? Produced By E.F.A. and L.F...

By Dogqueen1

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Two kids who find an abandoned warehouse and their whole world changes. Sci-fi comedy with minor fantasy and... More



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By Dogqueen1


Sorry, I just had to get that out. Of course I was angry. Who wouldn’t be? Me and Lizz were really close, and seeing her fall head over heels for some guy in his twenties hurt. Especially because he was just pixels. Or at least we thought so at the time. But no, that's plot points, something I refuse to do. And actually, this is probably the one time I will write a chapter without dumb interruptions, simply to skip over this episode asap.

    So we started walking to who knows where. Well Captian Perfect  knew where. And because Lizz lost her brain cells around him, and other times zoned out, which I hoped was because she was talking to Nick and not planning her wedding with Jack, I started asking him questions.

    “So, Jack. What’s this place you’re taking us to?”

    “First, it’s Captain Jack. Second, I’m taking you to a pit of eternal doom.”

    “Okay, neat. Why are you taking us to a carousel?”

    “It actually isn’t a flaming death pit. The death pit comes later. We’re going to an old high school.”

    “Wait, like a physical building? Well, as physical as you can get I guess.”

    “Yep! We need to get the two of you initiated, and then we can tour the rest of this world.”

    “Including the carousel?”

    “Including the flaming eternal death pit.”

    I sighed, not looking forward to this at all. 

    Jack smiled over at me, “Don’t worry, I’ll make it worth your while.”

    I frowned, wondering what he meant by that, but dropped it to continue asking my mental list of questions. “Anyways, who’s that guy Jesper was talking about, Jillian or whatever.”

    “Oh, you mean Gilan? He’s a special sort, best not to go into too much detail. He is a Doctor though, if the two of you need any help.”

    “Okay, but what if we’re allergic to the carousel’s cotton candy?” Apparently Lizz was at least paying attention to that last part of the conversation because she socked me in the arm.

    “You idiot, there aren't any allergies in the cyber realm.”

“Oh, the eternal death pit’s fires are non-allergenic.”

    “What flavor are they?”

“Death flavored.”

“Ooh, I love cherry flavoring!” I said, excited.

    Lizz rolled her eyes, “didn’t I tell you to stop eating sugar E-”

    I cut her off before she could finish my name, “Yes. You have, Olga.”

    She glared at me but looked away before she said anything. I assumed it was because of Nick. Because we were pressed for time because of his trashy parents invading the warehouse, only she has the psychic link.

    I turned back to Jack, “I’m Sage by the way. And she’s Olga. She’s not quite so right in the head, so she tends to space out a lot.”

    Let it be known, Lizz just punched my arm. She’s still upset that I named her Olga. But she shouldn’t complain because It was either that or Moxie Crimefighter. I’m not good at thinking on the spot. Heck, I named myself Sage just because we walked past it. Totally not because I want to be a prince in disguise named Jaron or something. Not at all.

    “Well, it’s nice to meet you Sage, that’s such a lovely name. I don’t think I properly introduced myself. Nice to meet you, I'm Captain Jack.”

    I frowned, ignoring the comment on my ‘lovely name.’ If I didn’t know better I’d think he was flirting with me. Lizz says he was. I just never realized it because I’m a stupid, oblivious boy. But she loves me anyway. LIZZ SAID THE L WORD!!!!!!!! Okay sorry, I freak out a little too much. Can you blame me though? This is Lizzianna we’re talking about. But ya, apparently Jack flirted with everyone. No my cheeks are not red JOHNNY! Shut up. Or what? I’ll bludgeon you with my sandwich, that’s what. Yes, the one covered in slobber. I thought so. ANYWAYS, moving on now.

    Well we would, If I remembered where we left off. It wasn’t the zombies was it? Or was that just a dream? I can’t remember. Actually It was probably a dream because Jack turned into a zombie, bit the ground, turning the entire world into a zombie. And then everyone got eaten by a zombie earth. Yeah, okay that was definitely a dream. You probably didn’t need to hear that. But hey now it will haunt your dreams, like giant underwater clowns. Or giant, floating, underwater, fire-breathing baby clown heads. That randomly pop out of the ground creating active supervolcanoes and set everybody's hair on fire.

    Okay, back to Jack! Because, this just in, we arrived at our destination. The Carousel Of Death!! Mah ha ha ha ha!!!! Lizz says I have to stop scaring you. She’s no fun. But she was having it, because Jack offered his arm to her and so she was hanging on him and laughing her head off. I sighed and pulled her away, pointing ahead, “Hey look we’re there.”

    Lizz scowled at me before looking in the direction of my pointing finger. “That looks a lot less fun than I thought it would look.”

    “Hey Olga,” I said because I needed to milk that name as much as I could. “What if Jack’s trying to kill us?”

    “First, it’s Captain Jack, second, it’s literally my job to show the new people around, I won’t kill you. And finally, you can’t actually die in virtual reality. Unless of course you die physically when you're plugged in, but we’re not worrying about that. Since you two aren't, since that technology has not been invented yet.

    “Huh?” I asked because I wasn’t paying attention to him.

    “Don’t worry about it, your too stupid to comprehend,” Lizz said, shooting figuritive daggers at me through her eyes. I have to add the fugitive because I saw this one guy shooting actual daggers out of his eyeballs in the background as we walked. I waved to a guy wearing a deep red robe, and he shouted “It is unseen!” and ran away.

    “It’s not unseen, I can see you quite clearly!” I yelled, but he just knocked over a conveniently placed trash can and ran faster. I frowned.

    “Don’t mind him, we get a lot of nerds down here.”

    Lizz jerked her head up.

    “Ez, brace yourself, we’re heading back.”

    “So soon? I thought we still had an hour.” She shook her head.

    “Nick says Hannigan is pulling us back. Wouldn’t tell us what for, though.” I braced myself, waiting for that nausea-inducing feeling of getting pulled to and from the digital dimension. Aaaaaaaaaand, that’s my lunch break. See ya!

Signing off-Ezra

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