I'm happier with YOU

By MiaBlackwell379

62.4K 1.3K 600

Naruto was able to bring Sasuke back to the village from going to Orochimaru after defeating him in the Valle... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author-san's note
Valentine's Special

Chapter 4

5.8K 127 91
By MiaBlackwell379


I have no words to say because I just hate life-

Yea so anyway, here's the next chapter. Enjoy!


Sasuke POV

I woke up, only to see myself on Naruto's lap. I frowned. 

'Since when was I here? I mean, not that I mind it-'

I smirked. It's not a 100 percent possibility, but Naruto probably laid me here. Then I realized he also had his hand on my head. That's why my head felt so warm. I smiled with a small huff. 

Just when I got up, Naruto yawned lazily and looked at me. "You finally up?"

I huffed. "Yeah."

"Finally." He groaned. "It's so boring to just stay at one place and stare at a tree for hours. 

I felt jealous. 'Wish I was that tree...' 

I mentally shook my head. "Whatever, dobe. I'm surprised that we haven't been caught yet. Come on, we gotta move."

He sighed as he got up. "No need to tell me twice."

Then, we again, started our journey. 



Naruto POV 

It's been about 3 years since we left Konoha. At first, in our journey, we stayed only stayed in one place for about a few days max, before we started moving again. We only felt ANBU chakra at least once a few days. Then we found our way to a village called Takigakure. ( Lit meaning - Village hidden by a waterfall (This is a real village BTW. Found it from Narutopedia-)) We found this village right after we left the border of the land of fire. This whole village is made right around this HUGE tree. I can't even measure it.

We'd told guards from Takigakure that we needed to see their leader. (Okay, I haven't watched any Naruto fillers, ok? So...yeah-) After a brief meeting with him, he let us stay in his village for a temporary time. About a few months maybe. We thanked him. He let us stay in a small house which was made right next to the big tree's roots. Not that we mind. We made plans on what we're going to do. First of all, we're going to try doing missions for the leader and earn at least a little money. Then we were thinking about doing missions for other lands, but we're going to have to keep our identities hidden. There's a probable chance that Konoha might come to Takigakure in search of Sasuke, so we have to keep moving. If we're going to settle down, we're going to have to, somewhere VERY far away from Konoha. That's for sure.

We stayed there for about a few months, and we were doing missions, from D ranked to A ranked. After we've had enough money for everything, we thanked the leader for his hospitality, again, and the officially left Takigakure. After that, like planned, we started doing missions for other nations.

During our stay in Takigakure, Sasuke showed me the scroll from Kakashi sensei. He also gave me his message. I was left in tears after that. We then practiced our asses out and finished about a one-third of that scroll. (Yeah, the bean cussed) After leaving Takigakure, we met Pervy Sage. I thought he was going to sell us out, but apparently baa-chan had told him about the situation. He said he wont tell anybody about this. Then he actually trained us both. Pervy Sage gave Sasuke a scroll, which was by Kakashi. First, he'd written a note for us.

Naruto, Sasuke,

                            I hope you two are doing well. Well, I know you are. If somebody gets in trouble, it'd be Naruto, but I know Sasuke can keep him at bay. Anyway, Hokage-sama wanted me to tell you guys that she misses you both. Especially Naruto. Iruka misses you both too. And so do I. As for Konoha 10...well we don't need to talk about them now, do we? Oh and I almost forgot about Ayame and Teuchi. Ayame started crying, even. You were their daily customer, so they're obviously gonna miss you. I've already told Sasuke about this, but do NOT go over to the enemies. If you have some kind of a plan for the future, please let me know. I'll be happy to lend you a hand. 

                                                                                                                                                       - Kakashi

I cried again after reading that. We sent a reply by one of Pervy Sage's toads. Then the scroll revealed Kakashi's own handwriting, again. But this time. it has notes on evolving the Chidori and such. (This is where Sasuke learns chidori nagashi and things) Pervy Sage reverse summoning jutsu'd me and then 2 toads  ma and pa- I mean Fukasaku and Shima trained me to learn sage mode. While we trained at Mount Myōboku, Sasuke trained by himself in a small abandoned place we found to stay in. I felt kinda sad to leave him by himself there. I also felt alone when he was with me. I told Sasuke about this, then he did something surprising.

He kissed me on the cheek.

I have never blushed like that in my entire life.

Pervy Sage even encouraged me to confess to him. I just cut him off and told him that I don't have feelings for him. I mean, I was young. Now I know that I DEFINITELY or PROBABLY have a crush on Sasuke.


ANYWAY, so yes. After training, Pervy Sage went on with his own journey. We bought ourselves masks which represents ourselves :

            My code name was Kitsune. Which meant fox (Oh, I forgot to mention that Naruto knew the Kyuubi was inside him. They aren't friends yet.)

Naruto's mask. 

Naruto's clothing. He's also wearing a black cloak. And he's wearing the mask in the first pic. Not in this one.

And Sasuke named himself Karasu. As in raven or crow.

Sasuke's Mask

Sasuke's clothing. He's not wearing the scarf and mask. He's only wearing the above maak, and his cloak in black color.

After that, we went from place to place, village to village, and did missions for them. After about an year or so, we became popular. One, because Sasuke went on a 1v1 fight with Itachi, and Itachi was defeated, and died on the process. (Yea he died early. sorry.) After that, Sasuke learned the truth about Itachi. I have never seen him so broken before. He said he wanted to avenge Itachi by destroying Konoha, but I was able to hold him back from doing it. I also became popular for being...well, powerful, I guess. About an year before this, after doing a mission for Kumo, I met the Jinchuriki of Gyuuki, the Eight tails. Killer Bee taught me everything about tailed beasts and such. After that, I befriended Kurama, the Kyuubi. He looks terrifying but he's actually just a shy furball. 

Sasuke and I found a place far away from any city or any of the main villages. We didn't sense any human being here. First, we went through a beautiful forest. After going through that, there was a huge grassland. And about a few miles away travelling through that grassland, you'll meet a beautiful clear beach. It was THE perfect place. (Seriously, I personally want to live in nature-ish place like this. We built a house near a river, which was passing through the grasslands. I mean, we gotta live SOMEWHERE right?

I also got the news about Pervy Sage's death. I was crest fallen for almost a week. I refused to eat or drink. Sasuke did everything to make me feel better. I was actually spilling KI so much that Sasuke actually passed out after containing it for so long. I, again, cried for doing that to him. I was even more broken than before. He just stared at me, and then rolled his eyes and said, "Oh, fuck it," and then kissed me. You see, I always imagined my lover first asking me out on a date, and then having my first kiss under the moonlight or something, but instead in happened on a bed because I was crying my eyes out. Oh well. After that I was literally too shy to face him when he later finally asked me if he wants to be my boyfriend. At least that happened when we were resting on the beach, so it was better than what happened on my first kiss.

So, I think I've covered everything, so back to the present. Right now, we're getting ready to set course for Konoha, because Hokage as asked our help for a mission. It's for the first time too. Sasuke wanted to decline, but I reminded him that we're the ones that gave Konoha information about Pain attacking them soon, so they're gonna need our help. I also said that I wanted my revenge. And I ALSO reminded him that we had loved ones there. He grumbled things about Konoha 10. I just chuckled. 

"Sasu, clam down." I said. "It'll be fine. We don't need to do this for Konoha 10. We're going to do this for baa-chan and the others."

He sighed. "Yeah, I know."

I grinned and sighed happily. "Haa~ I want to try Ichiraku Ramen again! There's no other ramne better than Ichiraku's!"

He gave me a look. "Of course you want to go to Konoha for ramen."

"I mean, obviously!"



Even though we're 18, we still have our childish personalities. I mean, everyone has their own inner childish personality right?

After packing our things, we left our beautiful home, to face our rough past.


Holy shit this chapter was long.

Did u guys like this chap? I feel like it's too rushed. But I wanted to get this part done, soooo yeah. I also said 'set course for Konoha.' lol. I made it sound like we're on a ship travelling through the sea. I put that probably because I just finished Rick Riordan's 'Daughter of the Deep.' It's a really good book. I recommend not just that book, but all of Rick Riordan's series'.

Anyway, vote and comment lovelies! Cya!


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