
By nonolllll_

372 103 4

3 students, Anne, Farah and Raja were best friends ever since years ago. They were on good terms ever since t... More

Chapter 1 - Texts
Chapter 2 - Who's That
Chapter 3 - Random Past Thoughts
Chapter 4 - Familiar
Chapter 5 - Encounter
Chapter 6 - Mix Chaos
Chapter 8 - Finally Japan
Chapter 9 - Amulet Query
Chapter 10 - Best Friend Fight
Chapter 11 - Worst Day
Chapter 12 - Sudden Confession
Chapter 13 - Unearthly Dream
Chapter 14 - Her Condition Worsened
Chapter 15 - Awry Comportment
Chapter 16 - Him Again
Chapter 17 - Run for Life(His 1st POV)
Chapter 18 - The Confrontation Story
Chapter 19 - Gut-wrenching Journal
Chapter 20 - Serendipity Brush in Vexation
Chapter 21 - Throwback(Side Story)
Chapter 22 - Troubles
Chapter 23 - Beyond Expectation
Chapter 24 - The Crush

Chapter 7 - In danger

15 5 0
By nonolllll_

Hot weather makes people in a medium-sized room sweaty even they stay still and doing nothing on their bed. Not when you have air conditioners in each room in your house or even just one for every household. Yet utterly not when you cannot hold yourself be in an 18 Celcius place for more than five minutes. Ridiculous. How can people like this cannot hold themselves from a not-so-cold unit for just literally five minutes? Enough blattering.

Anne begins to stir and breathe heavily on her bed as well as half awake. She feels dizzy and hot as yesterday event was still affected her. Sweat and fatigue could be seen on her countenance too. She blinks at a snail's pace trying to think. Soon, she realizes she is in her room and everything that had happened to her before was like a dream. Was it not? 

'Huh? Why am I here?' She wonders. Suddenly, her eyes widen and consciousness hits her in a blink of an eye. She is now fully awake. She is supposed to be in the abandoned classroom. She gives a thought to why she is in her room and who brings her here? When? Wait! No, how? Her mother enters not long after.

"Are u good, yes? Gladly, Farah found you" Her mother says.

'Ya Allah! I thought I was alone. Oh, Allah... my heart... Ah, it's mom... Wait! She's the one who found me?' She jolts as she perceives that her mother is in the room to boot.

"She found you in your car. Fainted. There's no movement and even your engine died too" Her mother worriedly adds.

"Oh, yes. Anne's feeling good now. Ah, she's the one who found me?" It is rather a statement as she is still confused as her brain could not function properly.

"What happened yesterday? You didn't go to class, didn't you?" Her mother curiously asks but the latter makes her somewhat furious inside but she did not have time to quarrel with her mother in the morning.

'Relax, Anne, relax... you didn't want to ruin your morning, don't yer' She thought while composing her adrenaline that runs messily under her skin.

"Anne reached at Anne's faculty early but then Anne suddenly got a headache. So, Anne went to the nearest bench to rest for a while before going to the class. And... Anne did go to the class, okay..." She lies, not wanting to hear her mother nag and hoping she will ask about anything but class. Plus, she did not think this is the right time to tell her mother the truth.

"Oh... that's all? You should drink more water, Anne. Don't expose yourself to the sun for too long as the weather was hottish these days. And the doctor said you're stressed that's why you fainted. You should rest at least 30 minutes before you do anything, Anne. Listen to my advice if you wanna be healthy" Her mother nags. Anne mentally shakes her skull as well as nods her head unwillingly with a fake smile on her face.

"Yes, that's all. Mmhm... Okay, mum. Anne did drink a lot and will be doing that later too. Oh, stress?" She hums agreeably and her voice becomes inaudible as she talks further which she intentionally whispers the last word with a hidden frown on her face.

"Okay then, I need to start cooking for lunch before it's late. Eat those medicine and drink lots of water" Her mother tells her with an index finger showing the medicine on a table beside her bed before promptly going to the kitchen and in the meantime, she just nods then be in a brown study.

"What really happened yesterday? Allah, this is so confusing. And how come mum asked me about class when I'm totally sick??! Oh, Allah... I'm tired of this..." She mutters and subsequently looks at the window at the corner.

"The dusk portrayed and covered all over the sky. It's peaceful now. The beautiful parts of each day to watch the sunlight going down pret-" She whispers but eventually, gets intervened by a bell.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

'Who's coming at this time? Almost maghrib la aiyoh(sigh) this human. Tsk, tsk' She wonders. A bit annoyed when guests come at dusk where it is nearly prayer time.

'Or is it Farah and Raja?'


Farah and Raja texted Anne, telling her that they have been waiting for half an hour but still no single reply. They started searching for her around their faculty. She and Anne were placed in the same faculty so she knew which class Anne used since they shared their timetable together with the class situated that she has to go to. She examined one class that Anne was supposed to be in but no one was there. Whilst Raja spun around checking whether Anne already arrived or not. She could not stay calm anymore.

She told Raja she already searched for Anne in the business law class but no single human was there. Raja replied back and trying to ease her worry. It worked when she told her Anne maybe in her friend's dormitory doing homework or discussing something within them. But she remained felt uneasy. She could not find her after half an hour or so thus perspiration ran down her forehead.

She tries finding her in the library, her friend's dormitory yet still has not found her. The faculty parking lot was the last place that came to her mind because undeniably and impossible that Anne was there but it was also the only place that she did not search for her yet. She straight away runs to the parking lot that could take 20 minutes to get there not even caring she was out of breath. The last place she never thought she could find her was the place where she certainly discovered her. Anne was literally in her car, sleeping. She thought.

She heavily sighed with relief and mitigated when she saw her. Beyond belief. 'Did she pulled up a prank on us or what? Woah, woah? Really, Anne?' She opened the door like greased lightning after her many attempts upon knocking on the window. But Anne would not budge to move even a little. "Okay, that is weird. She is sleeping... right?" She whispers.

It was even bizarre when the door was unlocked from the start but she got no time for that. Anne's life was what matters to her. She tapped her shoulder and shaking her softly afterwards but no response. Is she? No! She quickly put her index and middle finger on the right side of her neck but she could not find her pulse. She then moved her fingers to the left, barely found the pulse and perturbing. If she was late, what if she died and more. 

"Please! Ya Allah, please! Be with me, Anne! You must stay alive!" She mu. Soon she discovered her heartbeat. Grateful expired air was detected as she blew it happily.

She nearly thought that she will lose her caring best friend as her mind was full of death and gone. Plus, she hopefully prayed for her still be alive. She was scared caused what had happened in the news would happen to her which its title was a leaking gas that took 3 lives and the victims were all students to boot. They slept in a car to rest for a while without opening the windows and one of their uncles found them unconscious after hours of searching. Verge of tears almost fell on her cheek thinking about it. She does not want to cry since she already found her yet her eyes control her emotions as if they have their own mind. Eventually, the tears betrayed her and fell down like rain. She remembered Raja did not know Anne's state and directly reached for her phone, calling her.

On the other hand, Raja went to Anne's faculty as soon as Farah called her that she had found Anne already. But sadly, she also thought that the parking lot will be her last choice to check over her. Farah found Anne in her car with unconsciousness was not what she expected either. It was her time to worry about Anne this time as she thought Anne was fine earlier. She used Grab to go there as fast as possible.

After some minutes of waiting for everything to subside, she brought them to Anne's house safely using Anne's car. On top of that, she informed Anne's mother together with Farah and explained what exactly happened to her mother after they brought Anne to her room. Her mother then gave them a glass of water and let them rest the moment they descended downstairs. Their front looked exhausted and ensued from Anne's mother's offer to have a little kip.

Once they awake, Anne's mother told them to get back to their respective house to clean themselves and rest because they had waited and helped Anne for hours. She will take care of her daughter as well as will call a doctor after to check on her after what had happened. Her mother felt bad because they helped to search for Anne and even brought her home safely. Felt like she kicked them out out of the blue. But at the same time was grateful as Anne's friends were concerned about her. She sincerely smiled and thanked them before they bid their goodbyes.


Farah invites Raja to join her visits Anne after the last class of the day and she agreed. Before going to Anne's house, Raja goes to a nearby restaurant to buy a chicken porridge for Anne whilst Farah just finished showering and getting ready before get going. They come on the scene at 7.03 pm which is nearly maghrib. That makes Anne a tad mad because the call to prayer will resound for another 17 minutes. Satans and devils will run for their life to enter any house that has open doors, windows and such the moment maghrib prayer resounding. They will scare babies or disturb any household whenever they are at home. No good, peeps. The reason why she hates guests or anyone coming at this time.

"Oh, it's you guys. What are you guys doing here... maghrib time? None of you told me beforehand and why is that?" She asks.

"Sorry, sulking Anne. Ah... we're not allowed to visit you now, huh? We had class until 6 so we have to shower and everything oi" Farah tells. She merely makes an 'O' mouth shape as she perceives they were busy.

"Besides, I bought you your favourite food. Which is... Tom Yum... as always. Duh, and I don't know whether you can eat it or not" Raja playfully says.

"What do you mean I can't eat it? Of course, I can! I can eat anything you bought okay" She furrows her eyebrows as Raja says nonsense.

"Ah... actually... it's a chicken porridge hehe" Raja quickly adds.

"You!" She yells unsatisfyingly.

She wants to get up to beat Raja but Farah stops her. But then, she groans and winces in pain. Farah sees it thus asks her if she is okay. She seems to hide the pain. She then replies yes. She is contemplating telling them the truth as she wants them to not get involved. Raja is worried about her and wants to know what took place yesterday whilst Farah looking fixedly at her.

'Argh! I don't wanna tell them but... I can't always keep it as it's going to eat me one day anyway' She stares into the space. She knows she will not be able to hold it up as she will eventually tell them as they are no secrets between them. 'Sharing won't hurt, right?' She thought.

She begins to gently sit then leans on the comfy headboard. She moves her shirt upwards slowly and indicates the cut and scratches while setting forth the incident plus conveys them. Gasps and surprises could not go unnoticed as she hears it loud and clear. She knew this would happen. She knew it. This is the reason why she refuses to reveal it. Farah gasps with shocked expressions showing all over her countenance whilst Raja is in disbelieve the moment Anne made her wound and scratches visible. As a result, Raja's eyes widen with her mouth agape. They then start shooting her with questions.

"Why you didn't tell us? How did it happen? When did it occur? Ya Allah!" Raja questions almost raise her voice and shut her eyes deeply to calm herself later.

"I... um... I'm sorry..." Anne lowers her chocolate orbs feeling guilty.

"Are you REALLY good, Anne?" A worried tone never fades from Farah's lips.

She sighs and seeks more air. Stifle from talking. She takes a deep breath before gulping down her water as her throat drys. She then continues speaking. She asks her one more time to make sure she is okay. Anne nods and smiles assuredly as if it is not a big deal. She heavily sighs once again and tells Anne that is not a small case. Their assurance already destroyed the moment since Anne's disclosure.

"No one knows about this even the doctor. As I was half awake when the doctor came yesterday," Anne truthfully tells them.

"Look, I don't want you guys to know... because I don't wanna make you guys worried like a little time ago, okay... I just want answers and closure. Or hint... or anything... behind those abandoned doors" She explains while optics pleading so they would just let this topic be done.

"Anne, listen here. You should tell us whatever you've gone through, okay... You can rely on us. Believe me, you've done so many things for us that you didn't even realize sometimes. So, just let us do the same for you too, okay... that's what friends are for. And this is a serious case you've never experienced before. So, please..." Farah utters a considerable length that makes Raja instantly interjects her since Anne is such a stubborn friend and selfless.

Raja keenly listens to her and never think such things would happen. Unbelievable. Strange. Painful. She does not know why these things occurred but she knew Anne is passionately curious about new things she sees or encounters once. So, yes. She surely needs the uttering parts. On the other hand, Anne knows they have many questions in their pretty head so does her. But she will not risk their lives for the unquestionable event for now. She is still in the process to solve them.

'Wow... I-uh... I'm speechless' She thinks.

"I couldn't agree more. So, please Anne. Just do it. We're best friends after all. Just listen to us this time. We're begging you" Raja exhorts.

"I'm alright and fine guys..." Anne chuckles with Farah's lengthy nags.

"This is just a small cut and scratches. Don't worry, it is impermanent" Her remarks make them automatically roll their eyeballs and shake their head in an unsatisfied attitude.

Raja decides to stay with her this night so does Farah. So, they excuse themselves to ask her parents permission to stay with her for the night and leave her for a while. She lays back on the bed after they close the door and the stiffness upon her shoulders loose. The other two descend the stairs step by step and once they reach in front of her parents' room, they knock on the door and call for aunty and uncle.

"Can both of us have a sleepover here, aunt, uncle?" - Raja

"We will look for Anne this night" - Farah

"Aunty and uncle can rest well tonight..." - Raja

"And of course, if aunty and uncle don't mind" - Farah

"We don't mind, really" - Anne's father

"Ah, okay... if both of you say so... and thank you for taking care of her" - Anne's mother

Her parents give permission for them to stay by her side so she will not feel lonely as she could not go anywhere for the time being and is still unwell. They then go back to her room with Farah is ahead of Raja. Farah opens the door with eyes straightly glance at the bed. Her mug turns to frown. No way! What the? Where is she? Anne is not in her room anymore. Where did she go? They are not leaving her for long and she is gone just like that? She is just laying there earlier. Farah could only see three pillows and a duvet that are messy on her bed. Feeling anxious, she instantly turns and tells Raja.

"Anne is nowhere to be found"


"Anne! Oh Anne!"

"Where are you, Anne??!"

Farah rakes in her tracksuit pocket and brings out her Vivo calling Anne but she is not answering. She then goes to the loo and checks inside but no one is there. She attempts to dial her one more time but did not succeed. The thing is, no one else in her room just now. Only them. 'Oh, Allah! What do I have to do now? Think! Think! Wait, don't tell me...' Did the shadow capture her? Just thinking about it makes her frightened. Anne is missing pronto in just a matter of seconds and she is supposed to be resting right now. She tries calling again while opening the door next to Anne's room. On the other hand, Raja heads to the stairs thereupon runs to the front door. She twists the handle while lost in thoughts for a moment.

'She might be outside... yeah, no? Argh! Whatever. She will be dead if I found her outside. You're a dead meat, stubborn' She thought.

She looks for her outside but still, Anne could not be spotted. Weird. Her car is still in the yard. Where is she? She walks back and forth staring at the sky as the stars are sparkling beautifully in their place. She gets distracted but then and there she discovers and sees a moving shadow hard by her in a brief second. She spins apace and glances above her, searching for the owner but scoffs after she finds out who it is. There the dead meat is, at.the.balcony. Wow. Speechless. They completely forget Anne's house has a f*cking BALCONY. What a mess.

"I totally forgot. D*mmit!" Raja mutters.

Earlier, Anne was bored laying on bed doing nothing so she went to the balcony to look at the stars and breathe the cool fresh air. 'I never thought life would be this difficult to treasure something new' A train of thoughts shutting her brain from thinking positive. It would not make her feel better anyhow with her condition now. Deep immersion made her enter her own world, did not notice Farah and Raja were calling for her. Her phone was in silent mode. She lightly sighed later and got inside as she felt shivers all over her body. She sat on a chair and began to write in her journal.

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