The Witch and The Hero: The o...

By HyperObito

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What if luz wasn't alone? What if luz already have someone that she loved before she went to the boiling isle... More

Here comes the hero
The witch misses her hero
Author note
Remembering the past Part I(Rise of a hero)
Remembering the past Part II(The Return of Ron Ambrose)
Remembering the past part III(The final battle)
Unexpected Reunion
The coven's assault
A carnival date (Flashback version)

Reunite Hearts

453 5 1
By HyperObito

I was wondering why Luz left and she ended up here somehow. Well gotta admit this place is cool and all but the main reason is why???? DAMN MY WOUNDS!!!!! i check my wounds well it's pretty bad alright. At least i got to see my girlfriend again. Then a woman came into the room.

Eda: Hey kid are you awake???

Ron: Yes i am.

Then the woman approach to me.

Eda: How's the wound holding up???

Ron: Pretty well i guess.

Eda: Good to hear you're alright kid.

The woman started to treat my wounds.

Ron: Ummmm i didn't get your name???

Eda: Well I am Eda the owl lady.

Ron: hello Eda My name is..........

Eda: I already know who you are.

Ron: Let me guess Luz who told you about me

Eda: Pretty smart i should say.

Ron and Eda laughed.

Ron: Thank you Eda for treating me.

Eda: Well i can't just watch and do nothing to Luz special person.( She winked)

Ron: yeah she is something alright but she's my something and always be.

Eda: Cute kid, well you better treat her right or you will face the wrath of the owl lady.

Ron: We been dating for the last two years so i know how to treat my lady.

Eda: I know you will kid. Well you better get some rest now because Luz will be here in about two hours from now.

Ron: Oh she returned from that hexside school thing.

Eda: How did you know about that????

Ron: Oh this guy called King told me it's about a school of witches.

Eda chuckled then left the room.

Man these people are nice. Now i wonder why Luz came here. She did make new friends even though they are a bit weird but my girl is also weird and i love her for who she is. Then i fell asleep.

In the living room
I went to the living room and saw king sleeping on the couch. So i went to sit at the couch but then King was awake from his nap.

King: How is Ron???

Eda: The boy is doing just fine. He just need rest that's all.

King: Well i hope he recovers soon from his wounds.

Eda: Yeah, the wounds he received is more severe. I never seen this state of injuries.

King: Well Luz did say he is a hero after all.

Eda: True but that device so called Ultimatrix he's on his wrist should have heal him by now.

King: Hmmmm maybe it's malfunction or something.

Eda: Well i hope Luz get here because i know how worried she is right now.

After the school session
Third person POV
Luz and her friends just finished school and on their way to the owl house. Luz was on a hurry to meet her boyfriend but was confronted by her friends who distance away from her.

Willow: LUZZZZZ!!!!!!

Gus: Slow down will ya.

Luz: I can't guys he needs me.

Amity: We know he needs you but you have to calm down.

Luz: Yeah but........

Willow: We know you worried about him.

Gus: He will be fine.

Luz: Well sorry if I'm being in a rush.

Trio: We know you care for him Luz.

They arrived at the owl house and greeted by Eda and King in the living room.

Luz: EDA!!!!KING!!!!! IM HOME.....

Eda: Welcome back kid.

King: Luzzzzzzz!!!!!!

King then ran to her and hugged her.

Luz: Awwwwww i miss you too King.

Then Luz release king from the hug.

Luz: Oh Eda i brought my friends over to meet Ron.

Eda: Well welcome guys.

Gus: Thanks for having us over Eda.

Willow: Yeah.

Luz: So how is he???

Eda: I already bandage the wounds and he'll be alright.

Gus: Can we see him???

Eda: Sure he's upstairs in Luz room.

The gang was about to head to Luz room.

Luz: Eda thank you for taking care Ron for me.

Eda: Your welcome Luz. Now go get your man.

Luz and her friends went to her room to see a sleeping Ron on her bed. The gang walked quietly without disturbing his nap. The gang then approach him and see his condition. Luz was not happy to see Ron in this fatal condition. She never thought to see her man again. The gang now staring at him with full curiousity.

Gus: So he's Ron.

Willow: Yeah, he's soooooo cuteee.

Amity: And his body is sooo ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.(She stare at his body while drooling)

Luz: Amity stop drooling on my boyfriend and yes he is a human like me.

Gus: We know that he is a human.

Willow: But we never met a boy human before.

Amity: Yeah and you are a girl.

Luz: Note taken but now let's just wait for him to wake up from his nap.

Man i do feel great after that nap. I woke up and saw someone beautiful in front of me. Her eyes are still the same as always. I saw my latina girlfriend here with me. I wanted to hugged her but my wounds is still hurts.

Luz: Hey easy now tiger.

Ron: Luz is that you????

Luz immediately kiss me on the lips with full passion and i return it. The kiss lasted 5 minute's but then i realise that we're not alone. There's three individuals standing there and blushing or something. They must be Luz friends while she is here in this realm.

Ron: Ummmmm Luz Who are they??? (I pointed at the three individuals)

Luz: Oh babe, you gonna meet my friends here in the boiling isle.

The trio then approach me and introduce themselves.

Gus: Hello Ron, My name is Gus porter.

Willow: Im Willow park.

Amity: And I'm Amity blight.

Luz: These are my friends from Hexside.

Im really amazed Luz able to make friends here rather than our realm but im so proud at my GF right now.

Ron: Well hello Gus, Willow and Amity. You guys probably know who i am right???

Gus: Yup Luz told stories about you Ron the wielder of the Ultimatrix.

Ron: So what did she told about me???

Willow: Oh she show us your story by some projecter thingy.

Ron: Luz did you use the memory projecter i gave you.

Luz: Yup.

Ron: Awwwwww you miss me right babe.

Luz: I missed you even more El amado.

We went into another make-out session but interrupted by the trio.

Gus: Sorry for interrupting your make-out session but can i see you Ron transfrom into an alien.

Willow: Yeah i wanna see it with my own eyes.

Luz: Guys can't you see my boyfriend is injured.


Willow: Yeah we can't wait to see him turn into an Alien.

Amity: Cut it out you guys give them some room for romance.( As she winked at Luz)

Ron: Well im happy to do it for you guys but for now i need some rest before i do some Alien thing.

Gus: Pretty please Ron.

Willow: Yeahhhhhhhh please!!!!!!!

Gus and willow begging Ron to transform into an alien but then he gave up.

Ron: Fine I'll do it.


Luz: Not cool you guys.

Amity: You can't just force someone to do want you guys want while in his state.

Ron: No it's fine you two because I'm up for another go.

Luz: Are you sure babe???

Amity: Yeah what about your injuries.

Ron: It's ok if i taking it slow and steady.

Luz nodded and kiss me on the cheek for good luck.

I stood up and lift my Ultimatrix on my wrist and holographic appear on the watch as it shows Jetray.

Ron: Well im gonna go jetray.

I slammed the Ultimatrix and i was supposed to turn into Jetray but instead i turn into Upgrade.

Ron: Jetra....... WHAT upgrade?????

Luz: Well the watch seems to have some malfunction.

Gus: I thought you're gonna go Jetray.

Ron(Upgrade): Yeah but sometimes the watch does gave me the wrong aliens.

Willow: So what alien is this???

Ron(Upgrade): This here is Upgrade.

Gus: So what Upgrade can do????

Ron(Upgrade): Well he can possess any electronic and Upgrades them into something more advance.

Amity: Can you give us an example???

I suddenly possessed Luz phone and upgrades it and turn it into more like a weapon.


Willow: So cool.

Amity: I've gotta admit it's pretty awesome.

Luz: See i told you guys.

Then the watch times out then i reverted into my human form.

Gus: Please can you turn into anything else.

Ron: Well i........

Suddenly we were attack by some bird maskmen and a witch.

........: Surrender Eda the owl lady or face the wrath of the Emperor's coven.

Ron: What the????

Eda: Luz you're here.

Eda just came to the room.

Luz: Yeah what's wrong Eda????

Eda: We got some company and Hooty took care some trash but i don't know how much he can hold on.

Luz: Well ok then i will head downstairs.

Trio: Use too.

Luz and his friends went outside to stop them.

Ron: I wanna help too.

Eda: Kid are sure about this????

Ron: Im sure because im the hero.

Eda: Wait kid, i've got an idea and im sure you'll like it.

Ron: Im listening.

What mischievous will Ron and Eda have Plan for the attacker????

Human Realm
Third Person POV
Lockdown is still hunting for Ron but still no sign for the Hero but then he was interrupted by Albedo.

Lockdown: What are you doing here Galvan???

Albedo(Negative-Chromastone): Well im pretty sure that you're the one who wounded my stupid little brother of a human.

Lockdown: Why do you care so much about him???

Albedo (Negative-Chromastone): Well that idiot still owe me some payback but first i have to deal with you.

Lockdown: You better be prepared because you will meet your demise.

As they fought will full force as collided at each other.


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