on the ground. Percy picked up his sword, Analukusmos, a gift from Poseidon and sliced ol man Nemean into bits.

"You were getting boring." Percy remarked to the gold dust. "I'm quite sure I won't be as much so." A dark voice spoke from above him. There stood Atlas, Titan general. "I heard you're just as good a general as me. Let's see about you're fighting skill." Atlas swung his javelin at him. Oh shit. Percy was in biiiiiig trouble. 'What can I do?' Percy thought. He could use his abilities. Atlas, being the Titan of endurance and combat hadn't had any powers other than extreme skill in fighting and endurance.

Percy flew to the heavens, bringing bolts of lightning down. Atlas barely flinched at the lightning bolts. He threw his javelin, hitting Percy in the shoulder, wounding him and causing him to fall. Percy crashed on the ground with a 'oof'. He rolled back up, barely blocking the blow from Atlas's Broadsword. He jumped back, summoning an earthquake, calling upon 6 storms. He made the winds, howl, creating tornados. Percy brought lightning down, as powerful as he could and with one blow shoved it at the Titan.

This time, it made an impact. Not much of an impact though. Atlas flew threw the air, slamming on a rock, few feet behind him. He stood hp and dusted himself. Atlas pointed at Percy and released a tad of Titan energy. Percy flew through his domain, crashing into a tree, snapping it. 
Percy called upon all his storms, desperately willing something to happen. A thunderous roar shook the lands and all of Percy's power incased in a ball in Percy's hand.

He threw the ball like a grenade, hitting Atlas on the chest, knocking him back all the way into a house, which got smashed and down some other road. By this time, all the monsters were killed and the demigods were resting, healing or watching the battle, anticipating the next wave of monsters.

Atlas stood up, groaning. Percy's power peaked around the power of the god Hermes, who while having a respectable amount of power, was not very powerful compared to the big three. Atlas on the other hand, was just slightly under the big three's power range.

Atlas flicked his fingers, sending Percy rolling down highway. Percy pulled up, calling lightning again, striking Atlas. By this time, all his power had gone. All his natural disasters had ended. He was done for. How did the big three defeat kronos? Percy thought. Kronos was more powerful than the entire Olympian council combined. He peaked above many primordials, holding a great spot in the greek feudal system. So how? Percy wondered. Trickery he thought.

Percy pretended to lose strength, and he didn't know if he was pretending or if this was real. He couldn't seem to move himself even if he wanted to. He fell to the ground on his knees. The demigods gasped. Atlas smirked thinking he won. He stood in front of Percy, facing the demigods, opening his fat mouth to brag and- slash, no more Atlas. Well, corpse of Atlas anyway. Atlas's head rolled, severed from the body. It disintegrated, the dust going underground.

Percy wobbled to the Apollo kids. He slurped down their nectar, feeling the power rush to him. A wave of power hit him and the drink that Poseidon had supplied in the trials was in his laps. In his hands was a note. A gift, from your father Percy gulped it down gratefully, saying his thank you's. He rallied the legions up. It seemed, one or two had fallen in battle. "Warriors! We change plans. The titans think they know our positions, they know the weaknesses of the legion captain in that area! Which is why, we are changing the formation. Legion 3 and 2 fall right and left respectively and legion 1 will charge forward. I estimate that in 30 minutes, the Titans send their next attack. They need time to re group too."

I dismissed them and returned to my tent. I called a meeting, for Bianca, Nico and the legion captains. "Hello everyone. I see that you are here. Now, I must assure you, that everything is going as planned. Yet, the Titans have taken a big hit. I am back to my full strength and the Titans have lost their general. But, their king remains. He is the most powerful. He will probably come out in wave 3, the last wave, the Titans final defense."

"In the next wave, Hyperion, Koios and Iapetus will come out. I suspect that Krios was called back to take Atlas's position under the sky and no one, except a Titan or powerful god can take that mantle. They will leave Krios. Has anyone got any suggestions to take out wave 2?" Everyone was silent. They had suffered from just Krios, he had killed two before being called back and Atlas would have wrecked them, had he not been stopped early.

30 minutes later

The next wave charged. The 4 Titans were in the middle, protected by monsters. The monsters met the legion 1 demigods at the middle, clashing with new monsters and demigods. The advantage here was, that most powerful monsters had been ended in wave 1. The titans however slashed, hacked and wrecked. Bodies fell, blood spattered. Percy fought Iapetus, desperately holding him back.

The other Titans were being fought by Deities, and entire legions. It seemed that the hunters had taken out all of the monsters and that the deities had decided to pile out of being the last line of defense. Each Titan was fighting at least 2000 beings, and winning. Everyone except Iapetus of course, he was fighting Percy and winning, showing the young demigods skill, managing to be around the same power level of 2000 deities and a lower Olympian god.

Percy panted and slashed slamming lightning into Iapetus. Iapetus twisted and turned, constantly trying to pierce him. Iapetus was weaker than Atlas, but smarter. Atlas's father had more experience and more brains, than his brawny son. The piercer jabbed his spear Percy's way. Percy narrowly dodged, sliding as he did so doing an acrobatic move. He felt help coming. Thalia Grace had come to help him, stabbing and hacking with her own spear. It was clear that she was no match however, being a little more powerful than an average demigod, being a child of the big three. Percy took Iapetus's distraction as an advantage and lunged behind his back stabbing him.

Blood leaked out of the wound, a gaping hole, not closing up. Gold covered the road and the blood of Iapetus, which was Ichor, stained the streets. Koios looked over, shocked at the permanent death of his brother, which only happened if, a Titan gave up all hope of winning the battle. Koios stood in shock for a few dozen seconds. Luke, not wanting to waste his opportunity swung his sword, cutting of Koios's head.

Koios too, like Iapetus, didn't evaporate into gold dust, rather Ichor spilled around the road, a corpse dropping down onto the road. Hyperion snarled, activating his Titanly energy, burning many and throwing many. Percy took control of the situation. He summoned an earthquake and used the winds to throw Hyperion far away. "Apollo children! Take the wounded into the tents. The hunters need a break. All enemies except Hyperion are out. Wait for the next wave. Legion leaders, come with me we have a Titan to kill. Children of Hades, contact your father, tell him what's happening down at Olympus. We're winning. The last Titan left is Kronos. The Olympians need some good news."

Percy's POV
I instructed them their jobs and met Hyperion in a suburb apartment. The apartment had crashed, debris falling everywhere. Hyperion crawled out of the debris, holding his sword, activating his powers. I clamped my eyes shut. "How do we defeat him? We can't see!" Luke exclaimed. "Use your other senses." I instructed. "Fight!" It felt odd, randomly thrusting into the heat, hoping we hit Hyperion. Eventually, grunts started forming, leading up to groans. The light stopped and we opened our eyes to find a panting Hyperion.

"Well, bye I suppose." I muttered before driving my sword through his chest. Hyperion crumbled into golden dust, going underground, to Tartarus. I returned back to Olympus, with the legion leaders. "Be on guard." I instructed them "The next battle will be, the gods that sided with Kronos who know how to fight, the leftover monsters and.... Him." I didn't elaborate. By the looks on their faces, I didn't need to.
I headed back into my tent, taking a breather, eating some ambrosia.

Nico's POV

Ahhhh crud. I couldn't tell my master about the change of formations, cause Jackson called the meeting! And I had to tell Hades the good news, being forced by Bianca, lifting the Olympians hopes. Never mind. At least, I told my Master that Jackson knew who would come in the third wave. The last wave. I wondered for a split second who would come out victorious. Of course the Titans I berated myself. They had killed over 80 demigods last wave. That, was a massive, crippling blow. 'But' ,the other part of my mind reasoned 'Kronos lost all of his Titans and most of his monsters too. Consider that and the demigods are winning currently by a landslide. Damn Jackson! His forts, towers, walls and inclined planes were actually helping.

Demigods hid behind walls when they were weak, letting others take their position. Some stood on inclined planes, shooting the monsters. Demigods went in the forts, hiding, in them and regrouping in them. Jackson and the legion leaders had tents. The rest of us fit in 4 different forts for hiding the weak, healing the weak or re grouping in break time. The Apollo children could use the legion leaders tents too for the medical procedures. Not Jacksons tent though. Never his.

The towers were useful too, Hunters, sniping the monsters and attempting to hit Titans. All in all, Jackson had a good plan, but even he could not survive wave 3. That was where Typhon would kill the gods. Where Kronos would take Olympus and where I would reveal myself.

The end. 2062 words

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