By XxAzulxXel

35.2K 2K 1.1K

"It's happening again...GOD DA-" bruh they dumped Colith in kimetsu no Yaiba just because they can. Colith is... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.

Chapter 2.

2.6K 161 91
By XxAzulxXel





As soon as I arrived at the Kamado household, my heart sank, overwhelmed by a deep sense of heaviness and sorrow.


As I braced myself for the inevitable sight, it still hurt to see Tanjiro slide down the front door, his face etched with shock and horror at what lay inside. Having faced the mangled corpses left behind by Titans in my previous experiences, I had grown somewhat accustomed to the gruesome scenes. Nonetheless, the current scene, while relatively cleaner than what Titans had wrought, was still heartbreaking. The sight of baby Rokuta's lifeless body stirred an overwhelming wave of emotions within me.

'Even if I didn't know them, the bastard still MURDERED a TODDLER.'

My eyes began glowing with a piercing gold hue, fueled by pure rage. Poor Tanjiro flinched when he sensed the livid emotion behind him, and he turned to look at me with wide, shocked eyes.

'She's... mad? W-what is this presence?! It's suffocating...!' Before Tanjiro could pass out from the sheer pressure of my wrath, I immediately subdued the anger and asked, trying to regain control of my emotions.

"Are there any survivors..?" I inquired, struggling to keep my tone calm and composed. God, I need to control my anger; this poor boy just lost everything.

Said boy snapped out of his shock and quickly checked for their vitals as tears streamed down his cheeks. He managed to mutter weakly, "Only Nezuko..." before gently placing the girl on his back. Then, he turned to me and hastily declared that he "was going to find a doctor," before swiftly running down the path we had come from, leaving me standing there, still grappling with my emotions.

Sighing heavily, I turned to face the house, my fist held tight in frustration. "Suppose I should do some cleaning in advance," I muttered to myself and approached the gruesome scene.

Just looking at the blood bath made me cringe mentally, imagining the horror of it being Ma and my sisters. How would I handle such a devastating loss? The answer was clear: I wouldn't be able to.

My gaze fell on the tiny, unmoving body lying in the snow, and a pang of sorrow washed over me. If only I could have arrived here earlier, maybe I could have prevented this tragedy. I looked up to the sky, my middle finger raised in defiance.

"Y'all are a bunch of assholes, you know that?" I growled, venting my anger and frustration to the heavens, knowing that my words would fall on deaf ears.

After clicking my tongue, I got to work.

As I gazed at the Kamados' remains, preserved by the cold or perhaps some unknown force, I couldn't help but notice how peaceful they appeared, as if they were merely asleep. But the reality was stark, with blood and weak signs of resistance telling a different, heart-wrenching story.

The sight of children, none older than 10, lying lifeless beside their mother's body filled me with an overwhelming desire to punch Muzan in the dick.

"Remind me to do just that the moment I see him," I muttered, my frustration evident. While I didn't particularly hate the man, in that moment, I was strongly tempted to confront him.

With a snap of my fingers, all signs of blood vanished in a swoosh. The house was now devoid of the dreadful liquid, as if it had never been there in the first place. The entryway, once stained with blood, now appeared pristine. The sliding doors were back in place, and the futon was neatly rolled up in a corner, giving the place an air of normalcy, despite the tragedy that had unfolded within its walls. It almost seemed welcoming, except for the lifeless bodies still lying there. I grimaced at the sight but felt a strong sense of responsibility to treat them with the respect they deserved. I took a moment to apologize for not arriving sooner, knowing that it was the least I could do to honor their memory.

Preferring not to handle the bodies myself— I called upon the titans to bury them back in the forest, as some of them no longer resembled humans— Using my telekinesis, I gently lifted and laid the bodies side by side, arranging them in order from late Kie to baby Rokuta. Each of them was carefully covered with a white sheet, offering a semblance of dignity in their final resting place.

Back in my home country, where the majority followed the Muslim faith, there were customary rituals for purifying the deceased. The body would be cleansed of any impurities, and cotton would be placed in the nostrils, mouth, and ears. Then, the deceased would be dressed in layers of white cloth. Depending on the family's wishes, the body could be perfumed and wrapped in a white veil, akin to a mummy, before being laid to rest. It was a personal decision whether to cover the person entirely or leave some skin visible.

However, in this foreign land, I didn't want to impose our traditions on the Kamados. Instead, I respectfully removed all traces of blood from their clothes and skin. I wanted to make it easier for Tanjiro to handle the burial without the constant reminder of blood scent plaguing his senses.

'Poor boy...' I thought.

With my task complete, I whispered a little prayer, "May Allah welcome you in heaven..." for the deceased, before gently closing the door with a sense of relief.

The gentle touch of winter's cold wind caressed my clothes, and faint whispers of gratitude seemed to reach my ears, but I couldn't be certain.

"Now to find Tanjiro..." I closed my eyes, focusing on the task ahead, which wasn't challenging considering that no humans lived near those parts of the mountain. Aside from little animals, I eventually came across three distinct human-shaped auras.

As I surveyed them, distinct characteristics stood out in each of them, revealing their identities in this unfamiliar place.

The first aura emitted a warmth akin to the gentle rays of the sun, exuding a sense of tranquility. It was clear that the person was deeply unconscious. Tanjiro.

The second aura, tinted in a vibrant pink hue, emanated an intense and fierce energy, accompanied by demonic nuances. It could only be Nezuko.

Lastly, the third aura exuded a surprising yet determined current of blue water, marking the presence of none other than Gi— GIYUU!!

With my previous glumness forgotten, excitement surged through me as I teleported near the spot where I sensed their presence. To my surprise, I arrived just in time to witness Giyuu knocking Nezuko out, and her body gently landed next to her brother in the soft snow. A quiet but impressed whistle escaped my lips as I observed the scene.

'Wooow, it's quite impressive seeing it for myself,' I marveled at Giyuu's prowess and skill in handling the situation.

As the thought passed through my mind, a swift katana appeared before me, almost succeeding in beheading me had I not swiftly ducked in the nick of time.

'Not that it could've killed me, trust me, but-'

A choked sound escaped my mouth as I leaped backward, my hat nearly tumbling off my head. My focus shifted to the wide-eyed Giyuu, who was now staring at me in astonishment, clearly taken aback by the sudden turn of events.

"HEY, WHAT THE HELL, DUDE!" I shrieked in bewilderment. 'Did Sadboi.exe try to end me?! Seriously?! BUT I AIN'T NO DEMON!' "What was that about?! I didn't do anything, man!" The swordsman maintained his fighting stance, gripping his katana firmly.

Despite the tension, I almost snorted at the puzzled look on his face. Almost.

"Who are you?" His voice was barely audible but still reached my ears. 'She has sharp instincts... She easily dodged...' he observed, clearly surprised by my quick reflexes.

A scandalized gasp escaped my lips as I couldn't believe what had just transpired.

"YOU! Who are you?!" I pointed an accusatory finger at him, almost reenacting a version of the Spider-Man meme, without his assistance though. "You can't just try to kill someone and then, oh? I dunno? Ask their names as if nothing happened!" I fumed.

He remained silent, his gaze fixed on me, unmoving. I narrowed my eyes.

'You're lucky you're one of my favorites, or I'd whoop yo handsome ass,' I sighed. "Whatever, I ain't got no time for this. What happened to them?" I gestured towards the two siblings lying in the snow, feeling a chill just by looking at them, causing me to shiver slightly.

Giyuu glanced between the siblings and me, keeping his mouth shut, frustratingly refusing to answer. He resumed his staring, leaving me exasperated by his silence and lack of cooperation.

My eye twitched in annoyance. 'Boi, I know you're socially inept, but seriously, that's IMPOLITE.'

With a huff, I attempted to approach the two Kamados, but the man stood in front of me, blocking my path.

"What?" I scowled and looked up at him, my 14-year-old form feeling tiny compared to his. Despite the situation, I couldn't resist shamelessly looking him up and down, admiring his appearance. 'But damn, he's cute.' I couldn't help but think, before a frown crossed my face as I realized what was going on. 'Not now, hormones!' I mentally scolded myself, trying to push aside any distractions and focus on the more pressing matters at hand.

Giyuu's eyebrows furrowed at my sudden change of behavior. He seemed perplexed, wondering why I had shifted from anger to smiling like an idiot and giggling while watching him. Was I mocking him? Did he have something on his face that I found amusing? He briefly considered wiping his face, but then refocused on the urgent situation at hand.

"It's dangerous," he asserted firmly, drawing my attention back to the matter at hand.

"Huh?" I blinked, momentarily distracted by my own thoughts. 'OH MY GAD, HE'S SO BEAUTIFU-' I mentally paused, realizing that my thoughts were not appropriate for the situation. I quickly composed myself and focused on his words.

"The girl," he pointed towards Nezuko, and I followed his gaze, "She's a demon. She may be able to recognize her brother, but I doubt she won't attack you the moment you get near." He finished his explanation, awkwardly putting some distance between us.

As I processed Giyuu's concern for my safety, my eyes softened immediately.

'Oh... I see, he didn't want me in danger.'

A soft smile tugged at my lips, realizing that Giyuu was a sweet and misunderstood soul. "Thanks for the advice, dude. I'll keep that in mind," I expressed gratefully, offering him my kindest smile, which caused a faint blush to appear on his cheeks.

Wait a second - BLUSHED?!

Trying to ignore the surprising discovery, I watched him nod stiffly and approached the demon girl, carefully wrapping the pale purple haori around her and placing the famous bamboo muzzle on her mouth.

'Where the hell did he even get them?' I wondered, impressed with his precaution.

Satisfied with his task, he straightened up and walked over to a nearby tree, leaning against it. Despite his stoic demeanor, I couldn't help but notice his subtle reaction to my smile, making me wonder what lay behind those calm eyes of his.

Shrugging, I followed his example and leaned against the tree beside him. Even though his face showed nothing, I could sense his discomfort from our proximity, evident in his stiff shoulders.

An uncomfortable silence settled in between us. The dark-haired man avoided looking at me, and it seemed like he was doing everything to escape the interaction. Meanwhile, I played with my hat, not minding the silence one bit. Despite the chilly weather, I didn't feel the cold, thanks to my active powers that kept me warm. Back home in Mali, it never snowed due to being under the Sahara desert, where temperatures could reach up to 50 degrees Celsius for "shits and giggles." So, I was more accustomed to the scorching heat than the cold climate—

"I'm sorry," Giyuu apologized, his voice filled with awkwardness and regret.

My head swirled toward Giyuu's direction, displaying a puzzled expression on my features. Noticing my confusion, he continued, "For attacking you. I didn't expect you to appear so suddenly." He finally looked at me, revealing his feelings of guilt and remorse. "I thought you were the demon who attacked them, so I reacted."

Giyuu seemed genuinely ashamed of himself for mistaking me as a threat and attacking me, considering his duty was to slay demons, not harm innocent people.

"Aaw!" A light chuckle escaped me, interrupting his somber mood. "It's fine! Stop sulking, man! I ain't mad at you—it's not the first time someone tries to kill me," I mumbled too quickly for Giyuu to fully comprehend. "I just got spooked when I saw a wild katana heading my way, but look," I pointed to myself, "no harm's done!" I threw him a cheerful grin, reminiscent of Luffy's 'shishishi' expression— I think I just did that. Bref.

Giyuu's cheeks flushed a light pink.

'OK, I definitely wasn't hallucinating back there— what the fuck, Higher-Ups?! This is too easy. I ain't that pretty.'

He quickly nodded, averting his gaze. "...Your Japanese is good...for a foreigner..." He used the word 外人 (Gaijin), which I knew referred to foreigners in Japan. Though I'm not Japanese, I was aware that I stood out with my dark skin.

I expected some startlement or disgust at my appearance, considering I was in ancient Japan where people weren't used to seeing someone like me. However, to my surprise, Giyuu didn't display any wild reactions. I assumed his experiences as a demon slayer had exposed him to various unusual beings, making my appearance less of a shock for him.

I concluded my thoughts, only to register his words a moment later, leaving me in awe that THE Tomioka Giyuu had complimented me.

I couldn't contain my excitement and immediately started bouncing in place, feeling giddy and overjoyed. 'He complimented me, he complimented me!'

"Thank you very much, Hashira-san!!" I beamed with a wide smile, but Giyuu continued to look straight forward, his cheeks warmed by a faint blush.

"T-Tomioka Giyuu.." he blurted out. "My name is Tomioka Giyuu... Not 'Hashira-san'..." His response was filled with surprise, unsure how to react to me knowing his title. He might have assumed I was familiar with demon slayers, although it was quite rare for someone outside the organization to know about it.

I giggle because of his efforts to have some semblance of a conversation.

"Tobe Colith!" I was about to extend my hand for a handshake but quickly realized the cultural difference and bowed instead, and to my surprise, he mimicked the gesture as well. "Nice to meet you, Tomioka-san!" I added with a friendly smile.

However, before I could continue, a sudden gasp from Tanjiro caught both our attention. Giyuu seemed relieved to be saved from the awkward conversation.

Tanjiro gripped Nezuko's clothes tightly as if scared to lose her. He blinked away the tears, trying to regain his composure. Seizing the opportunity, Giyuu changed the subject, his face returning to its neutral expression. "Are you awake?" he inquired, giving Tanjiro a chance to focus on something other than his emotions.

'No, he's asleep, dumbass.'

Tanjiro's breath halted at the man's voice, and he looked up so fast that I heard his neck crack from where I was. Ouch.

His eyes widened in utter panic as he quickly wrapped Nezuko in a protective hold, still scared that waterboi would attempt something again. I couldn't help but snort at the Hashira's slight hurt look.

'Hey, you did this to yourself, man,' I thought, though it seemed to catch Tanjiro's attention as he now looked back and forth between Giyuu and me in confusion.

"Go to the foot of Mount Sagiri, to an old man named Urokodaki Sakonji," Giyuu instructed. The boy blinked, completely puzzled, but he listened to the Hashira's words carefully. "Tell him that Tomioka Giyuu sent you." Waterboi straightened up, facing the boy. "Luckily, the sky is covered by clouds today, never expose your sister to the sun," he added. He was about to excuse himself, but I caught his wrist, which halted him in his tracks in surprise.

The swordsman's breath caught in his throat when my golden hues peered curiously at his midnight blue eyes. His cheeks slightly reddened from the sudden eye contact, and he seemed unsure of how to react.

"Before you depart, Tomioka-San, where does the Final Selection take place exactly, and how many times a year?" I inquired.

"It takes place at Fujikasane mountain once a year," came the quick reply from Giyuu.

Smiling, I nodded and then released the poor fellow's wrist, who immediately hightailed the hell away from us. The way his alarmed aura exited my sensing ranges, which were nothing to scoff at, astonished me. Well damn, Hashiras sure were fast.

Bro likely never had this kind of conversation with a girl in his life, and Shinobu didn't count since she liked bullying him. Bruh.

A moment passed as we both stared at the spot the Hashira previously stood. Then, I turned toward a stunned Tanjiro and asked, "You alright?" Walking toward him and his sister, I noticed he was still shaken from the earlier events, making his attempt to stand rather weak. His knees gave up, and he fell forward with a startled yelp. Smooth like a snake, I caught his waist, preventing him from kissing the snow.

"Looks like it's a no then." I chuckled, enjoying the comically wide-eyed expression on his face as his cheeks flushed to match his hair color.

"Hu...wh- Colith-san?!" he stuttered, trying to find his words. I laughed and playfully flicked his forehead, surprised by the hardness of it. I quickly helped him stand upright this time.

"You should grab your sister; I'm getting cold just by looking at her like that." The boy froze for a moment, then quickly did as I suggested, cradling his sleeping sister protectively. He straightened up, still looking at me with curiosity and uncertainty. I gave him a reassuring nod and motioned for him to lead the way.

As we walked, grief made itself painfully evident in his eyes, his once bright spirit now clouded with sorrow. His lips quivered, trying to suppress the tears that threatened to spill. Feeling a surge of compassion, I gently patted his head, offering what little comfort I could. His startled reaction quickly turned into a grateful expression as he glanced at me with tear-filled eyes. He weakly uttered a thank you, and we continued our trek to the cottage, each step heavy with the weight of his loss.

Ten minutes later, we finally arrived in front of the house. Tanjiro stilled, his fist clenched tightly in anguish. He released a shaky breath, trying to muster the courage to face what awaited him inside. Slowly, he approached the house, his hands trembling as he reached for the sliding front door.

Nezuko had woken up and was now standing beside me, which surprised me since she had never seen me before. I couldn't help but wonder why she wasn't attacking, but I didn't have time to dwell on it as Tanjiro managed to slide the door open. His eyes widened to the size of saucers at the sight that greeted him.


I perked up from my staring contest with Nezuko, feeling a bit guilty for intruding at such a time. "Ah... I took the liberty of cleaning up while you were away," I said, scratching my cheek sheepishly. "I hope it wasn't rude of me to intrude, but I wanted to spare you more pain." My voice trailed off into a hushed tone, and I gave him a sad smile, trying to offer some comfort in this difficult moment.

As Tanjiro slowly turned toward me, tears streaming down his face, he immediately performed a dogeza, his forehead landing heavily on the ground as he released broken sobs.

"T-thank you... Colith-san... Thank you." The sight of his bloodied family had clearly been too much for him to bear, and having this stranger spare him from the atrocious sight made him feel immensely grateful. The smell of blood had lessened too, providing some relief. Nezuko, sensing her brother's emotions, perked up and went to copy him, executing a dogeza as well.

I gaped like a dumbass because 'YOOOOO TANJIRO CHILL.' and sent them an awkward look. 'Pretty sure Nezuko ain't aware of what she's doing, and it's adorable-' "N-no need t-to!!!" I waved my hands wildly, highly embarrassed, and approached them. "Please stand up...!!" I stammered, trying to convey that they didn't need to bow before me.

After a battle to convince sunshine Boi that it was nothing, that no, I don't need anything, and no, Tanjiro, I don't want money, please stop smashing your forehead on the ground Jeez— he quickly got to work. He adamantly refused further help from me since, and I quote: "you've done enough for us already," so I stood in the back with Nezuko, who was now looking at me with her dot-like eyes.

She was wearing her iconic outfit while gripping my arm like a koala. Her innocent and adorable gesture made my heart melt, and I couldn't help but smile down at her.

"What the heck are you doing, baby?" I stroked her head affectionately as she 'Hm-ed' through her muzzle, reaching for my cheek to poke it with her tiny finger. I cooed like a doting mom in front of a baby, which she was to me right now, and pulled her into a tight hug while squealing with delight. Tanjiro looked up from the graves he was currently burying and saw me glomping his baby sister as though my life depended on it.


With his task completed and a heavy heart, Tanjiro swallowed the lump in his throat as he gazed at the graves. He slowly approached us, and as he got closer, he couldn't help but sweat drop when he heard me baby talking to the demon girl. It was an unexpected and amusing sight amidst the sorrowful atmosphere.

"Are... Aren't you scared...?" He asked a bit unsure since he didn't believe in demons until today...unfortunately.

Nezuko and I exchanged a quick glance, my arms still wrapped protectively around her in a hug.


He fidgeted in his spot while looking between us.

"Nezuko...Aren't you afraid of her? She could eat you...since she's a...demon..." He finished lamely, looking at his feet as he waited for my reply.

"Huh, not really, no," I replied with a playful smile, looking down at the adorable creature in my arms. I couldn't resist booping her nose affectionately, earning a surprised expression from Tanjiro. "She's absolutely adorable," I continued, my voice filled with genuine affection for Nezuko. "And trust me, she's not the type to eat anyone."

Tanjiro blinked in astonishment, clearly puzzled by my carefree attitude despite the circumstances. "You're not afraid of her at all?" he asked incredulously.

I shrugged nonchalantly, "Nah." I glanced back at Nezuko, who seemed to enjoy the attention, her muzzle hinting at a smile. "Plus, I have a strong feeling that she's not a threat to me or anyone else."

Tanjiro's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, trying to comprehend the situation. "But... she's a demon," he protested weakly.

I chuckled lightly, "Yeah, I know. But sometimes, appearances can be deceiving. I've seen enough to believe in the good in people... or demons." I patted Nezuko's head gently, reinforcing my trust in her.

After a prayer to his family, both Kamados turned to look at me, their hands held together.

"...I suppose this is where we part ways..." The boy said weakly, tightening his grip around Nezuko's hand. "I'm sorry...that our meeting went this way and troubled you with our problems. I suppose you won't be able to stay with us..." He looked at the graves with pain in his eyes before focusing back on me. "I'll show you the way to the village so you can find help!" he bowed deeply, Nezuko doing the same. "We are grateful for what you did today, and I hope to meet you again in the future—"

"Tanjiro." I interrupted him, which made him flinch in surprise, his hanafuda earrings jolting through the motion. "What did I ask waterboi before he ran off?" I crossed my arms, waiting for the gears in his brain to start turning.

'Wa-waterboi?' "A-about the f-final selection..?" he said, still bowing, though it sounded more like a question than the answer. It only took him 10 seconds to understand where I was going with that, and, oh boy, the speed at which he straightened up almost made me step back. "You want to become a Demon Slayer?!"

'He said the thing~' I chuckled inwardly at his reaction but maintained a composed exterior. Nezuko just copied him while looking between us curiously.

"It's the idea, pal," I said, ruffling his burgundy strands of hair. He blushed at the contact of my hand on his scalp. "To become a Demon Slayer, we need a master to teach and guide us to the exam site." It was partly true, but I added a bit of playful exaggeration. I could go on my own, as I only needed to survive 7 days and nights on Fujikasane mountain to become one. But he didn't need to know that, and I was looking forward to meeting Tengu gramps.

"It means that..." His eyes, once devoid of light due to grief, slightly brightened as he looked at my grinning face.

"Yep, I'm tagging along! Only if you're okay with it, though." I said, scratching my cheek. The boy immediately brightened up, letting out a "Yes, of course, thank you!" and started wildly bowing, much to my dismay and concern. The concern was replaced by coos when Nezuko clasped my right hand in hers and decided not to let go.

With that said, we set on our way to Mount Sagiri.



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