Until Forever Ends | A Draco...

By Quillandquartz

1.1K 74 13

• Posting often! • A Draco Malfoy love story 18+ Aurelia Greenwood moves to Hogwarts for her 6th year at sc... More

1)The Hogwarts Express
2) Fingers crossed
3) Dorm 34
4) The Boys
5) Pre-drinks and Party Dresses
6) The Party
7) Herbology
8) Theo
9) Potions
10) Magic of the mind
11) Thestrals
12) Slytherin vs Gryffindor
14) The morning after
15) Draught of Living Dreath

13) The Spare Dorm

62 4 0
By Quillandquartz

Back in our dorms, we were wriggling out of our drenched clothes. The feeling of peeling wet fabric off my skin, extremely uncomfortable.

"There's no point is making an effort tonight, trying to look nice" Pansy stated, drying off her damp skin with a towel. "Everyone's just gotten soaked. No one's going to look nice"

"Plus it'll take ages" I agree "you know, makeup, hair, deciding what to wear. It's only the common room right?"


We all pulled on relatively comfy clothes. I wore a pale pink knitted jumper with some mom jeans. I craved something warm after being out in the cold.

"Come on girlies" Daphne half sung "the boys will be back now. They would have already changed down in the tent"

"Wait give me one second" I pleaded, checking my hair in the mirror. It was still wet and would probably look a mess once it dried. "Let me just braid this"

"Oh I can do it for you?" Daphne offered and she wove my walnut brown hair into one loose plait down the back of my head. I pulled it over one shoulder, pleased with her work.

"Thanks Daph" I grin, looking at her in the mirror.

And with one last spray of perfume, we left for the common room.

The boys were on a high, ecstatic that they'd won.

"Pans! Did you see me out there baby? We fucking smashed it? We killed it out there tonight!"

Pansy ran at Blaise, leaping into his arms. "I know, I know! You did amazing. So fucking amazing"

I watched the joyous scene unfold. Although I didn't totally agree with Blaise's claims.

Technically we only won because Draco caught the snitch...The Gryffindors were in the lead.

So the credits all mine, eh Greenwood?

Malfoy? Seriously? Get the fuck out of my head.

"Drakey!" A voiced squealed, interrupting our silent conversation. "You were incredible! Did you see me watching you? Did you? I made a banner!"
Astoria prattles on, practically pouncing on him only to be quickly pushed away.

"Yeah, yeah I was great. Erm I'll go fetch some drinks"

I'd spent the last two hours with Daphne and Pansy. Us girls wanted to stick together tonight. We'd been giggling and gossiping, discussing who the best looking professors were (an extremely hard decision) and debating which boy in our year had the biggest cock.
At this point we were way past tipsy, in that amazing drunken state where everything is funny and you have all the confidence in the world.

"Ooo, speaking of dick, where's my Blaisey?" Pansy giggles, getting up to find him.

"No! Get back here Pans!" Daphne calls after her. "Always ditches us..."

"Rey" Theo strides over, a bottle in his hand. "Where's my congratulations?" He teases, pulling a fake sad face.

"Oh Theo! Sorry..congrats! I knew you'd be great" I rise off my chair slightly to hug him.
He hugs me back, perching on the arm of the sofa.

"I'm only messing....but I can think of a few ways we can celebrate our win?" He replies suggestively. "Can I steal her Daph?"

"Whatever" Daphne rolls her eyes. "Pansy's already left so you might as well"

He holds out his hand for me to take.

I grin at him, feeling girly and cheeky. Full of alcohol. I go to take his hand when I feel slightly guilty. I don't want to leave Daphne on her own.

I glance over at her to see her roll her eyes playfully.

"Just go! She laughs, gently slapping my leg "I guess I'll go find Flint or something."

"Come on then gorgeous" Theo winks.

He leads me through the common room, towards and up into the boys dormitories.

"Erm, am I allowed up here?"

"Why do you care?" He chuckles.

My head feels light as we climb the stairs. My vision slightly blurred, room almost spinning. But I feel giddy and happy, like nothing could ruin my good mood.

We head all the way to the end of the hall and into a dark room. Theo charms a lamp on, a dull light casting shadows on the walls. The room was tidy. Very tidy.

"Is this your room?"

"No" he laughs "it's a spare. No one sleeps in here"


We look at each other. Stood next to the closest bed.
My eyes scan every detail of his face. His coffee brown eyes, his freckles, his cheekbones, his hair - even more curly and disheveled tonight after being caught in the rain.
He looked fucking incredible.
Maybe it was just the alcohol, but I craved him tonight.
And he seemed to feel the same.

"Look, Aurelia. I want you. I really fucking want you. But only if you want it too"

"I want it Theo" I whisper. And I do, badly. I can already feel myself getting wet. Burning for him.

He looks down at his feet, a slight chuckle escaping his lips.

"That's all I needed to hear"

With that he practically grabs me, pulling me closer, smashing his lips against mine. His hands move down my chest until they reach the bottom of my jumper. Pulling away from my lips for just a moment, he pulls it over my head and chucks it across the room.


Theo pauses for a second, admiring my body. My boobs hidden only by a casual black bralette.

Maybe I should have made more of an effort tonight...

It doesn't seem to bother Theo, who's now caressing every inch of my chest, kissing and breathing into my neck. His hands finally reach round to the the clasp, struggling for a second but then tearing it off, throwing it in the same direction at the jumper.
I giggle.

"Come here" Theo grunts as he lifts me, my legs naturally wrapping round his body. We take a slow walk over to the bed, tasting each other whilst he lowers me onto my back.

He lets me go, yanking off his tshirt, fumbling clumsily with his belt and stepping out of his jeans.
Stood before me in only his boxers, I had the perfect view of his body, only interrupted by my slightly blurred vision. Theo was muscular, athletic and toned.

Next he takes my jeans off, I arch my back allowing him to slide them off. The sweet Theo I thought I knew had disappeared. This Theo was frustrated and desperate, slightly aggressive even.
I watched him reach into his boxers and pull out his dick, he spat down onto himself and gave it a couple of rubs.

"Rey, fuck come here" Theo mumbled as he pushed my underwear to the side. Without warning, he thrust himself into me, I stiffen as a sharp pinch strikes my body, but eventually it melts away into pleasure.

"Fuck Theo" I gasp.

"You like that? Huh? You feel amazing. Fucking amazing"

As I open up for him, he picks up his pace, pounding into me, occasionally leaning down for a kiss.

"Yes Baby, take it"

The warm feeling in my lower stomach builds, until it feels almost too much to bear.

"Fuck Theo. I think I'm gunna- I'm gunna-"

Theo groans loudly into my ear, his body shaking against mine.


He had finished.
Smiling down at me, he laughs to himself.
Overwhelmed with pleasure as he slides his wet dick out.
But he had finished too soon. Too soon for me anyway.

You've got to be fucking joking? What about me?

"That was incredible" Theo pants as he lies down next to me.

"Er, yeah. Incredible" I reply, still shocked that he'd so suddenly pulled out.

We lie in silence for a moment, catching our breath and processing what just happened.

Theo is the first to break our silence.

"Right then" He says getting up and planting a kiss on my forehead "I'll see you downstairs? I really need a drink" he quickly dressed and left the room, leaving me completely naked and alone.

How romantic

With a sigh, I got up too. Performing a quick cleaning spell on myself and searching for my clothes before anyone could walk in on me.

I can't believe he didn't let me cum.
Maybe it wasn't that much of a big deal though?
It was our first time together after all.
We probably just need to get to know each other more - get to know each other's bodies better.
I smiled.
I was really starting to picture myself with Theo. It was an exciting thought, especially since I'd been so worried to be a Slytherin.

After I'd had a moment alone, I went down to join the party. By now I was mostly sober.

"Rey!" Daphne ran over to me, grabbing my arm. "What just happened? Is it what I think..." she lowered her voice smiling.  "Did you do it?"

"Yeah. We...you know" I smile back discreetly.

"Ahhhh! You little minx!" She squealed.

"Yeah whatever" I rolled my eyes playfully "Come on I'm going to pass out if I don't get a drink soon"

Daphne laughed "oh, so he was good then?"

If only she knew.

Apparently we'd already drank our supply of alcohol so Daphne had suggested we go find Flint, who was normally happy enough to share as long as Daph flirted with him in front of his friends.

"Honestly! I'll bat my eyelashes at him and he'll practically beg me to take his whisky. He knows its the only reason I hang around with him"

Weaving through the room to find Flint, I caught Draco's gaze.
He was leant back lazily with Astoria, his pale hand gripping her thigh.
For a moment we look at each other awkwardly.

Turn around love

His voice seeps into my skull.
I stare at him confused.

Turn around

He repeats.

I quickly spin around.
Not because he told me to, but to avoid him and Astoria.
To get him out of my head.
I don't tonight ruined by Malfoy.

"Woah, I'm sorry!" I blurt as I bump into someone.

It's Theo.
His hand tangled in a younger girls fiery hair.
Eyes closed.
Lips locked

"What the fuck? Theo what the FUCK?"

His eyes spring open, pushing the girl away.
Daphne gasps behind me.

"Shit" he mumbles.

I turn to run away.

"Rey wait" he pleads.


"AURELIA? Come back!"

"It's just a bit of fun"

"......It's not like we're together?"

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