The Annihilation Code

By Firekittens27

401 123 6

They took everything from him. Today he will take something back... In a not too distant future, delinquents... More

Prologue: 𐘾 Patch Contreras 𐘾
Chapter One ➹ Atlas Contreras ➹
Chapter Two ✰ Chase Huxley ✰
Chapter Three ➹ Atlas Contreras ➹
Chapter Four ✰ Chase Huxley ✰
Chapter Five ➹ Atlas Contreras ➹
Chapter Six ✰ Chase Huxley ✰
Chapter Seven ➹ Atlas Contreras ➹
Chapter Eight ✰ Chase Huxley ✰
Chapter Nine ➹ Atlas Contreras ➹
Chapter Ten 𑁍 Marisa Contreras 𑁍
Chapter Eleven 𑁍 Marisa Contreras 𑁍
Chapter Thirteen ➹ Atlas Contreras ➹
Chapter Fourteen 𑁍 Marisa Contreras 𑁍
Chapter Fifteen ✰ Chase Huxley ✰
Chapter Sixteen ➹ Atlas Contreras ➹
Chapter Seventeen ✰ Chase Huxley ✰
Chapter Eighteen ➹ Atlas Contreras ➹
Chapter Nineteen 𐘾 Patch Contreras 𐘾
Chapter Twenty ✰ Chase Huxley ✰
Chapter Twenty-One ➹ Atlas Contreras ➹
Chapter Twenty-Two ✰ Chase Huxley ✰
Chapter Twenty-Three ✰ Chase Huxley ✰
Chapter Twenty-Four ➹ Atlas Contreras ➹
Chapter Twenty-Five ✰ Chase Huxley ✰
Chapter Twenty-Six 𑁍 Marisa Contreras 𑁍
Chapter Twenty-Seven 𑁍 Marisa Contreras𑁍
Chapter Twenty-Eight 𑁍 Marisa Contreras𑁍
Chapter Twenty-Nine ꕤ Katrina Madden ꕤ
Chapter Thirty ➹ Atlas Contreras ➹
Chapter Thirty-One ➹ Atlas Contreras ➹
Epilogue ♕ Marjorie Spoketon ♕

Chapter Twelve ✰ Chase Huxley ✰

10 3 0
By Firekittens27

My eyes followed Atlas as he paced back and forth across the safe house. Ever since Atlas read the note, he's been in a state of distress, or at least a worse state of distress. Stress seems to be his default mood. Someone should tell him to stop worrying so much. He'll get wrinkles. I can't blame him for being upset. I'm not sure exactly what kind of dynamic they have. Are they more of a father and son type deal, or is Atlas his ward, like Batman and Robin? The one thing I know for certain is that Atlas loves him. You can tell by the concern etched onto his face.

A loud ringing sound caused me and the cat to startle. "What the hell was that?"

Atlas pointed to a small device mounted on the wall but didn't stop pacing.

"What is it?"

"It's called a landline. It's an antique communication device. I'm surprised it still works." Atlas signed as he continued pacing. He lit a cigarette and began smoking indoors. I swear he's going to start a fire at some point!

I unplugged my cybernetics from the charging port, and crept over to the communication device, the landline, as Atlas called it. I picked it up and pressed the speaker to my ear.

"You've officially lost your damn mind, Chase!" A familiar voice shouted on the other end of the line.

"Mason! How'd you find me?"

"That's not important right now. We need to talk about your reckless actions."

I reflected on my life decisions. "Which ones?" I've taken so many reckless actions, I'm not sure which ones he's referring to.

"I'm talking about you participating in an Ikigai Cybrawl!"

"Oh! That reckless action! Thanks for clarifying. Did you know that everything is allowed in an Ikigai Cybrawl? How is that even legal?"

Mason let out an aggravated sigh. "Yes, I did know that."

"Am I the only person who didn't know?"

Mason didn't answer my question, all he said was, "How is it possible for someone to be as stupid as you?"

"Is that rhetorical, or do you actually want to know?"

I could practically hear him facepalm on the other end of the line. "You're going to get yourself killed for real this time. The car crash should've killed you, but life gave you a second chance. Don't waste it." 

"What do I have to live for, Mason?" My eyes stung with the threat of oncoming tears. "You've seen what I look like now! Everyone has! My life can never be the same again."

He went quiet. "There are worse things in life than being a cyborg, you know?"

I sighed. "I guess for some people, but I'm a model, I'm supposed to be perfect."

"Oh, I forgot, you think look cyborgs creepy and gross." His voice dripped with disdain.

"Not all of them." My gaze drifted to Atlas. "But my opinions are irrelevant. Regardless of what me, you, or anyone else thinks, no one in the industry will hire a cyborg model. Especially not one with a messed up face."

"How do you know that?" Mason argued.

"Because it's never happened before. No cyborg has ever made it big in the modeling industry."

"So, you're giving up before you even try?"

"I guess I am." 

"I understand you're going through a bit of a crisis right now, and you're trying to cope the best you can, but you need to find a better outlet for your grief."

I scoffed."Are you my therapist now?"

"You have no idea how much danger you've put yourself in, do you?"

Chills ran down my spine.

"You've made enemies out of Gabriel St. Martin, Adrien Kumar, and Bionic Corp. You're flying very close to the sun, and if you don't stop soon, you'll fall."

"You forgot to mention Vindicator. I've made an enemy of him too."

"Can you please, for once in your life, take something seriously!" He snapped."I'm going to phrase this as simply as possible, get out while you still have the chance, or you will die." Without another word, he hung up.

Damn. That was a rollercoaster ride of a conversation. Mason has only snapped at me like that once before. It was at Jaxon Wan's party right before the crash. Our friendship is falling apart, and I'm still not entirely sure what I did to cause it.

Both Atlas and the cat were staring at me.


Atlas snuffed out his cigarette. "Who was that?" He signed.

"My best friend."

"I thought Jackson Wan was your best friend."

I let out a wistful sigh. "I wish."

"That conversation was heated."

"Didn't anyone ever tell you eavesdropping is rude?"

"It's not like you were being discreet. I'm mute, not deaf. I couldn't help but overhear."

I rolled my eyes and let out a long breath.

Atlas stared down at the floor. "You don't have to stay. I can try to get you back to California as soon as possible if that's what you want. I can finish the map by myself."

"Are you kicking me off the mission?"

"No, not at all!" He gave a reluctant smile. "It's been nice not having to do things alone, but your friend was right about one thing, this mission is deadly. I don't know if I could live with myself if you died because of me."

"This is my life, and I'm choosing to stay. I want to finish what we started."

He smiled and nodded.

We sat in awkward silence for several moments.

"So, now what do we do?"

"I don't know," Atlas confessed. "I didn't think it through this far. I need time to think.

I plopped down on the futon. "Wake me up when you figure it out."

"In the meantime, I'll look for a better ASL to English translations for you. Your  current ones take a lot of liberties with their interpretations."

I fell into a deep sleep for a couple of hours. When I awoke, several sheets of paper were scattered across the floor. I studied the pages. They were all drawings, doodled in blue pen. I recognized the art style as Atlas's. Most of the drawings  were recreations of the map, but there were also a couple of Venus, a self-portrait, one of the lamp in the corner of the room, and at the very bottom of the pile there was one of me. It featured every scar, wire, and broken piece of me. The strangest part was, I didn't hate it. For the first time since the accident, I thought I looked almost nice. I snatched it off the ground and folded it into my pocket.

Atlas was so engrossed in his artwork that he hadn't noticed I was awake. Good. I don't want him to catch me stealing his drawing.

Venus meowed and rubbed against my legs once she noticed I was awake.

Atlas looked up to see what the commotion was about. When he saw me, he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Sorry about the mess, I've been stress drawing."

I surveyed the littered papers and shrugged. "There are worse coping mechanisms out there."

The cat clawed at my legs and let out a series of loud whines.

"I think she's trying to tell us something," I said.

Atlas rolled his eyes. "Yeah, she's trying to tell us she's hungry." Atlas stood up and poured her a bowl of food and water. He set down the bowls, and Venus ran over and munched on the kibble.

The landline rang once more.

"You should answer that." Atlas signed.

"Why me? I answered it the first time! You should do it this time!"

"I can't speak, dumbass."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

I picked up the landline and pressed it to my ear. I turned on the speakerphone, so Atlas could listen in. "Hello?"

"Is this the Contreras' safe house?" Asked a female voice on the other end of the line.

"Umm." I looked to Atlas for guidance on how I should answer that question. He shot me a concerned look. "No, this is Chase Huxley" I responded. It wasn't the most thought-out reply, but I was put on the spot.

"Chase! It's Katrina!"


"Katrina Madden? Lead singer of the Volcanic Kittens? We met at Jaxon Wan's holiday bash? We literally talked yesterday? Does any of this ring a bell?" She said, sounding offended.

"Hmm." I rubbed my chin in thought.


"I'm not very good at remembering people, okay!"

She sighed. "Never mind that, I've got Marisa here with me and—"

"Remind me who Marisa is," I interjected.

"My sister!" Atlas signed.

"Oh, the pink-haired girl!" I said.

"Is Atlas with you?" Marisa asked.

I made eye contact with Atlas, and he gave a nod, permitting me to share his whereabouts. "Yeah, he's here with me."

"Why haven't you answered any of my calls?" Marisa interrogated.

"I was busy." He signed.

I relayed the message. "He says he was busy?"

"Yeah, I saw your stunt at the Cybrawl." Marisa spat. "While you were off gallivanting all over Ikigai II, trying to be the hero, someone broke into our house!"

A look of horror crossed Atlas's face. "What?"

"What happened?" I asked.

"A cyborg broke in and interrogated me about Patch. They tried to strangle me." She burst into sobs. "It was terrifying, and you weren't there to protect me."

Atlas looked like he'd been stabbed in the heart.

"I was so scared, Atlas." She whimpered. "I know it's not fair for me to be upset with you. I know you can't always be there to protect me."

Atlas wrapped his arms around himself and stared at the ground.

"What did they look like? Did they leave any information behind?" I asked, even though I dreaded the answer.

"I didn't get a good look at them, and their face was covered by a black mask."

Atlas and I shared an uneasy glance. "Did they look scrawny and wimpy?" I asked.

"Umm, a little."

"I've had a run in with the same cyborg. They're an assassin in the Cyborg Army. They go by the name Oblivion." 

"I know. The cyborg that attacked me had a Bionic Corp I.D. pin with that name on it."

A sense of dread grabbed hold of me. I'd hoped I was wrong and a different, less deadly, cyborg had threatened Atlas's family, but it appears my old nemesis, Oblivion, has struck again.

Atlas tensed up, as if he shared my concerns. Things have gotten dire very quickly.

Marisa let out a dejected sigh. "Katrina told me what you to have been up to."

"Katrina!" I scolded.

"No, I want to help you," Marisa said.

"Are you sure?" Atlas signed.

I relayed his message.

"I'm sure. I don't support either of you putting your lives in danger, but I know Atlas will never stop. If I can't stop him, I at least want to help. Knowing where you are, will help reduce my worry."

"Thank you, Marisa." Atlas signed.

"Atlas, says thanks."

"Yeah well, he owes me big time." She grumbled. " I did some online stalking and found the owner of the third piece of the map. It belongs to a cyborg named Harv Knox. He runs a stall at the boardwalk."

I turned to Atlas. "Do you know this guy?"

Atlas raised an eyebrow. Why would I know him?"

"You've known everyone we've met so far. I just assumed you knew everyone. This is a small island."

"It's not that small."

"I sent you the address to Harv's shop. You should find him there." Marisa said.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go."


Atlas parked his Hovercycle across from the boardwalk entrance.

I removed my helmet and admired the sight before me. I'm sure what I was expecting, but the sight before me surpassed it. Before me, stood a full-fledged carnival, equipped with a Ferris Wheel, a Carousel, a Roller Coaster, and several games where you could win giant stuffed animals. The scent of funnel cake, turkey legs, and freshly spun cotton candy drifted through the air. I was ecstatic! All the carnivals in America went out of business when I was a child. People preferred the comfort of virtual reality travel to actual experiences. I never thought I get to see a real one again. I wanted to get a better look, but a thick layer of fog enveloped the entire boardwalk.

Atlas dismounted, removed his helmet, and tentatively crept in the direction of the boardwalk. He kept his hands near his knives, ready to strike.

"What's wrong?" I whispered, scanning the surrounding area for danger with my cybernetic vision.

"We need to be careful; there are tales of malevolent sea-ghosts haunting this pier." He signed, anxiously glancing around.

"Pffft. Are you afraid of ghosts?" I tried to suppress a laugh.

He glared at me, but nodded, ever so slightly.

"How is anyone still afraid of ghosts? Almost all ghost stories have been disproven."

"So you've never been scared of anything?" Atlas folded his arms defensively.

"I'm scared of lots of things, but all my fears are completely rational, like natural disasters, the ocean, and my hairline receding."

"And floating islands." Atlas playfully bumped my shoulder.

"Exactly." He nudged the steel ground with his foot. "These things are unstable and shouldn't be trusted."
Almost on cue, the foundations creaked, and I repressed a shriek. I'm never going to get used to that!

We scoured the boardwalk for Harv's stall. Several stall owners barked at us, trying to get us to waste our credits in an attempt to win worthless junk. It was wonderful. I love carnivals!

Atlas snapped to attention, and his hands hovered over the hilts of his knives. "Something's not right." He signed.

I rolled my eyes. "What? Is it a malevolent sea-ghost?"

"I can assure you I am very much alive." Vindicator stepped out of a cloud of mist.

Atlas lunged towards him and pressed his knives against Vindicator's throat.

"You're so violent, Curseword." Vindicator shook his head disapprovingly. "Your sister thinks you're all pure and innocent, but I know better. You're the same monster you've always been."

Atlas pinned him to the wall with the knives and glared at him, with an expression that said, Don't talk about my sister!

"Ignore him, man. He's clearly trying to rile you up." I can't believe I was being the voice of reason. What has the world come to?

Vindicator let out a long, slow laugh. "He's always been so emotional."

"You don't know me!" Atlas signed.

Vindicator's gaze drifted from me to Atlas. "I know you very well."

"Why are you here?" I demanded.

"I want the map." He stated plainly.

"Come on! You want the map, too?" Everyone on Ikigai II seems to want that stupid map!

"You stole it from my employer, Gabriel St. Martin, and I've come to take it back," Vindicator said.

"That's too bad, because we're keeping it!"  I said.

Vindicator let out a low grumble. "I'm sorry to hear that." He wrenched himself free from the wall and sent the knives clattering to the ground. "I suppose I'll have to take the map by force." He curled his fist and targeted Atlas's face. His aim landed true, and he sent Atlas stumbling backward. A river of blood flowed from his nose and mouth.

While Vindicator was focused on Atlas, I swooped down and picked up one of the knives. I sneak towards Vindicator, trying to get the drop on him.

He spun around and drove his fist into my stomach. A surge of pain flooded my abdomen. A faint whimper escaped my lips.

"I'm not falling for that trick again." Vindicator twisted my wrist, trying to get me to drop the knife, but I refused to let go.

Atlas grabbed him from behind and shoved him backwards onto the ground. Atlas threw me his Holowatch and mouthed the word, run.

I didn't need to be told twice, I caught the watch and dashed away. Vindicator followed me. He was much faster than I was, thanks to him having two cybernetic legs as opposed to my one. The chase resembled a cheetah hunting a gazelle.

Several carnival-goers stopped and stared at the scene playing out before them. I ignored them and continued sprinting.

Eventually, my assailant caught up with me and tried to pry the Holowatch free from my grasp. I clutched onto it as tightly as possible, nearly cracking the screen in the process. Once Vindicator realized I wasn't going to relinquish the watch, he tried a different strategy. He lifted me off the ground and threw me into one of the carnival stalls. Luckily, the stuffed animals were there to break my fall.

Concerned shouts and mutterings arose from the crowd.

I used the surrounding chaos to my advantage. I crawled out of the pile of stuffed animals and slipped out of the carnival stall undetected. I ran north as far as I could until I reached the end of the boardwalk. There was nothing in front of me but a vast expanse of sea. I was trapped. The sound of my heartbeat loudly in my ears as I racked my brain for a way out.

Vindicator rapidly approached me. "I have to say, I keep underestimating you, Chase. I thought you'd be easier to neutralize."

I frantically glanced around for an escape. "Umm, thanks?"

Vindicator was only a few steps away from me. I was about to lose hope when I saw Atlas racing towards us, like a sweaty, gross, guardian angel. My relief was palpable. Vindicator turned his head to see what I was looking at. Without thinking, I slapped him in the face, almost knocking his mask off before he caught sight of Atlas. Vindicator reached for my throat, but I sidestepped out of the way. He reached for me again, but Atlas snuck up behind him and pushed off the edge of the boardwalk. He fell into the freezing ocean with a loud splash.

Atlas and I both fought to catch our breath.

"Do you still have the Holowatch?" Atlas signed.

I nodded and proudly displayed it in my hand.

Atlas couldn't contain his delight. "You did it!"

I waved my hand dismissively. "It was nothing."

"No, it wasn't. You saved this mission!"

"I know. I'm a total badass, but I was trying to be humble for once." I wiped the blood off Atlas's face with my sleeve. "You look awful."

He grimaced but held still until I was finished wiping the blood off. "Now let's go finish that map!"

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