bloom • sirius black • maraud...

By ehvalentina

71.5K 1.3K 110

Petunia wasn't Lily's only sister. Primrose Evans was smart and brave just like her older sister, Lily. She... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two: an exchange of letters
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two: fifth year
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three

chapter forty

1K 18 3
By ehvalentina


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Fifth Year

"Did you see Kettleburn handling that Vampyr Mosp?"

"Yes! I was terrified it'd slip out of his grasp and go after us."

"No way, the man's a pro!"

"I don't know... Remember the incident with the tarantulas? Also, I heard he almost got his eye taken out by a Nazzle Mumph a couple years ago."

I resisted the urge to laugh at Tommy's comments and instead replied, "Okay, I'll give you that. Maybe he's not exactly a pro, but I like him. He loves the animals in his own way."

The boy glanced over at me with a smile and I found myself returning it. It was so nice to be away from drama or expectations and just talk to a friend.

Classes had passed regularly with a few birthday wishes here and there. I'd most been looking forward to Care of Magical Creatures because it was my favorite subject and the fact that I'd be seeing Tommy. To my surprise, when I got there the boy was waiting for me with an excited expression.

As I approached him he brandished a container of chocolates and said, "Happy birthday, Prim!"

I hadn't been expecting anything and when I glanced at the treats he'd handed me I saw they were Charm Choc, "These are my favorite, how'd you know?"

Sheepishly, he ducked his head down and answered, "I might've asked Hestia and gotten them for you."

That'd been such a sweet and unexpected gesture seeing as we'd just recently started becoming good friends.

"You're the best, Tommy! Thanks a bunch."

Now as we walked back to the castle, we talked about any and all things. It was typically how we spoke, jumping from one subject to the next especially when it came to magical creatures.

"I wish we could start something! Like where we just talked about this stuff all day and no one got tired of it," I remarked.

Tommy paused, "What? Like a club? For animals?"

"A club... You're brilliant, you know," I said, throwing him a grin. It was just like Professor Kettleburn had been saying. I needed to open my horizons and focus on the things I liked. I may not be an expert at potions and a part of the Slug Club like Lily or amazing at quidditch and a part of the team like Hestia but there were things I was good at and passionate about. It just took someone to open my eyes to that. Tommy was the only other person I'd met who liked animals as much as me. With him, maybe I could do it.

Before either of us could say anything we were interrupted by a voice chiming in, "Brilliant, huh?"

I whipped around and came face to face with Sirius who seemed to be entering the castle right behind us. He'd hardly ever taken this route so I hadn't expected to see him.

I'd hoped to catch a glance of the boy all day but he'd remained absent at breakfast and all my passing periods. It was unlike him but I reasoned he must've been with Marlene.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked because I was genuinely puzzled.

Sirius squeezed in between us, and we separated from where we'd been previously standing to make room. He was acting a bit oddly and it left me unsure how to proceed with the conversation. Tommy looked on just as confused as me, or maybe even more so.

Sirius shrugged, "Just having a bit of a stroll 'round the castle. Hoping I'd bump into the birthday girl."

I smiled shyly, "Ah, well I think you found her."

"Happy birthday, Primmy! Sorry I didn't get to say it any earlier. I wanted to see you first thing in the morning but can you believe Slughorn had me scrubbing cauldrons all because I dropped a bit of Gillyweed in Wilkes' Sleeping Draught?" Sirius finished a bit exasperated.

Tommy scratched his head, "That would've created an explosion and melted the cauldron."

Sirius waved his hand in dismissal at the statement, "Semantics, Timmy."

"It's Tommy," the Hufflepuff boy corrected.

"Right," Sirius nodded, not even looking in his direction, "So Prim, wanna head to the Tower?"

I felt put out by this question because I didn't just want to leave Tommy. We'd been having a good conversation and although I'd wanted to see Sirius it wasn't fair to dismiss others just for his sake. I'd learned my lesson with Severus; I had to stop completely prioritizing boys over my friendships, studies, or hobbies.

"Well, I was having a chat with Tommy," I started.

The Hufflepuff interjected, "No worries, we can talk soon. We'll have a lot to go over if you really wanna do this."

"Of course," I responded, glad he seemed keen on the idea of starting a club even though it'd just been a spur-of-the-moment thought.

"Well, enjoy your birthday, I hear you're in for a fun night," he said with a knowing smile. I'd told him about the party but seeing as it'd take place in our Common Room, he nor Stephen could come since they were Hufflepuffs.

"Thanks, Tommy. Oh, and thanks again for the chocolates! I'm sure they'll be all gone come Monday," I joked.

"Glad you liked them, I'll have to thank Hestia for helping me," with a final wave to both Sirius and me he began walking away.

"Bye," I called one last time to his retreating form.

Sirius finally spoke, "You two seem rather friendly."

I gave him a look as we started heading to the Tower, "Yeah, well he's my friend."

"Just your friend?" he questioned. It felt invasive, and I bristled but tried to keep my composure.

"Yeah, like I said. We've been hanging out more lately," I answered.

The boy laughed a little mirthlessly, "Hm, no wonder I never see you anymore. You've been spending all your time with Timmy."

"Tommy," I corrected and continued, "Where's this coming from? You're the one that's not around. Seems someone's kept you busy but you don't see me complaining."

We continued walking as we spoke but we slowed down considerably as we got caught up in the conversation. Luckily, everyone was in their own world to pay any attention to the little spat we were getting into. I really hadn't expected this when I'd seen him but suddenly all the hurt feelings were rushing back to me.

"Who are you talking about?" Sirius asked, glancing at my pursed face, "Prim, are you serious? Is this about Marlene?"

I froze not knowing how to respond without exposing too much. Quickly I countered, "You're the one that said you didn't fancy her. Seems pretty cruel to let her hang about and give her false hope."

"You would know about that, wouldn't you," he mumbled but I was confused. What could that even mean? Before I was able to ask he said, "She's my friend, and teammate, end of."

I scoffed, "Sure, all the flirting we have to endure watching at breakfast, and the little dates you two go on is what friends do."

Finally, we began rounding the corner to enter the portrait but Sirius stopped and I nearly groaned. Now the conversation would be even more prolonged with the chance of people we knew popping out at any minute.

"Is there a reason you care so much?" he asked and I felt him searching my eyes as though he were looking for something but I wasn't sure what. I felt vulnerable and exposed under his examination.

I answered defensively, crossing my arms, "Who said I cared?"

Sirius gazed at me almost pleadingly, "You do."

"I don't," I said coldly. I wanted to kick myself, now would've been the perfect time to confess but how was I to know if he'd feel the same way. I refused to make a fool of myself on my birthday and ruin the special occasion.

The boy inched closer, the fight in his eyes still not gone and I wondered what he'd do or say. Gently he said, "Prim-"

"There you are! I've been looking for you all over," called Hestia, breaking whatever spell had fallen over me and Sirius. I hadn't realized just how close we'd gotten until I was awkwardly stepping back.

"Uh, hey," I greeted Hestia who'd walked over and now looked between us questioningly.

The girl seemed to be trying to fit the scene together but I hoped she wouldn't figure it out. She was much too intuitive and probably figured it out as she continued, "You have to get ready."

"I thought McGonagall was letting us stay up until midnight. Why the rush?"

Hestia sighed as though it was obvious and only answered, "Beauty takes time."

"I think you're already beautiful, if that counts for anything," Sirius chimed and I was puzzled by his switch in attitude. I appreciated the compliment but I was utterly confused as well. What exactly did Sirius want?

I looked at him hoping this read on my face, "Thanks."

The girl to my side grabbed onto my arm and directed at Sirius, "Sorry to cut this short but we have to go. You'll see her later, in all her glory."

"Right. Until then, Prim," he said rather earnestly. Gone was the humor or mocking tone he usually adopted.

I felt like there was so much left to say but neither of us wanted to say it. The air had sparked between us but maybe I was imagining it. I must've been. If he liked me, surely he would've said something. He was the casanova around Hogwarts and could get any girl he wanted if he put his mind to it. Here I was, hopelessly interested and nothing had happened.

I offered a weak smile as I was whisked away by Hestia leaving Sirius where he stood with that unreadable expression. I wondered just what might be going through his mind.

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